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"Axiom is Launched and Looking For More! <3"

Started by ClockworkShadow, June 20, 2011, 01:19:04 PM

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Sounds marvelous to me. :)

I'll probably balance between two characters, personally, one human and one automaton.  Haven't really thought out their details, yet.  I'd like to get some more feedback from the others.

Did you happen to think of any additional suggestions to make to the rough draft idea? :)


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Quote from: ClockworkShadow on June 22, 2011, 08:55:20 AM
Sounds marvelous to me. :)

I'll probably balance between two characters, personally, one human and one automaton.  Haven't really thought out their details, yet.  I'd like to get some more feedback from the others.

Did you happen to think of any additional suggestions to make to the rough draft idea? :)

I don't know enough about the genre to do so. Presumably we should get to socialize a bit to establish the characters and then something goes wrong. Not sure what, something involving the neutrality of the robots? *shrug*
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Perhaps. :)  Or it could come about to a matter of enough humans being unhappy with their lot that they try to form a subtle rebellion of some sort.  The trick is to keep it subtle enough that it doesn't trigger responses from the automatons to stop it before it has a chance to make an impact?



^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Quote from: ClockworkShadow on June 22, 2011, 09:06:34 AM
Perhaps. :)  Or it could come about to a matter of enough humans being unhappy with their lot that they try to form a subtle rebellion of some sort.  The trick is to keep it subtle enough that it doesn't trigger responses from the automatons to stop it before it has a chance to make an impact?


That could work.
The list below is mostly up to date. To be honest, you can assume there is little that is a hard no.
A list of kinks


I'd need a strategy mastermind to pull that idea off.  While I love strategy, I'm typically too scattered to create an effective, executable plan of that scale.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Quote from: ClockworkShadow on June 22, 2011, 09:44:18 AM
I'd need a strategy mastermind to pull that idea off.  While I love strategy, I'm typically too scattered to create an effective, executable plan of that scale.

I'm not really mastermind material. Well, sometimes I am. But I doubt that I'll be able to do it here. Though I can help you plot if you wish.
The list below is mostly up to date. To be honest, you can assume there is little that is a hard no.
A list of kinks


I'd accept that. <3

Though I'd like to get feedback from Aiko and Laz and Kujo on the rough draft idea.  It feels like I could flesh it out some more, but I'm missing exactly how, for now.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Quote from: ClockworkShadow on June 22, 2011, 10:06:00 AM
I'd accept that. <3

Though I'd like to get feedback from Aiko and Laz and Kujo on the rough draft idea.  It feels like I could flesh it out some more, but I'm missing exactly how, for now.

No worries. I know the feeling myself.
The list below is mostly up to date. To be honest, you can assume there is little that is a hard no.
A list of kinks


I read your concept before going to the gym and my badminton game, pondering for a character concept for myself while doing thosr things, and I came up with quite a good solution for it. even worked out a way to put a psychological expertise background, should it work.


Character Biography: One man, stood among the rest, a unique individual by all account. The automatons need him and that man needs them, in equality for neither cant exist without the other. Started out a simple man, creating masterpieces and technological advancement unlike any other until this man himself applied his arts unto himself. Neither human nor machine, he was a hybrid, he had a living mind and a living heart but a cold metallic exterior and internal clockworks. The human biological structure was too complex to fuse or create artificially for the benefit of the automatons, but fusing machine over living tissue is something quite a rare sight indeed but yet possible. The first one to succeed in such a feat, standing equal among machines, for they saw in him the key to unlocking the secrets for their humanization.

He was appointed an adviser to both faction alike, and in the depths of his curious mind, this individual wanted more than just a metallic body. His lust for knowledge, went towards the humanization of the automatons. Helping the automatons was nowhere near his main goal, for he had a theory by perhaps unlocking the secrets of the mortal mind, the human psyche, and an individual's soul will lead to solving the mystery that would bind to species as one. Should he succeed, he could enhance, immortalize and even unlock the potential of his own mind.

