Canon in Red: Feminine Fantasy & Comic Book Characters Open to All!

Started by RedPhoenix, December 14, 2023, 08:47:30 AM

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This is my post of canon characters I'm interested in playing!

I'm open to all sorts of matchups and identities. I've tried to be vague about who their partners might be in terms of pronouns and such, and any lean one way or another you might read in my words is unintentional for the most part. I'm also for the most part perfectly fine with overlapping canons - i.e. pairing a DC character with a Marvel one, as long as there's an explanation for it. And as you'll see many of these choices are altered from canon to some degree, and I have no issue with you doing so as well with your character if it leads to a fun story.

I'm up for talking anything from a one shot scene to a more sweeping epic, give or take depending on the character. However I will warn you that I do like plotting quite a bit and my favorite style is to tennis-ball ideas back and forth until we land on something that sounds fun for both of us. My first question for you is probably going to be to ask what sort of plots and setups jumped into your head for the character you want to write opposite of (including of course who you want to play as), so if you're not into plotting before the writing begins we may not be a great matchup! You can read about all the other things wrong with me in my Ons/Offs page.

Table of Contents

Atom Eve (Image Comics)
Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe / Marvel Comics)
Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)
Dawnstar (DC Comics)
Dragon Queen (DC Extended Universe)
Faith Lehane (Buffyverse)
Gamora (Marvel Comics)
Goldberry (Lord of the Rings)
Hellgirl (Dark Horse Comics)
Jocasta (Marvel Comics)
Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3)
Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate 3)
Liliana Vess (Magic: the Gathering)
Loki (Marvel Comics / Norse Mythology)
Miss Sinister (Marvel Comics)
Red Sonja (Dynamite Comics)
Shanna (Marvel Comics)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Shiklah (Marvel Comics)
Shvaughn Erin (DC Comics)
Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
Spiral (Marvel Comics)
Storm (Marvel Comics)
Supergirl (DC Comics)
Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
Xavin (Marvel Comics)
Zatanna (DC Comics)

Image Comics

I'm such a sucker for superpowered teen drama. Atom Eve was created in a lab to be the ultimate superhero, but kidnapped by her own parents and swapped into a normal family to hide her from the government. Dealing with her secret identity, her ill will towards authority for what the government tried to do to her, balanced against her desire to help others and fit in, on top of all the typical drama of a high school senior make Samantha Wilkins a character with lots of great potential!

I love the dynamic of her and Mark, but I sort of feel like that's the end of the story and dancing around them getting together as they go through other partners in the meantime is more fun, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise!

And yes, she's canonically 18 even in the first season of Invincible so the art is fine for E!

Current Interest: Mixed. Still a little hesitant with my knowledge of the lore of the universe (I've only seen the first season of Invincible and read a few of the comics which uh, yeah I prefer the show by a lot), but willing to give it a shot with a partner for whom that isn't a high priority.

Marvel Cinematic Universe / Marvel Comics

In case the image didn't make it obvious, yes this is a gender-swap. To be specific, a gender-swap that occurs as a part the character's modified backstory. Everything up to that is canon Steve Rogers from either the comics or movies. I really love this setup because it lets us play with those 1930s social values regarding gender and anything that blurs it, and keeps the real heroism of the character intact. If that isn't your sort of thing, then, well, this isn't your match!

When the swap happens can greatly effect the story. It could be an unforeseen side effect of the super soldier serum, a result of Nazi sabotage, a perfectly expected but secret effect added for certain mysterious reasons. Or it could have occurred after Steve gets captured by Hydra, or him agreeing to drink some brew that's supposed to neutralize his powers to free Bucky, etc. Or it could happen after waking up from the ice in the modern world - say he requires a life-saving dose from a scientist that is again either surprised by the result, expects the result but acts surprised, or gets sabotaged, or an effect of the compound decaying over the last near-century. Dealing with the consequences of a 1930s socialization and value set carrying the weight of being a symbol of American masculinity in World War II finding himself a woman in the 2020s and still expected to symbolize the nation could be, well, amazing if done right.

The experience isn't going to break who Captain America is in their soul, even if it might cause them to falter especially if pushed that way. But in the end Steve, even if she is happily Stacey now, has been through worse and isn't going to let a little thing like this take them out for long. America doesn't quit after all, even if it does need to redefine and better understand itself, and this is still a hero's tale at the end of the day (although we can certainly extensively tease it going otherwise along the way!).

If you're up for the challenge let me know. I only ever wrote one vaguely similar story that didn't get far, Changing America an MCU-verse story in which an in-hiding Steve accepts a Wakandan transformation to join the Dora Milaje so that he doesn't go stir-crazy hiding out in Africa.

Current Interest: Higher. These sorts of political and gender shenanigans mixed with a superhero backdrop will pretty much always appeal to me.

Marvel Comics

Folks want to blame someone for gals like us. “Her daddy was unkind” or “some fella broke her heart." Hogwash. You and me’ve always been like this. Always a little removed. Alway dreaming. Of higher, further, faster - more. Always more. We came into this world spittin’ mad, runnin’ full bore . . . the Lord put us here to punch holes in the sky. And when the soul is born with that kind of purpose it’ll damn sure find a way. We’re gonna get where we’re going, you and me. Death and indignity be damned, we’ll get there. And we will be the stars we were always meant to be. - Captain Marvel, Vol. 1 -

I maintain that In Pursuit of Flight is one of the best stories that Marvel has ever told, and one of the absolutely coolest ways a hero has ever been shown to be deserving of her power. That's the Carol Danvers I would like to write as - an amazingly skilled pilot and fearless astronaut who is the sort of heroic trailblazer everyone looks up to.

Of course it can be a bit lonely all the way up there, but those who are willing to see past all the accolades and serious focus on the mission at hand and long-term goals might be lucky enough to meet a woman who can be surprisingly down to earth in those rare moments she lets her hair down. Her actual canon is a mess so simplifying it is usually necessary if you want to work with some element of her history.

