~ Word of the Day ~

Started by Blythe, March 21, 2017, 01:41:05 PM

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“Do you grok my grog?” I swirled my mug at the stranger across the table.

“It does have a very robust flavour.” He took a long drag from it. “But I wish it was sweeter.”

“Sweeter? Sweeter! You want it sweeter when it’s perfect. It needs no change.” I thumped my mug on the scruffed table a few times. “It’s going to win this year’s Grog Competition.”

“There’s a grog competition?”

“Oh yes, only the finest are allowed to participate and I’ve entered every year.”

“And you’ve never won?”

“No, I have not. But that’s because they don’t grok my grog. Plebians.”

“What if I tell you that you could win if you made it sweeter?”

“You’re a fool! Get out of here!” I waved my mug to chase him out.

Dys Astyr

Hek couldn't grok why she was being chased. The fact that she was running through the thicket as fast as her short legs could carry her with an impressively large, ill-gotten melon held aloft and undulating wail of triumph announcing her location did not occur to the gully dwarf as possible reasons that the locals might pursue her. Hek burst into a clearing where she was met with by the impassive stare of her boar, which snorted as if scolding her for taking so long. Quickly she stowed the melon in a net, counterbalancing it with a rather disgruntled looking rabbit, before scurrying into the saddle and making good her escape.

By the time the farmer made it to the clearing the gully dwarf and his melon, that surely would have won the prize at the midsummer festival, were long gone. 
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


Today's word

noun MY-kruh-kah-zum

1 : a little world; especially : the human race or human nature seen as an epitome of the world or the universe

2 : a community or other unity that is an epitome of a larger unity

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


“Our town is only a microcosm of the world at large. Don’t you want to see what’s beyond the city walls?” She asked, tucking her linen skirt behind her knees.

“It’s precisely because our town is a microcosm that I don’t need or want to see what’s out there.” He shook his head. “All the same things that are going on in here will be going on out there. Rivalries, back-stabbing, thieving, murdering. I don’t need to be wandering around out there to tell me humans are the same everywhere.”

“What about brotherhood, friendship, and love?”

“What do you need all those for when there’s a chance to make money? Show me a man who’s willing to sacrifice things for all that floofy nonsense and I’ll show you his grave.”


Word of the Day : May 14, 2017

adjective IN-duh-rut

: physically or morally hardened

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


He had an indurate heart, born from years of enduring the icy winds which threatened to freeze his very blood. But his one weak spot was his son, whom he showed no small amount of forebearance for the boy’s dalliances at the local watering hole. Alas, one’s youth must always come to an end, and so must a father’s love for his son, and a King for his liege. In the winter of his son’s fifteenth year, the King declared war, and so his son was called up to arms.


I used to walk down this lane every night on my way to work. It was the quietest one in the block, admittedly because it was also the smallest, with only a handful of high-class villas lining the sidewalks. Despite their picture perfect appearance, there was something strange and haunting about the area. My friends would often taunt me whenever I would bring the subject up, saying that I was jealous of the fact that I couldn’t afford to live in such a stately place. So, I eventually stopped. 

There might even be some truth to their insults; maybe part of me did wish to have a better home and a better life. I scoffed at that idea, brushing it as easily as it came and ambled on. Nah! I am fine and happy where I am. Then it happened.

It all happened so fast. As I whipped around to the harsh grating sound behind me, I found myself screaming but the sound of the concrete mixer was so loud that it drowned my screams and I froze. I watched in horror while thick lumps of concrete flowed from the mixer over what appeared to be a lifeless form. I knew it was lifeless because it didn’t scream like I did. I continued to watch the material indurate the ground, taking the evidence with it. And then I ran!

I haven't walked down that lane since then. 

Dys Astyr

Indurate, the word could not even begin to cover the temperament of his new lord. Again he cursed the foul luck that had placed in exactly the wrong place at the wrong time. Never in his life had he been in such a predicament, and for the first time running away didn't seem to be an option. Not yet anyway. He would have to bide his time, eventually the perfect moment would present itself. Then he could leave this life of servitude and strangeness behind.
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3

Sofia Grace

Today's word of the day is....

verb PAIR-uh-gruh-nayt

1 : to travel especially on foot : walk
2 : to walk or travel over : traverse
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time

Dys Astyr

Usually her favorite past time was to amble, worn canvas high-tops eating up the faded asphalt of the back county roads. Lately though things had started to happen, to change. At first she had tried to tell herself it was because she day dreamed so much, that she had simply hadn't been paying enough attention. It was an excuse that quickly grew worn and flimsy. Where once she had seized upon any opportunity to peregrinate, now she found herself becoming more and more shut in, afraid to venture past the end of her driveway. Sometimes even that short stretch felt unsafe.
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


"Stop wasting your time peregrinating around in the wild all day!" His mother yelled at him. As if telling him off wasn't enough, she had to do it with bombastic words.

