Pathfinder RPG with E6 Game Rules - GM/Player Interest Check

Started by RubySlippers, February 19, 2013, 06:47:13 PM

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well i was considring the witch class from pathfinder

All sorts of amusing talents as well magic

and feats that give ya more talents to learn

not an evil hag withc mind ya...but a purty , naughty witch ...that when no one is looking may be can boil a kid or two  :o ::)

HMM maybe a nice gyspy style wagin for her base and mules or oxen to pull it




Okay, so the more I listen to this the more I'm hearing bard to talk us out of trouble and the more we need someone else who can tangle with the devil in the pale moon light.
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Outsider (Native) and Humanoid (Human)

I was Born Avery Kemp, a son to a farmer and his wife. They were both human but I was different. I did know how different until I sold myself into slavery as gladiator. The price I got was way more than I expected for a mere farm boy. At this point you are asking yourself why a young boy would sell himself into slavery as a gladiator. Well the answer to that was the farm wasn't going well and the debts were piling up with too many mouths to feed. So, being the dutiful son I took things into my own hands and approached a traveling Gladiator exhibitioner. The price I got paid all the debts on the farm and then some.

I traveled with the show down deep into the Empire of Chelax; I was sold twice in my almost 20 years of service. I served first as a servant boy and then as a male sexy toy and as grew into my own I was trained as a Gladiator. 

I learned to bet on Gladiatorial games winning and losing as I went, I hoarded by money and build it over the time as a servant until I had the opportunity to bet it all on a long shot. This long shot happened to be on me against a fight that was meant to teach me a lesson in humility. Only I was able to bribe the more experienced Gladiator by betting part of my money on me for him. He lost some face but came out with a lot of money for himself. We played up the fight and made it a glorious spectacle that had the crowd on the edge of their seat with grand maneuvers and hard hitting action until I landed the final blow that forced Loric the Harbinger to surrender. I had learned my lessons well concerning the law and how it can be used. I hired an agent to purchase me and give me my freedom. My Dominus at the time had bet heavily on me to lose and was hurting for money to pay his debts. When my agent showed up he was a very welcome sight and quickly signed the sale papers. It wasn’t until later that he had found out it was a ruse to buy my freedom and my journey from the Empire became somewhat dicey.

I am now returning to my old homestead to see what is left and see if my parents are still alive and what has happened with my brothers and sisters.

Think of the most perfect chiseled hard body you can think of and then add the minor imperfections of battle scars a whip marks on his back, and then you would have Glabrous Hellion. Add to this a jovial face and charm with that hides his innate intelligence and serious of his nature.

Avery is a driven man, whatever he sets his goals on he tends to see them through to the end. It was this drive that won him is freedom. He puts up the face of a carefree, gregarious storyteller and partier to hide the passions that dive him. He wants to make a name for himself so that neither he nor his brother’s or sister’s children’s children have to till the land again. Sand Point was his home 20 years ago and he wishes to make it so again. He has seen too much evil that has been done in the name of the Law in Empire of Chelax to ever choose what is legal over what is right.
Glabrous was trained for over a decade as a servant and male sex toy for his master and his guests. He has a natural grace that oozes sex, draws the eye, teases and drives the victim crazy.  He keeps his body and genitals shaved as he has done most of his life. He is always well groomed.  He was been well trained to pleasure both men and women but prefers women for the most part.

In many ways the town is both familiar and new and he is looking for his place in it.

Name: Glabrous Hellion
Race: Angelkin (Assimar)
Height: 180 lbs
Weight: 6’0”
Sex: Male
Hair: Obsidian
Eyes: Sky Blue
Skin Color: Golden Brown
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Desna

Experience: 0
Current Level: 1


Str:   16
Dex:   13
Con:   12
Wis:   10
Int:   13
Cha:   16


©Perform(Dance)+3+3  1+7
©Intimidate+3+3  1+7
Linguistics+1+2  1+4
©Bluff+3+3  1+7
Peception+0+0  0+0
Sense Motives+0+2  0+2
©Climb   +3+0  0+3
©Swim   +3+0  0+3
Diplomacy+3+0  0+3

