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Round numbers

Started by Bliss, June 04, 2007, 09:23:03 PM

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Thank you, people ♥


Oh! Well done *licks*


Thank you ♥ *nibbles back*


Wistful Dream




Congratulations, Ryv :)


Congrats Ryven *Hi5's*

despickable nudged me over before my count passed my round number over


Congrats Ryven and Kendra.

Very nice round numbers. *huggles you both*
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Well done Kendra and Ryven for rounding up some good numbers

“We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years.” – George Carlin
Despickable's A&A 
Despickable's Wiki Page
[/url][/url]Despickable's Ons and Offs


Aww shucks - thanks you guys

will get the trumpets out when I hit the 5,000 mark  ;D


Wistful Dream


I remember seeing people with 10k when I joined and thinking 'I will never get that many.'  I think I'm going to prove myself wrong.

Wistful Dream

Quote from: Ryven on July 08, 2011, 02:31:20 PM
I remember seeing people with 10k when I joined and thinking 'I will never get that many.'  I think I'm going to prove myself wrong.



thanks Wisti and Xana ;)

I remember joining and thinking it would take me forever to get to 100 posts lol


That's a lot of holes eights


congrats Eden that was a good catch
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Quote from: Kendra on July 08, 2011, 05:35:05 AM
Congrats Ryven *Hi5's*

despickable nudged me over before my count passed my round number over

Nice one, Kendra :)

Quote from: Eden on July 11, 2011, 10:53:05 PM

That's a lot of holes eights

I saw it pass by and was not awake enough to poke you about it. Quite happy you caught it. It's pretty <3

Fae Brin

Congratulations to all those with fun numbers!

-throws chocolate covered raisins happily-
The idea hovered and shivered delicately, like a soap bubble, and she dared not even look at it directly in case it burst. 
But she was familiar with the way of ideas, and she let it
shimmer, looking away, thinking about something else.
and a subtle fear [capture d] my  h  e  a  r  t.
already [wet] and we're gonna go s w i m ming



oh Eden that is a nice catch - Congrats and LOVE the avatar!!

thanks Saerra and Fae ;)


We go along without any for a while, and then it seems like everyone hits a milestone at once.  Congratulations, everybody!  :D
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


*Eyes Eden's holes numbers*

Ohhh, pretty! Well done, sweetums! And well done to everyone else! <3