Carol might be a good pairing with someone who is going to spend so much with her on a mission that eventually the two find common ground. Or a "stuck together" situation where she ends up trapped due to some sort of cosmic shenanigans with the last person she'd want to be stuck with (grounded on a far away planet and forced to work together to survive and escape, for instance) in a situation that inevitable leads to a sort of closeness that both will deny later.

Current Interest: Lower. Having just started a story where I'm writing opposite her, trying to write as her at the same time might be a recipe for writer's block.

DC Comics

I confess I am more interested in the idea and concept of this character than I am in any of their actual appearances as my canon knowledge is quite limited. Dawnstar, for those who don't know (which I assume is just about everyone) was a character who was from a people based off the Ancestral Puebloans whose disappearance is explained by them going off into space and forming an advanced civilization in a galaxy far away (you know, as you do). Dawnstar's wings let her fly through space at interstellar speeds and she has an uncanny ability to track people across galaxies.

I'm most interested in writing her in a modern age or historical setting rather than the far future of her comic canon, perhaps imagining what a Rebirth era Dawnstar might have looked like? A sort of unexpected first-contact with an earth based astronaut or hero who being surprised when a gorgeous Native American space angel shows up outside their cockpit could be a fun pairing to start with!

I picture her as good-natured and heroic with a strong moral compass and a relaxed approach to fun and games, who is just as intrigued to learn about what is going on back on earth as your character might be to learn about her. I have no samples, as this is a new character I've never tried to write as before!

Current Interest: Lower. I'm a little hesitant about a character I'd rather reinvent than base on actual canon, but I'm open to the right idea!

DC Extended Universe

Cindy Burman is the daughter of an extremely evil (like, war crimes evil) doctor who experimented on her as she grew up, implanting blades in her forearms, giving her a super-physique and healing skills, and giving her the start of what would cause her skin to mutate into scales and other reptilian qualities.

Cindy at first came across as your typical mean girl in the Stargirl series but ended up being one of the most interesting characters due to how many layers of herself she kept hidden from both public and private eyes. She's an expert chemist, tough as nails, brave in the right situations, and has this fierce independence as a result of being treated like an experiment by her own father most of her life. She sounds fun, right? :D

Almost any character from the show could be a fun matchup, although some would need to be set in the near future to ensure they are of age. I'd love especially to do something with the haters turned to lovers versions of Cindy and Yolanda or Courtney. But I'd be open if you have a fun pitch for someone else!

No writing samples, I've never written as her! And while she was written as a teenager in the show the actress who played her was well into her 20s, and obviously any version of her I write will be at least 18. The picture I've attached is from one of the season 3 episodes after she's left high school, so while her age is never stated I think it's safe to assume she's over 18 in character too (the Stargirl wiki says she's 26, which I think is wrong, but if anyone knows for sure please let me know!)

Current Interest: Higher. I might just be riding the high of finishing a TV series I was pleasantly surprised by! But I do love writing the complicated mean girl cheerleader whose icy sadism is a mask for how she processes all the stuff she's been through.


"You hurt me, I hurt you. I'm just a little more efficient."

Ah Faith. The bad slayer. The misunderstood slayer. The slayer from the wrong side of Jersey who shouldn't even be. My feelings about Buffy as a whole are a bit mixed, to put it mildly, but it was a show I loved when I was a kid and this character in particular always called to me.

I particularly love the pairing of her and Buffy, a character who I think is more often written well in fanfiction and roleplays than she was in the show. In fact in general I have often found that what people imagine the show to be is a lot better than it actually was, and characters like Faith are a great means of expressing that. There are probably other characters from similar urban fantasy or modern fiction type settings that she would pair well with too! You know the sparks would fly if she met Harry Dresden, for example.

I am vaguely aware she got a continued arc in the comics, but my canon knowledge of her only goes through the Buffy and Angel series. My forays into attempting to write Faith before have all been so brief I don't really have any good samples unfortunately.

Current Interest: Lower. General interest in Buffy style shenanigans is sort of ebbing at the moment, but I'm open to it with the right partner!

Marvel Comics

The Deadliest Woman in the Universe. Adopted daughter of Thanos. Godslayer. One of my favorite characters. If you're up for the challenge of one of the most badass, skilled, brave, relentless women who has ever lived on any world, there's nobody better!

Given the scope of cosmic marvel and the range of her character, we could write almost any sort of story starring her. If we give her the power cosmic or the Godslayer sword she can go toe to toe with pretty much anything in the marvel 'verse. If we want to strand her on an unknown planet we can basically write a low fantasy epic in her quest to find a way off. Or we can set it in Knowhere between missions and have her blow off steam with the first lucky space traveler who catches her eye. Pair her with any group of the Guardians or any other hero and a buddy space-cops-with-benefits story writes itself. I'm happy to entertain all sorts of notions for Gamora, so bounce all the ideas you like off of me if any are coming at you!

I've written Gamora here before but in scattered group scenes, none of which make for good sample reading, but if you're willing to give it a shot and don't mind my writing from a very long time ago, you can start around here and within a few posts you'll see the starts of a scene between her and Blue Marvel, as well as a scene of her and Red She Hulk taking on some badoon. 

Current Interest: Higher. I haven't written her in awhile and I miss cosmic Marvel nonsense!

Lord of the Rings

There are many well known, respected, widely understood characters in the Lord of Rings. So for this list I naturally picked the girlfriend of the character that always gets cut from everything.

Goldberry is Tom Bomadil's partner, and a playful river maiden. When they first met she tried to tug Tom down under the water-lilies by his beard for "mischief" (yes that's canon) but he commanded her to cut that out. Naturally they've loved each other ever since.

