Blackest Night, Brightest Dawn [Dark Fantasy][m//]

Started by Princeling, April 19, 2023, 01:41:04 PM

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Hello there. Nice to meet you! I am Princeling, and this is my new thread!

I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am in my 30's and I am masculine-leaning nonbinary. I have a job that is either extremely busy or practically dead, and it is always one or the other (usually the latter for the majority of the year, tbh). This theoretically gives me a lot of time to roleplay but can also cause absences. I will attempt to make you aware of when a really busy time is coming up.

I am looking for a roleplay, primarily m// roleplay. I will be upfront here right now and say that I almost exclusively play nonbinary characters, typically ones who would be considered AFAB but identify as male (or some equivalent thereof, as I'm a slut for worldbuilding and most of the settings I prefer to play in simply Do Not approach gender as we do here on Earth). Kind of segueing along with that, yes I do enjoy mpreg quite a bit and yes I do want to incorporate it into my plots because I'm a nasty little gremlin and I refuse to apologize for it.

If I don't sound totally insufferable to you, please read on!

What to expect from me:
+ I like to play through email or google docs. I can also do PM or threads here. No preference.
+ I love to write (duh), and when hooked on an RP, I can write a lot. You have no idea. I passed the 150k word mark with a specific long-term partner in less than a month after starting an RP with her. While I'm not asking you to match that volume, I definitely want someone who will get as Enthusiastic about things as me and will reply regularly if we really hit it off. The beginning of an RP is the most critical part for me-- if the plot is good I can get super into it and reply multiple times a day, so if you can match my energy, that would be ideal.
+ Re: writing. My average post is like 300-1000 words.
+ Kind of related to the above, I like to be friends OOC. I will definitely be very very chatty OOC, and if you're into Discord, I love making servers wirh a bajillion little channels for plotting and keeping inspiration imaged and everything else. Please be ready for it.
+ Regarding limits... Most of mine revolve around violence, lmao. But I do have a an O/O thread here, and here is my <Snipped - PG-13 in Public Section - Staff>
And now that I finished talking about that, it's time to get onto my~

Plots && Ideas
+As is tradition in every listing I have ever seen, if I have bolded a role in a pairing, that would indicate I want it.

The Price of Peace (Emperor x Prince) (I'm craving this one the most)
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After cutting a bloody swath through much of the continent, the Emperor turned his eyes to one of the last bastions of safety that had not yet fallen under his rule: a small, isolationist kingdom far to the north named Alador, populated primarily by elves. Were there any around to question his decision, they would surely ask why the Emperor would bother mustering his armies against such a small nation that had remained neutral up until this point. But there were none. Singularly brilliant, the Emperor had no need for advisors, or tacticians aside, or even concubines. All of these things were mere distractions.

Like all of the lands he had invaded before, the forces of Alador fell before his armies; even the magic that the elven people wielded with uncanny skill was not enough to overcome the Emperor's forces, outnumbering them by thousands and equipped with technology that the people of this land had scarcely seen. Before the casualties could grow too great, the king and queen of Alador sent a missive, declaring their surrender.

Yet when the Emperor ventures to the capital city of Alador to survey the newest acquisition into his collection of bloodied lands and discuss the terms of Alador's surrender, he spies something else that catches his interest, igniting the flame of obsession inside of him. And so, at the negotiation table, though he makes his typical demands of conquered nation— taxes, fealty, riches— he shocks all in attendance when he demands one more, highly unusual, prize.

He wants the Prince.

The City of Gold (Prince x Savior)
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The Exalted City of Hewic stands as a testament to the superiority of the Noressean empire. Within its shining walls, its inhabitants live lives of decadence and luxury unheard of in the uncivilized lands beyond. And yet, beneath the veneer of hedonistic delight is an undercurrent of violence and deception; the many nobles in the line for the throne wage an unseen war for any shred of power, much less for the throne. A single wrong move could mean one's life— or worse yet, their social standing, and their place in line for the throne.

Not all turn to secrets and slow machinations to undo their rivals, however. Some prefer violence.

And so it is the case for a certain son of the emperor, who, upon returning from a diplomatic visit to a city under imperial rule, has his convoy attacked by 'bandits'. His men killed, his horses fled, injured to near-death, he is left by the side of the road, victim of an 'unfortunate accident'.

Such would be the case, anyway. By chance, he is found by a resident of one of the lands nearby: a young shepherd, from a place so small that it doesn't warrant even a dot upon the maps of the lands beyond Hewick.

Over days, weeks perhaps, the shepherd takes care of this prince, ignorant entirely of his noble heritage. The prince learns of his way of life, of how the people— called savages by his kin, forbidden from entering the Exalted City, but he's not certain of how true that any of that is anymore— outside of the city live, of how a life where one has to work for what they have works.

Until one day, an imperial patrol passes through the town, and finds their lord. He's whisked back to Hewick with fanfare, and life for the shepherd returns to normal.

At least, it does until some days later, when an imperial convoy once more passes through the town. The captain reads out a name, the name of a certain young shepherd, and before he knows it, he is in a carriage, being transported through the barred gates of the shining city which has only ever been a jewel upon the horizon, entry forbidden to a lowborn such as him.

