Sci-Fi, Space Truckers (M for F)

Started by White Wolf, April 10, 2018, 09:24:42 PM

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White Wolf


I'm looking for a partner interested in designing and exploring a sci-fi world with me.

My generic idea as it stands right now is that it's a world sort of similar to that of Alien or Elite: Dangerous, a universe ruled by corporate greed where star pilots ply the freight lanes between space stations and colonies for whatever pittance they can carve out of work, legitimate or otherwise, and Earth itself is a distant memory. It would have a sort of Firefly, Star Trek: Enterprise and first act of Alien feel to it, spacers living on their ship desperately looking for whatever work can keep them in bread and board long enough to find the next job.

Whatever shape the plot takes is entirely up for negotiation. Our ship could be a large family vessel with 20 or so crew, desperately trying to keep their noses clean and play by the rules to provide a living to everyone on board; it could be a small job for a handful of people sick and tired of being screwed and now turning to the black market to make their fortunes. Or it can be a smuggler or pirate vessel, preying on the weak to make their own way through the black. I'm happy and excited to discuss any number of ideas so if this thread triggers some inspiration, feel free to pitch it to me!

As for sex/romance/what have you, I'm cool with absolutely anything, or nothing at all, provided it fits in with the plot and works well for our characters. I'm not opposed either to the idea of aliens being involved on any level, though for now my idea is mainly focused on what human society and culture looks like at this point in history.

Anybody who's interested, please don't hesitate to get in touch by PM!
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