Hogwarts A Future

Started by Kendra, January 03, 2012, 12:47:23 PM

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Quote from: Haibane on January 10, 2012, 07:39:17 AM
Minty will look after her *cuddles*

Yaay! ~cuddles~ I am glad Mina has people to look out for her. Without it she'd probably get into all sorts of interesting predicaments. lolz


So looking at Diagon Alley and the related pages two questions come to mind.

1) Why doesn't QQS sell Snitches?
2) If Ollivander isn't even the outright best in Europe, who's the best in the world? (this one is mostly rhetorical)


Quote from: Eden on January 10, 2012, 07:50:45 AM
You're welcome ^_^

(such a tease with those points!)

I know!  ;D
Totally lapping those up - just wait till the game begins and the professors start  XD

have altered the pricing and the broom series
never put in a firebolt >.<
must go and sort that out too  ::)

Quote from: CurvyKitten on January 10, 2012, 07:58:58 AM
Yaay! ~cuddles~ I am glad Mina has people to look out for her. Without it she'd probably get into all sorts of interesting predicaments. lolz
oh I'm sure the interesting people she meets will still get her into those ;)

Quote from: SomeGuy on January 10, 2012, 08:02:23 AM
So looking at Diagon Alley and the related pages two questions come to mind.

1) Why doesn't QQS sell Snitches?
2) If Ollivander isn't even the outright best in Europe, who's the best in the world? (this one is mostly rhetorical)

*kicks in shins and blows hair out of face* right ...

1) have not been happy with any images as yet that I've come across so still sourcing but they will
... the thing with snitches however is that once caught they are rendered virtually useless, they have flesh memories or something
so must be handled at all times with gloves until an actual game - the first person to touch the snitch is deemed the winner. They have flesh memories in case of disputes as to who the winner is, many a man and woman has been killed over the years during these disputes.

2) Ollivander is supposed be the best in the world - though I'm sure other wand makers would dispute this. There was Harry Gregorovitch who produced wands in mainland Europe - those attending Durmstrang would have his wands. There are other stores in England too but for the game we are just keeping it at Ollivanders.


Quote from: Kendra on January 10, 2012, 08:11:19 AM

oh I'm sure the interesting people she meets will still get her into those ;)

Oh my should I be scared...or excited. hehe  :P


Ollivander does what no other wand-maker does, and pre-makes wands with materials that compliment each other. Other wand makers make the buyer bring in their own cores and woods that have special meaning to them - such as Fleur's has her grandmother's hair as its core. No one else does as Ollivander does, so saying he's the best isn't exactly right as there's no one to truly compare him with. 


My understanding is though that his process of making them produces the best or most powerful wands. Both Voldemort's and Harry's wands were Ollivander products.

And... erm... shouldn't we be talking in the OOC?


Right ho, seek a response there ^_^


Are we allowed to floo to Diagon Alley?

Also, does anyone know of more than one floo point there? Would be a bit annoying to all end up in the same spot ^^;


Quote from: Saerra on January 10, 2012, 08:11:09 PM
Are we allowed to floo to Diagon Alley?

Also, does anyone know of more than one floo point there? Would be a bit annoying to all end up in the same spot ^^;

Yep, I am not sure if the only entrance point will be the Leaky Cauldron but you may Floo in (and not be spefic, if you wish).


Quote from: Aiden on January 10, 2012, 08:13:20 PM
Yep, I am not sure if the only entrance point will be the Leaky Cauldron but you may Floo in (and not be spefic, if you wish).

I know in the books, the only ones they mentions are Leaky Cauldron and Borgins & Burkes.


Oh, of course, The Leaky Cauldron *facepalms*
Thank you, Michi. I'm afraid the floo point of Borgins & Burkes was the more known, here. (it left an impression)

Thank you, both ♥


I fell pretty stupid for asking this, but am I too late to join?


The game is starting soon, but you still have a chance to join.

Once the game reaches a certain point we might be closing off recruitment to certain years.


