Random bits and pieces (m/m, mxftm, axa, monsters and weirdness oh my...)

Started by WarPony, September 21, 2022, 03:31:09 PM

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I am newish to the forum (though not to roleplaying/cooperative story telling), and I would love to get a few games going. I've listed a couple vague ideas I've had for storylines below. This list is by no means exhaustive, nor are the prompts immutable. I just felt like I should have some general settings to get things started off. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out, and we can bounce some thoughts around.

I mostly play m/m, or m/ftm, pairings, but I am personally unrepentantly queer, and do not get too hung up on gender. I am open to almost any configuration of parts, including hetero pairings ( I will admit it is rare that I play a character that is 100% straight.) I also tend towards a preferance for playing the subbish/bottomish/reciever role, however, I try not to base a character's entire personality around that particularity unless there is some compelling plot/story reason to do so.  If it suites the character, I am also perfectly amenable to playing switches-- I just find hard dominants difficult.

I am also an unrepentant teratophile, and can be into just about any weirdness imaginable -- Mythical beasts, things with too many tentacles, vampires, werewolves, strange entities from under the bed, plants with no sense of personal space, demons, closet monsters, half-forgotten forest gods... the list goes on. Kinks are another thing that I am highly flexible with, as well, and I can enjoy everything from amusing fluff to dark n' heavy.

As a writer, I enjoy long-form posting, and prefer creative partners with a similiar inclination. Most of my posts will run at least two paragraphs at the bare minimum (with exceptions given for conversation, action, or other situations where shorter posting keeps things moving in a sensible way.) I post frequently.

Here's my ons/offs post.

The examples below are general setting/character ideas I've been kicking around. I don't like to limit my writing partners in their character creation, so there aren't definitive 'your character' requirements. Most of these ideas are pretty open ended as far as what could fit (though, in some of them, while there is a obvious opposite number,  I leave the specifics of the character up to my writing partner). Collaberation, and writing against interesting characters is half the fun of this endeavor, in my opinion.

A Tutor

Setting: AU England 1900, vaguely steampunkish?

War has broken out, and enemy airships are bombing London. Viscount Marion Winthrop, the only son and heir of Lord Augustus Winthrop, Earl of Herndon, has been recalled to his ancestral family estate from his first year at Oxford. He is none too pleased at being away from his studies and essentially stuck in the middle of nowhere, so his mother engages the services of a tutor…

Notes: This game is primarily for the purposes of exploring a D/s relationship between a young man and his teacher, and various elements of BDSM should be expected, but what shape that takes depends on how the game unfolds. The tutor should be male, dominant, and a bit older.

The Forest
Setting: Fantasy with some steampunk/dieselpunk elements

Summary: Nearly three hundred years ago, after a war that nearly destroyed everything, humans abandoned magic. Cities became great, walled city states while the forest grew thick, and dark around them. Communication between Enclaves was unreliable, and travel between them almost unknown until the advent of air transport. Any soul unlucky enough to be on a vessel that went down among the green foliage was never seen again.

Enter Elliot McHugh. His  grandfather, a prominent and talented clockmaker, had been one of the first immigrants to leave the stinking hell of Londinium for Paris, and had managed to set up a prosperous business that his father had continued. Elliot, schooled at the Université d'ingénierie et de mécanique, has become a highly sought-after inventor of creative mechanical devices that have revolutionized several industrial processes. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally creates something that the power-hungry government would much rather use for far more nefarious purposes than making dangerous industries safer for human workers…

After a failed assassination attempt, Elliot does the unthinkable-- He leaves Paris on foot.

Notes: I had envisioned this as becoming something of a beauty-and-the-beast sort of tale. The Forests are still inhabited by those creatures for which magic is as necessary as food and water, but also places that were too far from the city limits when the cities were walled off. I am thinking, perhaps, that he stumbles upon a chateau staffed with impossible constructs powered by magic instead of mechanics, and overseen by a cursed, wolfish monster…

The Forest
The Forest No longer active.