Like Tom, Goldberry is immortal, largely benevolent, and rather detached from the frantic concerns of mortal life. She is described as elf-like in her beauty, but more down to earth in her demeanor and presence. Tolkien took the inspiration for her and Tom from the tradition of a masculine earth spirit and a feminine water spirit, so those are elements we can play with as well. How cosmically significant she is on the scale of 'local spirit' to 'primal goddess' is also up for interpretation and something we can plot around with.

And while Tom is a great match for her, it's not exactly like primal divinities have much need to care about monogamy so feel free to suggest whatever partner feels right to you!

Current Interest: Higher. If there's another Tolkien nerd out there who wants to write about singing merry songs while getting up to wholesome divine mischief and fun I would love to experience it with you!

Dark Horse Comics

"Don't mess with me lady, I've been drinking with skeletons!!"

A more traditional genderswap in that this is taking the character and changing their gender from the get-go as opposed to it happening as part of the story. In this world, rather than a Prince of Hell the BPRD ends up responsible for a devil destined to be a devilish princess. She's just as violent as her male counterpart, but far more sexual in her immature lashing out and what she gets up to when she goes AWOL.

Hellboy is one of my favorite comics, and I don't expect anyone to live up to the standard of those books, but I would love to see the folklore backdrop against modern or Cold War politics and a brashly independent protagonist. Who you would play in this sort of setting, I admit is a bit of a question. Hellgirl probably works, like Hellboy, best as a protagonist who meets many interesting folks on her adventures. But if you've got a better notion hit me with it!

Current Interest: Mixed. the specific mix of fun interludes against the backdrop of long term plots is a pretty big ask, but I'd love if you're up for it!

Marvel Comics

Jocasta is a robot that Ultron built to be his bride, and his plan was to copy the brainwaves of the Wasp into her to both steal his hated rival's wife and make his own from her. The experiment was interrupted of course, but Jocasta was left with human thought patterns and a robot body. The contrasting nature of these things gave rise to some amazing characterization for a part-time Avenger back in the day.

Jocasta skips right past the whole 'beep boop what are feelings' trope. She has all the feels. She just doesn't know how to deal with them. The constant theme of being treated like an appliance or a machine and hating it, despite that being what she is, is sort of the core inner drama of the character and I love having the chance to play that out. Her thoughts and needs are too human to relate to robots. Her body and programming to artificial to find a human connection. It's a very fun character to play as, I wish I got more chances to.

There are all sorts of fun plot hooks for Jocasta. A more philosophical game with a character who understands artificial intelligence and who sees Jocasta's unique functioning as a challenge. Perhaps Jocasta is assigned to watch over a captured villain who is able to exploit her loneliness and uncertainty to convince her to leave the Avenger's mansion with them and go on a fun adventure. Or perhaps herself and the ideal sort of hero for this story are the only ones available to handle a complex problem that will take quite some time and perhaps involve leaving earth as we know it.

One particular pairing I would love would be Janet herself. A woman and the robot who was literally built to replace her, who shares her thought patterns, that has a lot of potential for fireworks. Or a partner who has feelings for Janet, so can't help having similar ones for Jocasta, with a healthy done of uncanny valley style disquiet tossed in perhaps. I'm also entirely happy to write her in a non-adult setting.

I had the joy of writing Jocasta in an excellent group game. It was awhile ago and I think my writing is better now, but here's a very good example of the sort of interactions I liked writing with her.

Current Interest: Higher. She's a challenge to write well and fun at the same time. I understand not everyone is up for that or not here on E for that reason, but I'd love a chance to show what she can do!

Baldur's Gate 3

"Stick close to Mama K!"

Hey soldier! To deviate a bit from her canon, I'm not looking to play out anything terribly depressing or tragic here. I'd much rather write a story about a rambunctious tiefling filled with a love of life sharing her strength and upbeat attitude with someone who could really use it. While there are some fun canon pairing potentials, I think Karlach is also an exception to my usual rule about not wanting to play against OCs.

I think in fact the sort go-to setup for a Karlach story in my head would be with her meeting your original character (maybe even your custom PC from BG3?), who is in need of some sort of assistance that a fiery tiefling barbarian can provide, and just sort of taking it from there on a sort of Dungeons & Dragons inspired buddy quest. That sounds super fun to me.

I've never written as Karlach before. I have played plenty of tieflings, but none quite like her.

Current Interest: Mixed. I see Karlach as being more than just a fun adventuring companion. She's also incredible at emotional support and being there for you, which I have a decent amount of going on in other scenes I think, but I would be open to doing another for the right character match!

Baldur's Gate 3

"What good this heart of stone, for it to be shattered?"

Everyone's favorite githyanki! Unless of course you're wrong and dumb. Without getting too spoiler-y I think I would love to play her post-game canon story involved in plane hopping madness in the Astral Sea and beyond.

I am not terribly interested in playing pre-game canon Lae'zel who is loyal to Vlaakith, unless our story involves her breaking that bond as a plot element. I could see writing her as both actively involved in githyanki shenanigans, or off looking for purpose having given up on all of that, a sort of ronin type character if you will. The Astral Sea leads to all sorts of weird places after all, we could really stretch the boundaries of the setting if some odd pairing comes to mind!

I have never written as Lae'zel before, and only briefly as a githyanki at all!

Current Interest: Higher. The challenge of writing a character from such an alien upbringing feels like a fun time to me, especially in something that could end up as almost like an old school fantasy epic!

Magic: the Gathering

"You bound me with a contract only your death could end - and you thought me the fool?"

Yes, I'm a nerd in case you couldn't tell from this massive list of superheros and fantasy characters. Liliana Vess is sort of the poster girl of the Magic: the Gathering card game and with good reason. Aside from being beautiful and powerful she's been deeply involved in some of the wildest stories and planeswalking shenanigans of that setting!

