Variety of queer fantasy smut, gets dark quickly

Started by castleoflight, December 27, 2023, 09:32:13 PM

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Hello! This is my first request thread and I'm brand *spanking* new. I also could not decide on what prompt to pursue, so I'm following the line of others who put multiple. Please forgive me if they seem clunky or not quite fleshed out.

I've ordered them from least to most messed up.

About me: I'm 27, transmasculine (bonus hole boy), usually sub but can switch or service top, and I like fantasy smut. Power exchange is often an important factor for me and I tend to get dark with my plots but not always. I respond fairly quickly and communicate well about availability.

Here's my On/Offs

Here's some prompts:

A spark:
Fluffy, Slow burn, Innocent. (Flexible gender seeking F)
You are a sheltered girl of noble birth who sneaks out one day. You bump into me, a poor urchin who's always tinkering and experimenting. Something happens when we touch. A glowing pattern of spirals and vines appears where our skin touches. Small electric sparks crackle between us. The more we touch, the more we feel changed inside; as if we are becoming something new. We begin to crave eachother and feel physically pained when we separate, but no one can know about us, or the magic we are germinating. You have never even kissed. I am driven mad with need, plowing through any easy partners I can get to try to get over you. I'm afraid I'll break you, or else I'll break instead.

Beasts for a higher cause: Two variations, beast, non con, dark (Transman or intersex seeking A who may GM)

1. Research: It starts with the animals I'm researching taking an interest in me, then my superiors decide to research me more.

The hormones I take, mixed with the organs I naturally have, confused the artificially intelligent animals in the lab. Late one night, the security locks on the cages go offline. When I try to  put them back inside, they start to paw, bite, or climb up me. My clothes are invaded and ripped and before long I'm filled with genetically modified animal cum. (note, there will be NO insemination/impregnation). After they're done, they return to their units and the locks turn back on. I go home. The next morning I get into work, blushing and squirming. The boss calls me in. The next thing I know, I'm in stirrups being spread open and swabbed and my once coworkers are talking about tests they could run on 'recreational sexuality and sexual relief in Brain Boost specimen'.

2. Prove my love: You've gotten bored of me as a normal partner, even kink isn't enough. You want me to become truly inhuman, truly debased for you. Public use by farm animals would certainly be a test of loyalty. Though, by the end of it I might only be good enough to piss on.

Snuff for my own good: Several prompts, taboo, manipulation, dark, snuff, gore, possible necro, mental health, (Transmasc seeking M)

The only way to cure what I have is to kill me. Or the penultimate achievement of our goals is for me to die for your sexual pleasure. All of these end with you inside me while killing me (choking, slicing, drowning, etc). What happens to my body after that is a fun discussion.

1. Daddy knows: I'm sad and lonely when I come home, having flunked out of college from depression. Daddy is too. He starts by rubbing me in my sleep and eventually full on fucking me, saying it'll make me feel better. I don't see how that will help, but it takes my mind off things, feels good, and makes Daddy happy. When the depression doesn't go away, then we know he (you) has to finally give me relief. What better way to get an end to my suffering than at the hands of the man who's always loved me and taken care of me?

2. If you can't have me...: You've always wanted me and I just didn't see it. Now you've stalked me and broken in. If you can just touch me, taste me, take me, then I'll see that I was always meant to be yours. Surely my tears will turn into moans, right? Regardless, now that you've had me, you decide you can't stand the idea of anyone else ever touching me. You're going to take everything I have, even my life. Then I'll be yours forever and my last memories will be of you. Plus, my body will stop fighting back after you've done it.

3. Psychologist takes control: I'm depressed, suicidal, isolated. You're a psychologist who's good at manipulating people and fairly attractive. You first plant the seeds that I should rely on you. You know best. Your approval is what matters. Then, I'm no good without you. The reason I'm dissatisfied in life is because I wasn't serving men as the sex toy I was supposed to be. You can show me how to live up to that full potential. (The ending could go a few ways: to show my loyalty I have to die, as a reward for my hard work I get to die, I'm a hopeless cause so you'll put me out of my misery)

I've played a few of these a little before, but they weren't fully realized. If you think you would be a fit for and enjoy any of these, please PM! If you have ideas for tweaks or variations, let's chat. Thank you!


Bumping and adding another: 

Seeking Pagans for sex magic

Here's a unique one for which I'll be very picky. I'm looking for someone who knows a lot about mythology, and preferably actually believes in one of the deities I'll list. If you are able to aspect a god, that would be ideal. 

In essence, I want to worship you and roleplay a dirty talk, JOI, or fantasy dreamscape style set up, while you take the place of a god. So, once we set up boundaries, you would act with the traits and personality of one of these gods. (I'm seeking a witch, pagan, etc because I want this to be dramatic theater or ritual instead of mocking).

Here's the options for this worship in order of preference:



Aphrodite or Venus


For something more story based and still spiritual in vibe but not directly, a god of your own creation.

We can magic this very ritualistic and include runes/symbols, songs, etc. We could write an erotic poem in the style of the ancients. We can also make this a chat where I happen to come across this god in human form. What sacrifices or offerings would you require? What proof could you give to earn worship? What could you as this god give to a loyal priest? 

Perhaps most interestingly, what sensual or sexual acts come most naturally when you play as this god? Does Apollo like praise and to use mirrors? You tell me. Does Aphrodite like tease and denial? How beastly does Cernunnos show himself? Is Freyr caring or overwhelming my senses?

In return, the worshipper I'll play will be the most ardent and loyal ever. He'll offer up whatever you ask including his body. He'll compose new ballads to sing your praises. He'll transform for you to become the object of your gods lust. He'll tell you all his transgressions, secrets, and prayers for you to use to mold and control him. 

Limits: talking of breeding/seed/womb/pregnancy, transphobia or forced gender things, body shaming, scat and bad odor, etc.