The King’s Lavassier
Setting: High fantasy

Summary: Stephen never expected to inherit the throne, but, when his father’s war-mongering results in the death of both the king, and the heir apparent, in battle, he has little choice but to assume the Crown. This means that he also must take on a new Lavassier- the King’s mage - to act as a bodyguard. The only problem is that it is the Lavassier of the previous monarch that chooses their successor, not the Prince himself.

Notes: This has the potential for all sorts of shenanigans. His father hadn’t been so much ruling the kingdom as campaigning in war, leaving the actual running of things to a hereditary council of noblemen who had been quite happy with the arrangement… and might not be too pleased at having their status quo upset (They had been expecting his prawn-brained brother to ascend in due course, after all.)  Stephen has also inherited a kingdom that is still technically at war with two out of five of its neighboring countries, and his early days will likely be rife with all of the machinations that sort of thing brings to the monarchy.

The King's Lavassier

Dangerous Skies:
Setting: Vaguely 18th century Age of sail. Elements of both steam-powered, and magic technology

Summary: The scene opens with the airship clipper Merry Lark falling under siege by pirates. Baird, her navigator, is the last crewman left alive when the powder magazine blows, and the Lark begins to fall…

Notes: Airship adventures. Intrigue. Sword fights. Be prepared for lots of nautical minutiae, because I am an age of sail NERD. This world contains both magic, and steampunk style technology, as well as weird conglomerations of the two.

Dangerous Skies

The Faces of Janus
Setting: 1923 England
Summary: Young Julian Linley-Percival is abducted from outside a teashop in Cambridge, and held by an unknown sinister society somewhere underground. Over the next few weeks, he is subjected to a series of ritualistic bites from faceless, robed men-- to what purpose, he has no idea, and when he falls into a fever, his captors offer no aid. Thankfully, he manages to make his escape out through the sewers, but the threats they had made against his family has him hesitant to return to his ancestral manse in Shropeshire. However, he cannot stay. Visiting his digs only briefly to throw whatever he could into a suitcase, he flees Cambridge on the first train he could catch, and ends up in Scotland where, thankfully, there might just be help available in the form of an old, odd friend of his father’s…

Notes: This is mostly aimed at being a supernatural/horror storyline. Werewolves, vampires, witches, warlocks, secret societies… unseen supernatural machinations taking place behind the curtain. Potential for BDSM, D/s and kink among the plot. I’ve been waffling about having this character be a transman.

The Faces of Janus

Setting: 1930's Baltimore (could be moved to another city)
This isn't so much a concrete plotline as a vagueish outline for a character that could fit into several stories. Jas Byrne is the latest and last scion of an ancient line of Irish witches. He is a little bit Indiana Jones, a little bit Dick Tracey, and currently works as a private detective handling specialized cases involving the weird and endritch. He has the potential to fit into a lot of different scenerios. Perhaps he is contacted by someone seeking to recover a stolen artifact, or to investigate a suspicious murder. His travels could run him afoul of goblin rum runners, or vampire mafiosos. The possibilities are nearly endless.

The Patrician's Son
Setting: Golden Age of Rome
This is largely gratuitous. Politial intrigue in Ancient Rome. The children of certain politicians are being kidnapped or killed by an unknown movement. My character is a rather impudent middle son of a powerful politico who is more interested in philosophy and art than his father thinks is good for him. After a kidnapping attempt, his father hires a body guard to make sure he keeps his spare heir intact while his older sons are out on campaign. The son is not too impressed at having someone who technically reports to his pater following him around.

I dare not go a-hunting
Setting: 1912
American Edwin Bernard has just arrived at Cambridge for his first year at university, and is eager to explore the English countryside. However, he finds more than he bargained for when he accidentally stumbles through a door into the Lands Beyond the Lands We know.

Notes: Also a bit gratuitous. Edwin is a soft thing-- an academically inclined young man brought up and bullied in boarding schools paid for by his wealthy uncle. This scenerio would see him accidentally at the mercy of the old-school denizens of Fairy, and may end up with more extreme elements of noncon, bondage, etc, depending on how things shake out.


I have made some updates to this listing, and am still in the market for writing partners!