Return of the Wolf: Game Thread - VAMPIRES WIN!

Started by Galactic Druid, April 06, 2015, 08:11:57 PM

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Emy sighed, a bit frightened by the thought of lynchings in an already shrinking town. If they cut their numbers now, how would they fight off the creatures that wanted to destroy them. She shook her head. She decided to vote for no lynching. In her soft voice she spoke up to whomever would listen. "If we kill each other off... It's only easier for those things to kill us.. No more lynching..." she said in a quiet, but confident tone.
My Ons and Offs <3 They are still being added on... Seeing that I'm kind of a scatter brain sometimes~

Madame Professor

The Professor shook her head. She had woke with the sun and to the murmurs of the village cluing her into the deaths of two of their own. It was a morning to mourn, but also to take action. She had seen this before, the hesitation and concern of punishing the innocent.

She sipped her coffee slowly before speaking up, making sure the Sheriff was finished, as not to interrupt him. "It's hard to consider accusing someone so early, the odds are against us of catching one of those making our quiet village its hunting grounds. However," she paused to sip from her mug again. "No action is worse. We need to investigate. Accusations can bring the truth to surface. The accused will state their defense and any information is better than no information. It's important to remember that the Werewolves and the Vampires want to get rid of each other as much the innocent, while keeping their own numbers thick. Presently, the villagers out number the evil in our town, so we have the advantage."

Looking about to her neighbors, "Sometimes, the loudest are the most guilty, and sometimes, they are simply guilty of fear." She sighed, "If I must be first, I will. I'll nominate Lunalilith..."

The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.


Evil sighed, returning from work to spot a huge commotion in town. She groaned, people already voting for lynching. It was too early in the morning for this, especially since this was actually her time off... Rubbing her hair she sighed softly, having no idea  who to lynch for. She sighed, hearing The Professor talk. "We can't simply nominate people out of loudness.. That's a terrible judge of character." She said and rubbed her eyebrows. "That said... I am inclined to agree..." She muttered tiredly. She hesitated, pausing, thinking it over. Nothing to work off.. She had to go with her gut. "She wouldn't talk that much unless she was nervous of us bringing attention to her.. I gotta agree... Lunalilith is my vote."
Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


Hearing people voicing their opinions he turned to Madame Professor. "Unless you can provide me with some solid proof that LunaLilith is one of the bad guys I'll have to vote not to lynch. With the numbers the odds are against us that we'll get rid of one of the bad guys. If you have any information I'll be glad to hear it."


Remiel listened to everybody speak, frowning.  "I have to admit that Blythe brings up a very good point," he said.  "At this juncture, the best-case scenario of randomly lynching a vampire or a werewolf is 5/19, or 26%.    Three-to-one against is not very good odds.  However..."

He stared at Madame Professor for some time, then shrugged.  "I, too, will vote for LunaLilith.  I know nothing beyond what everybody knows, but I'm inclined to trust Madame Professor's judgment."

Madame Professor

The Professor sighed, "I understand the concern, I really do. I would like to point out, that while not lynching seems like a safe choice, it gives the evils the advantage. I don't feel the need to give the Werewolves and Vampires a free pass to kill again. Doing nothing doesn't help the village at all..."

She turned to Remiel, nodding her thanks for his trust.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.


The Sheriff tips his hat and says to Madame, "I don't particularly see selecting someone to lynch as suspicious, just to clarify my own stance on this matter. I do worry about leaving too many monstrous beasties in our village, as you do. My fear is that if we lynch an innocent person, those who are evil may still be able to take out two more tonight, barring assistance from those elite in our village, which...intimidates me and makes me not want to vote to lynch this round. If I had even a shred of evidence, I would certainly be voting someone up right now."


Lady Vera shakes her head, a deep frown on her withered face. "I do not see the use in lynching someone without just cause. Actually if I had any reason to question anyone, it would be Affably Evil. What in tarnation kind of night job would she have in this little town? As a newcomer, she stands out anyway. I would like to know just what kind of work keeps her up all night?"

She jutted her chin out defiantly. Would the Sheriff and the rest of them see the wisdom in her words? Or would they blindly accuse someone with no proof?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Lilith swallowed hard, her outspokenness about the subject had accomplished only what she had feared. The attention of the voters was drawn to her in the worst way. "I cannot offer any proof that I am not one of the creatures that attack our numbers at night, for there is no way to tell me apart from any of you. All I can say for my defense is that if I truly was one with something to hide I would not draw attention to myself in the manor that I did yesterday. I vote not to lynch today though I fear what might come in the night I will not turn on my fellow villagers without some sort of proof."


The Shaman came out of her hut, after watching the victims suffer. She wasn't of any help and she couldn't save them. The young woman who was known for making potions was sought out to help save the lives of two villagers with potions.. But she only had the one. She covered her face with hand and tried not to sob. She failed to save them after being brought to her... On top of it, her friend James, was taken from her. Queen felt miserable to the point where she didn't want to eat, but she had to keep her strength up, as the villagers needed her to focus on making a poison to help them live.

She heard voices in the town square, removing her hand from her face she saw the people of her village in the town circle again, this time, something seemed different before. She stepped down from her porch and made her way to the others to find out what was going on. As she got closer, she realized the topic was on lynching someone. This angered her and when she finally joined the circle she had to put her two cents in.

"You want to lynch someone? For the two lives we've lost tonight? How dare you for wanting to play with human lives!" She snapped at them, feeling strongly on the subject. "Lynching someone is not going to bring back our loved ones. I vote against the lynch."


"If it so happens to chuff you so much Ms. Sleep-All-Night, I work as night security out in the fields to make sure that no wolves come stumbling into the sheep. So while farmers sleep, I stay up, when farmers wake up and can take care of their sheep on their own I go to bed." Evil said and shrugged. "I'm more than willing to retract my vote for the lynch if that makes you more trusting of me but I really don't care."
Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


All this contention has her wondering?

There had been no talk of lynching till the professor and Evil arrived. Now others seem content to follow suit. She pondered the possibility that they were working together and that deflection was better than abstaining.

How did the Sheriff fit into this? His first night on the job and two people are killed?

So maybe the Sherriff should face the block for not protecting the town?
Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


After hearing the opinions of others he decided to change his mind. "I believe that LunaLilith should be lynched. I'm sorry if I'm wrong but if the village truly believes her to be innconent the Priest will use his or her powers to show us the truth.


Lilith heard the suggestions being thrown around by the others and found herself questioning if they had fallen privy to madness already. "As much as I loathe to die, I will not have the Priest waste his vial to prove my innocence, if the vote says I am to perish than I will accept it and hope that the priest can use the holy water to save someone more useful than I. Furthermore I question what you expected of our sheriff last night Kat? Even if he was to patrol all night long the odds of him being in the same place as the monsters aren't in his favor, and what if he were to encounter them? What could one man be expected to do against them? We have already seen that no one person can stand alone against the dark forces that visit in the night, the bodies that have accrued are more than proof enough for that."


Strangefate was surprised that so many of his fellow villagers were ready to hang one of their own without so much as a shred of evidence.  It boded ill for what the future might hold for any one of them. “The sheriff is right.  The odds are we’re going to be hanging a perfectly innocent person and making things that much easier for our enemies.  I would suspect them to be the first to vote in favor, unless Lilith just happens to be one of theirs.  I don’t feel confident that’s the case and won’t have her blood on my hands.  Plus we are simply voting to kill the very first person accused, which would be a bad pattern to adopt and one the monsters could easily exploit.  I vote no lynching today.”

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Galactic Druid

Current Votes:

Boring No Lynching -7

LunaLilith - 4

AffablyEvil - 1

Blythe - 1

Yet to vote: Rafiki, BAMF, Sunshine, Perse, Moirae, Silver


Lady Vera is disgusted by this turn of events. "I do not trust people who work nights. I vote to lynch Affably Evil!!"
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.

Zelric Miras

"I'm with our sheriff. It is more likely that we lynch an innocent person. I'd rather see how things go tonight and how everyone behaves, I can say for sure I have solid suspiciones on anyone." He crossed his arms and looked at those gathered for the vote, there were still enough left to vote and actually get someone strung up in the gallows. Perhaps those left could be convinced on keeping everyone alive and risk the night.

No lynch vote


Rafiki pops his head out the door of the house and yells...

"Today is not a good day to die!!!!"

"Therefore I vote for not lynching!!"

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


"By not lynching anyone you are giving the werewolves and vampires a free pass to kill during the night. Is the next day going to be a no lynching day as well? How many will it take to die before we lynching someone?"

Galactic Druid

Current Votes:

Being a boring village that doesn't murder anybody -7

LunaLilith - 4

AffablyEvil - 1

Blythe - 1

Yet to vote:  BAMF, Sunshine, Perse, Moirae, Silver


Ceralilly returned with no more clues than before, and was in quite a bad mood.

Hearing Yugi's question made her grit her teeth and snap,

"Well Yugi, perhaps you would like to volunteer to get things rolling in that area, since you're so intent on someone else dying today..."

with that she grumbled and slid in next to Rafiki23.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


"I can't vote against someone I'm not sure whether they're guilty or not, I'll join the majority against the lynching."

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A look around would be taken at all who were gathered, thinking to herself quietly before speaking up. "I believe that I am against a lynching at this point in time.
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Now Playing: Star - ♡ Machinedrum (A$AP Ferg Remix)
People fear what they don't understand, But then they get mad because they don't dare to do it, Everybody a shinin' star, they ain't get far so they can't prove it, Most stars foolish, full of gas, useless, Pushin' bad influence, wonder what happened to 'em?, They say hurt people hurt people, guess that is proven, They put on a mask to mask feelings, Fill the universe with mass ceilings, Most people not even tappin' in...♡


"If anything I don't want anyone to die but not lynching anyone only helps the vampires and werewolves. We need to be them out of hiding. I know we have a high chance of lynching a villager but even more will die if we don't do something now."