Thus started this man's occupation as an Analyst, for a lack of a better term, a psychologist. Treating patients, studying human behaviors, giving them comfort and ease through trying times. This was his public title, a healer of minds, boosting up the humans morale during their subservient phase and even preventing unrest to the civil population by reassurances and cunning words. And yet for most cases, he was no angel. unknowing to the public, a small amount of patients keep disappearing within his care, forced to live in the horrors of torture and mind racking tests below the underground tunnels of his experimental vaults. He was nowhere near the answer nor the solution but he would not stop, no matter how long it will take, how many more bodies will end up stacking within his lab.

more or less this is the character concept I came up with. its just a draft though. if it doesn't appeal to you I can always scrap it. I can always make another. :P


Quote from: ClockworkShadow on June 22, 2011, 06:14:30 AM
I used to have a drawing tablet, but circumstances out of my control led to its loss.  I was very sad.  So all of my graphic editing these days is limited to my tiny, temperamental mousepad.  Even if I had Photoshop still, though, I think I prefer GIMP for all of my editing.  It's so much more user-friendly, in my opinion, even if it doesn't have as many filters. :)

I did use Photoshop for a very long time, though.  From version 4 to CS2, actually.


Ok, here is what I have so far.  Any suggestions?

That looks pretty interesting. I'm going to stick with playing a human, who I'll post later this afternoon after getting home from errands.


Oh my!  No, don't scrap that, Laz.  It's fantastic.  Absolutely delightful.  Though you'll need to keep your "body count" to NPCs, unless you quietly arrange with someone, in private, a character intended for that fate.

Also, I read "to species as one." as two species?  Please correct me if I was wrong.

@Kuje Glad to hear you are excited about posting, but keep in mind that the actual RP hasn't started yet.  If you want to do what Laz did and post a rough draft background, though, I'd love to read it!


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


yes as Two species. that typo got away from me there. didn't proof read it.

Of course, cant have human players dying, whats the fun in that? :P


Once a little more of the setting is set in stone, I'll do a write up. In the meantime, I'll be back after a nap (or sleep, depending on length) and will be happy to help flesh things out, Clockwork.
The list below is mostly up to date. To be honest, you can assume there is little that is a hard no.
A list of kinks


Absolutely, Xun.  Sleep well!

So, can I pester you for some constructive criticism/suggestions for the rough draft setting and scenario, Laz? :)


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


I'll have to take a rain check on that one, but about the magic usage, you can always put a risk to it, like any other stories out there, the more dangerous the spell the more bigger the risk or even fatal.


Mmn.  I don't want to be super harsh about the consequences, either.  I mean, most of the manipulations that'd be required to create even the most complex automaton wouldn't be fatally volatile (that I'd picture, anyhow).


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


of course not but that consequence would rather prevent people from god modding as in any case and spam magics like a baseball dispenser.

and you seem to have mentioned, you feel that there is something lacking within the concept, please explain the feeling lets try to pin point that out.


He took one last look at the monastery, or I should say what he knew was the monastery hidden as it was by a massive energy bending matrix. Once outside the area appeared completely barren, a windswept desert of rust colored sand that even the machines shunned.  Every action has a reaction and the price the order had paid for their seclusion was a kind of obsessive apathy.  They were free to explore the wonders of the universe unfettered by the machines influence and so became trapped by that same desire, becoming more and more introverted as a culture with every generation.  He wasn't sure why he could see it, what made him different, but he had to leave, had to see with his own eyes what had become of the rest of humanity.  The others would never understand....

This is an extremely rough draft, i was just wondering what you thought?


I like that. a man on a quest for the truth. correct me if im wrong in assuming, such short draft left me suspended in such suspense. :P -hopes for more treat-


How intriguing, Johnny!  I could even see that being on the second, smaller continent, away from the much more established culture of automatons and humans.  I love it! :)

@Laz hard to expound on it.  Just feels like I'm not fleshing it out as much as it could be... yet I want to keep it simple enough that people won't walk away cause there's too much fine print.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Cool I'll work on something much more detailed, should have something for you tonight :-)


I'll try to explain this in a visual perspective. its already quite good, actually that's the beauty of it, you already molded the shape into simple carving of a man. it is the others turn to carve out the details to build the carved figure into as they see fit, detailed hair, arms, nails, a mouth, etc. they will mold your world slowly but surely with your approval ofcourse. giving them such simple yet detailed description of this universe at the same time leaving alot of other facts to imagination. roleplayers who have to assume, get creative and try to imagine what lies more in this universe that you have made. does the planet have living gigantic geysers to harvest steam, perhaps roleplayers would assume a universe with peculiar cultural practices as they go along with the story. leave the small details to them and should you not like them, you can always make them rewrite that specific assumption. 

It might surprise you on what most people can think up while writing up in character.

@Johnny. cant wait.


I like the point you make, Laz.  And maybe that'll be enough to make the actual RP thread, on, then. :)


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


think positive. we have alot of creative players signing up for this RP. It'll be a very interesting read.



^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.