Nightwood Falls (2.0) - Horror Sandbox Game (Recruiting)

Started by Rel Mayer, September 03, 2015, 03:29:49 PM

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Reading through the previous group game...I already have a monster in mind, but am curious about how the last game progressed :)
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Garuss Vakarian on September 04, 2015, 08:39:50 PM
*Get's even more ridiculous as he High fives Rel.* Ya, glad your ready for horror! Cuz this pain train gots no breaks! *Chuu chuu.* xD . In all seriousness glad to be on board. Now that I sent ya my Main character I Will be making my monster soon Rel. Just wanna respond to G PAW first. :D

Sweet. I got your PM and will respond back when I get some free time today!

Quote from: scribus1000 on September 04, 2015, 10:55:42 PM
Reading through the previous group game...I already have a monster in mind, but am curious about how the last game progressed :)

The last game was more group GM based (like GPAW), but this round I will be doing individual monster hauntings to stalled groups or letting people plot and have fun in the setting as they seem fit!

Basically, more freedom to do what you want! So, we will have a chunk of the game as an 'opening and monsters alive' and then sometime in a October a grand GM Halloween event to take place IC, but other than that -- it's going to depend on how organically the group progresses!

Rel Mayer

Heya! If you sent me a sheet in PM, I am going through them tonight and approving them!

For everyone else: Still recruiting everyone and everything! :) Would love to see more people!

King Serperior

After some thought, I think I will join in.  However, I will NOT promise fast posts as I am fairly busy.  So, let me bring in a new monster:

Name:  Dr. Samuel Parker / Sewer Beast

Age: 70

Character Type: Monster

Occupation: Before the 'incident,' he lived on the edge of town;  After the 'incident' he lives in the sewers, hiding from the over-world.

Physical Description:  Think of a Werewolf, but replace all wolfish features with that of a giant rat!  Sewer Beast is six feet tall and is often hunched over.  It weighs almost 300 pounds and has a muscular, 5ft tail.  It's arms are very long and very strong allowing it to rip into flesh with ease.  It's hands and feet end with thick, sharp claws.  Sewer Beast's teeth are jagged and sharp, able to chew through nearly anything.  Sewer Beast's body is covered with short, tough fur of a grey-black color.  Under that fur, it is very muscular.

Personality: Persistent and hungry, the Sewer Beast has lost all traces of what he was before.  It likes to stalk it's prey through the dark corridors of the sewers until the time is right for the kill.

History: For most of his life, Dr. Samuel Parker was one of the most well-respected scientists and doctors in the country, making numerous breakthroughs in medical technology.  However, everything changed when he learned that he had cancer at the age of 40.  From then on, he became a recluse, hiding away in his home looking for a cure with a manic obsession borderline insane.  Over those ten years, he experimented on rats, realizing that they seemed to resist the kind of cancer that he had.  At the age of 60, knowing that his time was running short, he felt he had no option but to use his untested cure on himself.  At first, the cure was a success as he observed his advanced cancer quickly reside in less than a week.  However, as he was writing his paper that would grant him worldwide fame, something happened and he blacked out.

Years later, the good doctor would be reported missing, his home in shambles, as if there had been some kind of struggle.  None of his notes survived and all of his rats had died.  It would be marked down as foul play.  Meanwhile, in the city, there would be rumors of a large rat-like creature roaming the sewer systems and more than one homeless person had gone missing.....


  • Rat-Like Survival:  Like a rat, the Sewer Beast can squeeze it's body into surprisingly small spaces.  It can fall from a surprising height and survive.  It can swim for a surprisingly long time and can chew through nearly anything with ease.  It can climb all but the most sheer surfaces with ease, crawling up a vertical wall as if it were running across the ground.
  • Senses:  Acute hearing and smell as well as night vision allow it to be one of the most deadly creatures in tight, dark, closed-in spaces.
  • Silence and Speed:  Like a rat, the Sewer Beast can move extremely quietly, allowing it to ambush the unexpected.  All one can see is a shadow, a blur in the darkness, when it moves underground.
  • Thumbs:  Possessing thumbs, the Sewer Beast can open doors with ease.
  • Mobility:  As the sewer system extends throughout the city, the Sewer Beast can go anywhere, making quick escapes and appearing without warning.


  • Guns and Knives:  Despite it's speed and strength, the Sewer Beast is but a fusion between man and rat, thus it is very vulnerable to guns.  Though it's thick skin makes it resistant to stabbing, it can still be wounded by bladed weapons.
  • Sensitive eyes and ears:  Bright lights and loud noises can stun the Sewer Beast due to it's living underground for many years.
  • Toxins:  Rats don't have a gag-reflex, thus cannot vomit.  So, if a toxin is somehow consumed, it will eventually die of it with no way to expel it from its body.
  • Fire:  Has an innate fear of flames.  While a torch won't keep it at bay for long, it may just be what the survivor needs to get away.
  • Size:  The Sewer Beast will not fight something that is larger than it, so if there is another, larger monster or if the Survivor can make themselves seem larger, the Sewer Beast may not attack (Note:  If the Sewer Beast somehow discovers the survivor's trick of seeming bigger, that trick will not work again).

