Esper [ LGBTIQA+, Psychic, SoL] Recruitment Thread (Always Accepting!)

Started by TheBlackThrone, March 13, 2023, 09:59:09 PM

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Wired Rabbit

Edit: Hi! Here's Lauren, my work in progress character for submission.

Also Throne, you may have mentioned somewhere already, but is it okay if characters live on campus?

Full Name: Lauren Pope
Nickname(s): Pope
Alias: Magnet
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Kinesiology (Sophomore)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 145 lbs
Face Claim: Barbara Lopez
General Description: Lauren is the tall, dark haired girl, sitting in the back of the class in a desk that is almost too small for her frame. She's wearing the same SGU hooded sweatshirt as yesterday (hood up), with sweatpants and sneakers. She used to wear earrings and necklaces, nice ones, probably from family money, but now only wears stacks of bracelets on her wrists, or nothing at all. Simple, easy, something she probably took a nap in unless her teammates dressed her up for a volleyball event. Make-up days are game days. Otherwise Lauren is super low-maintenance.

Personality: Lauren is a slacker. She doesn't volunteer for anything, and enjoys doing the bare minimum most of the time. But she's also funny. And loyal to her friends. And calm under pressure. There is never any drama with Lauren, or anger, or even outbursts. In fact, if she's not hanging with her teammates she's probably doodling sea turtles into the boring pages of her math textbook.
Likes: Volleyball, the gym, her teammates, sleeping, napping, doodling (drawing), the ocean, marine biology
Dislikes: Most things that require effort, coursework, early classes, literature (in general), arguments, loud arguments
Psychological Quirks: Social anxiety. Lauren was always a quiet jock, even if she has a lot of friends and teammates. The fact that pencils, spoons, and other metal objects naturally float towards her the instant she thinks about them has only made this worse, and has given her even more reason to stay at the back of the classroom, the furthest she can get from the center of attention.
Talents & Hobbies:

  • Running
  • Vertical Jumping
  • Yoga
  • Drawing
  • Visual Memory

Backstory: Lauren was recruited from out-of-state into SGU on a volleyball scholarship. She's a team player, and a great athlete, but a poor student because she refuses to focus on her grades and apply herself. So far she has managed to get by doing the bare minimum (first year classes were mostly memory and multiple choice anyway), and she would prefer it to stay that way, although sophomore year is definitely harder. Her parents want her to graduate with a "degree" and a "job" but Lauren has no idea who, or what she wants, especially when it comes to her "future".

Esper Powers

Power: Metallokinesis
Ability Description: Lauren is something of a human magnet. She has the ability to move metal objects with her mind.
Power Level: ▉ 1
Strength: If Lauren thinks about a metal object, it will move, with considerable finesse. So far, she has only moved small objects, such as her pencils or the nails in her dorm room wall. These small objects tend to pull towards her, as if she has a magnetic field, or float nearby her heart, unless she gives them a specific trajectory in her mind. As her power grows, she could move and manipulate larger objects, but for now her doodles have gotten much better, and highly detailed.
Weakness: Lauren's main problem, other than the amount of small metal instruments in the cafeteria and the science labs, is her own wandering thoughts. For example, if she has a crush on someone, she tends to tug on their jewelry, and pull it (and them) towards herself. In general, her powers and her thoughts are extremely hard to hide.
Howdy! I'm Rabbit. I'm a fictional enthusiast.
Posts Owed: 2.
Active Characters: 0.
Response Rate: 2-5 Days.


*plants interest flag* I've already sent in Eri's sheet, so lets see how this goes. :)



Full Name: Davion Cole
Nickname(s): Dee, DC, Train(he hits like a freight train on the field)
Alias: Shift
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Male
Sexual Identity: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Engineering
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6'3
Weight: 230lbs
Face Claim: Jordan Calloway
General Description: Davion looks like a combination of his parents, getting his mother's skin tone, eyes, and nose. While he seems to look more like his dad in his features and mannerisms. He stands at a respectable 6'3, and is heavily muscled as he was always active in school and played basketball and football growing up. Now that he's at the college level, he's gotten even more yoked.