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Chelaxian

Traits: Innocent Assimar,  Inner beauty (in place spell like ability), Charlatin

HP    12   Wounds:

AC 20 (+7 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Flat Footed AC 19
Touch AC 11
CMD 15


Base Attack   +1
Melee   +4
CMB   +4
Ranged   +2
Speed   30


Fort Save   +3
Reflex Save   +1
Will Save   +0

Classes   Favored Fighter(Gladiator)

Level   Classes   Favored Choice   HP
    1   Gladiator       +1 SP & +1 HP    12
    2   Gladiator   
    3   Gladiator   
    4   Gladiator   
    5   Gladiator   
    6   Gladiator   

Racial Traits:
Dark Vision: 60ft
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Cha
Extra trait
Angelkin Race Traits:
       Celestial Tracker
       Planetar's Visions
Scion of Humanity:
       Outsider (Native) and Humanoid (Human)
       Pass For Human without Disguise check
       No Celestial Language
       +2 Linguistics and Sense Motive
       Linguistics give two languages for every rank.
Celestial Resistance:
       acid resistance 5
       cold resistance 5
       electricity resistance 5.

Class Traits
Performance Weapon Mastery
Exotic Armor Proficiency(2 or 3 equal whole suit +1 AC)

Dazzling Display
Fast learner


Light76 lbs. or less
Medium77–153 lbs.
Heavy154–230 lbs.


Starting Money    +175 gp
Armor+Shield     -137 gp
Equipment     -15 gp

Current Money: 23 gp


Piece:Part         Price         Weight    AC    Max Dex    Penalty    Speed    Arcane
Chain ShirtTorso100 gp25 lbs+4+4-230 ft30%
Studded LeatherLegs5 gp3 lbs+1+5-030 ft10%
Lamellar, hornArms25 gp5 lbs+1+5-230 ft25%
TotalAll130 gp33 lbs+7+4-230 ft35%
Heavy Wooden ShieldAll 7 gp10 lbs+2---2--15%


Long Sword   15 gp     4 lbs
Adventurering Equipment    9.65 gp25.5 lbs


Again, I respectfully point out that it's as likely as not, with the cap on levels, that we might start out at 1st evel. I think someone mentioned that at some point, so creating a level 6 would just mean that you have to backtrack and break it down to that point. That's why I created a 1st level and can upgrade it easier than breaking it down.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: Blinkin on February 24, 2013, 04:59:14 AM
Again, I respectfully point out that it's as likely as not, with the cap on levels, that we might start out at 1st evel. I think someone mentioned that at some point, so creating a level 6 would just mean that you have to backtrack and break it down to that point. That's why I created a 1st level and can upgrade it easier than breaking it down.
He is not level 6. He is level 1. The class levels are planning on the future( no hp next to them)



Decided on Bard. I need a look and background but as it stands he's out to experience, write and tell the greatest story of the age. Sure there will be lying in the stories but the foundation of the story will be true. Felt he needed to be a he, balance the sexes some in the game.
If I missed something, I'll get it when I fill in the rest. Hope this is alright and meet Celvius Thrune.

Name: Celvius Thrune        Player: hippyness
Race: Half Elf (Chelaxian and Elf)           Sex: Male
Class: Bard (Sound Striker)            Favored Class: Bard/Rogue
Level: 1
Alignment: CG
Age:  32       Height: 5'9      Weight: 121 lbs

Physical Description: will happen in game.

Personality: Celvius is a driven, passionate writer. His goal is to find the epic story, experience it, then pen it. He can be selfish but will do anything to make sure the story can reach it's conclusion. He is also a lecherous flirt, praying on barmaids and tavern girls hoping for romance. Celvius however, does not cast himself as the hero in his mind, feeling the need to see the story unfold, not have it written around him.

Background: Raised in Cheliax, Celvius was given certain privileges in life. His family attended opera and theater regularly where many of the greatest pieces written were performed by the greatest actors. He was tutored in the finer arts of music and literature by wise bards. He learned sword dueling as a practice of life in the upper classes. A fondness of the chronicling of life grow inside him. That fondness grew into an obsessive drive, his first three plays only garnering mediocre praise, and the fourth reviewed as "Only slightly above average." The fifth is written on the wall of an inn, under a fresh wallpapering, while six is kept safe by a barmaid who was promised an encore performance which may never happen. And now Celvius travels to find the perfect story to turn into his master piece.

