
Northern Town [L-H]
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MxAny /// Sexploits of a College Town Super

Started by sexomancy, October 15, 2023, 07:18:03 PM

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super noun 1. An article or a product of superior size, quality, or grade.
              2. A superintendent in an apartment or office building.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION; please excuse the mess!
Been on the road for a while. Why don’t you pull over at the nearest rest stop so we can stretch our legs and take it easy for a spell? I don’t put on no airs, so don’t feel pressured to read this whole request thread. If the title’s enough to grab your attention, send me a PM! Or, hell, add me on discord! My user name’s there, and I’m usually around to chat whenever. I also have an f-list if you wanna go ahead and look at that! <Snipped> By Staff.

So, important stuff first! I’m putting it in a list format so it’s easy to read for your convenience.
This thread is built on a specific setup with an open path. I’ve already put together a few scene ideas to get started. You’re encouraged to pick one that suits you! Some characters have more details than others, but I’m always open to input from partners!
- The plot is set in a modern day world with some stretched realism to service specific kinks I had in mind. The characters are all human and come from believable, every day backgrounds.
- If you think dicks over eight inches in length and tits that are bigger than a D cup are unrealistic, then this probably isn’t the role play for you. Sorry, but we all have our needs, and some of mine are size related!
- Some of the plots may include teenage characters. These plots aren’t necessary, but they are there if you’re interested.
- It’d be cool if most characters were bisexual in some fashion, so m/m and f/f scenes can be used to augment the more common m/f encounters. This one’s optional, though!
- I like threesomes of every variety! And moresomes! Group sex is fun!
- Speaking of, I do like to keep things lighthearted and fun! Coupling and romance between two parties who are intensely attracted to each other is what draws my attention, so non-con and dark themes aren’t an immediate pursuit for me.[/INDENT]

Now that’s out of the way, this is what you get from me as a role playing partner:
- Quality posts with excellent grammar delivered quickly and reliably.
- Mistakes and clumsy writing kept at a minimum.
- Regular availability. Expect, at the least, one or two posts per day. More if we’re both hooked and available for a nice back-and-forth.
- Courtesy and respect. I’ll let you know if things aren’t working out, and I won’t pester you for replies, but I might just check in after a few days or a week of absence.
- Enthusiasm!
- Characters with personality and memorable traits.
- Original art! I made the art featured on this page*, and if it’s up to task I’ll make art of your character(s) too!

*Art has yet to be implemented. 7/29/23

Onto the plot! The basic gist is this:
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22-year-old post graduate vagabond Jack Anderson has been on the road since he got his bachelor’s degree in fine arts. A scholarship paid for most of his tuition while hard, honest work paid for the rest. He picked up skills in a number of trades, like plumbing, carpentry, electrical, mechanical, and landscaping, switching jobs with the seasons and retaining most of what he learned thanks to a technically inclined mind and deft hands. The boy had no interest in living straight and settling down, though, so he bought a beat up 1990 Chevrolet G20 and fixed it up with an LS motor, rejuvenated interior, lifted suspension, and a fresh coat of paint to make the ultimate road trip van. It’s been a year since he started wandering, but now his cash is drying up, and a single tank can only get you so far. So, out of necessity, he stopped at a small Texas college town called Blueberry to see about getting a gig and finding a place to crash.

Luckily enough, Jack found a wanted ad on the bulletin board inside a local coffee shop. “WANTED: Maintenance and Grounds keeping specialist for rental housing development. Rent free apartment included with weekly salary. Inquire at the McCarthy Realty Office.”

Well, that certainly sounded like something right up his alley. Paint a few walls. Mow a few lawns. Fix a leaky sink or two. He didn’t have any references on hand to prove his worth, but he was a confident young man who knew what he could do, and what he could do counted for a lot, so he piloted the Vagabond Van down to the address, finding a small office at the back of a two story turn of the century stucco bungalow and walked right in.

From here Jack has a number of stock encounters intended for the scenario. First off is meeting the landlady, Carla McCarthy, a shrewd and promiscuous redheaded MILF who is hesitant to offer a job to a transient like Jack who lacks any certificates, yet possesses veritable swagger. So a deal is struck: if he’ll fuck her right there in the office, the job is his, but with reduced wages to compensate for the absence of professional bona fides.

Here’s a list of basic encounters:
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[INDENT]- Jack sees the landlady, Carla, about the job and the free apartment. She’ll give it to him under one condition: he fucks her right there in the office. Jack is more than enough for the MILF to handle, and while there’s no romance between them, they have a good working chemistry that is often muddled by Carla’s intent to exploit Jack’s vulnerable financial situation and his youthful lust for mature curves.
- Jack’s duties require making house calls to the various rental houses on the block surrounding Carla’s home office, most of them populated by students. Naturally, he encounters a lot of young, attractive ladies who have a thing for tough working men with strong hands and big hard cocks.
- Carla, being a single mother, has a teenage daughter that she often neglects in favor of fucking her new boyfriend. Sadie, who is a precocious brat who sticks her nose into trouble, relies on Jack to entertain her while she’s kicked out of the house anytime her mom wants to get laid, mostly because his apartment is right next door, and because she has an unrequited crush on him. Not wanting to get into any legal trouble, Jack is hesitant to be alone with the little imp, but he also has a great deal of sympathy for the kid, so he ends up inviting her into his very adult lifestyle for better or worse.
- Jack meets a cool stoner rocker chick who provides most of the residents with their weed, pills, and acid. Since he has a genuine excuse to travel from house to house, an arrangement is made to make him the local delivery guy for the narcotics trade, of which Jack gets a decent cut. They end up having a lot in common, and the buds of romance begin to bloom.
- Unable to handle everything the job requires, Jack begs Carla to hire one or two extra hands to help with the grounds keeping and more intensive repair jobs. What Jack gets is Carla’s nephew, recently 18 and not as up to the task as one would hope. Luckily the idiot is pretty good looking, and at least a little bicurious, leading to some ho-yay hanky panky between the two lunk heads.
- Sadie and her friends want to go to the beach, or the water park, or both, but it’s a two hour trip to the coast and Carla is unwilling to go through the trouble. Luckily enough, Jack has a van perfect for carrying three to five giggling hot bodied teenaged girls down to the coast to catch some sun, splash in the water, and get into a lot of trouble.[/INDENT]

That’s it for now! If you made it this far I hope you’ll reach out and tell me what you think. A PM is fine, and so is a discord message, just don’t post in this thread, please! I hope to hear from you all soon!