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Lexandria's Current Cravings [F for ANY]

Started by Lexandria, October 28, 2014, 01:40:57 AM

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Current Cravings

Welcome to my search thread. I had my Interests page here for quite some time, but I have moved it to the Ons/Offs board, since it seemed to fit in better there, and I figured I'd try to be short (or as short as I can manage to be) and to the point here.

I am currently available to take on a new game or two, though I am also happy to chat with anyone about ideas for a later date. If you are interested, I suggest you check out my Interests page for a thorough rundown of my writing style, expectations, past games, how I prefer to be contacted, and general preferences. Please check out my Schedule for information regarding my posting habits.

Do not post in this thread. If you are interested by the content here, please visit my Interests  page. If you are still interested after reading through all the information there, please feel free to PM me to start a dialog.

For quick reference, so you know the basics:

•   I only play female characters, but I have no preferences to what gender my partner or my partner's character(s) are.

•   I only RP via the forums

•   I only RP in limited third-person perspective

•   I hope to attract articulate and well-written partners

•   I prefer story over smut

•   I post anywhere from 300 words to 3,000 words per post, depending on my partner and the pacing of the story

•   I have very few major offs, but here they are:
   - Incest of any sort
   - Characters younger than 18 in sexual situations
   - Rimming (and Scat in general)
   - Vore
   - First- or Second-person perspective

Below I have copied my cravings section from my Interests page, to give an idea of what I am currently interested in. However, this is not all that interests me, not by a long shot. I am almost always happiest when creating a world/setting in cooperation with my writing partner. I would prefer to come up with something that works well for both of us and is tailored to both of our interests, rather than trying to make one of us fit the others' 'perfect idea'. I would greatly prefer that the story we come up with center around characterization, story, and plot rather than sex and smut. I get very bored of sex-centered, and kink-centered, games; plot and characterization are an absolute must if a story is to hold my attention.



Yes, sometimes I crave things

Character Based Cravings:
I usually crave playing a specific sort of character

   •   I am interested in playing a girl character who is, for some reason or another, pretending to be a boy (similar to Power/Girl Got Game, Mulan, or Hanakimi. This is not a character who identifies as male, but one who feels she must act as a male to achieve some end)

   •   I would like to play someone with a power: elemental based magic of some sort, a nature-based ability, or shape-shifting of some kind. Perhaps this character has an animal companion. They may be hiding their ability for some reason or another related to the world or plot.

   •   I am interested in playing a blind character.

   •   I am interested in playing a character who is in a mental institution for one reason or another, looking for something darker than a real institution and likely tied into some of the other cravings on this list.

   •   I am very much interested in stories that include elements of body horror or extreme gore. This does not have to be sexual: it can simply be violent.

   •   I am interested in playing a character who has suffered grievous injury in the past, and has some terrible scars/lasting injury as a result.

   •   I am interested in playing a character that has to learn a new language to be able to communicate with others in the game. This is a recurring theme I find challenging and highly entertaining.

   •   I am always interested in playing very dark or brutal games, since not much squicks me out.

   •   I am very interested in playing a severely broken character who needs to learn to trust again and who's growth in the story is about becoming whole again. This can be combined with injury or body horror elements listed above.

   •   I am always craving a game where my character ends up pregnant. This does not mean that the pregnancy has to be in any way sexualized, I wish for it to be a plot point.

Plot Based Cravings:
I rarely have a specific plot in mind, but sometimes this happens.
I will be very picky about any ideas listed here.

Avatar: the Last Airbender based game

This is more of a general idea than a fleshed out plot, but here's my thoughts:

I basically want to play in this world. I don't really want to play with any of the cannon characters, and I would like to play in the past, way back before the Hundred Year War. I would like for it to be back before Avatar Aang, Avatar Roku, Avatar Kyoshi, or the other two Avatars before them (I forget their names, but the laid back water tribe Avatar, and the uptight Airbender Avatar), because I feel that would give myself and my partner more creative freedom as far as the characters go.