The appeal of writing this character as a canon character is equal parts the character herself (unexpectedly altruistic under a beautiful lace of aristocratic ego and a history of horrifying pursuit of power) but also the variety of settings and adventures we could get into! A setup where she has to stay one step ahead of the good guys as they hunt her for her part in the attack on Ravnica for instance could be a lot of fun, especially if it involves her isolating her pursers one at a time to either end their hunt the hard way or persuade them to give it up the fun way.

But really the sky is the limit and if taking this gorgeous necromancer's hand and exploring the planes sounds like a fun time to you, maybe you will be the first I write her with on E! I would also be up for writing a story set in the magic universe as OCs if that's more your speed!

Current Interest: Higher. I don't really have any characters quite like her in my writing well at the moment.

Marvel Comics / Norse Mythology

Perhaps I should write "Lady Loki" but she spends so little time male-bodied when I'm writing her that it's almost redundant, and I do enjoy thinking of her as someone who doesn't necessarily identify as female as that makes her escapades all the hotter in my humble opinion. I love writing Loki as a sort of caught-in-her-own-webs and forced to get out of them by doing things like letting a horse knock her up (as is quite literally mythological canon!). Or maybe a troll. Or a family member. Or your character. Why is that the way out of the situation? Well that just seems to be how it goes in Asgard! When you have a habit of pissing off powerful men, a luscious female form is much more easily forgiven after all. Especially if one knows how to use it as seductively as Loki!

However there is another layer of it too which is that I love writing Loki as the sort of character that appears to be losing a game of checkers when she's really winning a game of chess, if the metaphor makes sense. It looks like she is beaten, humiliated, learning her lesson, put in her place, helpless, etc. but at the very last minute it turns out she got exactly what she wanted all along and saw all the monster-birthing and slave-girl subservience along the way as just the price to pay for power.

I have written Loki a lot, she was one of the earliest canon characters I wrote successfully and I would love to do it again. Examples include: Mother of Destruction in which the dark elf Malekith decides to take advantage of Loki's very fertile and godly womb to birth a monstrous army, A League Disbanded in which Loki finds herself in another world and at odds with the Justice League, A Doomed Goddess in which our villainess finds herself Victor von Doom's newest treasure, The Plea Bargain in which a post-MCU Loki comes up with fun and inventive ways to perform community service for Tony Stark and his pals, What I Do for Asgard in which Loki must go about ensuring that the monsters she has satisfied before remain so and stay away from conquering her home, and Show Me Your Secrets in which a "captive" Loki teaches Supergirl a thing or two about letting go.

Don't worry about asking me to retread any of these stories. I loved writing them and would love to give the themes involved another spin!

Current Interest: Higher. Unnf. Gimme that monster-birthing mythological supervillainess thottery.

Marvel Comics

One of those minor Marvel characters that will always occupy a very special place in my heart. In the comics canon Miss Sinister is a clone of the more well known X-Men genetic villain Mr. Sinister, who activates when her creator dies and is intended to exist only to bring him back. But she has other ideas and viciously fights for her own independence and existence, which is really why I love her so much even though she is, in her own words "pure poison."

Miss Sinister is an incredibly powerful psychic, a gifted manipulator of mutations, sexy as hell and not afraid to use it, and constantly on the verge of losing all of that. The thrill of such a potent character living her life on the razor's edge as her never-built-to-last body breaks down and Mr. Sinister attempts to reassert control over her should have led to more than it did in the comics.

I have some samples of writing characters inspired by this concept. I played a Victorian version of the character in the short-lived Halfpenny Marvels. And a different Victorian version of her in A Twisted, Sinister, Doomed, Affair in which she was the result of an experiment Essex performed on himself and afterwards sought a fun alliance with Dr. Doom. And finally there is one of the most treasured stories I've ever written on this site - A Sinister Phase set in a non-Marvel verse where the character was never Mr. Sinister and created herself out of a process to perfect her own genetics - where she is paired with a hero who isn't appreciated for the wonder that she is either and the two of them form a loving partnership together, two against the world style.

Current Interest: Lower. I feel two things very strongly. One is that I love, love, love, writing this character or permutations of her (especially the 'created their own genetic perfection' version). The other is that A Sinister Phase is such an amazing story I don't know if anyone else can ever measure up and it will just end up lacking.

Dynamite Comics

Red for Blood. Red for Slaughter. A Red Storm. Red Sonja.

Gail Simone's love letter to Red Sonja (Part 1 | Part 2) mirrors a lot of how I feel about this character. Until I found found Sonja most sword and sorcery type fiction seemed like the literary equivalent of a locker room - something I was vaguely aware existed but not something I ever wanted to think about what happened inside. Reading Red Sonja changed that. This badass, brash, sexy barbarian became my irresponsible power fantasy growing up. Flash forward several years and there I am trying to think of an Elliquiy username and of course it has to start with Red.

I really love writing stories as Sonja! My version of Sonja is a brash, brutal nomad whose appeal comes more from her swagger than her looks (not that she isn't gorgeous mind you, it's just hardly all there is to her). She's crude, insolent, disrespectful, and deadly to anyone who has a problem with that. She has a moral compass, but it sometimes takes awhile to emerge from under her love of booze and treasure. She's barely literate but clever in every other way, and when her sword starts singing you see why she's called the devil.

And yes, she'll wear the chainmail bikini.

I have many samples of writing as her. Trapped in the Swamp - A Tale of Red Sonja, in which Sonja teaches a would-be bandit a lesson or two after his companions fail to rob her. A complete story that I'm quite proud of and thankful to my partner for as well as a good example of what I think is some fun writing! Bringing Sin to Zamora, it didn't get very far, but shows a sample of how I would write a Sonja/Conan pairing. And finally Sonja the Bodyguard, just a few posts, but a good example of Sonja's attitude and gives an idea of how she'd deal with a spoiled princess. And finally there is the brand new Tales of Red Sonja which is opening with an encounter between Sonja and a witch!