He dresses comfortably at almost all times, usually in sweats, shorts, or jeans, combined with a graphic shirt, sleeveless hoodie, etc... And more often than not, he's in slides(flip flops) because they're so damn comfy, but he always keeps a pair of shoes in his bag. He is fully capable of dressing for the occasion but hopes he doesn't have too many occasions to force the issue in the first place.

Personality: Davion is your typical kid from the hood. He has his guard up around new people because of old habits and trauma, but can quickly and easily open up to somebody once they show him what they're really all about. Despite his tough exterior, he's a pretty nice guy and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He has a good sense of humor, although it does get dark from time to time considering the things he saw growing up in Compton and the things he did to survive before moving to Santa Glevens.
Likes: Cars, Weed, Video Games/Movies, Reading, Chess, Good Food, DnD
Dislikes: Bugs, Police, Assholes, Bullies, Tests, Eyes on potatoes(fuck you it's a real dislike)
Psychological Quirks: PTSD, Night Terrors(from the PTSD), Haphephobia(The Fear of touch) and while not so much a fear, but he gets nervous at the thought of what could happen if he touches the wrong thing at the wrong time with the wrong mindset.
Talents & Hobbies:

  • Gaming - He has always had a love for video games even as a child, and he could play professionally if he wanted.
  • Sports(Football/Basketball) - Davion is at SGU on a full athletic scholarship, and is projected to be picked early in the Draft.
  • Martial Arts(MMA) - His father signed him up for MMA classes when he was a kid and he fell in love. He's never missed a day of training.
  • Mechanics - Davion has been working on fixing things since he was a kid, from engines to microwaves.
  • Charismatic - He has a natural way with words and feel about him that makes it easy for him to talk to people and get them on his side.

Backstory: Davion was born and raised in Compton, which is still as bad now as it's always been. His dad owned a failing auto body shop/garage, and his mother was an EMT, so combined they made barely enough to survive above the poverty line. Still, life wasn't easy and Davion knew what it was like to be poor. Lights getting cut off, no food, old clothes, etc, etc... He can't tell you how many times they used their church's food bank until they got food stamps. Still, his parents did the best they could and splurged when they had the opportunity. He would get a game console randomly now and then, or a new pair of shoes out of the blue when they could afford it.

The funny thing though, is that Davion never realized he was poor until a classmate started making fun of him about it. That was his first fight, which he unfortunately lost. His dad put him in MMA classes after that though, and he has been at the same gym training since he was eight. His family's financial situation got worse when his parents accidentally got pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, which meant two more mouths to feed in the exact same amount of space. When he was twelve, going on thirteen, Davion got into drugs and the street life to help pay the bills. Sure he worked with his dad and helped out around the gym, but his dad couldn't afford to pay him, and the gym paid peanuts since he was so young and only doing things like wiping down equipment and sparring with kids his own age. And since he was playing basketball and football, he had plenty of access to his fellow students and some of their less responsible older siblings and even sometimes parents.

The money was good and it helped a lot. So much so that he's pretty sure his parents knew what he was doing, but couldn't afford to tell him to stop with the possibility of them being homeless was so real. He kept dealing drugs until his sophomore year in high school, and the thing that made him stop was walking around the corner to meet up with his best friend Dre just in time to see him get shot multiple times by rival dealers on their turf. Davion immediately start firing off shots and scared them off, but Dre was seriously injured. Davion stayed with him until the ambulance arrived, and who should jump out but his mother? The look she gave him spoke volumes, so she didn't have to say anything. She just asked what happened and let Davion ride with his best friend to the hospital. He stayed at the hospital all day and night while Dre got emergency surgery, and after nearly fifteen hours the doctors saved his life. They told Davion if he hadn't called them so fast he would've died, but it didn't make him feel any better.

Seeing his best friend in the world with tubes and holes all over his body scared him beyond words. And his mother seeing him at his worst, covered in Dre's blood with the unmistakable shape of a pistol tucked into a holster in his pants...her disappointment crushed him. That was the start of the rest of Davion's life. He started to apply himself in school again, doubled down on the sports, and in a few months his family moved away from Compton after his father did some work on a car and somehow struck up a lucrative business deal from it. The entire Cole family moved to Santa Glevens, and with money in the bank and a new environment, Davion thrived.

