Interest check [Pathfinder] Two Ideas of which only 1 will be played CLOSED

Started by Petrus02, March 12, 2017, 03:02:11 PM

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So i decided to try my hand at moderating a Pathfinder game. In theory this shouldn't be too much of a problem for me, as i've done so in real life before, i'm just not too sure how to handle the tactical maneuvering without a map. Please note that i will be presenting 2 ideas of mine, but both are not fully formed yet, but i will only play one right now, as I don't feel comftable with more then one place to moderate just yet.The one with less interest may resurface later again, but yeah... for now it'll be only one. Anyway,  feel free to give me your opinion on things, ask questions, suggest improvements or just tell men your interest in one or both ideas. Please DO NOT submit characters yet, i will open a second thread in time (most likely in roughly a week from now) for that. Before the actual ideas, a few words on other things:

Posting Frequency: I aim for 1-2 Posts per week. While this may seem rather slow to some, i like the additional time to play possible scenarios in my head, and formulate the answering post without haveing to feel pressured to post something. Note that this may be faster for the first few weeks due to excitement, but ultimately 1-2 posts per week is my goal.
Please note too that this frequency is MY posting frequency. Players are free to entertain themselves by interacting with one another as much as they want, wherever possible without my intervention. Please use common sense here, I don't want to write a post for every Beer brought in a tavern, but if the King is asked an important Question it might be a good idea to wait for his response :-)

Writer's and character's Gender: I have no problems with Lords writing as Females, or Ladies writing as males, I also have no problems with Transgendered or genderswapped characters (although they won't be the forcus of the story), characters stuck in the wrong body, and such, but i do have a problem with futanaris, hermaphrodites and genderless characters.

Option A: Fiery Wings, or: Heaven wants me to fuck all the girls?! (Harem Fantasy)

Quote from: The story in a nutshello
Once upon a time there was a young man in a quiet, secluded village dreaming about adventure, fame, riches, and... whatever else might swirl arround in a young man's head. When one day a heavily wounded girl, chased by a group of goblins arrives in his village, he immideately rushes over to help her. Who is she? And, more importantly: Who is the naked beauty with the fiery wings, who rescued them both, telling him "Heaven wants you to spread your seed as far as you can."?!

Playable races:
Boy: Human, Half-Elf, Elf or one of the elemental races
Girls: All Core races, minus the Halfling, the gnome, and the dwarf, as i feel such are just excuses to play a child character (and in case of dwarf i have an irrational hate of dwarves). The elemental races, asimaar, tiefling, drow and the Gillmen are fine too.

Character creation stuff: 10 pt buy for the  male, 20 pt buy for the females
Characters start out as level 3, a broken weapon of their choice, a backpack with 3 day's worth of rations, a spare set of clothing, and a broken armor (if any) from the following selection: Padded Armor, Hide Armor, or Splintmail
Meelee characters get either power attack or combat expertise for free, as long as they fullfill the requirements, ranged characters get deadly aim, magical characters can chose between spell speciallisation or spell focus.
Its sort of a no-brainer, but... no normal summoner. That thing is Overpowered. Go unchained of you want to play a summoner.
I will not outright ban it, but i am unfamiliar with the psychic nonsense.

A Few notes on this one, Houserules explained/added: The male character (there will only be one) starts out weaker, and should have to rely on his companion(s) at the start, but will grow stronger stat-wise than his companions eventually, when the story survives long enough^^.
As for Powerattack/Combat expertise etc: i really feel these should be mechanics than feats, they are just this basic, but alas they ARE feats, so i give them for free, and compensate magical characters with a free "Basic" feat too. Blended martial/magical classes like Bard or magus can choose which benefit to get.
I will be experimenting with the wealth by level a bit, giving much less free wealth out, you can expect to be a few "levels" behind on the wealth chart, Crafting feats will be unavailable, "rare" materials such as mithril or adamant will be really rare indeed, magical weapons /items will be much harder to get etc. Of course i know that this will reduce overall average party level, rest assured.
Plot:smut ratio would be something like 6parts plot 4 parts smut, maybe 50:50
For this one i would be looking for Someone to play the male character, 2 or maybe 3 to play his traveling companions, and there will be always an open spot or two for someone to play one or more NPC's and maybe some of the enemies, although both of those will not be there right from the start.

Option B: An youtubers's life (SAO/ Log Horizon style game with a twist)

Quote from:  The story in a nutshell
Slay Orcs, Goblins, Demons, and maybe even the occasional Dragon! Rescue fair elven maidens from certain death or a fate far worse! Come to the aid of Elbiana!

After centuries of isolation, the Kingdom of Elbiana finally openes its gates, welcoming all other races into its Land. But the celebrations are rather short, as it soon becomes very clear, that this is not an act of generosity, or to create new ties to the outside, but rather a desperate attempt at survival! The Orcs of the northern wastes, sword enemies of Elbiana somehow obtained the means to summon Demons. And as mighty as the ancient empire of Elbiana might be, It could not defend itself against the green tide from the outside, and plundering Demons within its realm.  Are you one of the many adventurerers coming to the secluded Land known as Elbiana in the hopes of glory, riches, and maybe more?

... At least thats whats written on the cover of your newest massmultiplayer online role playing game. Well... maybe cut the "mass" part. You and a few other youtubers made a deal with the gaming company to get a private server. You - and 50 other volunteers - will be playing for a whole month nonstop, and your play will be streamed live nonstop too! Although its a private server, a bunch of things will bedecided by a public vote of those who watch the live stream.

Playable races:
All Core races, minus the Halfling, the gnome, and the dwarf, as i feel such are just excuses to play a child character (and in case of dwarf i have an irrational hate of dwarves).
All Features races minus Orc, goblin, Kobold, Hobgoblin, ratfolk and tengu.
All Uncommon races minus duerga, svifnerblin, wayang, grippli, and Vanara.
I might be convinced to allow other races, but nothing of the advanced or monstrous races.

Character creation stuff: Starting at level 1 with average wealth for the class, toughness as a free feat since i dislike PC's dying at level 1 due to untimely crit...
Its sort of a no-brainer, but... no normal summoner. That thing is Overpowered. Go unchained of you want to play a summoner.


Interested in this. Slightly more in the first idea but both are juicy.


Interested, slightly more in the first idea simply because I dislike starting in level 1 with so many games falling so quickly but both ideas are appealing to me ;)


I would like to express my interest in playing as the pathetic male in the first game.

I would want to play a human cleric or bard.
Always seeking 5E games.

Zaer Darkwail

Voice interest to play pathetic male for first story (and have interest for it). If second story comes to pass, then would play as unchained summoner.
