Assassins Among Us - ASSASSINS WIN!

Started by persephone325, March 27, 2014, 07:33:58 PM

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The peaceful and serene town of Whitecourt has once again been plunged into chaos. Lady Persephone survived the horror of assassins once before. Now they are back. Terrified, the young woman has increased security throughout the town.

But the assassins slipped through the cracks once before, who's to say they won't do it again? The only trouble is, who is working with them?

  • Blythe
  • Elandra
  • Josietta
  • Leorobin
  • Lisar
  • MabFaerie
  • Phaia
  • Remiel
  • Sasha
  • Starlequin
  • SunshineSparkle
  • Tersius
  • ThatRPGuy
  • Valerian
  • Yugi

Citizens x3
Police Officer
Undercover Neutral Party
Elderly Couple
Assassin Trainer
Master Marksman
Devoted Lackey
Regular Assassin(s)?
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Day 1 - Sheriff election!
Starlequin is elected Sheriff
Night 1 - No citizens are killed
Day 2 - Leorobin, the Master Marksman, is exiled
Night 2 - No citizens are killed
Day 3 - Guy, a citizen, is kicked out of town
Night 3 - No citizens are killed
Day 4 - Star, the Police Officer, is exiled. Sheriff election!
Yugi is the new Sheriff
Night 4 - No citizens are killed
Day 5 - Tersius, the Devoted Lackey, is voted out
Night 5 - Josi, a citizen, is murdered; the Witness believes they saw Valerian at the scene
Day 6 - Sasha, a citizen, is voted out
Night 6 - No citizens are killed
Day 7 - Valerian and Sunshine, the Elderly Couple, are kicked out; the assassins win
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Whitecourt had been enjoying a long period of peace since the last tragedy they had endured. However, the citizens were devastated when a familiar loud POP sound resonated throughout the town.

One by one, the terrified citizens slowly made their way out of their homes and headed towards the town square. There, on the ground, a grisly sight. The elderly sheriff had been shot and killed. A single gunshot wound to the heart had ended his long and productive life.

Immediately, the townspeople went into a panic. However, Lady Persephone had arrived and was able to quickly calm them.

"Please do not panic! We must maintain our composure if we wish to figure out who has done something so terrible!" She looked at all the townspeople.

"Firstly, we must elect a new sheriff. Then, we can figure out our next move." She nodded firmly.

Please cast your votes for the new Sheriff in bold! Otherwise, they will not be counted.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


It's a dark and rainy day in this city. But then again, it's always grim here, as evinced by the Sheriff's still-cold body being pulled from the pavement, a biting the dust with a single bullet. Tough life, being the Sheriff, but someone's gotta do it. Blythe leans back against the wall of the local courthouse as he contemplates who to elect as a new Sheriff, and eventually he scribbles down a name, a name that inspires fear and awe and respect, a name that will drive terror into the hearts of the assassins of Whitecourt. This is a Sheriff that can take some ass and kick some names. Or something like that.

He writes Starlequin on his ballot as he votes for the next Sheriff.


Val's first thought, upon seeing the terrible scene, was that she would have been better off to stay in bed... except if there were assassins loose, then no place was safe for anyone, and she might as well do her civic duty and try to help bring some order back to the town.  And Lady Persephone was right; a new sheriff was the best way to do that.  Someone had to take charge.  But who?  She looked around at her fellow citizens and after a moment wrote down Phaia on her own ballot.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Phaia had moved to the fair town of Whitecourt. Buying a big house where she sat up her studio and began to work with her band.
Soon they had worked out a cover for a famous song and as she was taking it to be sent off to the studio she came across the  crowd around the dead sherrif. Even being a metal rocker she knew a sherrif was needed to keep the riff raft in place so she looked around and cast her vote for Yugi.

Hurrying back to her house she and her band started into the cover they had worked up!!


Looking around at the others Yugi wondered who would be best for the position of sheriff. Hopefully this person would be able to protect the town from the assassins once more and stop these senseless killings. "So I believe Sunshine would make the perfect sheriff.


Horrified by the disturbing scene, Elandra blurted out Valerian, as she his her face and stepped away from the scene.


Star (4) - Blythe, Remi, Guy, Sasha
Phaia (1) - Val
Yugi (1) - Phaia
Sunshine (1) - Yugi
Val (1) - Elandra
Sasha (1) - Sunshine
Total: 9

This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


"I think Starlequin would make an amusing Sheriff," said Remiel, dryly, before collapsing onto a bench and taking a swig from a bottle of rum.    The pirate had no hope of allying with anyone, as no one seemed to believe a single word he ever said, so his only intent was to get shitfaced drunk as soon as possible. 


Sunshine was still terrified since she heard someone killed their sheriff, she collected herself and let her eyes roam over the room. "I believe Sasha would be a good choice."