Link your O&O: Here

Specify Ons: There will be nothing remotely sexual relating to the Sewer Beast.

Specify Hard Offs: Keep the scat out and we're good since nothing sexual will ever happen with the Sewer Beast.

Sexuality: N/A

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): YES (Hell)

Face Claim?: N/A

Surprise GM Events?: Yes, let the Sewer Beast cause problems for any and everyone!

Connections?: Some older residents may know of the Doctor before he disappeared.  Some of the younger residents may know of the rumors of the creature that lives in the sewers.

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.

Rel Mayer

Love the science experiment gone wrong! I may have to do something with the college of mad scientists,  for this character to roam around in!

Needless to say, I am excited you're joining us, KS, and don't worry about a slow post rate! :)

... Oh and your monster is totally approved!

Rel Mayer

Going to be posting this in the OOC and Recruitment thread: Here is Isabella Chung. She's the leader of the Knowing cult and if you need a connection on where your traveling character is staying or employed -- this is your gal!

I'd also like someone to play the dark man/woman, but... no worries if not! Thought I would throw that advisement out there:

Name: Isabella Chung

Age: 32

Character Type: The Knowing

Occupation: Owner and Manager of Crescent Hotel - Leader of the Knowing Cult

Physical Description: Pictures says it all. She usually is dressed in short tight dresses with heels that cover her feet. Her make-up is always perfect with dark red lips and thick cat eye eyeliner. She usually greets people with smiles and wears darker colors of the rainbow, but there is something about her stare that is almost eerie. Almost like she can see into people and know exactly what haunts their dreams at night. She also is obsessed with antique clothing and usually wears thick velvet dresses, and loves to layer various clothing pieces together.

Personality: Isabella is possibly one of the more social and accepting people in the town, but she also has a mysterious look to her eyes. She always appears very social, charismatic, loving, and generally pleasant in the face of the town. But when she closes the door to her own penthouse at the top of the hotel - something interesting happens. Darkness compliments the shadows of her face and her smiles grow even wider. Her sweet laughter becomes almost chilling to be bone, and she usually looks at her future victims with such excitement. Isabella is the leader of the Knowing, usually directing everything from the comfort of her very large hotel. She's forgiving to those she trusts, but she knows a lot. Probably because her antique bring her much knowledge from the past, and she's not always willing to share. Normal people see her as a welcoming face that sometimes has a devilish smirk in her eyes, but when people get to know her... they notice that she's obsessed with torture, especially the old ways, and nothing brings pleasure to her mind and body like watching the monsters come alive and tear everyone apart.


Isabella was born and raised in Nightwood Falls before the curse plagued it year to year. Her parents decided to settle there after visiting on their honeymoon and found that the place was rather sweet and quaint. They enjoyed the quiet atmosphere of being able to go down to the lake and fish. They thought the townspeople were always so nice and friendly. Isabella easily grew up in this town with the same charismatic personality as her mother and her father, but there was always something dark inside of her that she couldn't place. Part of her thought she was obsessed with the old ways, which is why she was so drawn to antiques -- especially ones that came from tragedies or rumored to be possessed by dark spirits. Still, she was able to keep those dark thoughts hidden inside of her, unknowing that evil spirits from the lake were summoning her the day she was born to indulge in the darkness.

She married at a young age and had a pleasantly nice relationship with the man. He owned the Crescent Hotel and decided to allow Isabella to manage the outward face of the hotel, while he managed the business and the money. For the most part, things ran smoothly until one day a particular dark individual decided to check in.  Isabella was drawn to him instantly. This dark man compelled something deep and dark inside of her that she had been pushing down for so many years. In her own special way -- this was her awakening, as they both shared a dark confession. Drawn to each other for unknown reasons, until it was obvious. He showed her that something she collected through the years was the end piece of a puzzle that the dark monster within the lake needed to finally open the portal to hell. The man began to show her the ways of Nightwood Falls and eventually introduced her to other Knowing individuals who were also trying to bring back the darkness. Everything at this point felt so natural, almost as if the spirit inside of her was at home working alongside these other Knowing officials in the Cult, as the dark man continued to bring more people into the town to finish the job.

