The Jester Box (M seeking F)

Started by JesterinTheDeck, March 28, 2023, 07:06:19 AM

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Mie name is Jester and I'm here because I'm looking for people to write with. So let's get right into it shall we? I also encourage anyone to come with ideas or their own views if ya like an idea! I don't bite...Unless ya want me to. Also I can RP on forums/Discord/DM's etc. I don't really have a preference and work with all of them. Now onto the stories!

Free Use World (Smut Version) (Can be Bimbo's)

This one is simple and more smut based for when ya just wanna write a simpler smut story. Due to a new virus being created by some mad scientist in the request of a tyrannical dictator every female above 18 got infected and their bodies alter to have a greater sex drive and the desire to please all males and females who request it. Males being prioritized  and all females and some lower beta males are required to learn about the art of pleasuring both males and females. They go to a special school for this. It's a simple idea with many paths that can be taken and many different characters/locations and such to be made. This one is highly open to discuss more so privately.

Free Use World (Story Version) (Can be Bimbos)

This one is different in that this one I like the idea of some sort of rebellion who fights back against this mindless lust. Using gadgets and other means to take on the Tyrant and his mindless toys and guards. So this one will be much more story and yes maybe some smut depending on what that future writing partner wants. In this version MC will be a monk who came back from his travels and finds his home changed by this lust. He will use Wing-Chun as a defensive way of fighting and is not looking to hurt people but will knock them out if he has to. He will be a good person who sees this as the end of the world if people don't raise against this endless lust cycle.


This one is one of my oldest done stories which I wanted to bring back for a looooong time and finally here we are. First an introduction to Pain.

Information about subject 13

Name: Unknown given name is Pain
Age: Around 21
Sex: Male
Species: Unknown/Mutant?


Pain was a kid who was dealt a dead man's hand in life. Born into a abusive family with parents who didn't care about him at all. His room was the basement where he was tied to a radiator as soon as he got home from school. He was allowed to go simply because the parents didn't want child services to take him away. Underfed and beaten Pain somehow managed to stay positive as he thought he understood this is what life was. The day he hit puberty his body started changing but more so then other children. He could heal others by transferring his own energy to them. This would leave him drained especially at first. He used this gift to help others and would sneak off to the hospital to help others. There he met a nurse by the name of Mary. The more time they spend together the more Mary figured out what his home life was like.
She called the services and soon she became his legal guardian and cared for him like her son. However unfortunately at his new school the problems began to pile on again. His best friend Marcus betrayed him and told everyone what he could do. So he was labeled a freak and got bullied by older kids.

Unfortunately one day the kids took it too far and Marcus watched as the leader of the kids who bullied him known as Jason lit a homemade Molotov and threw it on Pain. He was burned and scared on 80% of his body but somehow likely due to his powers he survived. He made it to the hospital and collapsed where he was taken care of. After months of recovery they believed Pain would never recover and he would be in that room for the rest of his life since Mary refused to give up hope. Time passed as Pain felt his strength return in spades. He felt this new power rush over him. His nerves were burned but he still felt pain.
Then he began to realize it wasn't his pain he felt. Understanding now that other people's pain old or new fueled him and gave him the abilities he used that to get revenge on Jason and the other bullies only sparing Marcus. Pain had found his true purpose. This world was broken and would no longer stand by and feel the world suffering.

Afterwards Pain got arrested after returning to his mother and telling her that he was him that destroyed the nightclub and his mother told him to repent for it. He was taken to a facility far away unknowingly by Mary to be experimented upon to see what they could learn from this thing.

I have writing all of this and more with someone from this very site looooooong ago. I am afraid I don't remember who it was but still it was one of the best stories I have ever written and I think it's about time it got a reboot. Now we will be beginning when Pain is taken to the facility but more on that a little later first abilities.

Abilities: (only able to do these when feeding on someone's pain. His own is possible while his nerves don't feel it his body does but this fuels him very little.)
Super Strength
Inhuman endurance and willpower to keep going
Energy Blasts
Wound Manipulation

Now for YC I'm super open to any suggestions but it could be for example:
A caretaker who starts to care for him more then she should.
A fellow prisoner in this facility. (may or may not have abilities)
A guard or other staff

Demons arrive in Brimstone(WIP)

This will be fantasy story and like the title says I'm still working on it. Ya may of course help out with the process if ya like.
YC or MC will be a half Demon who was made after a Demon stayed hidden in the Mortal Realm and fell in love with a mortal after the supposedly final battle against Demons from the Forbidden Realm. There was finally peace for two generations however one day the skies turned black and portals started opening again only letting weaker Demons like imps through. They started to corrupt the lands and make chaos so that power went back to The Forbidden Realm and they could muster enough power to let the portals grow bigger letting the more dangerous Demons through. Now this could be played as heroes/adventurers or perhaps ya would be more interested in being a villain who wants The Forbidden Realm to take over.

Family Comes First (WARNING INCEST)

This is pretty basic for some maybe but I've just been wanting to do an incest story. Could be any mix. Not much else to say and doesn't have to be full smut of course I do like a slow-burn or fast-burn really haha.

(Can be wallriders or have another look if preferred)

-connection established broadcasting now- A new virus has consumed the world. People and countries turned into greedy horrible people trying to keep these new flesh eating monsters at bay. Unfortunately there seemed to be a side effect to this virus. Almost all males were either turned or devoured. However the females seemed to be a target in another way. The zombies seemed to be interested in more lustful things toward the females and not (always) turning them. There are female zombies but seemingly only those that were unworthy of being used by the zombies. Once either bitten, saliva exchanged or somehow their blood got taken by an non-infected female she begins to get a craving for the zombies. Reports have shown females running out into them after long exposure. Or even letting them into a safehouse or place of protection. A cure has not been found or even worked on yet...Good luck and may. Wait no please...AAARGH. -connection failed-

Final Words

I think that's enough for now! Thanks for reading hope to hear from ya soon!
