A couple of ideas… M for F

Started by FourStellar, March 16, 2023, 01:18:53 PM

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These are a couple ideas which I would currently like to write. Please see my O/O page for information about me as a writer. I can only take on one story right now. The details of these stories are negotiable. If one of them captures your interest, don’t hesitate to hit me up in a private message for discussion. Please bring your ideas and vision for how the story should progress.

Her Deal With The Devil
Human - Contemporary - Dubcon

All the main characters are high school seniors. Your character is an ambitious and a talented singer and lyricist. Her family doesn’t have money and her social standing is low. She’s in with the band kids, however, enough to have found a keyboard player, drummer, and bassist to accompany her. None of them are popular.

She overhears the school’s star athlete and most popular guy complaining to his friends that his girlfriend (of course, the prettiest and most popular girl) won’t put out. He can’t break up with her, however, because her parents are sports management executives who can help get him a deal with a college team and launch his professional career.

Your character approaches the jock with a deal. In exchange for helping to make her and her band popular, she’ll have sex with him and keep their affair quiet. The jock delivers his end of the bargain, but at a great cost. He considers her beneath him and has no respect for her. Every encounter is traumatic. He’s rough and delights in humiliating her. He makes backing out extremely unpalatable and demands ever more degrading acts from her.

Meanwhile, the keyboard player has had a huge crush on your character since grade school. He’s kind and talented. She understands only the basics of music theory, so he writes the music to her lyrics and works tirelessly to make her a success. Because of their tight working relationship and his insight into her psyche from all the scraps of lyrics he has seen, they are very close and fall in love. She holds back, however, not wanting to enter a relationship when she’s stuck in her agreement.

The keyboard player somehow learns of her secret and is devastated. Drama ensues. I have lots of ideas but want to hear yours; they might be even better.

I plan to write both the jock and keyboard player, though I see the keyboard player as more the main character. It would be super cool if you had actual song lyrics of your own (or poetry that lent itself to being song lyrics) that you wanted to showcase through this story. Of course, that isn’t a requirement.

Extremes Of Experience
Human - Contemporary - Light or Bondage

Your character entered the porn industry at age 18. Her motivation can be anything you like. With a young-looking face, hot body, and an enthusiastic on-camera persona, her popularity rose quickly. As the years went by, she did ever more degrading scenes to make the same money as when her popularity peaked. By her mid/late twenties, there was nothing—even sexual stunts of the most extreme nature—that she hadn’t filmed time and again. The industry had chewed her up and now she was tired, unhappy, unfulfilled, and not altogether sad that it was ready to spit her out. A move, a change of appearance, abstinence from the drugs and alcohol that pervaded her day-to-day existence, soul searching, an extended period of celibacy, going no-contact with everyone she once knew, attending community college, and working a mundane but strangely rewarding job went a long way toward giving her the illusion that she might be able to blend into society and live an absolutely normal life. So far, no one had recognized her. She trusts no one with information about her past.

My character is a new hire where she works. She is supposed to train him. That is where the story begins. He is a shy guy who is saving it for marriage (or perhaps he’s had one girlfriend). He treats your character respectfully. They can be about the same age. He’s bright, and working his way through college to a master’s degree in a STEM field. He is completely smitten with her.

She knows he’s got it bad but does nothing to encourage him. He’s kind and decent looking, but she is conflicted. Mistaking his naïveté, kindness, and shyness for weak character, she doesn’t get the vibe that he would be the right kind of man for her. At the same time, maybe she doesn’t feel worthy of him.

An incident (which can be negotiated) occurs where he is able to demonstrate the qualities she’s looking for. She falls hard for him. They get together and have been blissfully happy for a short time when her past catches up to her in a humiliating way. (The manner can also be negotiated.)

He has a debilitating fit of jealousy and is unable to cope with what he learns about her. He goes through a period of obsessively watching her videography. Having grown up in a prudish and conservative home, he is shocked. Moreover, and given what he sees, he doesn’t understand why she had wanted to take things so slowly with him—it makes him feel unwanted—and he lashes out at her apparent hypocrisy.

He doesn’t understand that none of her on-screen partners were special. She only remembers a handful of their names… And with a few of them, she never even saw their faces. Despite all her experiences, she has been perfectly satisfied that he would be the last guy she would ever be with. So his attitude makes her feel more worthless than she ever had, and she is sorely disappointed in his lack of perspective.

We will figure out if and how they can resolve everything or anything. Can he get over it? Will she believe him if he does? Or, by that point, will she even care whether he does? The desire to recapture the brief glimmer of a seemingly perfect relationship drives both of them, even as they both undergo deep despair.

If these aren’t doing it for you but you think I’d make good potential co-writer, I am happy to check out your request thread. Just send me a link (via PM only).