The obsession of death began to metastasize inside of her and so did her lust for the man... but she was married. Her family would frown on divorce and although she was content with her life, she would have done anything to keep the dark spirit inside of her healthy. Then she was given an offer she couldn't refuse, the ability to bring the monsters to life in Nightwood, the ability to be with the dark man, and the power. The Knowing cult noticed that Isabella had collected, consciously and unconsciously so many dark things that could turn into monsters once the beast was awakened. If she made her own sacrifice, not only would she complete the goal that the knowing worked so hard for to please the dark beast within the lake, but she would also have influential power over the cult. The price was easy to pay, her mother, father, and ex-husband easily found their bloody death on the top of ancient artifacts as the Cult summoned the dark. Feeding the dark spirit within the lake and awakening the power.

At first, the Knowing thought that this would grant them eternal life into the darkness, but then they realized that the sacrifice wasn't enough. But with more blood, the longer the monsters would stay. Trial and error finally lead them to discover that if they shed enough blood the previous year, then they could keep the monsters alive for two whole months. Eventually, with the goal, they wish to shed enough blood to keep Nightwood haunted throughout the year, but they haven't quite discovered how to... yet. Isabella stays as a face of the Knowing, trying to keep them together and keep everything organized to bring innocent victims into Nightwood every year.

Although now she appears as the Widow running the Crescent hotel, but publicly she appears as a single window who is just happily enjoying her job and lifestyle. Little people know about her connection to the Dark Man, even if they desire to be with each other publicly, they can only do so within the two months out of the year in the blood bath of horror and terror... and honestly -- they would have it no other way.

Quirks: Must have 2+ and even with the flaws. These are positive characteristics that can help your character survive. If you want to have weapons - that has to count as one of your quirk.

  • Always Positive - The woman never has a smile that leaves her face, even if it's a smaller smile at times. She is always very happy and because of this optimism she can usually find a safe solution to things. Isabella's positivism also makes her seem like a sweet woman who would never do harm to others.
  • Resource of House and Money - Her hotel does very well and gets a lot of positive reviews and tourism. From this she has a bit of money and the ability to house people in her home and money to make life easier.
  • Quick thinker- The woman is resourceful and can usually come up with a solution very fast. She's very influential within the Knowing in this way.
  • The Collection- Isabella has quite the collection of old artifacts that she can use to either summon more monsters or research other dark spells.

Flaws: Must have 2+. These are negative characteristics which could lead to harm for your character.

  • Easily Influenced- The woman doesn't have much of a backbone and if she likes someone enough she will do anything they ask of her. If she also is interested in someone - she will easily adapt to their ways, even if it would harm her life
  • Not Physically Strong- Obviously this woman doesn't have much meat on her and she doesn't have a lot of strength. In a combat situations he would completely be useless.
  • Addicted to Pain- She loves feeling pain. She loves being tortured and it can cause her a bit of a problem when it comes to her life being on the line.
  • Love- She's a romantic by heart and loves deeply, but it can also blind her from what her true goal is.

List your O&O: Rel Mayer's O&Os

Specify Ons: Everything. Special influence on cannibalism, torture, blood play, enjoys pain, gore, and vore when she dies.

Specify Hard Offs: Open - With the exception of anything sexual having to do with worms or maggots.

Sexuality: Bisexual and promiscuous.

Content Level: Hell

Death?: Automatic Yes

Face Claim?:Ni Ni

Surprise GM Events?: Yes, please!

Connections: I'd like someone to play The Knowing Man/Woman. I could really let it go either way, but that's the connection I'd like out of her. Knowing should know her or have an opinion of her, so please contact me if you want to hash that out! Also, if you're looking to stay or get employed -- they would also know her too!

King Serperior

Quote from: Rel Mayer on September 08, 2015, 08:40:39 AM
Love the science experiment gone wrong! I may have to do something with the college of mad scientists,  for this character to roam around in!

Needless to say, I am excited you're joining us, KS, and don't worry about a slow post rate! :)

... Oh and your monster is totally approved!
Glad you like it!  I'll send it over to the monster thread!   :D

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: King Serperior on September 08, 2015, 11:51:40 AM
Glad you like it!  I'll send it over to the monster thread!   :D

You. are. the. best!

In other news:

I'd really love some more female characters to balance out the sexes! No worries if not, because we do have that whole... monster race that doesn't really have a sex (most of the time), but I just noticed the lack of female victims and would love some more!

Either way, male or female characters with any sexuality, everyone is still welcome to put something together and join!


Heya. I pulled out these pieces of myself and it didn't hurt too much. You want 'em?

Show more...
Name: Jessica Maly

Age: 23

Character Type: Main Character

Occupation: Remaining shut away in her recently purchased home, Jessica has yet to truly become involved in the town. With her capital, she could easily start a business with a bang, but she is plainly not the entrepreneurial type. Whispers tend to be that she probably won't do anything but continue to be crazy, and probably cultivate a cat collection.

Physical Description: A tall, yet soft-seeming woman, in form as much as style, she's prone to causing some consternation among those who much prefer to know what to make of a person. With a face that rarely betrays more than a distant reverie, and body language that is slow and aimless, she is at once beautiful and distinctly not right.

Personality: Seemingly stuck in a limbo between here and somewhere else, it's apparent to most that Jessica is perhaps not entirely as lucid as others. But while not quick or assertive, she is also not dull. Her input is thoughtful when it comes, albeit often strangely detached. And while fragile, she is anything but skittish, drifting through stressful events with the same airy listlessness as on any rainy weekend afternoon. Whether this is naiveté, depression, or something else altogether is not so obvious, but Ms. Maly's is an awkward presence, to be sure.

History: Unknowingly the daughter of a former cultist, Nathaniel Maly, Jessica felt drawn to Nightwood Falls the moment the first brochure caught her eye. Drifting off a bus from somewhere northward one day, with the inheritance of her father's significant wealth and clearly no sense of direction, she toured the area on foot, purchased a home the second day, and for eight months has lived essentially oblivious to the strangeness of the place. She has a sense of something in the lake looming over the sleepy town, but in her world this is no cause for unease. She assumes everyone has the same feeling and that's just how lakes are. It's kind of comforting, really.


  • Odd Thinker - Having a way of viewing subjects through an unusual lens, she may be useful in situations where the usual lens is out of focus.
  • Medicated - Jessica's medication is intended to keep her hallucinations at bay, yet it also leaves her somewhat difficult to frighten or distract.


  • Drug Dependency - A crutch too easily compromised.
  • Hallucinations - Sensitive to her current thoughts and emotions, these images, when unleashed, range from flames engulfing oblivious strangers on the street, to toothy maws waiting in water, to tempting men at the corner of her eyes, to a sky full of eyes rather than stars. Distracting or misleading at best.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration, and somehow the scent of rain

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: For plot changes, I'm definitely open to her being somehow taken in by the Knowing, or monsterified. Monstrosized. Monstromorphosed. If she dies, I think I like deaths that are made creepy in their mystery, but also definitely those that just seem impossible. Impalement would be pretty poetic for me her, too. Or death by something only she can see, in front of onlookers. But I'm just throwing out ideas. I believe in being at the DM's mercy.

Knowing Version?

Show more...
Name: Jessica Maly

Age: 23

Character Type: Knowing

Occupation: Ms. Maly is very comfortably retired on a grand inheritance.

Physical Description: Tall and intense. Having changed her looser, more modest clothing for dramatic lacy dresses and long coats, the once charmingly lanky girl appears quite astonishing in an all new way.

Personality: A severe and aristocratic young woman, full of grace and preoccupied with her own problems, which are none of your business.

History: N/A? (What leads to her joining the cult I wouldn't yet know myself. This is just to represent the direction I'd go if she did.)


  • Sleepless -Since her initiation in to the cult and embracing of her unhindered mind, she simply hasn't slept, yet everything seems fine. Apart from living partially in an otherworldly dreamscape, of course.
  • Seer - Jessica is perhaps especially close to the will and intent of the darkness over Nightwood Falls by way of her vivid visions. The unseen follows her everywhere she looks, whether she fully understands what she sees or not.


  • Busy Mind - The seer's world is a complicated one, burdened by the backdrop of the unseen, and elements of the real may well be drowned out in the noise.
  • Overconfident - Jessica has become quite convinced that she is somehow chosen above the other Knowing, destined for the greatest reward.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration, and somehow the scent of rain

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: If she dies, I think I like deaths that are made creepy in their mystery, but also definitely those that just seem impossible. Impalement would be pretty poetic for me her, too. Or death by something only she can see, in front of onlookers. But I'm just throwing out ideas.
Monster Version?

Name: The Dark Longing

Age: 23

Character Type: Monster

Occupation: Monster (Lair: Any room not occupied in the last day; otherwise within the lake)

Physical Description: Its shape is subtly wrong, like a clay effigy of a person. Its skin is shockingly wrong, grey and malleable like something more synthetic than flesh. Its bones are like stiff rubber, and its shadowy hair is unmoving in any breeze.

Personality: It watches, unblinking, from within the water, from the back of the closet, from beneath the bed. In distant dark or nearest shadow, its gaze finds the strongest and the calmest among them, studying, reading, longing to steal them away. It knows what they desire and what they fear, and with that intimate knowledge comes obsession. When it has chosen a victim, all else is scenery.

History: N/A? (What leads to her becoming changed I wouldn't yet know myself. This is just to represent the direction I'd go if she were.)


  • Telepathic Sense - Reading of desires, fears, and to some extent impending actions. The latter takes some focus—it's not going to predict the action of an out-of-sight character or more than one at a time.
  • Malleable - With unnaturally elastic flesh and flexible bones, this creature can fit in many unexpected places and endure many hazards that would otherwise break bones or tear muscles.


  • Repelled by Faith - Whether divine intervention or telepathic disgust, the creature recoils from those possessed of strong faith, leaving them and those within sight of them alone for that night.
  • Blind to Apathy - The passionless, the careless, the fearless, the asexual, the unconscious, they might as well not exist. Lovers laying together after an encounter, with nothing but satisfaction on their minds, for example, are invisible to its senses.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: This monster is not an extremely formidable one on its own, but might be useful to the Knowing or to other monsters, if they have the intelligence to cooperate.

Show more...
Name: Emily Ryan

Age: 16

Occupation: What do they do?

Character Type: Victim

Brief History: Emily's lost half her weight in three years on her bicycle, and rushing through wooded countryside has become something of an addiction. For the last four days, her family has been camping several miles to the west, and on the condition that she always had her phone, she's been tentatively allowed to ride up to a mile. But where's this river lead? There's something about it... Cool, there's a waterfall! Well, that looks like a cute little town...

Who can play?: Me, myself, and fate

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Link O&Os: Profile / Thread

Sexual ONs: Smooth features/androgyny, confidence, teasing, bulges, clothed sex

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell):] Yes (Nightmare)

Specify Hard OFFs: Tentacles, vore, anal sex and waste

Connections?: She has the legs to move pretty fast and isn't exactly a stand-and-screamer. If something's obviously fucked up enough, she's out of sight. But at the same time, she's extremely curious by nature and genuinely wants to believe in the impossible, the weirder the better. So until people actually start dying, I imagine some internal conflict keeping her around. For death, I don't know. I'm more interested in winging it with her than setting out with a plan, so I'm at the story's mercy. I also don't have a monster idea for her, but if someone else does, they're free to take over if that happens.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Crasey on September 09, 2015, 11:50:15 AM
Heya. I pulled out these pieces of myself and it didn't hurt too much. You want 'em?

Show more...
Name: Jessica Maly

Age: 23

Character Type: Main Character

Occupation: Remaining shut away in her recently purchased home, Jessica has yet to truly become involved in the town. With her capital, she could easily start a business with a bang, but she is plainly not the entrepreneurial type. Whispers tend to be that she probably won't do anything but continue to be crazy, and probably cultivate a cat collection.

Physical Description: A tall, yet soft-seeming woman, in form as much as style, she's prone to causing some consternation among those who much prefer to know what to make of a person. With a face that rarely betrays more than a distant reverie, and body language that is slow and aimless, she is at once beautiful and distinctly not right.

Personality: Seemingly stuck in a limbo between here and somewhere else, it's apparent to most that Jessica is perhaps not entirely as lucid as others. But while not quick or assertive, she is also not dull. Her input is thoughtful when it comes, albeit often strangely detached. And while fragile, she is anything but skittish, drifting through stressful events with the same airy listlessness as on any rainy weekend afternoon. Whether this is naiveté, depression, or something else altogether is not so obvious, but Ms. Maly's is an awkward presence, to be sure.

History: Unknowingly the daughter of a former cultist, Nathaniel Maly, Jessica felt drawn to Nightwood Falls the moment the first brochure caught her eye. Drifting off a bus from somewhere northward one day, with the inheritance of her father's significant wealth and clearly no sense of direction, she toured the area on foot, purchased a home the second day, and for eight months has lived essentially oblivious to the strangeness of the place. She has a sense of something in the lake looming over the sleepy town, but in her world this is no cause for unease. She assumes everyone has the same feeling and that's just how lakes are. It's kind of comforting, really.


  • Odd Thinker - Having a way of viewing subjects through an unusual lens, she may be useful in situations where the usual lens is out of focus.
  • Medicated - Jessica's medication is intended to keep her hallucinations at bay, yet it also leaves her somewhat difficult to frighten or distract.


  • Drug Dependency - A crutch too easily compromised.
  • Hallucinations - Sensitive to her current thoughts and emotions, these images, when unleashed, range from flames engulfing oblivious strangers on the street, to toothy maws waiting in water, to tempting men at the corner of her eyes, to a sky full of eyes rather than stars. Distracting or misleading at best.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration, and somehow the scent of rain

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: For plot changes, I'm definitely open to her being somehow taken in by the Knowing, or monsterified. Monstrosized. Monstromorphosed. If she dies, I think I like deaths that are made creepy in their mystery, but also definitely those that just seem impossible. Impalement would be pretty poetic for me her, too. Or death by something only she can see, in front of onlookers. But I'm just throwing out ideas. I believe in being at the DM's mercy.

Knowing Version?

Show more...
Name: Jessica Maly

Age: 23

Character Type: Knowing

Occupation: Ms. Maly is very comfortably retired on a grand inheritance.

Physical Description: Tall and intense. Having changed her looser, more modest clothing for dramatic lacy dresses and long coats, the once charmingly lanky girl appears quite astonishing in an all new way.

Personality: A severe and aristocratic young woman, full of grace and preoccupied with her own problems, which are none of your business.

History: N/A? (What leads to her joining the cult I wouldn't yet know myself. This is just to represent the direction I'd go if she did.)


  • Sleepless -Since her initiation in to the cult and embracing of her unhindered mind, she simply hasn't slept, yet everything seems fine. Apart from living partially in an otherworldly dreamscape, of course.
  • Seer - Jessica is perhaps especially close to the will and intent of the darkness over Nightwood Falls by way of her vivid visions. The unseen follows her everywhere she looks, whether she fully understands what she sees or not.


  • Busy Mind - The seer's world is a complicated one, burdened by the backdrop of the unseen, and elements of the real may well be drowned out in the noise.
  • Overconfident - Jessica has become quite convinced that she is somehow chosen above the other Knowing, destined for the greatest reward.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration, and somehow the scent of rain

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: If she dies, I think I like deaths that are made creepy in their mystery, but also definitely those that just seem impossible. Impalement would be pretty poetic for me her, too. Or death by something only she can see, in front of onlookers. But I'm just throwing out ideas.
Monster Version?

Name: The Dark Longing

Age: 23

Character Type: Monster

Occupation: Monster (Lair: Any room not occupied in the last day; otherwise within the lake)

Physical Description: Its shape is subtly wrong, like a clay effigy of a person. Its skin is shockingly wrong, grey and malleable like something more synthetic than flesh. Its bones are like stiff rubber, and its shadowy hair is unmoving in any breeze.

Personality: It watches, unblinking, from within the water, from the back of the closet, from beneath the bed. In distant dark or nearest shadow, its gaze finds the strongest and the calmest among them, studying, reading, longing to steal them away. It knows what they desire and what they fear, and with that intimate knowledge comes obsession. When it has chosen a victim, all else is scenery.

History: N/A? (What leads to her becoming changed I wouldn't yet know myself. This is just to represent the direction I'd go if she were.)


  • Telepathic Sense - Reading of desires, fears, and to some extent impending actions. The latter takes some focus—it's not going to predict the action of an out-of-sight character or more than one at a time.
  • Malleable - With unnaturally elastic flesh and flexible bones, this creature can fit in many unexpected places and endure many hazards that would otherwise break bones or tear muscles.


  • Repelled by Faith - Whether divine intervention or telepathic disgust, the creature recoils from those possessed of strong faith, leaving them and those within sight of them alone for that night.
  • Blind to Apathy - The passionless, the careless, the fearless, the asexual, the unconscious, they might as well not exist. Lovers laying together after an encounter, with nothing but satisfaction on their minds, for example, are invisible to its senses.

Link your O&O: Profile / Thread

Specify Ons: Sexual frustration, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, large penises, deep penetration

Specify Hard Offs: Vore, anal sex and waste

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Content Level: Hell

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes (Nightmare)

Face Claim?: Maria Choinska

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Connections?: This monster is not an extremely formidable one on its own, but might be useful to the Knowing or to other monsters, if they have the intelligence to cooperate.

Show more...
Name: Emily Ryan

Age: 16

Occupation: What do they do?

Character Type: Victim

Brief History: Emily's lost half her weight in three years on her bicycle, and rushing through wooded countryside has become something of an addiction. For the last four days, her family has been camping several miles to the west, and on the condition that she always had her phone, she's been tentatively allowed to ride up to a mile. But where's this river lead? There's something about it... Cool, there's a waterfall! Well, that looks like a cute little town...

Who can play?: Me, myself, and fate

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Surprise GM Events?: Yes

Link O&Os: Profile / Thread

Sexual ONs: Smooth features/androgyny, confidence, teasing, bulges, clothed sex

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell):] Yes (Nightmare)

Specify Hard OFFs: Tentacles, vore, anal sex and waste

Connections?: She has the legs to move pretty fast and isn't exactly a stand-and-screamer. If something's obviously fucked up enough, she's out of sight. But at the same time, she's extremely curious by nature and genuinely wants to believe in the impossible, the weirder the better. So until people actually start dying, I imagine some internal conflict keeping her around. For death, I don't know. I'm more interested in winging it with her than setting out with a plan, so I'm at the story's mercy. I also don't have a monster idea for her, but if someone else does, they're free to take over if that happens.