I do not want to play in the time of Avatar Korra, or any time further in the future than she is. The level of technology and the culture of her time do not appeal to me, and I have not seen the full second series yet. I do not want spoilers.

I would like either myself or my partner to play the Avatar of the time period of the game, and I would like to start with their sixteenth birthday and being told that they are the Avatar. I would like to brainstorm with my partner as to what the conflict in the game would be, because I feel that it does need a central conflict, though that might not develop or become a problem for some time.

Beyond that, this idea is open to quite a bit of flexibility between myself and my partner. I am looking for the right person for this game, with the right level of knowledge about the series.

I already have a good idea of my Avatar character, were I to be the one to play the Avatar, but I am open to discussion and negotiations about most things regarding this game. I do not have to play the Avatar, but I do already have a concept in mind.

This is based off of the relationship of Idgie and Ruth in Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, by Fannie Flagg. However, this does not mean that you need to have read the book to play this game.

Two girls have grown up together, best friends their whole life. One of the girls (a) eventually realizes she is in love with the other one (b), but keeps it to herself, showing her love with actions rather than expressing herself verbally. The other girl never really gets it. Subconsciously, she knows her friend loves her, but she never really realizes it consciously.

As they grow up, (a) never dates anyone, but, (b) has a few boyfriends, who never seem to quite work out, and who tend to get jealous of how close she is with (a).

After or during college, (b) ends up dating/marrying a guy, moving out of town, and dropping contact with (a). (a) gets worried, and eventually tracks her friend down, finding that her friend is being abused and controlled by the boyfriend/husband. (a) rescues (b) and takes her back home.

Come to find out, (b) is pregnant by the abusive boyfriend/husband.

I would like to play this game out, starting when the girls first meet as children, skipping ahead through their lives as they get older, until we get to the main plot of the story. Where it goes from there is really up in the air, though this is meant as a squishy love story. I have pictures that sum up pivotal portions of their lives.

I can play either character.

Familiar Taste of Poison

Based on the song and music video of the same name by Halestorm. I find many of their songs highly inspirational, and, let's face it, Lzzy Hale's voice is simply fantastic.

A woman is poisoned by her spouse. She had loved him, been devoted to him, but at the same time knew that something was not quite right. While he did not beat her, or abuse her in any way, sometimes, the way he looked at her made her uneasy. But he doted on her, eased away her concerns with fancy words and fancy gifts. Right up to the point where he quietly, sneakily takes her out.

I have not decided, yet, if she dies or is simply in a coma, put there by some accident caused by her disorientation from the poison. However, the 'accident' is being investigated, and the lead investigator suspects the husband even when he can't prove anything. It is just this feeling he has, that nags and rubs at him irritatingly and refuses to go away. Right up until he begins having dreams of the victim. Vivid dreams, strange but memorable and she seems so real in them, trying to speak to him, to communicate through some difficulty. It takes time, and many encounters for her messages to begin to make sense...

This is, perhaps, a bit vague. It would be a slow-building story, I will likely play many side characters as well as the woman so that my partner is not having to write pages by themselves of the daily activities by the investigator. I did use a masculine pronoun for the investigator, but I would not be opposed to them being female.

The Last Cowboy

This, too, is just a rough concept, I would really need to collaborate with my partner to flesh this out into anything substantial

The basic idea is inspired by The Last Cowboy by In This Moment. I don't nessisarily want to follow the exact story, but then again, the song isn't so much a story as a description of a character. I would, for the most part, be interested in playing the woman who is talking/describing the 'Last Cowboy' in the song. Now, who that character really is, both mine and my partner's, is up for discussion.

Is the cowboy just an idea in her head? Are they someone she knows from the past? Is it someone she saw in passing, that she's become obsessed with meeting? Is it just someone she heard about, and she needs their help? It could really be anything. The cowboy could be a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy', and it does not have to be set in the Old West by any means. It might be more fun if it isn't. Then again, it could be fun if it is, too. Again, just about everything is up for debate, I just really love the narrative quality and the general feeling of the song. I'd love it if my partner and I could keep the same gritty feel.

Again, another vague, fuzzy idea. I really would love my partner's help in fleshing it out.