He graduated high school with top marks and got multiple scholarship offerings across the country. He chose to stay in LA however and went to SGU on a full-ride football scholarship. His college career has been pretty uneventful aside from kicking ass on the field, but his life changed the day the meteor dropped. He was jogging near the park, and actually on his way there when it hit. Even a block or two away as he was, the shockwave was powerful enough to launch him off his feet and knock him out. When he woke up, he felt weird but he wasn't hurt or injured, so he went back to the dorms, but strange things have been happening since then and he has no idea what's going on, but he is different in a way that he is afraid to tell anyone just how much he's changed.

Esper Powers

Power: Omni-Morph Duplication
Ability Description: Davion's entire cellular structure has been altered to allow him to absorb and duplicate the properties of whatever or whoever he touches through direct skin contact. This includes solids, liquids, gasses, and even forms of energy. To put it simply, if he touches a rock, any part of all of his body can become stone. If he grabs a downed power line, he will change into living electricity. And if he grabs someone who can control fire, his body composition will become flames. No matter what he becomes, he retains full consciousness and control enough over his form to maintain a humanoid appearance. The process is always the same, and from the point of contact, his body will visually begin to change itself in a rippling, wave like pattern until the transformation is complete.
Power Level: ▉ ▉ ▉ 3
Strength: Whatever property Davion absorbs, he gains all the benefits of that form. If he absorbs steel, he gains superhuman strength and durability due to being made of pure metal. If he becomes fire, he can project flames and solid matter passes through him as fire has no substance. Water allows him to manipulate his body freely and slide under doors, etc... The limit to his duplication stops at living entities in that he can absorb properties or powers from an individual, but he can not duplicate the individual themselves. So he could copy your power if you control electricity to become electricity himself however, he wouldn't turn into you or gain your actual ability to control electricity. This is only applicable when the person is actively using their ability at the time he makes physical contact. The ease and time of the process depend on the complexity of what he's duplicating. Turning into fire for example is nearly instant, but turning into wood takes longer as a tree is far more complex than a flame.

Weakness: Davion is all power, no finesse at the moment, and as such he treats his abilities with caution because he can easily kill somebody if he doesn't control his strength or what he is while in their vicinity. Just as he gains all the strengths of a certain form, he also gets the weaknesses as well. If he becomes flames, enough water or removing the air from around him will put him out. If he becomes ice, hot enough flames will make him melt. If he turns into iron, he gets incredibly heavy. Beyond the obvious cons of his power, there are more subtle ones that he has to deal with. He can only duplicate one property or element at a time, and he must be in contact with whatever element or property he wants to duplicate every time. So he can't just "remember" what it felt like to be made of granite, he has to find a piece of granite and make contact before he can become granite again. His transformations rely on his concentration but do not necessarily need his concentration to trigger. So while he must focus to stay transformed, he could shift randomly if he trips and touches something with his bare skin. This also means that whenever he is knocked out, or hurt enough to shake his concentration, he will automatically revert to his human form.

There is no instinctive "feel" on how his powers work, so it's all trial and error. And what makes it worse is that each form is completely different and he has to figure it out in real-time. He had to figure out how to shoot fire from his hand for example, as that's a byproduct of his actual ability, not the ability itself. This is an ongoing process and he's actually started journaling so he can read his thoughts on how different forms feel and work. Perhaps the most annoying part is that as his entire body possesses the power to change, he expends enormous amounts of energy to shift his cells into a state of flux and then an entirely new composition altogether before turning back again. As a result, he eats like a bodybuilder and a strongman had a baby. It's not an exaggeration to say he scarfs down enough food to equal nearly 10,000 calories per day, just so he doesn't pass out from transforming.


Quote from: Wired Rabbit on March 21, 2023, 10:37:03 AM
Edit: Hi! Here's Lauren, my work in progress character for submission.

Also Throne, you may have mentioned somewhere already, but is it okay if characters live on campus?

