Let Me Be Your God - DM looking for Player (M/M)

Started by Xurtan, April 29, 2024, 02:57:45 PM

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Hi there! So I had an idea for a game I thought I'd pitch. I'm happy playing the DM for it, and am happy either using a system or doing it more freeform. If we're using a system I know quite a few and am happy to learn others, so the sky is largely the limit there.
Either way it's a fairly basic idea, with lots of room for us to collaborate and build on it. The short and sweet of it is that your character is a young cleric (~16-17) who, by choice or accident or other manner of fate, ends up worshipping a forgotten (or new?) god. With you being the god's only cleric, there's a bit of a personal interest in you.

I suspect your character either is or becomes an adventurer for some reason, and as the DM I'd be happy to play NPCs, build the world, play members of a party if you'd like or anything else. That said, if you'd like more of an active hand in things I'm not opposed to that either. I'm pretty easy going, have years of roleplaying experience, fairly kinky, and basically only play top characters. Feel free to look at my post history for samples, and my O&O's are in my signature.

I tend to write third person, present tense, but am fine if you do present or past tense as long as it's third person. I like art face claims, and will undoubtedly use various art myself to set the stage and show off terrain or what your character might be seeing.
Genre wise I tend to enjoy tough decisions, shades of gray, good characters forced to do bad things, but also whimsy, wonder, high AND low fantasy... There's a lot to play with, and I have a ton of ideas. I'm looking for someone that's excited by fantasy and who wants to work with me. The plot to smut level I figure can be somewhat variable, though I'm not looking for a 'your character gets fucked by all the monsters' sort of plot (not, however, that I'm against monster fucking if one ends up your companion for some reason). So let's say 60-80% plot, 40-20% smut.

I can do forums, discord, or PMs. Beyond that if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Regardless, thanks for your interest!