Naruto based game
Plot for this is always up for discussion, I just adore Naruto, what can I say?

I have a general craving for playing an original character in the Naruto universe. My partner is more than welcome to play a cannon character, or their own character. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a few favorite cannon characters I would love to have my partner play, but I never like to force them into a box or a bubble, so I'm up for discussion.

I would like the game to start when our characters are children, and to explore growing up from there. They can be short-ish scenes, to develop character and to give insight into the characters and how they interact with each other. This does not include any romantic interaction. It is for character development and plot/story development (thus the non-adult section, and also because exploring the history, as children, means that by site rules (as well as by my preference) nothing adult themed can happen until we have moved along to them being adults). This means, that the game would need to start in the non-adult section, until the characters are adults, then we can link over to a new thread in the appropriate board in the adult section of the site. While breaking up the game into two boards is not my preference, I prefer that much more than exploring the history in flash-backs for this particular scenario.

Timeline, setting, and all that jazz are up for discussion as well.

Please note: I have tried a game like this 4 times so far. I may be craving this game, but I will be picky.

My Hero Academia OR Unordinary based game
Plot for this is always up for discussion, I've been enjoying both series recently and they're somewhat similar in premise

I have a general craving for playing an original character in either the My Hero Academia or the Unordinary universe. My partner is more than welcome to play a cannon character, or their own character. Since the characters in both of these series are fairly young, we would either have to have this story set in the non-adult section or have the game centered around adults.

I don't have anything particular otherwise, so we would have to discuss quite a bit. In My Hero Academia I would prefer the setting be a bit before the events of the series in that it's around the glory days of All Might or just before the series begins. For Unordinary I do thin the current series timeline is the most interesting, but not focusing so much on the kids at the school but something somewhat adjacent if we're able to, or perhaps college aged students.

Timeline, setting, and all that jazz are up for discussion as well.

Note: I do have one story already going in this universe, HERE.

Not Quite Beyond
There are lots of ways this can go.

I have been craving a romance between a ghost and a living person. I feel that the ghost would be bound to their former house, and likely doesn't realize they are dead at first. Some mystery surrounds their death, they don't remember a ton about their life, but are very powerful.

The human purchased the house for a steal because, while it is large and antique and even furnished, no one will hang onto it for long so it has a reputation. Through tenacity they manage to stay, and eventually they and the ghost catch feelings for one another, and then have to navigate a relationship where one is barely tangible, and the other is alive and has a life to live.

Very fuzzy concept, would love to work out details with my partner; I'm open to playing either the human or the spirit.


This is a general concept, mostly centered around a character idea and a set-up idea. It is fairly flexible and open to interpretation. A small portion is based off of Psyche and Eros from Greek mythology, but only a very small portion of the set-up

The bare-bones of this set-up idea, is that my character would be gifted to my partner's character, so generally my partner's character would probably be of high standing of some sort: a ruler or a person of some sort of high esteem. I imagine my character would be given/sent as either a bride, as some sort of treaty attempt, or as part of a penalty being paid to my partner's character.

For some reason or another, my partner's character does not wish to be seen, or has issue with my character seeing them, though it would have little to do with my character herself, and something that has been pre-established (this would be why my character was sent.) My character would, therefor, be visually impaired. I'm imagining that she would have either gradually lost her sight starting in childhood, or around the age of eight or ten she was intentionally blinded for the purpose of eventually (as an adult, please and thank you) being sent to your character.

Why does your character have issue with my character (and probably the people of wherever she comes from) seeing yours? Is it just a power-thing? Is there something your character is embarrassed about? Is your character a monster or ageless or somehow disfigured? Is it some bizarre tradition in this setting? Is it something else?

My partner's character may be any gender, the setting is up for negotiation, and though I mentioned the story of Psyche and Eros, I only am taking the 'one partner can not be seen by the other' portion of that story, nothing more. I would like for everything else about it to be worked out between my partner and I.

I do already have one story going with this concept, would be happy to accept another.

Out of Water - (currently shelved)
I have a thing for mermaids, what can I say?

