Sandbox of the Gods! I can has interest?

Started by PrestaDGTation, December 17, 2012, 05:09:32 PM

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Quote from: PrestaDGTation on December 18, 2012, 11:58:30 PM
  Interested has the gist of what I was going for, to be honest.  Prehistoric could be fun, but someone had to make the dinosaurs as well.  =p

  Granted, I'm not exactly interested in RPing every moment of Genesis.

"Hey, let's create the fucking grass!"
"Ohmigawd, that's AMAZING!  I'll make a damn cow to eat it!"
"And I'll miraculously conjure paint and watch it dry!"
"Sweet Jesus!  Can I come!?" 
"Sure!  I'll invent some crackers!"

..Like, I'm out there, but hell no.  There can be NPC gods to endure that kind of tedium.


While I am utterly confused on the concept, I just wanted to say that this made me giggle. Point to you Presta.

Vladimir valentine

I am interested. I would like to be the goddess of illusions, but I'm confused by a lot of it.


Interested, gonna go with a god of knowledge.
Call me Shadow
My A/A