Alexander: A Game of Conquest(Needs GM)

Started by undisclosedtoyou, November 10, 2011, 10:05:21 PM

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A Game of Conquest

So this is an interest check to see how many people would be interested in joining a game based on the 2004 movie Alexander
Of course the game itself could diverge from the movie, and focus mainly on the known facts concerning Alexander the Great,
but this would be up to the players.  A few things to keep in mind before stating interest:

  • My time online is extremely limited at the moment, so I won't be able to GM this game myself, we'd need a volunteer GM.
  • I see this game having a balanced amount of battle/social interaction.
  • I see this game going slow yet steadily, not fast paced.

If anyone is interested, please do let me know here.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Being an animal of history with a subliminal fetish for Alexander - I would be carnivorously interested in such and such a game.
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


Sorry, what....? I got distracted by the avatar...

Oh um, yeah. Not seen the movie, but I'm not too bad on History, especially military history.

So interested. *nods*

What sort of characters did you have in mind? Cannon or Original or a mix of both?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


@Hēphaistos:  Well well well, I love me some carnivorous historians with subliminal fetish's lmao.  If your willing to join, than I'd be willing to have you in this game :)

@Chrystal:  You haven't seen the movie!?  What a travesty lol, you should definitely check it out, because in my opinion it was pretty good.  Also, how awesome is it that you like military history?  It's a rare thing to hear these days.  As for characters, I'd like for there to be, for the main part, historical(canon) characters, with a few originals thrown into the bunch. 

My idea was to start the game either during the end of the summer of 336 B.C, which is right after Alexander ascended to the Macedonian throne, and things are calm in Greece, or rather seemingly calm in Alexanders point of view.  This time period would allow us to play out a few battles as they march back to Macedonia, and eventually to the walls of Thebes, which is interesting in and of itself. Or we could start during the battle of Granicus, during the spring of 334 B.C, which could be full of potential fun for us if done right.

I'm admittedly, not the most knowledgeable person concerning Greek battles, so this would be a huge collaboration effort between all of us.  If both of you don't mind that, I'd love to have you both.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Damn, girl! That is one sexy avatar!


Um what? Oh yeah, right, battles.... sure!

No seriously, if I hadn't been interested in the title, I would never have seen the avatar. And some of us don't get paid enough or have enough free time to go to the movies or watch DVDs... which is sad.

But yeah, google is your friend! I shall do some research and see what I can come up with.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Quote from: Chrystal on November 16, 2011, 04:48:44 PM
Damn, girl! That is one sexy avatar!


Um what? Oh yeah, right, battles.... sure!

No seriously, if I hadn't been interested in the title, I would never have seen the avatar. And some of us don't get paid enough or have enough free time to go to the movies or watch DVDs... which is sad.

But yeah, google is your friend! I shall do some research and see what I can come up with.

Lmao, thank you! *Curtsies*  And google is definitely my friend, concerning this game!  I plan on doing a lot of research.  This is still pretty much an interest check, if we get one or two more people interested, and someone who'd like to volunteer GM this game, we can get off the floor with it.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I am not steadily familiar with the specific battles Alexander fought, but I will enjoy learning more about them! So far as the physical description of these battles is concerned I will probably require a bit of study there, too, but I look forward to an attempt!'

I do not, however, know what a "Game Master" is in this context? Elaborate?

OK. My attention shifts back to the avatar now.
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


Quote from: Hēphaistos on November 16, 2011, 06:54:43 PM
I am not steadily familiar with the specific battles Alexander fought, but I will enjoy learning more about them! So far as the physical description of these battles is concerned I will probably require a bit of study there, too, but I look forward to an attempt!'

I do not, however, know what a "Game Master" is in this context? Elaborate?

OK. My attention shifts back to the avatar now.