All supernatural beings have a purpose and a reason for existing. Most were created by forces of nature to protect the sacred and secret places, and eventually that duty turned toward protecting what they could from the spreading plague that was man. Many of the creatures fell into legend and away from the world as man spread unhindered across the plains and the mountains, the valleys and the deserts, forests, and swamps. Legend became superstition and then nothing at all but fairy tales that only children believe.

The last hold out and realm of nature's children is the sea, which not even man has been able to fully conquer. Some legends still exist in their depths, doing the best they can to hold down the fort and turn the tide against man. These are the creatures that had been known as sirens, as mermaids, kraken, leviathan, and many more. Each, in their own way, trying to fulfill a task too great for them.

The mermaid is the guardian of a small cove and the sea surrounding it. It is a place rumored to be bad luck and dangerous to sail, though many attempt it anyway. Those that do come to misfortune: storms sneak up on them, rocks appear from nowhere,  they get lost until they are out of gas and stranded. In reality, the mermaid, who has powers similar to a siren, would sing the humans into a hypnotized state which would simply encourage them to overlook the storm, or the rocks, or the way home.

The mermaid lives a solitary life, doing her job, observing the humans, having very little contact with others of her species or the other, more powerful creatures in the sea. Until a boat comes along with a human on it that the mermaid finds she can't kill. That human doesn't seem so bad, perhaps they do something that shows they have respect for the sea, or seem to not want to be there in the first place. Whatever the case, the mermaid spares the one human, perhaps even helps them to shore.

Now, because she went against her purpose, the sea rejects her, and she is cast out, sent to land to either finish her task or remain human forever. Her voice and hypnotic ability are gone, as are anything that made her more than human. The mermaid would resent the human and blame them for her situation. The rest of the plot is up for discussion.

Obviously, I would prefer to play the mermaid. The gender of the other character is up for discussion as well.

Maid of Stone - (Shelved)

This is just a rough concept, there are a lot of different ways this could go.

The basic idea is that my character would start out in the game being a statue (probably made of stone, hence the title). I was inspired by this image, and would likely use it as my character image to start. My general thinking is that she would have been alive once, but turned to stone due to either being tricked by a magic-user of some sort, or trapped.

Either way, she has been moved (or was always there) to an area with many people, where buskers of all sorts display their abilities for cash. She is aware of what is going on around her, even if she cannot move. She does not have conscious thought (or else she would go insane after centuries of immobility), but on some level she absorbs some information on what is going on around her. Eventually, possibly due to how the power that turned her to stone works (I haven't yet worked that bit out, and could use some input from my partner for this), she begins to be able to move a little bit every so often. Perhaps gradually shifting position subtly; she would also become more aware and for longer periods of time.

My thought is that my partner's character may be a busker, perhaps one that often sets up either in front of my character or across from her, and might end up noticing the slight changes in pose. Another idea is that they might notice the movement and think she is an extremely talented busker (perhaps they use her to gain better tips? I'm a bit hazy on this bit). But there are many possibilities as to who my partner's character is and how they fit into this game.

I think the first part of the game could be trying to give her her life and movement back, and the second part is up for discussion, but could turn out possibly very interesting.

A vague, fuzzy idea, but one I hope to expand upon with the right partner. I do not have a preference for the gender of my partner's character.

Setting Based Cravings:
Sometimes I just like the idea of a specific setting or theme for a game

   •   I would like to play in a desolate desert or plains land.

   •   I am craving a horror and/or apocalypse themed game.

   •   I am craving a complex space-opera style game, with myself and my partner playing multiple characters and the plotline running a bit slow.

   •   I think playing an alien-abduction themed game could be very interesting, and could range from horror/body horror to something much more tame.

Image Based Cravings:
These are cravings inspired by images, I don't get many of these, but sometimes... sometimes it happens. The plots will be vague at best.
I will be very picky about any ideas listed here as well.

