
Northern Town [L-H]
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Prisoner in the Amazon

Started by BassBX, February 13, 2013, 10:12:34 AM

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Jake Blaze groaned in frustration as he stumbled over a tree root. "Dang it. I KNEW I shouldn't have wandered off from camp! Lessee..." He looked at his surroundings and let out a frustrated sigh. "I have no idea where I am..." He continued to wander, eventually happening across a stream. He knelt down and looked at his reflection. Jake was a young man of twenty years. He possessed long, crimson hair, and piercing ice blue eyes. He was six feet tall exactly,  and was fair skinned. He possessed a slight muscular build as well. His outfit consisted of a red tshirt, a black leather jacket, jeans with a brown belt, black hiking/biking boots, and black fingerless gloves. He ran a hand through his hair before jumping the stream. He trekked further into the forest. As the minutes turned into an hour, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him.


Mallorin had been tracking her prey for some time. She crept along the tree branches with deft agility, her spear strapped to her back, a dagger dangled at her belt with a reed tube, and red feather tipped blow darts. She was outfitted for hunting, only it wasn't an animal that had caught her attention, it was a Man. To prove herself to her Mother, she would need to bring one back to their City hidden deep within these forests. Hazel eyes narrowed as she stealthily made her way above him as he walked. He looked younger than some of the Men others had brought in, but still fit enough to be useful in the manners the Amazon's would be needing him. Her Mother had told her this would be her first trial in showing readiness to lead. Apprehension flooded her as she carefully readied the dart on the end of the reed and took aim. The poison on the end would render the man barely concious, and he would still need to be taken down with force. She took a deep breath narrowing those earthy eyes on the young man, and with a 'huff-ping' she blew with all her might, the dart spinning towards him with intent to pierce. Had she hit her mark? She waited to see, a war cry ready on her lips to screech out as she readied to leap from her branch and attack.


The man wandering around the jungle, the native stalking her prey. What would become of hunter and the hunted? Only time would tell. Although as the man wandered and the native stalking, did the amazonian notice that this game was built for three. A beautiful creature was hiding in the tree tops across the way of the spear wive, perhaps awaiting for her to shoot the dirt towards the man with the naked finger tips. Hiding in the shadow of the tree branches one would hardly be able to notice the yellow fur and dark round spots patterned through out the gorgeous cats body. This Leopard did hold a grudge against any spear woman or man with naked finger tips. She simply needed to keep her little cub Legadema well fed, so it would some day grow up to be big and strong like her mother. Awaiting for her moment to pounce the big cat sat patiently. Waiting to see if she could kill two birds with one stone.
Hoping she had not been noticed by either the spear woman or the man with naked finger tips. Silently waiting.


((sorry Purps. This is for me and Faeborne only. I should have put that on the description.))

Jake yelped as he was hit by something sharp. He winced as he removed the object. Upon inspection, it was a dart. "Oh no...." Jake muttered as he suddenly felt weak. He fell to his hands and knees, groaning. "No....this can't be....happening...." He groaned out, his vision blurring. He tried desperately to stand up, but fell face down on the ground, his vision swimming.


She let her voice keel out in a cry that spoke to the Goddess about her victory. The sound echoed through the woods, eerily so, birds screeched back in reply. Leaping from the branch, she landed crouched next to the redhaired Man where he lay stunned. She dug her knee into his back and took out a length of braided vines coiled in her pack. Working quickly while he was in his inebriated state she trussed his hands tightly behind his back. Rolling off to the side she was on her knees next to him and she bent forward to his ear, yanking his hair by the roots as her fingers delved nearly into his scalp painfully. As she lifted his face looking into his blue eyes she paused...blinking for a moment before her pupils pinpointed making her hazel eyes wide on him and she spat on the ground to show her disgust in him. "No fight in you? Are you even a Man?"  As her face swam in his conciousness he would remember clearly blue markings of some sort of paint decorated on her face, and an unruly mane of long dark hair that seemed to bend and wave with intermitten braids and beads strung through it. A leather strap held it back from her eyes across her forhead. She moved with the speed and agility of one who had grown up racing through wooded jungles. The Amazon was amazed at how easy her catch had been and she stood back from him.. kicking the dirt towards his face as she demanded. "Get Up!"


Jake groaned. He had strength to talk at least. "No fight? Why don't you untie me and wait awhile so the poison wears off, then I'll kick your sorry ass!" He threatened angrily. "And how can I get up? You bound my frickin' hands you moron!" He shouted, beginning to squirm and try and loosen his bindings. He rolled around on the ground, finally seeing a sharp rock. "I'll show you.." He began to worm his way over to the rock.


Mallorin stared at the man as he wiggled like a worm towards the rock and effectively cut him off by yanking on his ropes. He would still be woozy from the dart and she wasn’t taking any chances at him escaping. Her knot tying was something to be proud of, the vine like ropes not giving, and almost cutting into his wrists. “You can fight me at the Pit and show your talents or lack of when we get there Man…” She spat out and yanked at his wrists from the length of rope tied to them pulling him back from the rock. She was strong, nearly five feet eight inches, with a lean, muscular tone evident. “Now stand..” She ordered with a tug, hoping he’d be smart enough to get his legs under him. “Unless you want me to leave you staked here for the animals?” She threatened her voice holding a treacherous note.


Jake growled. "Fine." With some struggling, he got to his feet. His vision still swam as he stumbled a bit. "Where are you taking me? And who are you, exactly?" He asked, steadying himself and looking at the human-like blur.


Mallorin didn't reply, she merely tugged him along, and then slunk back behind him, lifting her leg she booted him in the back roughly and pushed him ahead of her. Leashed as he was it would be hard to keep balance, but the Amazon was uncaring. "You will know when we get there.. twice the stars will pass." That is all she said as she preened her ears to listen to the Jungle.

It wasn't as if Mallorin was unfeeling, quite the contrary. She had been brought up as a Princess by her Mother Queen Sel'na and her trials had been laid out. To lead their people she had five trials to pass. The first of which was to bring home the enemy, a Man. The second of which, was to make him understand their way of life and respect it. The third of which was to make him ready to defend himself, if he died, she would be the one to blame. The fourth if he survived the first three was to be mated, and the fifth was to sacrifice him to the Goddess and pledge her faithfulness. It would be the testing of a lifetime, and even if she thought she was ready, Mallorin still had her own questions that had been unanswered.

A snap in the jungle made her pause, and she jerked him to a halt...wrapping the vine around her wrist she moved softly the buttery tanned animal hide boots making no sound as she went. Placing a finger to her lips for him to be silent...she prayed to the Goddess he would be.


Jake looked around. He  knew enough about strange noises to be quiet. He therefore, couldn't see her gesture for silence. But he continued to follow her nonetheless.


Mallorin peaked at the Man every now and then, watching how he moved. She frowned thinking back to his question and gave him a small peace of mind. "I am Mallorin..." It was said matter of factly as if she thought he should have known. Her eyes stuck on him as she continued to lead him through the jungle. The path was getting more treacherous the deeper they went, it was as if this part of the forest had never been touched by humans or time for that matter. "Why are you in the Jungle?" She asked him wondering how someone so ill equipped to defend themselves could be found out here.


When Jake's vision cleared, he saw the woman was gorgeous. "Well...I kinda got lost while I was scouting an area for my camp." He replied, now stepping and maneuvering easily around the undergrowth. He hopped over a fair sized rock. "Not that you care or anything, but...I'm Jake." He said loud enough for her to hear. He stepped over a tree root.


She glanced at him with a lift of an arched eyebrow. "Camp?" She asked curiously, she did not seem to notice that he gave her his name but she mentally filed it away. Jake huh?  She sidestepped and weaved expertly through the brush and looked up at the canopy, it was getting darker, they would not see the stars through the leaves. She tugged the rope harder and gazed around. "We stop here tonight, Man..." She said it scathingly and lifted her chin gazing at him with narrowed eyes. "Sit.." She pointed to where a smaller tree upshot and went to tie his rope to it to tether him like common livestock.

She gathered up kindling from the area and with a flint and tinder she started a small fire and poking at it she pulled a water skin from her belt and took a draught before staring at him. How long since he had a drink? She moved just out of the reach and said gruffly. "Do you need a drink?" What was this? Was she being civil?


Jake nodded. "Yeah. We're just camping out here. Today was to be my last day here. But it seems you've put a halt to that."
Jake sighed in defeat as he was told to sit down. He looked up at the fire and blushed. He caught a quick glance at Mallorin's curves before looking away. It wasn't that he was ungrateful for being taken away. He lived in a mediocre apartment, with few possessions. He was glad to experience something new.....even if it was being treated like trash. He looked up at her question. "Oh. Yes please." He replied. "But...should you untie my hands a little bit, so I can drink? I don't want to put you in the awkward position of having to do that." He offered.

((maybe a description of her body shape/ curves?))


Mallorin was not an idiot and didn't suffer his questions easily, she shook her head and marched closer tugging his head back she placed the water skin to his lips and said harshly. "No.. just drink..." It was after that Mallorin turned and left him in the night moving through the shadows disappearing. She left him there tied to the tree, with the fire for warmth. She did not say if she would be back, he would have to trust, or find a way to save himself if he thought it necessary.

Several feet out, she leapt to catch a branch and carried herself into the trees, cradling her body into the crotch of one, to watch her captive in eerie silence wondering what he would do.

(( per earlier descriptions: 5ft8 muscular toned lithe body, curves where needed but nothing extreme long dark wavey hair dotted with tiny braids and beads. hazel eyes blue war paint, calf high animal hide boots, a pair of tanned leather breeches, and a tan leathered vest piece over her chest. Spear on back, knife and pouches on belt blow dart etc etc etc. ))


Jake sighed. "Well. This probably is the longest a girl has spent with me...every other one rejects me cause they think I'm a loser. Oh well. Can't go against fate I suppose. I hope she comes back. I'd be at a distinct disadvantage with my hands bound if a wild animal tries to eat me..." He leaned back and began to hum a little upbeat tune. A person in society would recognize it as the "Green Hill Zone" theme from "Sonic the Hedgehog."