Lol, I'm not all too familiar with them either, but I'm all for doing the research for it :D

A GM for this game would just be someone who is running, making sure things stay on track, work out plot and so on and so forth.  I'd do it, but my time online wouldn't allow me the time needed to do it.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


Quote from: Hēphaistos on November 17, 2011, 07:49:11 PM
I think I would make an uberadequate GM

That would be really nice of you!  I'm here to, to help, so you wouldn't have to take on too much all by yourself.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Any chance of playing an Amazon there is a tale he had an Amazon Queen as a lover and in the old tales and they are contemporary in the period. I'm thinking Alexander helped a local tribe and in return she and a band of Amazons chose to be on his side. A fit woman and skilled in hunting, use of cunning and in war use their heads and very formidable cavalry with bows. Not a large force maybe fifty volunteers at most and all the promised gold and wealth and the chance to kill men not Macedonians is a plus.


Perhaps we should consider broadening the scope altogether; while keeping Alexander III as the center figure and motif, if we were to include a large Peloponnesian scope, making room for influences from all the things which influenced Alexander...

you could call it, say, "Mediterranean Dreams: Alexander's Reveries"  ;D
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


I could find myself interested this, depending on how it turns out. I've never really tried an rp set in this era, but I am a huge fan of Alexander. (mostly the person, but the movie was good too. Between Jared Leto playing Hephaestion and Rosario Dawson's breasts playing Roxana's breasts, this movie made me happy both in the Alexander-loving portion of my brain, and my pants.)

So, yes. I can't promise I'll join, but I'm certainly interested in the concept.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this, with the holiday season gearing up I've been working non stop and haven't been able to get online over the last few days.  With that out of the way...

@Jackwhite: I <3 those who are interested in this game!

@RubySlippers: I would completely be open to allowing amazonian characters.  I'll be the first to say that I'm pretty open to ideas that could conceivably fit into a game.  Plus I'm all for inserting strong female characters!

@Einzig:  I like the idea, I just don't want to make the game too broad.  If we can pull it off without spreading everything too thin than I'm all for it.

@Finn:Lmao, this made me laugh, and I agree on all counts!  Also, it's awesome that you might be interested in this to!

Okay, so what I need is a GM, and than we can get this off the ground.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's



If the game commes together I would like to join.

I have an idea for a young man from the persian nobility. He sees the signs of the changing destiny of persia and offers his service to Alaxander. To prove his loyalty he volunteers to be castrated and serve as a eunuch.

Do you think the character could fit into the game?


Long, long, long ago, when I was a bright young 2nd Lt (QM)  I read a book titled "Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army"
This book is the longest-owned in my now-extensive military history library.  Good stuff.
Quote from: Einzig on November 16, 2011, 02:18:03 PM
Being an animal of history with a subliminal fetish for Alexander - I would be carnivorously interested in such and such a game.

... which reminds me of the movie The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - got to love Terry Gilliam!

Anyway, I'd love to participate, though I'm not sure what character I'd play


@Toa: It's an interesting idea, definitely one that can be considered :)

@Yesiroleplay: We'd love to have you, and I'm sure we can find a character for you to make.

On another note, my internet problems should be fixed today(crossing my fingers) so this game will be put together soon rather than later.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


*Whines and flails*'

Too many new good games starting for me to join!!!


Quote from: bubby on November 29, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
*Whines and flails*'

Too many new good games starting for me to join!!!

Lol, it's okay!  You can stalk us until a time comes where you can join :) 

On a very bright note, my internet problems are now officially fixed!  So woohoo!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


OooOOoO...consider yourself stalked then! Heehee!


Since I haven't been able to find a Gm for this game, I'll be running it myself.  So I'll be planning out a more in depth plot, and such.  I don't want anyone to think I've abandoned this game, but it will have a slow start up.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I cannot volunteer myself as GM, but so long as there is a GM and a direction I would be glad to assist get this game into flight.
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


Quote from: Einzig on December 15, 2011, 11:43:19 PM
I cannot volunteer myself as GM, but so long as there is a GM and a direction I would be glad to assist get this game into flight.

Mhm, this game will definitely get up and active.  Right now I'm just working on the last details of another game I'm running, but once that's done, this one will have my undivided attention, to all the details it will require.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: undisclosedtoyou on December 16, 2011, 03:53:00 AM
Mhm, this game will definitely get up and active.  Right now I'm just working on the last details of another game I'm running, but once that's done, this one will have my undivided attention, to all the details it will require.

Hurra! I am looking forward towards the game.