A Grave Mistake

“Would you look on me, human? Would you see me for what I am? If you do, you will run… my claws are not the only part of me so sharp…”

Very vague notion of either a summoned demon, or a half-human creature that has been stumbled upon. I have no preference as to playing the demon/creature/monster or playing the human who finds them.

A Trip to Remember

“My lady, don’t you dare do what I know you’re thinking!” Of course she would say that: her clockwork friend knew her quite well after-all. But how could she resist? How much fun would it be to climb up to the top of the ship? Surely no one else would dare, and she’d certainly have the view of a lifetime…

So, a vague notion again. I see the gal on the left as quite adventurous: she’s high-enough in society to have good rooms and a clockwork servant who seemed very nearly like a real person, but all she wants to do is experience adventure. She might have to dress proper, and act so at dinners, but damned if she wasn’t a tomboy at heart. Climbing up the rigging of the airship to the topmost point was just the beginning of the trouble she’d be getting herself into. My partner’s character, of course, could be anyone! I imagine I would also write for the clockwork servant, but that, too, is not set in stone. I love the possibilities of this image, and how many ways my gal could get herself into trouble, and possibly out of it, all in the name of having a good time.

The All Knowing

There were stories of one All Knowing who lived in a palace of ice who would answer a single question or provide a single solution to one who ventured to see her. That is, for a price…

In reality, she lives in an icy cavern, frozen in time until those with questions come seeking. When they leave, she is frozen once more, trapped in her fate of answering questions or providing solutions. Until, one day, she finds her own solution. She was the All Knowing, so she should be able to find a solution to her cursed existence. The price of her next answer is time: the next person to approach her would have to pay her first before revealing their question, and she wanted to be paid with an experience.

I’m imagining something of an oracle or clairvoyant, but that she has been cursed to always exist, as she only lives when fulfilling her duty, and is frozen in time otherwise. My partner’s character could be anyone who finds her cave and wakens her once more. I’m thinking she wants an adventure, to travel, before returning to her cave. Lots of room for interpretation and world-building.


This was her first time out of the palace walls, first time alone without an escort or a guard or anyone to watch her. It wasn’t as though she’d wandered all that far: there was a field out beyond the walls, and it was abloom with the colors of autumn. And it wasn’t as though she were trapped there, by any means; not really, anyway. Her mother just wanted to keep her safe, though from what she wasn’t quite sure. Nobody told her of the troubles their kingdom faced, because that shouldn’t be her problem until she was wed and came into power as Queen.

So what could it hurt, anyway, just wandering in the back field? It might be her first time sneaking out, but she’d only be gone a few minutes, then would come right back! Just a little bit of time to herself was all she wanted, after all…

I feel as though the moment in the image is when she runs into someone she doesn’t know. There are so many ways this could go that I love how open it is! I have two lines of thinking, here: The first is that her little trip out of the castle becomes very much longer than she’d ever imagined. The second is that, perhaps, she meets someone she’d like to see again, and so begins a new habit of sneaking away to meet her new friend. I’d love a partner to brainstorm the world she lives in and a character to compliment such a curious princess.


She’s like to say she had regrets for her actions, but she did not. Humanity would call her an ‘Angel’, but then, they were always rather prone to making mythical beings out of anything they did not understand. There was no ‘god’ in the way of Christianity’s Bible, she was not a divine being, and when she fell, she did not become a demon.

Falling was a choice, made by removing her own wings. Too bad she couldn’t quite reach them all the way, and there was just a bit left attached…

Clearly, not really looking for a religious-themed roleplay. Rather, I would like to world-build something where ‘angels’ are not kind, gentle, all-knowing beings and messengers of a god. I’m thinking a bit of the asshole-ish high-and-mighty nature of Supernatural’s angels combined with various mythologies and topped with wing-removal as a way of rebellion (as in  the show Lucifer).

