A Plethora of Characters and Ideas Demanding Flesh

Started by boyhearthou, October 06, 2018, 01:08:39 PM

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Heart here! I'm finally starting to post stuff. Isn't that something?

I'm here looking specifically for OC/OC interactions, which range between M/M roleplay all the way down the list. I'm mostly character based, so I'm going to briefly give a run down about my characters with a few ideas for plot and who I'm looking for, and if they appeal to you I'd love a PM and maybe we exchange Discords for something a little more streamlined.

Lizard Man
Trans man. Half-hermit. Bi. Living his best life as a field biologist. He just, you know, coincidentally has scale-centric powers. I'd love for someone to pull this guy out of sort-of hiding for a roleplay surrounding mystery and discovering why people have powers. Your character can know him, or just having met him. May include a hidden world. May also include road trip shenanigans.

Baseball Vigilante
Cis. Vigilante by choice. Gay. Not saving people but more or less kicking ass out of revenge. A very gritty, violent roleplay in store, involving a musician that is just trying to find out who put his dad in a chair before he ended up in a grave. Roleplay should be in an urban setting, and involve gang violence as well as general violence. A lot of complex themes in this one.

Sun God
Immortal space being that swallowed the sun. Non-binary. He's an alien. God. Thing. Please. He/him for simplicity. Not our sun, a sun. He's back after some 300 years in a weird cocoon out in the vacuum of space. Ascended to godhood. Sort of like a bitchy, mouthy Icarus that succeeded in the end. I really just want to flesh him out more.

The Pumpkin Farmer.
Trans man. Another humbled figure haunted by a dark past. Roleplay could go modern day or Fantasy AU, depending on who you have. He just grows pumpkins! Maybe he killed a man. Maybe he killed 20. I'd also love a Dragon Age themed roleplay for him possibly as well.

And speaking of Dragon Age. Just, any Dragon Age OCs man. PM me for that hot nonsense.

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