Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Ninjad. Dangit.

I don't dance. I have two left feet. So I eouldn't join you, but I wouldn't think less of you.

What if I liked dirty jokes?


sure I could try to tell you some

if I have a twisted mind?

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

I would like you more then!

If I wanted to join me in a dangerous endeavor?



If I insisted on doing it again?

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

Once is never enough.

If I... liked your insistence and took you down dark alleys?


as long as you're with me

If I stopped you and kissed you in that alley

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

Oh yes!

If I... pressed you up against the wall slowly as I kissed you back?


God yesss

If I had elephants everywhere

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

I thought so... yes!

If I drapped sparkly adornments all over them?


love it!

if I had to take a picture

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

*smiles brightly and poses*

If I... captioned all the pictures with quotes that only I thought were funny, but no one else did?


yes, because it would be endearingly you

If I danced in the nude

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

I would adore that!

And if I made a huge bonfire and stripped off my own clothes and begged you to dance with me around it?


Oh god yes

If I couldn't take my eyes off you

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

I would blush.

But if I would also be so bold as to entice you to dance at a more intimate pace?

Thera Regina


If I wasn’t very experienced?

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

blue bunny sparkle

Yes I would.

Would you like me if I showed you the ropes?


oh yes

if I turned the ropes on you

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

blue bunny sparkle

It would make me sing!

If I made the prettiest noises while you did?


oh yes

if I encouraged those noises with more

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~



If I drank the last beer?


I don't like beer so go for it.

If I maxed out your internet (if it was limited) and left you with dial up speed?


No way. I wouldn't be able to survive with slow internet. ;-;

Would you like me if I offered to play video games with you?
My O/O List

I'm also on Discord! RadiantArin#7558 is my tag!

Thera Regina

Ohmygod Yes!

If I spent all day playing ARK Survival Evolved?

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here



Would you still like if I didn't play video games.
Just because the road is rocky doesn't that mean your spirit should be rocky too!