For the Good of the Many

She was a sacrifice, adorned with flowers and dressed simply to accentuate the offering. But, she ruined it: fell from the pedestal, her knee twisting in such a way it was painful to stand, impossible to move back into proper position. And while panic welled within her, for she wanted it to be quick and painless, the one approached, finding her injured on the ground and not at all as expected…

Really wanting a story about a human sacrifice gone… different. I do not have ideas about the deity or creature she is being sacrificed to, if she is willing or forced into it, if it is her culture or another that is doing the sacrificing. There are tons of different ways it could go. I am not, though, wanting the one (for lack of a current name for the being) to kill her or devour her. If this is through intervention of another creature/being, or a decision made by the one, I am not sure. This one I want lots of room to plan and work with my writing partner to develop a story and world. My first thought is to play the sacrifice, but I could play the other being instead if my partner prefers.

The Heist - (currently in play)

All she has known is being kept: her whole life. Though, recently, she has been moved into a vault. 'Recently' is rather a relative term, though, since she has long since lost track of time. Certainly, she is fed, and mostly taken care of, but it has always been as a kept object, not a person. Until the door opened out of schedule, and someone new entered to steal her owner's wealth. Unfortunately for them: it was permanently attached to her.

I see her being the keeper of a person's wealth, quite literally. Whomever my partner is would be a thief who has no idea what they are getting themselves into. What will they do? Will she be taken by the thief?

In My Field of Paper Flowers

Her world boiled down to what she could read, and that was all. While she had everything she could need in life, was well cared for and comfortable, what she really wanted, more than anything, was to experience something. Anything. There were world far beyond her wildest dreams in the pages of her library, but reading about them would never be enough…

I see this going several ways: perhaps she escapes or is taken from wherever she is kept and whisked away on a grand adventure. Perhaps she becomes so lost in longing that she becomes trapped in her own imagination. Perhaps this is a world where magic or wondrous abilities exists, and she either enters the world of a book or pulls a character out. The possibilities are vast.

Into the Dark

The Dark Woods was forbidden, it always had been. Anyone who entered its depths disappeared without a trace, and so everyone knew that to enter was to die: the quickest way to an unknown death. But, she had nothing left to loose, didn't she? She, who was marked by death, and had been since birth? White hair and the markings of a skull on her face, the contours deepening as she grew older. Death and the Darkness had already claimed her, and now that she was alone, it seemed that it was time to meet her fate.

No, she did not wish to die, that wasn't it at all. But the woods had been calling to her as long as she could remember, and now there was no one left who cared to stop her entering...

Yet another half-formed thought. I noodled around with her being some sort of guide through the woods, but I think more of an exploration would be more interesting in this case. What, or who, does she find in the forest, and why has it been calling her?

Lady of the Hunt

Lady of the Hunt. That was what they called her, a ceremonial title that meant very little any more. In days-gone-by, the Lady had been a ruler of her people, held the power of a monarch or a high-priestess, but that was long ago. They would have liked for her not to know of that, would have liked her to play puppet to their whim, but they did not know the true power of her position. The title was just a title, and somewhat inaccurate, as it were. They called her Lady of the Hunt due to the hunting ceremony held once per year, but her true position came from the bond with the sacred hunting dogs. Sometimes, it was like they were the same beast, and other times they spoke to her, but all the Court saw her as was a figure useful in ceremony and not much else...

I think that there is some major story potential here, especially for her to either end up leaving to have an adventure, or needing to suddenly step into a role she was never really educated about, or something else entirely. I see her as having a bond to the dogs: they chose her, and they speak to her and, perhaps, show her things. Perhaps her people are thrown into war, or invaded, or something else. Maybe a political uprising is beginning, and she is a target? There are so many, many possibilities.


“You said you could keep quiet, right?” at the confirmation, she removed her cloak and the veil she’d had over her face. It was not uncommon for people to be so bundled up anymore. Not really. Not with the sickness sweeping through the cities.

It was like nothing they had ever seen before, nothing in history. It would sweep through, unnoticed at first until the very end: moments before death the black lines would appear, spreading rapidly in a distinct geometric pattern, the ends of which would break into red sores. It was theorized this was how the illness spread, but it was still spreading even with the quarantine and with no one approaching the bodies. And, well… at this point, she knew that was not how it spread.