Current Interest: Mixed. I've got a wonderful Sonja story going at the moment so that lowers the overall want level a bit, but this is a character that can be told so many different ways in so many different places that this isn't the hard lockout it would be for some others on this list!

Marvel Comics

Or "Shanna the She-Devil" if you're not into the whole brevity thing. When I was fishing around for a character to write in a group game I came across Shanna and was surprised at how good of a character she could be with the right setup! She's quite the study in improbable contrasts - a Harvard educated American from an old-money family who has decidedly progressive values and finds herself the improbable guardian of the Savage Land (Marvel's secret Antarctic realm of dinosaurs). The version of her I like writing is one whose power is tied to the Savage Land itself, so she grows weaker and eventually back to normal humanity the longer she is away from it, but in those secret jungles she's got bona fide superpowers and can wrestle a T-Rex if she needs to.

I would love to explore a story with her where she can lean into her role as the bridge between the Savage Land and the rest of the world, for example helping a stranded group of outsiders, or representing the Savage Land in a diplomatic situation. Canonically she has a kid with Kazar, and I love having that as a part of her character, but we can ditch it if it's awkward for the story.

I wrote Shanna once, and had a ton of fun writing her Date with Monica Rambeau in the Superhero Dating App group. I think this is a great example of the sort of character I'd like to write her as. I have also recently started Savage Rogue, Noble Queen about her and Rogue in the Savage Land!

Current Interest: Lower. Shanna is a great character who I'd love to play more, but I admit the list of potential partner characters may be inherently restrictive and having just started a story with her this is probably not the best time to ask me for another! Still if you think you have something good in mind let me know!

Kim Possible

Not your basic average girl. Not here to save the world.

An excessively competent mercenary who typically finds herself hired by an excessively incompetent supervillain whose claim to fame is being the sexual awakening of half a generation, Shego is the sort of character that I think could be a lot of fun. Obviously most of the canon Kim Possible characters would have to be adult, but I always got the vibe that Shego was so I don't think she'd have to be aged up, although it wasn't ever totally spelled out. She's the sort of character that you get the sense that but for the grace of having a good reason to think the world was worth saving would have been the hero of the story. I think her dynamic paired with a truly heroic character could be a lot of fun.

Call me, beep me? :D

Current Interest: Lower. I've struggled to come up with plots for her that have staying power and I'm wondering if it's more me than the potential partners.

Marvel Comics

Shiklah is one of my favorite minor Marvel characters. She was introduced in a Deadpool about how he, to quote the man himself, "beat up Dracula and stole his lady." Dracula's vampires and Shiklah's monstrous family are part of a long-standing feud about control of the monsters and she was just about to be forced to marry him for political reasons when Deadpool intervened. Shiklah has her human form which has many succubus-y powers, and her monster form which is a huge purple demon. She was asleep in her coffin forever so missed most of the modern world developing, which Deadpool treated exactly as respectfully as you'd expect. Being a monster herself, Shiklah didn't find anything wrong with Deadpool's looks and the two had one of the best relationship's he's ever had. Anyway the next author didn't like Deadpool having a bride so Shiklah became the un-fun kind of evil for no real reason and she's barely been seen since.

I don't expect a partner to be able to write Deadpool (I've tried, it's fun but impossible to keep up in good quality for a long term!). She could have a similar type awakening and meeting with all sorts of heroes or villains, and getting involved in her monstrous politics could be a fun and eye opening experience for all sorts of partners. Shiklah is a monstress of strong desires but no dependencies, powerful abilities but no real desire for political power (at least when she's written well), and doesn't mind being the butt of a joke from someone who can handle her revenge. I'd love to tell a good, fun, Shiklah story so if any gears are turning in your head reading this let me know!

I had the joy of writing Shiklah going on a Combat Date with Big Barda in the Superhero Dating App game if you want to see how she comes across.

Current Interest: Lower. The SDA story arc for her came to a very satisfying conclusion and I'm not sure I'm terribly motivated to disturb that in my mind at the moment, but it's not entirely off the table for the right pitch!

DC Comics

A rather obscure (partially for good reason) DC character! Shvaughn is a 31st century "Science Police" officer, sort of a DC-future-cop equivalent of S.H.I.E.L.D. if that helps. They are meant to be humans that protect against threats from cosmic oddities in times when the heroes can't be counted on. Shvaughn is unlucky enough to be assigned as the liaison to the superheroes, which her fellow cops tease her about but she eventually ends up getting along with them.

Shvaughn is also casually trans which was handled very well at first until it was handled horribly and the less said about that part of her history the better. The good version is that in the 31st century it isn't a big deal, she just takes a shot and that's it.

In certain versions of canon she gets sent back in time and this is the version I'm most interested in playing. I love the idea of a 31st century cop being pretty much a superhero by modern standards because of all the super-tech she has, most of which is common in the future, but gives her all sorts of unique abilities in the far past. It would all be bio-coded to her, possibly even integrated into her body in cool futuristic ways, so it wouldn't be any good to anyone else for the most part, leaving her in a "with great power..." type situation even though she sees herself as just a regular person doing a job where she comes from.

To ah, Elliquiy up the story a little, and because she doesn't have a lot of great art in the comics, I like to use bondage model Dani Divine as a reference for her, and if you don't mind the tongue-in-cheek-cheesecake, her future-cop uniform can be quite eye catching (NSFW). Or we can play it more straight-laced too!

This is a fun character that we can play with all sorts of time-travel elements with if we set it in closer to modern times or recent history, where she might know that your character plays a super crucial role in some future event that she can't tell them about for fear of changing history, but also encourages her to hover around them and ensure they live to that point. Or there could be some fun mystery involving her having been sent back by some entity who is sure she has some role to play and she's trying to figure out what thing she has to do to ensure the prosperous future occurs with your character trying to help them out. Or it can be just sexy heroes being sexy heroes with not much more than a four color justification. Tell me what you're thinking and let's see if we can plot!

