Are people still watching Dr Who?

Started by Beorning, January 02, 2021, 10:11:04 PM

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I have been meaning to catch up, and I will watch the remaining Jodie Whitaker episodes, but... the problem I had with her was that she never "earned" the title of "The Doctor" for me. I can point to the moment each Doctor earned the title, and then when I rewatch the episodes, they're "The Doctor" the whole time. For example, "Everybody lives Rose, just this once, everybody lives!" was the moment 9 became the Doctor for me. 10 took even less time with "it's a fightin' hand!" and 11 with "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically... run." 12 took a while but: "I name you... the boneless!"

Each one of those moments cemented each Doctor as "The Doctor". I love Jodie Whitaker; she was fantastic in Broadchurch. And she always seemed to be right on the edge of earning the title, but her speeches were just a little too short, or not quite emotional enough, and her moment just didn't come for me, and I had many other shows, and of course, I had companion letdown after Clara left (she helped me get through my post Rory and Amy doldrums), and I just drifted away after a while. I still only missed the most recent season... and I still plan to watch them.

I had some problems with the most recent episode. The level of technobabble was too high (and too low-quality; at least go for decent technobabble if you're going to go for that density), the "twist" in the middle was given away by the title of the episode. A couple of other complaints. But... all in all... well, I'll watch the next one, I'm sure. (Plus, I liked FINALLY hearing the middle 8 in the end credits. Murray Gold seemed to have a vendetta against the middle 8, because he NEVER, EVER included them if he could avoid it. I love the middle 8.)


It's really a shame that Jodie's Doctor was handled so badly by everyone responsible for the show during her run. Jodie did a great job, but what she was given to work with was just terrible by and large. And it's true, she never did get a moment where she became the Doctor. 

I finished up the three specials with Tennant and I thought they were pretty good overall. Loved seeing the dance sequence with NPH. Even though overall he doesn't really do much damage, it's still oddly menacing and yet hilarious at the same time. 

I very very much liked the fact that we got to see a new incarnation of a Doctor for a good solid 10-15 minutes after the regeneration. That and the fact his first official episode/special is only about 10 ish days off now too. 

The Meep was great. Loved that turn around and how it looked afterwards. And the ship on the edge of space was wonderfully disturbing as well. Always like episodes and movies and what not with very odd stuff happening like that. 

My only real complaint is they brought Wilf back, only had him there for a moment, and then he just vanished. Wasn't even there at the end with everyone else. I get the actor is quite old, but come on. 

12 definitely took a bit longer than most to really come into his own. I remember being so excited when they finally decided to have the Tardis spit out his own unique sonic screwdriver as well. That was, for me, when he came into his own really. He had the finger snapping, he had the clothes all worked out, he was on his own again, he had the personal sonic and so on. 


I keep meaning to circle back and getting lost somewhere mid-Capaldi. Stuff comes up, I determine I'd rather do other stuff / watch other stuff / focus on not the tv watching and then I do the goldfish bowl routine where I start at 9 and make it halfway through Capaldi and there I go again.