“I’ve had the lines for weeks; I’m not contagious” she cautions quickly. The last thing she wants is for them to go running and reporting her to the hastily put-together containment squad. “I need out of the city before someone spots me. I don’t wanna get taken to some lab and incinerated or studied. I need out. Can you help me?”

My thought is that this disease/virus is spreading and killing people rather rapidly in this futuristic setting, enough so that it is setting back the population numbers in a major way. My character seems to be immune, somehow, or atleast immune to the part of the virus that kills folks. She’s looking to survive, and probably a way out of the city. My partner’s character can be anyone, and does not have to be the person she’s talking to in the snippet above.
I have a fuzzy sort of notion that perhaps, since she’s survived the part where everyone else usually dies, the virus might be changing her somehow. Details to be worked out during brainstorming with my partner.


[font=georgia=Anything, everything. Whatever was required, she would do, because it was what was needed of her and she loved them so. Everything they did to her, anything they needed: her devotion was all consuming, and the sensations brought her so high, pain was a pleasure to endure, all for the one who consumed her world.

The character is probably actually crazy: so broken and obsessed she would do anything for the one who made her this way. I feel this would be a fairly brutal story, and likely she would be made to do things to others as well as herself. Who she is devoted to I a completely open to. If it is a person or an otherworldly being, or something else, I am totally open.[/font]


She was mortally wounded, or dead. Either way, her body is void of life, and she is unable to be woken up. Perhaps she is a stranger to this land, and the man who stumbles upon her takes pity on her, for whatever reason, and performs a ritual to bring her back. She wakes nude, in a ring of stones, next to a man she does not know. Where do they go from here?

I would, in this case, play the woman. I would love to find someone to brainstorm more details into this vague thought. I think there could be a lot of world building here, as well as some interesting prospects for characters.

The Search

Every night, her dream is the same: she sits on the tall rock on the shore, sometimes the tide is up, sometimes it is out, but always she waits, staring out into the sea. She's had this dream since she moved into the old house near the ocean, and some times... sometimes she wakes to find her toes are cold and the hem of her nightgown is damp, as though she had truly been as she had dreamt.

What is she waiting for, in this dream? Or who? And why does she wake, feeling as though she had been up all night, out in the cold, with only the sea to keep her company...

This, too, is a vague notion. I would love to brainstorm more ideas for this thought.


Where was she? What was happening? All her memories were hazy and indistinct, though one thing was clear: her legs were cold and her upper-body was restrained in..something. Something that felt worryingly like a straight-jacket. And there were memories, too, distinctly vague and worrying, of a bright light and a sharp pain, and mumbling voices before the dark rushed in. Every instinct screamed at her that she had to find a way out, now. But how could she get out, when she did not even know where she was, let alone what was going on...

So, yes, horror game. I absolutely love this photo, and would love love love to write a game based on it, though I have too many ideas to focus on one. This would take a lot of discussion between a compatible partner and I to work out something truly awesome.


Once she was free, flying with her brethren in the sky, enjoying life in the only way she had known it. That is, until suddenly she just... wasn't. She had become something else, something too large to fly, and she could not understand why. Something had changed her, given her more than she had known was possible, and yet.. all she wanted was to return to the sky...

So, in this, I see a crow turned into a human, probably via some magic. Perhaps my partner's character caused it by accident or on purpose, and now they must deal with one another. Of course, the story, reasoning, and characters depend on negotiations with my partner, I would love to hear ideas on the subject.

What am I?

Discarded. That's what she was. Useless. Broken.

Newly minted, newly made, and within the first few hours of operation she'd made a mistake. She wasn't supposed to make mistakes, she was a machine, wasn't she? Or... yes? Moments of her existence were somewhat confusing, but mistakes are the mark of an organic being, not a machine. But the damage to her arm showed that she was inorganic. Her operator, displeased at her failure in performance, had gotten rid of her, sent her to be disposed.

Some part of her rebelled over that, did not think that she should, or could, be disposed of. And that was perplexing as well: as a machine, she was damaged and useless and should be disposed of, but in the moments where she was not sure that she was a machine, she feared what was to come...