Ability Scores:
STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 17 (+3) (halfelf +2)

Saving Throws:            Combat:
Fort: +1               HP: 9/9
Reflex: +4            Init: +3
Will: +2               Speed: 30’

Offense:               Defense:
Base Attack: +0           AC: 15
Base Damage: 1d6+1           AC (Flatfooted): 13
Ranged: +2               AC (Touch): 12
CMB:            CMD:

Rapier +3 1d6 18-20/x2 P
Dagger +0 1d4 19-20/2 S or P
Longbow +3 1d8 x3 P (40 arrow)

Class Skills: 8 (6+Int 1+favored class)
Diplomacy: +8
Disable Device: +4
Knowledge (Local) +7
Perform (Oratory): +8
Profession (Play Write): +5
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Use Magic Device: +8

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven

Weapon Finesse
Point Blank Shot

Traits/racial traits:
Maestro of the Society +3 rounds of bardic music a day
Master of the Sudden Strike +2 weapon damage in suprise rounds
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance

Low Light Vision
Skill Focus
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses

Songs: 10 round/day
Inspire Courage +1

Spells: 4/2
0 Lvl:
Detect Magic
Read Magic

1st Lvl: (2 per day)
Cure Light Wounds
Share Language

GP: 2

Studded Leather (40 arrow)
Flint and Steel
Rations x2
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Looks like you have the diplomacy and i have the intimidation. Looks like a good match up.


Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Quote from: hippyness on February 24, 2013, 08:17:48 PM
Sugar and spice can't make everything nice. ^_^
Somtine you just have to pull out the the hot sauce and go to town.


Chammady Deverin
Bastard Daughter of Fenchus Deverin

Human Female
1st Level Wizard
Armor Class [13, flat footed 11]
Hit Points [7]
Alignment [Neutral]
Deity [Shelyn]

Ability Scores   
Strength 13  [+1]
Dexterity 15 [+2]
Constitution 12  [+1]
Intelligence 16  [+3]
Wisdom 10  [+0]
Charisma 11  [+0]

Racial Traits
Bonus Feat at 1st Level
+2 Racial Bonus to One Ability
+1 Skill Point per Level
Base Speed 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven & Aetherian (language and symbols of Aether Magic)

Wizard Class Abilities
Arcane Bond - Object Ring - Band of the Aether
Arcane School - Arcane Crafter
Bonus Feats - 1st Level [scribe scroll]

Lesser Noble [regional]

Wizard Bonus Feat - Scribe Scroll
Human Bonus Feat - Two Weapon Fighting
1st Level Feat - Armor Proficiency (light)

Skills 6 Pts./Level
Appraise (Int) 1 Rank + Int 3  [+7]
Craft aether magical fetishes & elixers (Int) 1 Rank + Int 3 + MW Tools 2  [+9]
Knowledge aether magic (Int) 1 Rank + Int 3  [+7]
Knowledge arcana (Int) 1 Rank + Int 3  [+7]
Profession wizard (Wis) 1 Rank + Wis 0  [+4]
Spellcraft (Int) 1 Rank + Int 3  [+7]

Initiative  [+4]
Base Attack Bonus  [+0]
Melee BAB  [+1]
Ranged BAB  [+2]
- Dagger
AB* -1/Throw +2, Damaged 1d4+1/1d4+1, Critical 19-20/x2, Range 10 ft., Wgt. 1 lb., Type P/S
- Quarterstaff
AB* +-1, Damage 1d6+1/1d6+1, Critical 20/x2, Wgt. 4 lbs., Type B.
* Used as two handed fighting style.
- Padded (Supple Leather)
AB +1, MDM +6, ASF 5%, Wt. 10 lbs.
Special: Dagger sheaths under each sleeve, two under hairline in back and is form fitting but to conceal the

Fortitude  [+0]
Refl  [+2]
Will  [+2]

Spell DC [+3]
0 Level Spells per Day [3]
1st Level Spells per Day [1 + Int 1]
Cantrips Known: All
1st Level Spells Known: Charm Person, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Magic Weapon, Sleep

Personal Information
Height: 5 ft./7 in.
Weight:  141 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown/White
Eye Color: Brown
Features: Pubic hair matches her head hair in a nice triangle and has the appearance more of her father than mother.
Background: Her mother was the mistress of Fenchus Deverin was the man was young and her mother the older woman having her nine months later her only gift from her father was a signet ring and a passage in his will leaving her the sum of 10 platinum coins if she showed up to claim it the money which she did recently. Was apprenticed to a Master Wizard Gaoldon and his wife oddly at first in Housewifery with the wife until she showed a stron aptitude for the Art when she was moved to apprenticing in wizardry. Unknown to her her father paid for this apprenticeship the family found the account later of the sum going to the wizard for an apprenticeship and a note with her name. Well she came to town to make her fortune and get in touch with her family it was a shock when she came in with the ring, her birth record and note from her master as to who she was and got the pouch of coins. And is unsure of things right now herself she was not raised a noble and is not in the line of succession so has just the name and some coin.

3 pp
2 gp
14 sp
10 cp

Padded Armor (supple leather x 2 cost paid)   10 lbs.  10gp
Daggers x 4   4 lbs.  8gp
Quarterstaff (professionally crafted and iron rung ends)  4 lbs.  5gp
Fetishes  x 20   5 lbs.  10gp
Silver Holy Symbol  (Shelyn)  1 lb.  25gp
Deluxe Backpack  2 lbs.  10gp
Leather Clothing Pieces  x 2   10 lbs.  10gp
High Soft Boots  2 lbs.  5gp
Waterskin  2 lbs.  5sp
Ladies Grooming Kite  5 lbs.  5gp
Masterwork Tools  fetish making  5 lbs. 55gp
Aether Magician's Master's Notebook  has all the notes, fetishes and magical ceremonies in  Aetherian  10gp
Signet Ring  5 gp




This looks interesting. I'm thinking an elf, either some sort of duelist or a magus.

How far would we be going with the RP?... after all, this is Elliquiy.



I once attempted to GM this very idea (Pathfinder with E6, based in a small town and environs.)

In fact, here is the wiki page I set up for that game:

I'd be willing to give a go at GMing that game again, though I'd want a co-gm to help keep the pace up when life and work gets busy.

Even if I don't GM, feel free to use the resources for your setting.


Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Quote from: yesiroleplay on February 25, 2013, 10:35:24 PM

I once attempted to GM this very idea (Pathfinder with E6, based in a small town and environs.)

In fact, here is the wiki page I set up for that game:

I'd be willing to give a go at GMing that game again, though I'd want a co-gm to help keep the pace up when life and work gets busy.

Even if I don't GM, feel free to use the resources for your setting.
I like the concept. I would feel better with more points for the buy and racial options.


Aasimar would be fine, as long as you took the Scion of Humanity racial trait in place of speaking Celestial.  I'd prefer to stick with the 18-pt buy.  That still puts the players significantly over the norm, but not so much that they lose the feel of being part of the community.


Then I need to redo Lydia as she's a 25 point buy; which was what most of us were assuming.

Is the setting on the wiki the one being used? There's not a lot of point of a woodland ranger if there's no woods and it's mostly sea based... so major rewrite.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


The Nettlewood is a pretty extensive forest to the northeast.  In fact, one of the town's major exports is lumber.


No biggy just need to tweak. Tweaking can be very sexy you know for a gamer.  ;D

Undate: Tweakgasm! Okay changed the basics now can get ot the mean and potatoes.


Ok, thanks. Not such a major rewrite then. But I may make some minor alterations as I'm doing it anyway.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.



Quote from: RubySlippers on February 27, 2013, 10:42:01 AM
What religions are popular in the land?
There is a pretty solid writeup on Desna and a summary of the other locally popular deities in the Rise of the Runelords Players Guide (free download from Paizo).  Basically, the setting uses the stock Pathfinder deities.