And there, in a home finer than any he's ever seen, in a room larger than any building in his tiny town, he is reunited with the man he saved a week past, nigh unrecognizable bedecked in silks and gold, a man who smiles and nods and informs him that he has been chosen to join the royal harem, and live a life of luxury few outside the walls can imagine.

It is not a choice. For it is his reward, the finest that one born outside the city can ever hope to have.

Yet, just as much as that, it is a calculated move. For it is clear enough to the prince that the attack that nearly killed him was not random chance. Someone, perhaps many someones, planned his death, and he knows now that nothing is safe, and none in his circle can be trusted. So what better ally is there than one who might look upon this new world with fresh eyes, one with no connections, one with the privilege, nay, the expectation, to grace the most intimate areas of the most privileged of the City?

It seems a foolproof plan.

As long as emotions don't get in the way.

Obsession (Noble x Commoner)
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A commoner has lived for his entire life in a small village at the edge of the ruling noble's territory. Though infrequent, the noble occasionally visits this village, and through one means or another, he ended up making his acquaintance. Though the people in the village seem to dislike their ruler, the man always him with a good impression because it seemed that he went out of his way to be kind to him (and he was, perhaps, too naive to realize that this could be anything but altruistic).

The truth is, however, that the noble was kind to him, in part, because he was attracted to the commoner— an attraction that has turned into obsession, and now rage when he discovers that his lowborn love has been seen around the village with another. Realizing that he has let this go long enough, he sends his men to capture the object of his affections and being him to the palace.

At first, when the commoner discovers that he has been taken to the home of the man he's so admired over the years, he is initially relieved, for the noble has never been anything but kind... However, he quickly discovers that there has always been much, much more behind the pretty words and fine gifts that the man treated him to, and he has always been expected to reciprocate.

The Locket (Summoner x Demon)
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It is said that in the city of Astengaard, one can find about anything if they know where to look and are willing to pay a certain price. No doubt, this rumor is due in part to the presence of a man with a preternatural ability to identify and sell not only magical objects... But magical creatures, as well. He has built an empire upon his unscrupulous dealings.

One day, he comes into possession of a locket which he can feel radiates power, but the enchantment is one which he cannot identify. And, in a slip of logic, he breaks the number one rule of magical items that you don't know about. Namely, that you don't use them until you know what they are.

In an instant, the locket opens, and standing before him is... A demon. It was sealed away eons ago after a reign of terror that almost destroyed the mortal realm, and in this slip of judgment, he has unknowingly released him once more. He is shocked to see the world as it is now, fully recovered and having lost his name and legacy to history, and decides that he will finish what he started millenia ago.

But for that, he needs an army.

Luckily, his summoner-- clueless on how to banish him again-- will be the perfect host to carry his brood.

(Yes this plot IS a self-indulgent setup to satisfy my sinful interests, but I swear that I have So Much Worldbuilding, you have no idea).

Martyrom (Inquisitor x Accused Heretic)
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No one expects the fantasy inquisition.

This is a very new idea— like, I'm coming up with it as I write the thread idea. I would be comfortable playing either role, with some caveats that we can discuss later on. But the basic idea is that whatever society this takes place in is relatively gothic in aesthetic, with those big beautiful cathedrals I love so much. As of late, civil unrest has grown to the point that there is a serious potential for revolution. So, naturally, what better way to restore the populace's faith in the current system than to declare the would-be rebels as heretics who threaten society as a whole?

I'm comfortable in playing either role for this one, with some obvious caveats, lmao. But this is a story that has potential to get quite dark, and it will need to be story and character driven with a lot of worldbuilding and nerding about political intrigue and all that good stuff.

In Lieu of Fare (Ship Captain and/or Crew x Traveler)
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When one spends long months on the high seas (or skies, if we wanna get really fantasy with it), the worst thing that can afflict a crew is bad morale. To solve this problem, it's not uncommon to waive the fee for certain attractive passengers if they agree to provide some 'service' to pent-up crew members.

I would play one such traveler. We could go one of two ways with this-- I would love to play a boy who is a first-timer who has no idea what he's signed on for and gets some good training. I also have the idea in mind for a traveler who's much more seasoned in the lifestyle, and has perhaps made a living out of using his appeal to win favors and passage on the most luxurious of trips, living as a high-priced courtesan. Both are good.

I especially like this idea because it brings up the possibility of some good fun worldbuilding and plot, as well.

And finally, this isn't a plot, but:

+ I have an OC I absolutely adore who I really want to play right now. His name is [Ailbhe]. He is a young man of half-fae parentage, existing in a fantasy world where people really, really, really dislike the fae (for good reason; see: [The Goblin Market] or really any Celtic fairy mythology at all). Bad things tend to happen around him because he has magic he can't really control, and every time he goes into a town it's kind of like he's playing Russian roulette with himself and others! C': I don't really have a specific plot for him, so that's up to discuss. I just really like him and want to play him ok. I can tell you plenty more about him as well!

So yeah! Hopefully something here piqued your interest! If you have any ideas you think I might like, please feel free to throw them my way as well!

I hope to hear from you!