UGN: United Galactic Nations

Started by crabmouse, April 30, 2022, 07:48:53 PM

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I'm looking for 3 to 4 people who can post 2-3 times per week on average. The game will be BDSM/Slavery/NC themed. Expect the plot to start slowly and then the action will pick up. Please commit only if you think you can see the came through and can devote your time.
If you're interested you can create a character here:

The Seed of Civilizations

In the far future mankind had developed the means of intergalactic space travel and colonized space. The first humans left a shattered Earth behind, traveling through space in massive ships, using suspended animation to survive the long journey.
Civilizations sprouted throughout the Universe, each independently developing their own governments and culture as the distance between them were thousands of lifetimes. Cultures that were once similar to their Earth counterpart splintered off as their idiosyncrasies intensified and evolved at the dictates of each planet's unique ecosystem.

The great separation lasted for centuries and would have lasted longer if not for the discovery of worm hole travel. A worm hole was basically a hole in the fabric of space connection one location with one or several locations. With the proper technology a ship could pass from one location to another instantly. The only impediment being the distance between the planet and the worm hole itself.
Utilizing the worm holes meant trips that would have taken thousands of years could now be taken in months. By this time each planet had been developed and each nation had a fully developed sense of self. this resulted in new trade routes, new alliances and new rivalries.


The UGN, United Galactic Nations, was the largest interplanetary alliance and operated as one nation. Member nations acted independently but followed the universal laws of the UGN. Trade between nations was free, as well as movement between planets. Each member was required to have a planetary government, maintain a small army purely for defense - large armies were banned - secure a standard of living for each member, and to protect human rights. Each nation paid taxes to the UGN and in turn was protected by the UGN.

With the massive tax revenue UGN maintained a massive independent military to protect it's member nations called the GFP, Galactic Force for Peace.

The GFP operated outside of the UGN's control to keep their decisions outside of political realm. Instead The GFP was run by 9 governors. Five appointed by members of the GFP and four appointed by the UGN. When a member is appointed they become a governor for life unless voted off by their peers. Once a member is no longer in power they are replaced by their peers or the UGN.
The GFP prefers a defensive stance and only intervenes in another nation's affairs if needed. Whenever possible the GFP respects the laws of foreign nations. Which are classified as such:
Friendly: A nation or planet the GFP works with who is not an active member.
Neutral: A nation or planet the GFP keeps a distant relationship with but respects their sovereignty.
Rouge: A nation or planet the GFP considers a threat to UGN peace and well being. Sovereignty is respected but interventions are sometimes required, sometimes going as far as regime change.
Enemy: A nation or planet that the GFP is actively at war with.

Within the GFP is the elite special operations unit known as the Spacial Seals. Specially trained units of women devoted to special missions beyond the scope of a normal soldier. A Spacial can usually covertly enter a rouge nation without disrupting their culture to achieve the GFP's goals. This includes rescue missions, assassinations, scouting, and other important operations.

The Mission
This is where you come in. As a member of the Spacial Seals you are one of the elite warriors the GFP depends on when full scale combat isn't an option.
One of your superiors has informed you the GFP has an urgent matter and needs your help. A rouge nation has been covertly developing a horrible weapon that could devastate whole planets.
The only known agent with the knowledge of the weapon's location has been captured and sold into slavery on the desert planet of H'Jal.
H'Jal is a rouge planet where women are legally slaves and is known hub for criminals and slave traders.

Your primary mission is to recover the information from the enslaved agent and rescue her if possible.
You and your team will land just outside of one of the major trade routes. You must find the best route to find the enslaved agent. There will be multiple routes to reach the agent. You must find the best route while avoiding enslavement and managing your water supply. Once you rescue the agent or learn the location of the weapon, you are to find your way to the hidden rocket and find your way back to the ship.
Along the way you may rescue enslaved women. But be careful, each rescue will require water.