I have one sample from a side scene in a group game Justice League Shadows. It gives an idea of how Shvaughn might interact with someone who she knows does great things down the road. It was awhile ago that I wrote this and I think my writing has improved, but this gives a good idea of how she might interact with a partner character and how her tech might work, imo.

Current Interest: Mixed. Playing a trans cop seems to be inherently socially and politically charged these days, and ignoring those elements would feel a bit dishonest, so although I'm not looking for a socially charged story as the focus I think those elements have to play into it and that always limits my partners to those who are up for plotting that kind of thing, which I understand is not why most folks are on E!

Marvel Comics

Sexy Gif Hides Here
Did you know "Spider-Man" is hyphenated because Stan Lee didn't want it to look too much like Superman? Did you also know I have an insane fetish for writing stories in which Spider-Man gets bimbofied? Look sometimes we just like what we like okay? I can't explain why this character in particular but you know, if his actual writers can abuse him as much as they have surely I can do this!

These stories are high smut and unapologetically kinky. Whether the transformation is an intentional act of villainy that comes with blackmail and all the fun dub-con / non-con stuff related, an accidental result of wearing a symbiote in heat, or some sort of masterful stroke of evil genius, our hero ends up in a situation that might be too much even for him! I have found I like playing characters like Mary Jane as enablers here, who find themselves very amused at their boyfriend's new figure and maybe not as sympathetic as they should be with his problems.

Samples include Exotoxin Side Effects in which the symbiotes determine that Miles and Peter would make a fantastic couple and make some changes to encourage it, and Spider Bimbo a story in which a previously little known villain does uh, well exactly what the title implies.

Current Interest: Higher. I've got a lot of emotionally tense stuff going right now and could use pure dumb smut. And don't look at me like that. You like something equally weird or you wouldn't be here. :P

Marvel Comics

Only real 90s kids remember how absolutely wild comics were back then. Okay sure a lot of 90s stuff was questionable (and that's about the nicest word you can use) but then you had stuff like Spiral - A six-armed time traveling witch who runs her own cyborg body shop when she isn't helping a tv producer from a hellish future gather material for his reality shows. That sort of thing was like a typical Tuesday for the X-Men back then.

Which is to say, let's get 90s-Marvel-weird together!

Let's go back to a time when everyone was an augmented cyborg, your typical teenage mutant also had three Ph.D.s for all their technobabble, everyone was crazy hot and loved to show it off, and reality was always just a mad scheme or two away from changing unrecognizably, forever. Let's make impossibly cinematic melodrama suitable for the highest ratings in Mojo World, baby!

If you don't know what any of these references mean, well, this might not be the best match for you. But if you're grinning at memories of a six armed maniac showing up babbling about time vortexes because Wolverine said the world "Spiral" in a random Canadian motel room, or huge futuristic fights that nobody will remember afterwards due to time travel rules, are up your alley, then c'mon you. Let's get weird.

I wrote Spiral in one group game here awhile back, but never consistently enough in one scene that I consider it a good sample.

Current Interest: Lower. She's a lot and can be difficult to find a good match for. I don't know if I have it in me at the moment, but maybe I could for the right plot!

Marvel Comics

"No thrones on Arakko. For there are greater things to be than a queen."

I'm a bit hesitant to list this character, as my standards for writing stories as her may just be too specific and personal to ever find a partner, but just on the off chance, here goes.  Why is Storm so special to me? As a kid she was my hero. I used to quite literally dream of her coming to take me away from it all. So, the level of respect I expect her to be treated with both by your character and the narrative of our story arc is quite high. If you aren't into that idea, quite literally any other character on this list would be a better choice for you.

I'm one of those obsessed fans for whom most canon relationships she's had I go nyeh, not good enough! Forge I just never quite thought was an interesting enough character on his own, Black Panther I thought was just lazy and no one will ever convince me that those two would have been tossed together if they weren't the same color (also Nakia's a better match for her if we insist on a Wakandan!), Yukio, interesting but I just don't think she's Storm's type for more than an exploratory side quest really. Honestly? My favorite match up for her was one that was only teased - Dr. Doom. No obviously it wouldn't have lasted, but as said in the comic where they have dinner together (to distract him as the team escapes naturally, but hey, details) "lion to lioness." There's something to that sort of dynamic that might be worth exploring, in situation where your character would only listen to someone like Storm - i.e. an alternate world where she talks down the MCU Killmonger before he goes too far, and sees the beauty in him in the process. Either that or the opposite, someone with a pure heart and a playful soul, someone like Nightcrawler honestly comes to mind for that.

Current Interest: Lower. Writing Storm will always be a challenge for me and I get that the sort of mutual respectful romance I want to see in a story with her isn't why most people are on E. But maybe the right partner is out there for this!

DC Comics

Growing up I admit I never had much respect for this character. She seemed lazy. Derivative. Half-baked. Then I read Woman of Tomorrow and my perspective completely flipped. This is an exceptional character, but most of her writers never noticed it.

For the next month, Zor-El pieced together the rocket and Supergirl cared for the sick, trying to bring them comfort as the poison claimed their bodies. It was her third time watching the light of life fade around her. Her third time hearing her neighbors grasp for their last breaths. Her third time collecting bodies for mass burial. Her third time watching her world die. She was fourteen.

What a gutpunch, right? Lines like this helped me see who this character really is. Incredibly powerful. Incredibly traumatized. But all the more heroic for how she keeps her pain in and restrains herself to walk alongside the rest of us and be our hero.

I told her once that she, who lost everything to holocaust, must so hate these brigands who bring genocide with a smile. She considered this. "I'm Supergirl. I don't hate anyone." And then she smiled politely and she moved on. And I learned then that up can be down and right can be wrong, and a lie told well can be true and good.

Seeing the moral and psychological complexity of this character laid bare like that was revelatory for me. I'd love to write a story where she is paired with someone that gets it, who can see the facade that she puts up for what it is, but understands how important it is not to disturb it.

Current Interest Lower. The way I want to write this character would be very challenging and emotionally draining and I have a lot of that going on in other stories at the moment. But if you think you've got a great pitch, by all means let's hear it!

DC Comics

“If you need to stop an asteroid, you call Superman. If you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman. But if you need to end a war, you call Wonder Woman.” - Gail Simone -

I love Diana, especially the early Rebirth version of her where she has a deep-rooted mythological history but Themyscira is another world and she's stuck here. Or, the complete opposite, a story set entirely there in the land of old myth that never even mentions our world. Deep knowledge of WW's lore is not necessary to write opposite of her, however, and we can certainly make up a simpler version of her background if that's easier for you. To be clear though, your character will not be breaking, besting, or really even making much of a dent in Wonder Woman, nor is she going to take any special joy in beating or breaking your character.

One particular matchup I'd love to see is Amazon x Amazon. Either a powerful warrior from the DC verse or a visitor to Themyscira from another world, or some sort of universe overlap shenanigans that we can use to justify a meeting. On the other end of things, I have no interest in writing a Diana x Steve Trevor story. He's always been the least interesting possible person she could date to me.

I do have a few samples of how I've written Diana. The longer, though earlier one is Digging Up Shadows which plays into Diana as more of the diplomat and patient friend to a Batman who is obsessed with his own theories about threats to the world. The other is Ludus, named after an ancient Greek idea of casual physical love, which was meant as a one-short blind date with Luke Cage. The story sort of stumbles but I think this is the best example I can give of Diana as being from a very different society than modern culture. It was also my pleasure recently to write her in the complete story of The Amazon and the Dragon which ended up being a non-adult story of a visitor from another world falling into the DC 'verse and being aided by Wonder Woman in finding a safe space to recover. I have also recently started The Golden Door where Wonder Woman welcomes Carol Danvers to Themyscira.

Current Interest: Lower. I'm getting a lot of what I like out of writing Wonder Woman in other stories, and have a new story with her, so the need isn't as strong.

Marvel Comics

A Super-Skrull-in-Training who came to earth for an arranged mariage, and one of Marvel's best examples of characters that challenged the gender binary! Be still my super-nerdy, political-wedding-loving, rainbow-colored heart!

Xavin was a skrull prince who got sent to earth to marry an alien in hiding to form a galactic alliance. The political marriage element of Xavin's story has always been a fun one for me. In any event Xavin found that his love preferred women and changed to one, as she said Skrulls change gender as easily as humans change hats. This is another element of the character I love. As the story progressed the implication became fairly clear that the female version of Xavin represented her truer self better, but it never quite spelled it out. Xavin ended up faking her love's place when her people attempted to kidnap her and was last seen as a Skrull general, but her story can go all sorts of other places.

She could have actually completed her Super-Skrull training and be off having adventures as a national skrull hero, pining for the days when she knew true love. Or she could be in yet another political marriage now, and the story of how the betrothed handle their situation could be hot and fun! Or she could be a renegade from her people off doing a Guardians thing or freelancing as a cosmic mercenary. Surely one of those setups sounds fun, right? :D

I have two samples of Xavin tales. The first I Married a Super Skrull! is the longer of the two and shows a good piece of a story of a cosmic betrothal that was reluctant on both sides to begin with but was quickly to become a true love story as both lovers defied their empires to stay together. The second example, Cosmic Power, Happy Matrimony is a more dub-cony tale where Xavin's new husband had more of a 'brash young king' approach to things and the marriage was going to be quite rocky (pun intended if you read it).

(Also just to be clear, none of these pictures are of Xavin canonically. While I don't think her age ever gets stated, it's a safe bet she was the Skrull equivalent of a teenager as that's what most of the Runaways were. These are therefore pictures of very adult Skrulls that just happen to work well as stand-ins! And to be very clear, any version of Xavin I wrote is also decidedly adult!)

Current Interest: Higher. It's been too long. Write my shapeshifting alien princess with me!

DC Comics

My love for Zatanna is mostly based on Paul Dini's solo run. I love how it leaned into Zatanna as a character that doesn't want the stressful, unfulfilling (for her) life of a superhero and prefers the type of magic that is sleight of hand and razzle dazzle, not saving the world. Zatanna as the reluctant hero is definitely the vibe I like most with her. I also adore almost any interaction between her and John Constantine and I would do a lot for anyone who can write that character well as the scoundrel that nobody trusts who somehow gets everyone to trust him just to take advantage yet again ah it makes me smile just to think about. She also has the space to get into some weird sorcery type fun a la Dr. Strange except that the monsters would rather marry than devour her sort of deal if that sort of pulpery has appeal!

Zatanna occupies that interesting role in the power dynamics of the DC world as she is at once one of the most powerful characters there is who can turn night to day and such with a few words, but also is completely powerless if someone manages to slap a hand over her mouth and she's about as low on the power scale as you can get if you take away her magic, which a lot of things can do without needing to gag her. This can make her a bit awkward to place match-up wise, but I'm happy to power her up and or down a bit as the story calls for to make it make sense.

I have some samples of me writing Zatanna. Zatanna Plays Gotham is an example of how I'd write her in a less serious one shot. And, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum we have Spoil the Trick which honestly is some of my best writing on this site, in my opinion, largely thanks to the wondeful partner I had for this. It is a riveting tale of Zatanna being tricked back to Gotham by her childhood friend who needs her help with a mystery. But all the secrets between the two of them might overwhelm their efforts to work together and keep their feelings for each other from boiling over. This version of Zatanna was also a transgirl who did her own transition magically when she became Zatanna, an element I'd love to include again. Because this story is so good I honestly don't think I'd want to try another with her and Batman as a pairing as I don't think it will get any better. I also wrote extensively as Zatanna in the DC Universe group game! And recently I have started a new story with her De Mulieribus Claris where Zatanna helps a newly aggressive Batgirl with a Circe problem!