O&O    A&A    Avatars

Galactic Druid

I'm an idiot! I kept checking my bookmarks for an update on this game without realizing it was a new thread. Sorry to hold things up. I vote Starlequin for world president.


Oh it had been a week ...not just a day it seemed in the life of Sasha . The rooster had crowed at dawn and thought of strangling that bird had indeed entered her mind . By the looks of the old wrinkled laying in the street dead sheriff someone else had the same thoughts but seemingly put them in motion . What did her mother always say ....thinking something is one thing ...doing it . Either way , she felt the morning breakfast rolling a little .

Slipping out a fabric fan ..spreading the thing open and up with a Quick wave ..letting the cooler air hit her blushing cheeks . " Oh my ..."  stepping back . The lovely persephone was talking about electing a new sheriff . As she continued to back up , running into the park bench and finding herself sitting down .  Not quite realizing the sexy pirate was next to her ...the sound of a bottle being lifted though was a distraction from the events unfolding before her eyes . Glancing sideways ....taking  in the man .

It was a frustrating mix of emotions that always assaulted the young jilted maiden ...oh hell with it . Sasha reached over and took the rum Bottle ... " Don't mind if I do ...."  tipping it up to take a long swig before handing it back .  She had heard her own name mentioned as being the new sheriff .... and well part of the rum went spouting out her mouth ....  " WHAT ...."  shaking her head .... " Oh hell no think I want to end up like that ..."  as she pointed to the poor dead sheriff . 

" Only person crazy enough to want to be that ....would indeed be Starlequin .. "  lowering her voice a little .... " I mean ..."  looking back at Remiel as she wipe the wasted alcohol off her chin .   " This is not a beauty contest .....or well ..."  looking at the others nervously . She may seem like one that had things all together but ..inside she was broken ..heartbroken that is . Took everything she had to get out of bed in the morning , surely she was not sheriff material . 


Tersius stepped off from his porch and closed the distance between himself and the growing crowd surrounding the corpse of the town sheriff with a frown. He would have to contact his real estate agent and have a word with the woman, he was beginning to think she had said anything just to make the sale. Crime rates were obviously on the rise... this would hurt his resale value. It would be a shame to take a hit when selling it...

As he arrived and overheard the topic of conversation from the crowd, Tersius looked about and offered his own choice. "I vote for Sasha to fill the vacant post for sheriff as well."


Lisar tossed and turned in her bed. She could hear quite a commotion outside, but wasn't sure what was causing it.  She grinned at herself thinking of the previous night.  Yawning, she stretched and a welcome soreness was felt throughout her body.  She got out of bed and peeked out the window.  Spotting a crowd of people assembling, she quickly pulled on last nights tight jeans and a hoodie.  She hoped her lack of undergarments would not be noticed.  She walked out the front door, pulling her long dark hair into a ponytail and walked briskly towards the crowd.

As she approached the group, she heard the whispers of many and the loud mouths of a few of the townies.  Pausing to hear what was going on, it only took moments to hear about the sheriff. Per usual, you can count on the gossip to start early in a town like this one!

Pushing her way through the crowd to the front, her dainty hand flew to her mouth as her eyes fell upon the sheriff for the first time today.
"My God!" She gasped, "What are we going to do?  I hear that you have already begun to choose a new sheriff, but it just feels so ... wrong.  It feels like we should take some time to grieve."

She looked at the others, hoping for consensus, but quickly seeing that it would not come from this crowd.  She could tell they wanted to move on.  "If I must make a choice right this minute," she sighed, "I suggest that we look at Starto lead us through this mess."


Starlequin watched the others from his seat at the outdoor cafe, absently sipping his medium-fat low-foam hi-caf triple shot machiatto vente grande fro-yo frappe caramel double espresso apple cinnamon latte with pumpkin spice and peppermint sprinkles. Once again, the kid behind the counter had totally forgotten the almond milk, but unfortunately it appeared there were even worse crimes afoot, difficult as the idea was to believe. Star tore off a hunk of his glazed wildberry eclair and tossed it onto the table, an offering to the small pigeon that sat unruffled across from him.

"Do you ever get the feeling that someone is playing games with you?" Star asked the bird, watching as it carefully pecked around the syrupy coating of its treat. "I mean, as though there were some strange, cosmic force toying with the direction of your life? Like a sick puppet master is calling a tune and forcing you to dance to it, or perhaps some impossibly handsome yet utterly sadistic narrator is mocking your feeble efforts to decide your own fate?"

The pigeon cocked one eye and loosed a small stream of pasty white excrement onto the sidewalk from the table's edge.

"You make a compelling argument indeed, my friend. But I'm afraid I just can't accept that things are so simple," Star said, leaning back to take another sip of metabolic mayhem. The rest of the citizenry continued to crowd around the corpse lying in Town Square. Gods, but this was a gruesome town, yet for the life of him Starlequin couldn't recall why he continued to return to it. He'd tested his luck against White Court once, long ago, and yet again recently (though somehow that episode felt like an odd dream, or perhaps an unfinished story acted out by a band of players, for instance on some peculiar joint story-telling forum), and still something in him insisted he remain.