Don't feel stupid, Blakel. It's pretty intimidating to get through all this. Hope you join us!


Quote from: Aiden on January 10, 2012, 08:13:20 PM
Yep, I am not sure if the only entrance point will be the Leaky Cauldron but you may Floo in (and not be spefic, if you wish).

Although it's not mentioned, I think it would be okay to say that most establishments would have a floo point.  For anyone who just wants to go to that shop, and back.  I don't know, but really, for convenience sake, It's probably alright to allow them to floo into anywhere.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


The person who post can overlook their entry point, I don't know if EVERY shop would have one, it would be easy to steal from places if that was the case.


Quote from: Aiden on January 10, 2012, 09:15:09 PM
The person who post can overlook their entry point, I don't know if EVERY shop would have one, it would be easy to steal from places if that was the case.

It's no problem, being undescriptive with entry points works perfect.  As for the stealing bit, well they are Wizards, I'm sure some places have anti-theft spells, or whatever.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Very True, there will be multiple threads when we start so people can arrive however they wish.


Perhaps if we allow that the entry points via the floo network are to be found in The Leaky Cauldron and the tea shops along Diagon Alley. Public enough places that would have fire places in them and would benefit from passing trade. We can establish that one of these tea shops (it is England so there wouldn't be a coffee house) is at the opposite end of the street to The Leaky and the other mid-way.

I'd imagine quite a few would venture through port-key depending on the distance, others would use side-along apparation or apparation and others again would probably use a disillussionment charm to cloak themselves as they flew there on their brooms. There is also the walking there option for those that may live in London, boring but effective.  ;D


No coffee??!! BOO ENGLAND!  ;D

*CACKLES and flees!*


*cracks up laughing* there would be coffee but not a coffee house itself down Diagon Alley - think Olde England with its cobbled streets and quaint tea shops and dirty taverns  ;D



*chuckles* yeah I feel the same way about now.

Will probably post these somewhere where we can get to them easily - the same with the signature banners, shoved them on to the ooc thread but figured they'd be handy to put here too. The OOC moves swiftly.


https://elliquiy.com/elluiki/images/0/04/Hogwarts.jpg  https://elliquiy.com/elluiki/images/9/98/Gryffindor.jpg  https://elliquiy.com/elluiki/images/e/e4/Hufflepuff.jpg


https://elliquiy.com/elluiki/images/5/55/Ravenclaw.jpg  https://elliquiy.com/elluiki/images/6/6e/Slytherin.jpg


Quote from: Aiden on January 10, 2012, 09:15:09 PM
The person who post can overlook their entry point, I don't know if EVERY shop would have one, it would be easy to steal from places if that was the case.
Who knows? The use of a floo entry point might magically register who used it. Borgin & Burkes could soon be stripped of its entire stock with all those nasty dark wizard customers who can just floo in during the night, help themselves and floo out again.

[/plot hole]

Alternatively a floo point could have a magical lock, so old Tom at the Cauldron possibly closes his floo off when he locks up for the night and opens it in the morning. This still doesn't explain how Harry and Ron got into B&Bs though :(

Quote from: Kendra on January 11, 2012, 02:07:21 AM
(it is England so there wouldn't be a coffee house)
LOL, ever heard of Mr Lloyds coffee house? First coffee house in Europe 1688. Still there today as Lloyds of London.

Coffee has always been drunk in England, though at times tea took precedence among certain classes.

Depends if the wizard world is like the muggle one in that respect. I do though agree with you, Kendra, that the wizard world of JKR does somehow seem to be more the place where they drink tea rather than coffee. It just has that extra edge of Englishness about it. I can quite imagine McGonagall sitting in her office sipping tea, but not coffee, for example.

Wasn't there an ice cream parlour in DA in the first book? They might have a floo connection.


Umm, the ice shop was call Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. I remember Harry getting free ice while he was there in one of the books. I looked at a few sources online, and it appears as though the store closed when Florean disappeared.