If I was invisible...

Started by LateNightKiss, July 25, 2011, 06:27:47 PM

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...it would mean I would be burning at a very high temperature

blue bunny sparkle

I would flutter around the fire, like a moth to a flame... but... no one would know it... cause...I'd be invisible.


I'd curiously observe the faerie in her magical doings

Undeniable Sin

I'd haunt my least favorite person right now.
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I'd hawk at Sin's avatar without feeling shy at getting caught staring.

I am watching you [you]...
From the darkest of shadows...


...I wouldn't have to shave every so often


.. I'd build a raft, float to a remote island, and learn to like coconut.
*See Pillory*


None of the ladies of E would have any panties. I'd steal em all. >:)

Undeniable Sin

I would rescue the poor helpless panties from his erotic clutches
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Misty Zephyrs

Then I'd run around naked all day... oh... wait...


light would run through me

Undeniable Sin

I would go visit Johnny Depp, and pull on his goatee.
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I'd tag along with the invisible Sin!  ;P

Undeniable Sin

I'd leave a trail of M&Ms for Camille to follow easily, and then watch to see if they disappear so I'd know is she was with me.
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I'll walk on sand just to see the effect of my footsteps popping out of nowhere like in the movies


I'd walk behind the invisible flame and erase his footprints before he could see them.  *Grins*

<< so dang ornery!

Misty Zephyrs

I'd spray myself lightly with adhesive spray then roll in glitter... I'd be invisible but for the glittery stuff... might be kind of interesting looking!


<< thinks you'd look good with the glitter whether you were invisible or not  ;P

Undeniable Sin

I would paint a huge mural of myself naked somewhere public, for the fun of it.
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Misty Zephyrs

would the painting be invisible, too?  *Ponders*

I'd dance in a fountain, and the water would flow over my naked, invisible body.  Fountain art!


I would sneak into the boys locker room at the gym and masturbate.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


^^ You go girl!

I'd look up every guy who had ever wronged me and hurt me...and kick him where it hurts.  >;-)

(I said I was "angelic like", not a Saint!)  ::)


 I'd sneak into the locker room behind Xandi and offer her a hand.