What's On Your Desktop?

Started by despickable, August 20, 2012, 08:47:10 AM

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It's avery calming image to me.

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I keep only one thing on my desktop, my recycle bin. :P

Mime's Desktop
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You have a very tidy desktop. Mine's messy by comparison, but there's order in chaos and I have everything to hand.

Mine is here (visible only to site members).

The background image is one I made. Wyld has the same one.


Heh, I'm just OC as heck. Crazy organized. I hate clutter. But it cuts down on start load. *Shrugs*

But wow, I really love your desktop wallpaper! *Hugs*
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It would load a lot faster too. I love your artwork that you have. :)

Thanks. It's one of the space backgrounds I made a while ago.

*Hugs* :)


I have a smol angry skel.

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The Green One

There's always green on my desktop

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Windows changed it back to that window picture when it did another update, so I changed it to another one. This one is part of Julia Dreams' arctic space set (I got a bundle of artwork and fonts that included this one a while ago). It's just a blue and white watercolour image.


http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o597/Seraph_Azriel/Screenshot%20117_zpslsucjk8a.png <edited to link, no embedding images with characters under the age of 18 please ~ Staff>

Me and my boyfriend's OCs as portrayed by the lovely Azulity.


Been an exhausting day for many reasons, so help lift my mood before I face anything, I tinkered with pixels. It's basic and simple but it boosts my mood a bit. Pays homage to the things I enjoy, blue especially. Plus, I got a new background out of it. So, win?

Mime's Desktop Background

♦ A&A/Post Tracker Updated 03-19-2020 (1 of 9 posts owed)
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I just had a plain brown background for ages because I thought my computer might run faster without a background image, but I have one now. It's an Evanescence image Wyld shared with me, and that he had too (and might still have).



That is stunning, Baphomett!
♦ A&A/Post Tracker Updated 03-19-2020 (1 of 9 posts owed)
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The Green One


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♦ A&A/Post Tracker Updated 03-19-2020 (1 of 9 posts owed)
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It was an Evanescence background but Windows just updated and took my background with it. Now it's a picture of a window.

Time to find something else.


Why don’t we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?

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Have you taken care of yourself today?


An image of the three main goddesses from Aa! Megami-sama!

I would post it but one of the characters is underage and rather not get in trouble with the mods
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.

The Green One

This beautiful design I found for my dual setup ♥

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