Full Name: Lauren Pope
Nickname(s): Pope
Alias: Magnet
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Kinesiology (Sophomore)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 145 lbs
Face Claim: Barbara Lopez
General Description: Lauren is the tall, dark haired girl, sitting in the back of the class in a desk that is almost too small for her frame. She's wearing the same SGU hooded sweatshirt as yesterday (hood up), with sweatpants and sneakers. She used to wear earrings and necklaces, nice ones, probably from family money, but now only wears stacks of bracelets on her wrists, or nothing at all. Simple, easy, something she probably took a nap in unless her teammates dressed her up for a volleyball event. Make-up days are game days. Otherwise Lauren is super low-maintenance.

Personality: Lauren is a slacker. She doesn't volunteer for anything, and enjoys doing the bare minimum most of the time. But she's also funny. And loyal to her friends. And calm under pressure. There is never any drama with Lauren, or anger, or even outbursts. In fact, if she's not hanging with her teammates she's probably doodling sea turtles into the boring pages of her math textbook.
Likes: Volleyball, the gym, her teammates, sleeping, napping, doodling (drawing), the ocean, marine biology
Dislikes: Most things that require effort, coursework, early classes, literature (in general), arguments, loud arguments
Psychological Quirks: Social anxiety. Lauren was always a quiet jock, even if she has a lot of friends and teammates. The fact that pencils, spoons, and other metal objects naturally float towards her the instant she thinks about them has only made this worse, and has given her even more reason to stay at the back of the classroom, the furthest she can get from the center of attention.
Talents & Hobbies:

  • Running
  • Vertical Jumping
  • Yoga
  • Drawing
  • Visual Memory

Backstory: Lauren was recruited from out-of-state into SGU on a volleyball scholarship. She's a team player, and a great athlete, but a poor student because she refuses to focus on her grades and apply herself. So far she has managed to get by doing the bare minimum (first year classes were mostly memory and multiple choice anyway), and she would prefer it to stay that way, although sophomore year is definitely harder. Her parents want her to graduate with a "degree" and a "job" but Lauren has no idea who, or what she wants, especially when it comes to her "future".

Esper Powers

Power: Metallokinesis
Ability Description: Lauren is something of a human magnet. She has the ability to move metal objects with her mind.
Power Level: ▉ 1
Strength: If Lauren thinks about a metal object, it will move, with considerable finesse. So far, she has only moved small objects, such as her pencils or the nails in her dorm room wall. These small objects tend to pull towards her, as if she has a magnetic field, or float nearby her heart, unless she gives them a specific trajectory in her mind. As her power grows, she could move and manipulate larger objects, but for now her doodles have gotten much better, and highly detailed.
Weakness: Lauren's main problem, other than the amount of small metal instruments in the cafeteria and the science labs, is her own wandering thoughts. For example, if she has a crush on someone, she tends to tug on their jewelry, and pull it (and them) towards herself. In general, her powers and her thoughts are extremely hard to hide.

Yes. You can live on campus.

My only question for Lauren is if she attracts metals that are magnetic only because there are metals that aren't magnetic.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Quote from: Juggtacular on March 21, 2023, 12:32:15 PM

Full Name: Davion Cole
Nickname(s): Dee, DC, Train(he hits like a freight train on the field)
Alias: Shift
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Male
Sexual Identity: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Engineering
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6'3
Weight: 230lbs
Face Claim: Jordan Calloway
General Description: Davion looks like a combination of his parents, getting his mother's skin tone, eyes, and nose. While he seems to look more like his dad in his features and mannerisms. He stands at a respectable 6'3, and is heavily muscled as he was always active in school and played basketball and football growing up. Now that he's at the college level, he's gotten even more yoked.

He dresses comfortably at almost all times, usually in sweats, shorts, or jeans, combined with a graphic shirt, sleeveless hoodie, etc... And more often than not, he's in slides(flip flops) because they're so damn comfy, but he always keeps a pair of shoes in his bag. He is fully capable of dressing for the occasion but hopes he doesn't have too many occasions to force the issue in the first place.

Personality: Davion is your typical kid from the hood. He has his guard up around new people because of old habits and trauma, but can quickly and easily open up to somebody once they show him what they're really all about. Despite his tough exterior, he's a pretty nice guy and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He has a good sense of humor, although it does get dark from time to time considering the things he saw growing up in Compton and the things he did to survive before moving to Santa Glevens.
Likes: Cars, Weed, Video Games/Movies, Reading, Chess, Good Food, DnD
Dislikes: Bugs, Police, Assholes, Bullies, Tests, Eyes on potatoes(fuck you it's a real dislike)
Psychological Quirks: PTSD, Night Terrors(from the PTSD), Haphephobia(The Fear of touch) and while not so much a fear, but he gets nervous at the thought of what could happen if he touches the wrong thing at the wrong time with the wrong mindset.
Talents & Hobbies:

  • Gaming - He has always had a love for video games even as a child, and he could play professionally if he wanted.
  • Sports(Football/Basketball) - Davion is at SGU on a full athletic scholarship, and is projected to be picked early in the Draft.
  • Martial Arts(MMA) - His father signed him up for MMA classes when he was a kid and he fell in love. He's never missed a day of training.
  • Mechanics - Davion has been working on fixing things since he was a kid, from engines to microwaves.
  • Charismatic - He has a natural way with words and feel about him that makes it easy for him to talk to people and get them on his side.

Backstory: Davion was born and raised in Compton, which is still as bad now as it's always been. His dad owned a failing auto body shop/garage, and his mother was an EMT, so combined they made barely enough to survive above the poverty line. Still, life wasn't easy and Davion knew what it was like to be poor. Lights getting cut off, no food, old clothes, etc, etc... He can't tell you how many times they used their church's food bank until they got food stamps. Still, his parents did the best they could and splurged when they had the opportunity. He would get a game console randomly now and then, or a new pair of shoes out of the blue when they could afford it.

The funny thing though, is that Davion never realized he was poor until a classmate started making fun of him about it. That was his first fight, which he unfortunately lost. His dad put him in MMA classes after that though, and he has been at the same gym training since he was eight. His family's financial situation got worse when his parents accidentally got pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, which meant two more mouths to feed in the exact same amount of space. When he was twelve, going on thirteen, Davion got into drugs and the street life to help pay the bills. Sure he worked with his dad and helped out around the gym, but his dad couldn't afford to pay him, and the gym paid peanuts since he was so young and only doing things like wiping down equipment and sparring with kids his own age. And since he was playing basketball and football, he had plenty of access to his fellow students and some of their less responsible older siblings and even sometimes parents.

The money was good and it helped a lot. So much so that he's pretty sure his parents knew what he was doing, but couldn't afford to tell him to stop with the possibility of them being homeless was so real. He kept dealing drugs until his sophomore year in high school, and the thing that made him stop was walking around the corner to meet up with his best friend Dre just in time to see him get shot multiple times by rival dealers on their turf. Davion immediately start firing off shots and scared them off, but Dre was seriously injured. Davion stayed with him until the ambulance arrived, and who should jump out but his mother? The look she gave him spoke volumes, so she didn't have to say anything. She just asked what happened and let Davion ride with his best friend to the hospital. He stayed at the hospital all day and night while Dre got emergency surgery, and after nearly fifteen hours the doctors saved his life. They told Davion if he hadn't called them so fast he would've died, but it didn't make him feel any better.

Seeing his best friend in the world with tubes and holes all over his body scared him beyond words. And his mother seeing him at his worst, covered in Dre's blood with the unmistakable shape of a pistol tucked into a holster in his pants...her disappointment crushed him. That was the start of the rest of Davion's life. He started to apply himself in school again, doubled down on the sports, and in a few months his family moved away from Compton after his father did some work on a car and somehow struck up a lucrative business deal from it. The entire Cole family moved to Santa Glevens, and with money in the bank and a new environment, Davion thrived.

He graduated high school with top marks and got multiple scholarship offerings across the country. He chose to stay in LA however and went to SGU on a full-ride football scholarship. His college career has been pretty uneventful aside from kicking ass on the field, but his life changed the day the meteor dropped. He was jogging near the park, and actually on his way there when it hit. Even a block or two away as he was, the shockwave was powerful enough to launch him off his feet and knock him out. When he woke up, he felt weird but he wasn't hurt or injured, so he went back to the dorms, but strange things have been happening since then and he has no idea what's going on, but he is different in a way that he is afraid to tell anyone just how much he's changed.

Esper Powers

Power: Omni-Morph Duplication
Ability Description: Davion's entire cellular structure has been altered to allow him to absorb and duplicate the properties of whatever or whoever he touches through direct skin contact. This includes solids, liquids, gasses, and even forms of energy. To put it simply, if he touches a rock, any part of all of his body can become stone. If he grabs a downed power line, he will change into living electricity. And if he grabs someone who can control fire, his body composition will become flames. No matter what he becomes, he retains full consciousness and control enough over his form to maintain a humanoid appearance. The process is always the same, and from the point of contact, his body will visually begin to change itself in a rippling, wave like pattern until the transformation is complete.
Power Level: ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ 5
Strength: Whatever property Davion absorbs, he gains all the benefits of that form. If he absorbs steel, he gains superhuman strength and durability due to being made of pure metal. If he becomes fire, he can project flames and solid matter passes through him as fire has no substance. Water allows him to manipulate his body freely and slide under doors, etc... The limit to his duplication stops at living entities in that he can absorb properties or powers from an individual, but he can not duplicate the individual themselves. So he could copy your power if you control electricity to become electricity himself however, he wouldn't turn into you or gain your actual ability to control electricity. The ease and time of the process depend on the complexity of what he's duplicating. Turning into fire for example is nearly instant, but turning into wood takes longer as a tree is far more complex than a flame.

Weakness: Davion is all power, no finesse at the moment, and as such he treats his abilities with caution because he can easily kill somebody if he doesn't control his strength or what he is while in their vicinity. Just as he gains all the strengths of a certain form, he also gets the weaknesses as well. If he becomes flames, enough water or removing the air from around him will put him out. If he becomes ice, hot enough flames will make him melt. If he turns into iron, he gets incredibly heavy. Beyond the obvious cons of his power, there are more subtle ones that he has to deal with. He can only duplicate one property or element at a time, and he must be in contact with whatever element or property he wants to duplicate every time. So he can't just "remember" what it felt like to be made of granite, he has to find a piece of granite and make contact before he can become granite again. His transformations rely on his concentration but do not necessarily need his concentration to trigger. So while he must focus to stay transformed, he could shift randomly if he trips and touches something with his bare skin. This also means that whenever he is knocked out, or hurt enough to shake his concentration, he will automatically revert to his human form.

There is no instinctive "feel" on how his powers work, so it's all trial and error. And what makes it worse is that each form is completely different and he has to figure it out in real-time. He had to figure out how to shoot fire from his hand for example, as that's a byproduct of his actual ability, not the ability itself. This is an ongoing process and he's actually started journaling so he can read his thoughts on how different forms feel and work. Perhaps the most annoying part is that as his entire body possesses the power to change, he expends enormous amounts of energy to shift his cells into a state of flux and then an entirely new composition altogether before turning back again. As a result, he eats like a bodybuilder and a strongman had a baby. It's not an exaggeration to say he scarfs down enough food to equal nearly 10,000 calories per day, just so he doesn't pass out from transforming.

Because you made him PL 5 at the start of the game, he has absolutely no control over this power. Literally none. So, he will have to find a way to compensate. Also, I will not be allowing him to "Rogue" powers from people on touch. They would have to be producing the energy or element he wants to replicate for him to do so. If Johnny isn't covered in flames or holding a fire ball, then he can't just touch Johnny and say he has his powers. That ability to duplicate somebody else's power would be a different power entirely.

If you want to give your character some control over the power starting out, then I recommend either starting him out at PL 1 since you said he will be practicing, or possibly PL 3. PL 3 starting out is still very dangerous for others around him, but at least he'd be able to trigger his abilities at will versus unwillingly. Each month you're active in the game, he can learn more and more control.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on March 21, 2023, 08:51:09 PM
Because you made him PL 5 at the start of the game, he has absolutely no control over this power. Literally none. So, he will have to find a way to compensate. Also, I will not be allowing him to "Rogue" powers from people on touch. They would have to be producing the energy or element he wants to replicate for him to do so. If Johnny isn't covered in flames or holding a fire ball, then he can't just touch Johnny and say he has his powers. That ability to duplicate somebody else's power would be a different power entirely.

If you want to give your character some control over the power starting out, then I recommend either starting him out at PL 1 since you said he will be practicing, or possibly PL 3. PL 3 starting out is still very dangerous for others around him, but at least he'd be able to trigger his abilities at will versus unwillingly. Each month you're active in the game, he can learn more and more control.

That's on me for not clarifying, but basically what you said is what I meant. I'll reword it to clarify that they have to actively be using their ability for him to get the corresponding element/property from it. And I'll drop him down to 3. that's no problem.


Quote from: Juggtacular on March 21, 2023, 09:10:41 PM
That's on me for not clarifying, but basically what you said is what I meant. I'll reword it to clarify that they have to actively be using their ability for him to get the corresponding element/property from it. And I'll drop him down to 3. that's no problem.

Ok. Once you make those changes, you can add him to the Character Thread.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Wired Rabbit

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on March 21, 2023, 08:36:54 PM
Yes. You can live on campus.

My only question for Lauren is if she attracts metals that are magnetic only because there are metals that aren't magnetic.

That's a great question!  :-)

I think for PL 1, yes, Lauren can only attract metals that are magnetic. This makes things easier for me in scenes with metals, and is something I can play with in the future as Lauren's powers grow.

I've edited her Esper abilities to reflect this and included a list of magnetic metals in her CS below.

Full Name: Lauren Pope
Nickname(s): Pope
Alias: Magnet
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Kinesiology (Sophomore)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 145 lbs
Face Claim: Barbara Lopez
General Description: Lauren is the tall, dark haired girl, sitting in the back of the class in a desk that is almost too small for her frame. She's wearing the same SGU hooded sweatshirt as yesterday (hood up), with sweatpants and sneakers. She used to wear earrings and necklaces, nice ones, probably from family money, but now only wears stacks of bracelets on her wrists, or nothing at all. Simple, easy, something she probably took a nap in unless her teammates dressed her up for a volleyball event. Make-up days are game days. Otherwise Lauren is super low-maintenance.

Personality: Lauren is a slacker. She doesn't volunteer for anything, and enjoys doing the bare minimum most of the time. But she's also funny. And loyal to her friends. And calm under pressure. There is never any drama with Lauren, or anger, or even outbursts. In fact, if she's not hanging with her teammates she's probably doodling sea turtles into the boring pages of her math textbook.
Likes: Volleyball, the gym, her teammates, sleeping, napping, doodling (drawing), the ocean, marine biology
Dislikes: Most things that require effort, coursework, early classes, literature (in general), arguments, loud arguments
Psychological Quirks: Social anxiety. Lauren was always a quiet jock, even if she has a lot of friends and teammates. The fact that paperclips, headphones, and other magnetic metals naturally float towards her the instant she thinks about them has only made this worse, and has given her even more reason to stay at the back of the classroom, the furthest she can get from the center of attention.
Talents & Hobbies:

  • Running
  • Vertical Jumping
  • Yoga
  • Drawing
  • Visual Memory

Backstory: Lauren was recruited from out-of-state into SGU on a volleyball scholarship. She's a team player, and a great athlete, but a poor student because she refuses to focus on her grades and apply herself. So far she has managed to get by doing the bare minimum (first year classes were mostly memory and multiple choice anyway), and she would prefer it to stay that way, although sophomore year is definitely harder. Her parents want her to graduate with a "degree" and a "job" but Lauren has no idea who, or what she wants, especially when it comes to her "future".

Esper Powers

Power: Metallokinesis
Ability Description: Lauren is something of a human magnet. She has the ability to move metal objects with her mind.
Power Level: ▉ 1
Strength: If Lauren thinks about a metal object, it will move, with considerable finesse. At Lauren's current power level, these metal objects must be magnetic and are usually small in size. These small magnetic objects tend to pull towards her, as if she has her own magnetic field. