Puella Magi Futa Magica! (Interest Check, Magical Girl Pathfinder!)

Started by Angie, May 17, 2015, 10:32:35 PM

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Throwing in a DM PC anyway-the party will be getting a Druid!
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Hanako Utada enters the battlefield: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=214582

Druid of the Storms subdomain. I'm thinking at some point, she might try getting the "Shifter" prestige class from the Masters of the Wild book-because I like Shifter. Also, for her shapeshifting, she'll be going more 'anthromorph' for her forms, not straight up animal.
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Also, meet Shinaru, your fairy companion: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/16/0f/ac/160faca137af4f62c71216a61ce9500d.jpg

She can technically look however she likes, but prefers the darker look-in her words "it teaches new magical girls that you can darker powers and not be evil". After having to explain that to others that learned everything about magical girls from other animes...she decided to hammer the point a little harder.
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Re Z L

Rylie the futa Magus with a magical, sentient sword

Figure something along the lines of becoming a magical girl when she found the sword, maybe while running from some kind of monster of some sort...


Quote from: Re Z L on May 22, 2015, 09:08:38 PM
Rylie the futa Magus with a magical, sentient sword

Figure something along the lines of becoming a magical girl when she found the sword, maybe while running from some kind of monster of some sort...

Monsters in this universe don't really exist outside of their dungeons. The Witches operate by basically making little pocket dimensions and sending their minions out to do stuff-though, that being said, your idea can still work. Just change it to you made a wish while running from said monster (wishes being the only way to go Magical Girl).
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Re Z L

Quote from: Angiejuusan on May 22, 2015, 09:10:39 PM
Monsters in this universe don't really exist outside of their dungeons. The Witches operate by basically making little pocket dimensions and sending their minions out to do stuff-though, that being said, your idea can still work. Just change it to you made a wish while running from said monster (wishes being the only way to go Magical Girl).

Sounds good!


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I won't be here until evening tomorrow, so hey, time to think up character backstory!
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At 2015-05-23 12:12:31, ThatOneShrroth (uid: 53474) rolls: 2d8 Result: 9

HP Rolls. =P I'd say I came out okay on this. 7 and 2 (4 since half HD is higher). Not bad. ^^ Also, I shamelessly took Shelyn as a deity solely for the blessings she offers. >.>;

Sheet so far, still in progress
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Sorry, it's been an insanely busy week on my end - Is there much time left to get a submission in?

Re Z L

Quote from: Ershin on May 23, 2015, 02:40:41 PM
Sorry, it's been an insanely busy week on my end - Is there much time left to get a submission in?

Pretty sure you have time  :)


I can drop Hanako since it seems Ershin and Autocad are both coming in.
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Working on the character sheet.


Now, would you rather deal with deafness (katawa shoujo ahoy!) or tongues as an oracle curse?


I...I honestly kinda hate the curses, honestly.

I prefer tongues because it's way easier to deal with, but there's a lot of other ones here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/oracle-curses that you also might like! (I don't hate curses enough to say "No Oracles")
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If you're fine with 3rd party material, Branded looks like a curse in line with my character concept that doesn't inconvenience the rest of the party too much.


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Chloe Milev

Oh man, this looks interesting.  I'll have to read later to see if there is the possibility of room.  And I see you already have a gun-kata character.  I'd been experimenting with a combination archtype of monk-gunslinger-white haired witch after getting Bayonetta a little while ago.  If there's possible room and that doesn't sound too bad, I can post what I had imagined the archetype to include.
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I think, unless someone drops, we have six members, and that's the most I feel comfortable with. If my schedule wasn't as loaded, I'd do two groups.
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