"Well, in any case. Enough wild speculation. It's time to get down to brass tacks." Star leaned forward and pounded one fist on the table, scattered a small pile of sugar packets but otherwise failing to attract the pigeon's attention. "I know you're hiding something, my feathery amigo! Where were you when the Sheriff was murdered?! Come clean now, or it will be harder on you later!"

The pigeon trilled softly and stared at a weed that had managed to burst through the sidewalk below the table.

"A likely story," Starlequin muttered around another mouthful of his pancreatic piledriver. "But alright. You're a tough customer. I can respect that. We'll consider this avenue of investigation closed... for now. But don't go leaving town, get me?"


The bird flew away and Starlequin finished his drink, silently wondering why he'd just attempted to interrogate a pigeon. A thought crossed his mind that the entire incident just might have given credence to his ridiculous narrator theory until he conveniently forgot what he was thinking about and left the cafe. Up ahead he heard his name being bandied about yet again, and with a sigh of frustration he waded into the crowd.

"Look, I already told the police, I had nothing to do with -- wait. What?" He started, his protestations of innocence cut short as he realized that for once he was being nominated for a job rather than a noose. "You.. want.. me? To be...?" Star pointed down at the body on the pavement, one eyebrow cocked in disbelief, the other cocked slightly higher in more disbelief. "I... dunno about this, guys. Don't you think maybe, er... um... let's see, oh! Phaia! Yeah, that's it, Phaia, don't you think she'd be a much better targ--uh, Sheriff than me? Sure, she would. Phaia for Sheriff, there you go. Well, glad we got that settled."

Starlequin turned to leave, suddenly craving another very large medium-fat low-foam hi-caf triple shot machiatto vente grande fro-yo frappe caramel double espresso apple cinnamon latte with pumpkin spice and peppermint sprinkles, perhaps to be enjoyed in a nice, quiet, exceedingly secure panic room somewhere...
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.

Zelric Miras

"Starlequin might be a good Sheriff."


Star (6) - Blythe, Remi, Guy, Sasha, Leorobin, Lisar
Sasha (2) - Sunshine, Tersius
Phaia (2) - Val, Star
Yugi (1) - Phaia
Sunshine (1) - Yugi
Val (1) - Elandra
Total: 13


Unless there are any changes, voting will be closed Monday evening.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


As the votes were tallied, Persephone summoned Starlequin to the front.

"Starlequin, the townsfolk have put their trust in you. You are now the Sheriff. Please figure out who is doing this as quickly as possible, before we lose anyone else." She spoke softly, but firmly with seriousness reaching her eyes.

Night roles, please PM me your choices.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Lost in the fog of her own thoughts on the events that had occurred of late it seemed she missed the Sheriff voting, though in the end her vote mattered not as a decision had been made. She looked up at the others around and blinked a few times. Josi pushed her long platinum hair back from her eyes and sighed some. Things were unclear and unsettling. She was unsure what to do or who to trust. Was Starlequin the right one for Sheriff? Then again what did they know? Anyone could be at fault and that alone was enough to make the blonde girl step back and make plans to hide in her house come nightfall.

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!


A new day breaks in Whitecourt. One by one, the townspeople awake and make their way out into the morning sun. Relief washes over them as they see everyone is accounted for. No lives were lost, but did this help the townsfolk in any way?

Please cast your lynch vote in bold, otherwise it will not be counted!
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Josi was glad to see nothing bad had happened when she woke from the restless night. Pushing her hand through her long hair, she rolled it up into a bun and pressed a couple sticks through it to hold it fast and in place. She hadn't been clear minded enough to make any decisions of late but she finally settled on the fact she had to choose someone to be at fault for all that had happened thus far. Consulting a deck of cards she pulled from a drawer that morning, she pulled one out randomly and placed in her vote of suspicion on that random drawing. Each person in the town had a place in the deck and this one just so happened to belong to someone she didn't know that well, Phaia. She put the card back into the deck and continued out to the town-square to place her vote. Glancing to a few others around she sighed deeply and stood off to the side to see how others would place their votes as well.

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!


It was good to see that no one has died last night which meant that someone did his or her job of protecting the citizens. That does not mean that the threat is gone. There is still danger among us. Not knowing who to pick he decided to pick at random and nominated ThatRPGuy.


Relief at everyone being present and accounted for was short-lived, as the voting began and Val had no idea of what to say.  Could any of her friends and neighbors really be a cold-hearted assassin?  But someone had killed the sheriff, and if that someone would kill a sheriff, they would not hesitate to kill anyone, and she eyed the group warily before her gaze settled randomly on one person.  Perhaps Leorobin knew something.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Blythe murmurs, "Perhaps Sunshine?" It's a random choice.