"I'm not just walking around." He protested with his fists clenched. "I'm picking mushrooms too. See!"

He opened his fist to reveal crushed up, fragile mushrooms. That pissed him off even more than his mother telling him off.

"Those are poisonous!" She plucked it out of his hands.

"No, they're not. I've eaten some and I'm totally fine."

Sofia Grace

Today's word of the day is....


noun HOOD-lum

1 :  thug; especially : a violent criminal
2 : a young ruffian
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time


"Throw that hoodlum out of here!" The blacksmith yelled above the banging of steel. "He's going to burn himself if he keeps fooling around in here."

The young man immediately dropped the hammer he had been holding to test its weight. "I swear I'll be careful."

"No, I can't have you missing fingers when I send you back to your Pa. He'll make sure I'm missing somethin' even more vital, if you get my drift."

"Please. I just want to learn more about swords."

"You should find a swordsmaster then. What are you doing here?"

"I thought if I knew how to make them, I could maintain and use them better."

The blacksmith paused in his banging to size up the boy. "Well, alright. Come over here and see what I'm doing. I won't talk much though. Parches my throat."

The young man smiled and hurried over.


Today's word of the day is....


verb KASS-tuh-gayt

: to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


“It is her turn to be examined.” He pushed the slave beside him to the front. “I’ve been castigated quite enough.”

“Patience.” The master of the house pushed the slave back to her position. “Her turn will come, but you will have to answer for your misdeeds first. Why did you leave the stable doors open on purpose?”

“I did no such thing. It was an accident, I swear it.”

“Only a fool would believe you. Those were your prized possessions. You wouldn’t have stopped the slave from doing her nightly check if it was an accident.”

Dys Astyr

Siegfried's face was nearly purple by the time he left the chambers of his sister. So eager she was to humiliate him in front of the entire court, in front of that bastard. Then she had the audacity to say he had brought it upon himself. That he had overstepped his authority. She had grown arrogant in her time as queen, but he should be ruling Stahlnas not her. He should be king. He would be king. He would be king and then she would see how it felt to be called out in front of the throne and castigated like a common serving wench. Just the thought made him smile. Oh yes, they could play act all they wanted... Soon it would not be a game, but war.
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


Today's word of the day is....


adjective LUSH-us

1 : having a delicious sweet taste or smell
2 : sexually attractive
3 a : richly luxurious or appealing to the senses
b : excessively ornate
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


She pressed her luscious lips against his. Her sweet floral scent wafted over, along with the taste of her coconut lip balm. It reminded him of flower garlands and sandy beaches. All the sights and sounds he held dear to his heart came up, drenched in a light misty tropical rain. It had been where he had seen his first pair of breasts, where he had touched them, and where he had turned into a man. The softness of her lips reminded him of the sweet jelly dessert she had served him after their love-making was complete. How had things changed so much?


Yesterday's word of the day was....


noun REE-bus

:a representation of syllables or words by means of pictures or symbols; also : a riddle made up of such pictures or symbols

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->

Beautiful Mystery

Today's word of the day is....

adjective buh-ROHK

1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension

2 : characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


He presented to her a cake with a rebus on it.

I <3 U.

It was the most romantic textspeak pastry anyone had ever given her. Her heart melted when she saw it, especially after she noticed the delectable glazed strawberries surrounding the sides of the cake. He cut a slice of the strawberry shortcake for her and it was as delicious as it was delicate. She could even ignore the small eggshell she found in it. It was the thought that counted after all.


The Baroque side table greeted her the moment she stepped foot into the house. Already in her mind, she was of the opinion that the residents of the home had more money than taste to know what to do with it. When she looked out the window, the leaf-strewn sidewalk, the mangy dog with a heavy chain, and the barely watered petunias were in stark contrast to the opulence the family wanted to demonstrate. It was as if everything within their home was more important than any of the concerns of the lives relying on them outside. She doubted she would be treated differently, and she was soon proven right.

Beautiful Mystery

Today's word of the day is....

noun fuh-LAT-uh-lee

1 : the collection and study of postage and imprinted stamps : stamp collecting
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


“With how obsessed her father was with philately, it was no wonder she ran back into the burning house to save his precious collection.” The neighbour surveyed the charred wreckage where the house once stood.

“There was a stamp in the collection worth one million. I would have run into the burning house too!” A second neighbour replied.

“The police are saying it was arson.” A third neighbour pipped in.

“I suspect it must have been an avid stamp collector who wanted to raise the value of their own stamps.” A fourth neighbour rubbed his mustache.

“Fancy yourself a modern day Sherlock, eh?” A fifth neighbour jabbed the fourth in the ribs.

Sofia Grace

Today's word of the day is....

adjective uh-SER-bik

: acid in temper, mood, or tone
i am a fire
gasoline, come pour yourself all over me
we'll let this place go down in flames
only one more time