The Story Lottery - Information and Participant Profiles

Started by Britwitch, August 20, 2019, 12:11:07 AM

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Name: WindVoyager

Preferred story tags:  L-E, BON-E, NC-E

Preferred pairings: M/M,F/M

Preferred genres: grimdark, horror, psychological horror, dark elements

Preferred content: flexible, story dependant. Not really interested in smut heavy/smut only.

Maximum number of stories: 2

Typical post length: 100 to 200 + words

Typical posting rate: moderate to rapid



Preferred story tags:

Preferred pairings:
MF; FF (Flexible for both)

Preferred genres:
Fantasy; Modern Fantasy; Modern; Superhero

Preferred content:
Story over smut

Maximum number of stories:
Typical post length:
100 - 200 words

Typical posting rate:


Name: Saxum
Preferred story tags: [NC-H], [L-H], [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-F playing the male, M-F-M, F-M-F, will play female side characters
Preferred genres: Romance, world building, historical, fantasy, power exchange as either sub or dom, OC only no canon
Preferred content: Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1 additional for now
Typical post length: 200-500+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week)


Name: Nouhime
Preferred story tags: [BON], [NC-H], [NC-E], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F, preferred writing gender F
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, sci-fi, historical, fantasy, dark stuff
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1-5
Typical post length: 200-500, but if it's heavily story-driven or the situation requires it could go to 1000+
Typical posting rate: Mostly Moderate, but on good days could be rapid, depending on work and life

7th Derp

Name: 7Th Derp
Preferred story tags: Usually Light and Exotic.
Preferred pairings: F-F or F-Futa
Preferred genres: Modern, Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Post Apoc., Futuristic.
Preferred content: Mostly Story.
Maximum number of stories: 1-5
Typical post length: Don't know really in terms of numbers, but a good 2+ Paragraphs.
Typical posting rate: Very Rapid, most of the time anyways.
Here you guys go, I got my "badge of honor" in a form of an O/O


Preferred story tags: [NA] pretty open
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-MTF, F-MTF/TG. Can write as both, tho prefer writing as the Female.
Preferred genres: Romance, Modern horror, sci-fi, historical etc.
Preferred content: Romance to Smut from 30-70 to 60-40.
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: 100-200+ words
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so)


Name: Dashenka
Preferred story tags: [BON] [EX] [N-C] and I have no idea what the rest of them mean honestly. I'm open for a lot.
Preferred pairings: F-F, F-M, as long as I play a female.
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, slice of life, tragedy.
Preferred content: I'm flexible but I do need some form of plot.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: I think about 500
Typical posting rate: Daily, except the weekends.
Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals and I get my back into my living.

I don't need to fight to prove I'm right and I don't need to be forgiven.


Preferred story tags: Any except [NC] or Incest
Preferred pairings: I write all the things. So all pairings are welcome
Preferred genres: Modern, Romance, Sci-fi, Noir, Super heroes, Fantasy....ok maybe I like all the things too.
Preferred content: I like equal amounts of both 50/50 story/smut. Character development is a big deal
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 200-800+
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate


Name: Wolfblackthorne
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [Ex]
Preferred pairings: M-F. I play the male.
Preferred genres:  horror, sci-fi, superheroes,slice of life, modern, post apocalyptic, urban fantasy
Preferred content:  50/50 story to smut
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 100-200 words+
Typical posting rate:Moderate


Name: hazel(nut)
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON]
Preferred pairings: F-M or M-F, M-M
Preferred genres: Romance, fantasy, historical
Preferred content: Flexible / dependent on story
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 300-500 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate (1-3 days)


Name: WarPony
Preferred story tags: L-H, L-E, BON, NC-H, NC-E, EX (with caviats)
Preferred pairings: I don't really have preferred pairings, as it is heavily dependant on the context of the story. I tend to play more M, or FTM characters personally, and tend to play more MM, or M/Trans scenarios, but I am open to other pairings
Preferred genres: Fantasy (high and low), Urban Fantasy, Steam/diesel/etc-punk, Historical, AltHistorical, Horror, Supernatural. I don't do too many Canon/fandom settings (mostly because I don't know much about them, but there are a few I am familiar with-- HP, Buffy, Abhorsen, Star Wars, etc. I don't play video games, which seems to be the main contender).
Preferred content: Flexible! I like story-heavy smut, and smut-heavy stories depending on context
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: Usually 500+ words, sometimes shorter, depending on what's going on
Typical posting rate: Moderate to rapid


Name: Clio (O/O is in my signature)
Preferred story tags: L-H, L-E, BON, BON-E, NC-H, NC-E
Preferred pairings: M-F, M-F-M, F-F, F-F-M (I prefer to play a woman, but my partner can be any gender [real-life gender does not matter either])
Preferred genres: Romance, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Fandoms (some)
Preferred content: Flexible
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: Anywhere from 250-1000+ words. I tend to match my partner, but I do need something moving the story along. Also, if the long post is going to include god-modding, I much prefer shorter posts. Long posts must at least have content and not just be fluff.
Typical posting rate: Moderate usually. (sometimes can be rapid or slow)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Theta Sigma

Name: Thete
Preferred story tags: Light to Extreme and everything inbetween.
Preferred pairings: MxM, MxF, Non-gendered. I play as Male or non-gendered.
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, slice of life, fandom (some), supernatural
Preferred content: Prefer plot with my smut
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: Variable, I don't pad, so 100+
Typical posting rate: Slow to moderate.

They/Them pronouns


Name: SweetPeach
Preferred story tags: Light to Extreme
Preferred pairings: M-F, playing female
Preferred genres: Anything but horror I think
Preferred content: Flexible either way for a one shot
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 300 ish, pretty flexible
Typical posting rate: Slow to sometimes moderate


Name: shengami
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: F-M, Trans-F (I prefer the male or Trans roles)
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, Punk (steam, cyber, or magic), dystopic, dark fantasy, sword and sorcery
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500+ words or 1000+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate really.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Name: Nkaar
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, preference for neither gender
Preferred genres: Historical, Fantasy, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic, Crime
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 100-300 words, also depends on what I am given to work with
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate

Callie Del Noire

Name:Callie Del Noire
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M/M2F TG, F/M2F TG
Preferred genres: Modern Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi Cyberpunk, Fantasy Settings, ‘Punk settings (Steam, Diesel, Cyber, and Bio-)
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 500+ to 1000+ words
Typical posting rate:Moderate (every other day or so) toRapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Jadis
Preferred story tags: [NA] [L-H] [L-E] [BON] [BON-E] [UN]
Preferred pairings: [M-F] (preferred), [F-ANY] (will occasionally play M)
Preferred genres: Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical, Mystery, Modern Day, Slice of Life, etc (pretty much anything)
Preferred content: Flexible Either Way
Maximum number of stories: 1-3 Please
Typical post length: Usually 100-300 General Post, 500+ for Scene Settings & Scene Changes
Typical posting rate: Moderate (I'm generally online, but I may not be able to always write)
CURRENT STATUS: 1-2 Posts a Week
Faces of Xiomara
On's & Off's: 7/12/23
Absences: 2/20/24
Discord: xiomara_andas


Name: ultimategeek
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-M
Preferred genres: Romance, Sci-Fi, Fandom (Marvel), Fantasy, Military, Modern, Mystery, Paranormal, Post-Apocalyptic (especially Zombies), Slice of Life, Space Operas, Super Heroes
Preferred content: Story heavy.
Maximum number of stories: 3
Typical post length: 500+ words typically.
Typical posting rate: Slow-Moderate
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