Current Interest: Lower. I've written her a LOT recently and just started another new story, so she's getting a lot of attention and it would take a pretty phenomenal pitch to make me want to open something new as Zatanna! But then again I've definitely received phenomenal pitches on E before, so I never rule it out!

Secret Character Hiding at the End!

The RedPhoenix Non-Cinematic Universe!

What do you mean you've never heard of the RedPhoenix Non-Cinematic Universe! The RPNCU is big these days I tell you! Okay, okay, fine I snuck an OC in. But she's got so many stories written of her I feel like she's basically canon at this point!

Red Phoenicia is a woman whose goal in life can be succinctly stated as "be an evil, sexy, sorceress queen." She very much embodies every stereotype one likely thinks of on reading that sentence and is quite self-aware about it. She's selfish, greedy, manipulative, charming, beautiful, fiercely independent, and very skilled at magic. One of the things I love most about Red Phoenicia is that her stories are designed more as short stories than the sprawling epics that most E stories begin as, and thus I have completed about half of the stories I have ever started as her, which is a far better rate than I've ever had with anything else. I will be looking to do the same with any new stories as well!

The canon of Red Phoenicia does not have to be slavishly obeyed from tale to tale, but here is generally what has been established.

* Phoenicia lives in a structure called the Iron Tower that is just on the edge of civilization. In one direction lie fertile farmlands and a nearby farm town that is terrified of her, and a thick forest filled with dangerous monsters lies in the other direction. She is the only permanent resident of the tower, and even her guests usually aren't allowed to stay long inside unless the sorceress has use of them.

* The area around the tower experiences all four seasons, including a sometimes very harsh winter.

* Phoenicia and the nearby town live in a tentative state of co-existence. They pay her just enough tribute to satisfy her ego and are just willing enough to call in the King's heroes that she doesn't really push it beyond that. They aren't above pointing wandering witch hunters in her direction, but always do so in a way that they can deny accountability when Phoenicia inevitably rips them to shreds.

* Phoenicia is served by goblins who have a little goblin den nearby. They are mostly terrified of her and scramble to do her bidding, although they don't always do a great job of it.

* Phoenicia also typically has more competent servants about as well - orcs and mercenaries for the most part - although how many and how good they are depend on her current levels of greed and the threat she feels from the world at large. The orcs have built a few small structures nearby, but are almost never around over the cold winter.

* Phoenicia has a vast, vast array of wealth and magic items but she hates using them for fear of devaluing her stuff.

* Phoenicia is a wanted criminal in several parts of the civilized world. Yes she acquired all the wealth through her own efforts, but it wasn't exactly honest work. Some of it maybe got a little war-crime-y. She has managed through a combination of luck, trickery, and wiles to avoid invoking the wrath and any of the more powerful hunters of evil in the land, and there are still many areas that she simply isn't notorious enough to be unwelcome in yet. None are nearby.

* Phoenicia attended a magical academy when she was younger. She was kicked out. This academy is the sort of place that nearly every prominent spellcaster in the land attended at some point, and so she knows quite a lot of people from her time there.

* It has been hinted that Phoenicia worked as a serving wench at a nearby tavern to pay for the academy's services while she was a student there, thus implying that she didn't come from any wealth herself. Although she doesn't talk about her personal background much and nobody knows for sure.

* Phoenicia is a very powerful sorceress, but not all powerful. In D&D terms she is probably a mid-high level wizard. She knows many different types of magic largely based on whether they seem like the sort of thing an evil sorceress queen would know, meaning she tends to brush off more altruistic or humble forms of magic and may be vulnerable to them. She is very intelligent but has mental weaknesses such as her ego and vanity, and she has gone to extreme lengths never to do manual labor herself as that's not the sort of thing an evil sorceress does, and thus is a complete wuss when it comes to anything requiring strength or stamina herself. Her willpower, determination, magical acumen, and relentlessness are second to none.

* She is capable of showing affection, most notably to her cat. However, she can at times be very sweet to creatures capable of thought as well. Just not often.

* Phoenicia is very vain and loves being complimented. Excessive flattery is one the best ways to get her to drop her guard or butter her up. She also views being both desired and debaucherous as part of the role of the evil sorceress and doesn't like to ever back down from any sort of sexual challenge. She wants anyone who enjoys her attention to say it was the most amazing time of their life, and she's usually right!

Most of that is just to let you know what type of character she is. Any particular point can be ret-conned or changed if it is standing in the way of a good story!

As for the samples of her, The Goblin Who Would be King (Complete) - the first Tale of Red Phoenicia is of how she agreed to be a goblin's plaything for a day in exchange for free labor for life from his warren. It goes probably about how you'd think. A Weathered Journey (Unfinished) - Phoenicia's manticore chariot crashes into the middle of an orc gathering. How lucky, she needed new bodyguards! A Cold Winter's Night (Unfinished) - a tale that shows Phoenicia's more sensitive side, when her kitty accidentally drinks a potion that turns her human in the dead of winter when Phoenicia is otherwise all alone. And finally, Worth "More" Than Gold (Complete) - Phoenicia comes up with a way to repay three mercenaries who retrieved a magical set of gloves for her in very inventive and fun ways! Everyone is very satisfied when it's all said and done!

Current Interest: Mixed. It's been awhile, time for the sorceress sexiness supreme to show herself for the right partner?

And if you don't mind have a hug from me for getting to the end! <3
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
I move the stars for no one.