First off! LET ME SAY I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS! Also, super excited that you're interested in joining! I do love some 'fresh meat'! >:) Anyways, let me just give you a little information on which version of Jessica I would go with:

I really like the knowing version of her. Mostly because I think the personality makes sense and she could have some awesome connections to other knowing members. That and we don't have a lot in that category yet, so it would be nice to get a few more!

Depending on what happens to her -- a monster version of her in the future would also be pretty fun! So I would totally keep that, unless you would prefer doing that over the Knowing version. It's really up to you, but I really, really like the second profile with the Knowing version. If you were wanting to know how to turn that Main Character into a Knowing, it would easily be learning about her dead father and following in his footsteps... Or... anything else.

Honestly, if you really wanted to. You could start her as a Main Character that gets influenced to join the Knowing Cult and then ends up dying and becoming the Monster. That way you get all three! :)

As for the Victim:

Amazing and approved.

Depending on what route you decide to go with the Jessica character -- let me know and I'm sure you'll be approved afterwards. :)


Name: Kelby Daigle

Age: 25

Occupation: Kelby works as a low-wage worker

Character Type: NPC or Victim

Brief History: After High-school, Kelby never truly acclimated to life after he found out that he simply was not suited to College of any sort. Brought up in the country it was easy for him to get addicted to drugs and other such things that twisted his mind to find out his true pleasure, rape. For the most part he was content with slowly eroding his mind as he cornered his female victims under a hood and while under influence, used them to perform his ecstasy. Transforming his outlook to that of a bully that likes getting his way and feels good when he makes someone's day bad. He has gone through multiple jobs to support this hobby of his and has traveled to that of a small town to set his sights on more easier targets.

Who can play?:Whomever


Surprise GM Events?: Yes


Link O&Os: N/A

Sexual ONs: This particular character enjoys sadism and rape and enjoys cornering females that are easily afraid

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell):] Yes. Hell.

Specify Hard OFFs: He does not like it when people stand up to him.

Connections?: Open to a possible new Knowing member, but he will start as a Victim. Open to other connections that fit his criteria above. This fellow is designed to be a despicable person, so the disclaimer is that he will be role played as such. Though he has no abilities other than not having been caught yet as a rapist.
So grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Name: Peeler

Age: unknown

Character Type: Monster

Occupation: Usually sleeps during the day, but will prowl around the forest at night. Depending on activity he will make an appearance outdoors.

Physical Description: Gray short fur and tail, big wings and a huge mouth full of teeth. Sometimes seen as a stone statue.

Personality: A vicious beast when seen by humans, from the treatment he was given by them, he in turn hates them. Though he has a weird fondness for their teeth and will collect them for this admiration as he is rather jealous of their white gleam that remind him of pearls. He is rather fond of animals and does not hurt them, he has a gentleness at heart around those he feels will not hurt him.

History: Created via the evil presence before, Peeler was awakened from a stony visage that had him placed on a building. He was once alive in medieval Scotland and through his hibernation has slept all this time, kept asleep by his death sleep after living so long. Pronounced as a antique he has been transported from place to place until he arrived at Nightwood Falls. However, after the presence went through him once more, he is now alive once again. It is unclear if he will sleep again as he once did, but with the energy he now possesses, he flies into the night to the unsuspecting modern century.

Quirks: Must have 2+ and be equal to Flaws. These are positive characteristics that can help your character survive. There is where you would list weapons.

  • Flight
  • Brute Strength and sharp fangs with claws.

Flaws: Must have 2+ and be equal to quirks. These are negative characteristics which could lead to harm for your character.

  • Turns to stone during the day
  • Can be distracted by bright or gentle looking things.

Link your O&O: N/A

Specify Ons: Open

Specify Hard Offs: Be Specific - Again open.

Sexuality: Not really sexually active but if you want to brave that field, go ahead.

Content Level: Hell, again open

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell): Yes, and can die in any category

Face Claim?: N/A

Surprise GM Events?: Open to this. This creature is a roaming type.

Connections?: Certain Knowing does know him, but he does not actually get along with anyone.
So grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Just as a note, I've got a Gargoyle monster already, but if you'd like we could work together on differentiating the two creatures so we're not overly redundant.


Quote from: Capone on September 09, 2015, 07:12:43 PM
Just as a note, I've got a Gargoyle monster already, but if you'd like we could work together on differentiating the two creatures so we're not overly redundant.
ah, nvm then
So grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Wow, thank you, Rel! You're so encouraging.  ;D

Welp, I really only meant the other two versions as "what ifs", just so you'd see I had something to go to if needed. Wasn't trying to decide between them. Buuuut now that you've brought my attention more strongly onto the Knowing version, I think I'll flesh her out and run with that. Really becoming an all-female cult, huh?  :o

Rel Mayer

Quote from: aorangi3 on September 09, 2015, 06:05:14 PM
Name: Kelby Daigle

Age: 25

Occupation: Kelby works as a low-wage worker

Character Type: NPC or Victim

Brief History: After High-school, Kelby never truly acclimated to life after he found out that he simply was not suited to College of any sort. Brought up in the country it was easy for him to get addicted to drugs and other such things that twisted his mind to find out his true pleasure, rape. For the most part he was content with slowly eroding his mind as he cornered his female victims under a hood and while under influence, used them to perform his ecstasy. Transforming his outlook to that of a bully that likes getting his way and feels good when he makes someone's day bad. He has gone through multiple jobs to support this hobby of his and has traveled to that of a small town to set his sights on more easier targets.

Who can play?:Whomever


Surprise GM Events?: Yes


Link O&Os: N/A

Sexual ONs: This particular character enjoys sadism and rape and enjoys cornering females that are easily afraid

Death? (Y/N) Degree of Death? (Normal, Nightmare, Hell):] Yes. Hell.

Specify Hard OFFs: He does not like it when people stand up to him.

Connections?: Open to a possible new Knowing member, but he will start as a Victim. Open to other connections that fit his criteria above. This fellow is designed to be a despicable person, so the disclaimer is that he will be role played as such. Though he has no abilities other than not having been caught yet as a rapist.

This man looks good for some chomping! Consider him approved and did you get that image directly from a mugshot place? Haha! I can always help you find better nommable pictures for convicts -- if you so desire! That guy is giving me the heebie jeebies!

Quote from: Capone on September 09, 2015, 07:12:43 PM
Just as a note, I've got a Gargoyle monster already, but if you'd like we could work together on differentiating the two creatures so we're not overly redundant.

Quote from: aorangi3 on September 09, 2015, 06:29:14 PM
Name: Peeler


Quote from: aorangi3 on September 09, 2015, 07:29:39 PM
ah, nvm then

You can still play this character, just make some revisions on some of the wording and change him a bit. :) You'll still keep your main idea. Or you can always work with Capone to do something as a duo monster. Either way is alright with me, but pick one and let me know before I approve it!

Quote from: Crasey on September 09, 2015, 07:55:48 PM
Wow, thank you, Rel! You're so encouraging.  ;D

Welp, I really only meant the other two versions as "what ifs", just so you'd see I had something to go to if needed. Wasn't trying to decide between them. Buuuut now that you've brought my attention more strongly onto the Knowing version, I think I'll flesh her out and run with that. Really becoming an all-female cult, huh?  :o

Thanks. I do try. -blush-!

It's really up to you, but I do like the idea that you had. :) So, if you would prefer the Main Character -- that's alright too! Either way, just pick one of them and you should be fine in my book. :)


I actually got some inspiration to rework my monster as a New Jersey Devil, so the only similarities will be that they become statues during daylight (or rather, mine will) and that they'll be in the general proximity of the Church.

I'll be PMing you a revised Monster Sheet shortly (in fact, possibly before you even read this post!)

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Capone on September 10, 2015, 06:43:56 AM
I actually got some inspiration to rework my monster as a New Jersey Devil, so the only similarities will be that they become statues during daylight (or rather, mine will) and that they'll be in the general proximity of the Church.

I'll be PMing you a revised Monster Sheet shortly (in fact, possibly before you even read this post!)

Just PMed you back!


The rapist guy looks fun/scary! Goes to show not all monsters, monsters?


Yeah I wanted to use the idea of a monster being gentle but still within his nature similar to kingKong, while the victim is normal but behaves monstrously. I'm interested to see how it will go, and how the Main characters react.
So grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Well my character is the 16 year old teen virgin, like in Scream or Halloween. Always gotta have one of those in a horror setting! :D


I've switched up my gargoyle to the New Jersey Devil. He still turns to stone during the daylight, but has limited flight capabilities so won't be terrorizing the skies too much, and is more of a wild card than before.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Capone on September 10, 2015, 06:19:51 PM
I've switched up my gargoyle to the New Jersey Devil. He still turns to stone during the daylight, but has limited flight capabilities so won't be terrorizing the skies too much, and is more of a wild card than before.

I like it! :)

By the way:

I'm going to update the main thread with the Approved Characters and Approved Monsters. I think I approved some of you and you haven't transferred your character back yet. If you'd do that... you would be so cool forever! :)


*plants her flag of interest*

So. I shall be joining with a Main Character and a Monster I think. I might even throw in a knowing if Rel will have em all.
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