So, my thought here is a slightly different take on the 'machine-gains-sentience' cliche. My thought is that she is an illegal creation, using the body of a human woman to create a mechanized servant/being. Basically, a cyborg, though the goal of her creator was to pass her off as an exceptionally lifelike android. Unfortunately, that she is an experimental cyborg means that she sometimes remembers parts of who she is, and what she is, as the programming cannot replace all of her mind and memories. She would be found, and salvaged/rescued, by someone before being incinerated.

I would prefer to play the cyborg, though if I have a partner convincing enough, I would play the salvager/rescuer instead

Alone at the Party - (Currently in Play)

“So… you’re stuck out here too, huh? At least I’m not alone”

Okay, so one line of dialog, two sentences, isn’t really an idea, though it’s a start, I think. I imagine that this gal, my character, was rejected from some sort of event. One that she was certain she’d be able to get into for whatever reason.  Perhaps my partner’s character is unable to enter as well, or perhaps she doesn’t realize that the other character is able to enter. She might not even realize that, perhaps, the other character is someone important to the event, or just in general. Her dress isn’t the fanciest, but it’s alright, and looks nice enough on her, it should have been enough to get her in, anyway.

I’m not quite sure why she’d want in, or what sort of event it is. But, I figure, my partner and I can sort it out.

I have a large file of inspirational images I would love to share some with an interested party to see if they spark an idea or two.



    •    Monday, February 23, 2015 - Added The Last Cowboy to Plot Based Cravings
    •    Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - Added an Image Based Cravings section
    •    Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - Added Resurrection and The Search to Image Based Cravings
    •    Monday, March 30, 2015 - Changed status of Naruto based game to Currently in Play
    •    Monday, March 30, 2015 - Added Shifted and The Heist to Image Based Cravings
    •    Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - Added to Character Based Cravings, updated the quick-reference basics information, and changed the status of some Plot Based Cravings
    •    Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - Added Into the Dark, Lady of the Hunt, and Shhh... to Image Based Cravings
    •    Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - Added Craving One More Try section
    •    Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - Added One and Two to Craving One More Try
    •    Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - Added What am I? to Image Based Cravings
    •    Monday, February 20, 2017 - Adjusted information in Character Based Cravings, noted willingness to start a second Naruto themed story, and removed 'Currently in Play' status from Inseparable in Plot Based Cravings
    •    Monday, February 20, 2017 - Added Alone at the Party, A Trip to Remember, and Autumn to Image Based Cravings
    •    Monday, February 20, 2017 - Added Three to Craving One More Try
    •    Thursday, April 12, 2018 - Adjusted information and general housekeeping to make sure everything is up to date
    •    Thursday, April 12, 2018 - Added Fallen, The All Knowing, For the Good of the Many, and A Grave Mistake to Image Based Cravings
    •    Friday, April 20, 2018 - More housekeeping: updated currently-in-discussion ideas, alphabetized Image Based Cravings
    •    Friday, April 20, 2018 - Added Red to Image Based Cravings
    •    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Housekeeping: fixed phrasing in several Character Based Cravings, Maid of Stone now shelved, The Last Cowboy is no longer reserved, Naruto Based Game is no longer in discussion.
    •    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Updated Character Based Cravings to include a brutal/extreme story craving, as well as a 'broken' character craving.
    •    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Added My Hero Academia or Unordinary based game to Plot Based Cravings
    •    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Added Space Opera and Alien Abduction to Setting Based Cravings
    •    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Added Requirements to Image Based Cravings, as well as replaced broken images in the same section
    •    Sunday, February 4, 2024 - Added In My Field of Paper Flowers to Image Based Cravings, as well as replaced broken images in the same section
    •    Thursday, April 18, 2024 - Housekeeping: fixed some image links (not all of them, unfortunately), removed Craving One More Try section, added link to my Specific Cravings.
    •    Thursday, April 18, 2024 - Updated Character Based Cravings to remove craving for a mute character, add craving for a blind character, add craving for body horror, and edit magic cravings.
    •    Thursday, April 18, 2024 - Added Not Quite Beyond to Plot Based Cravings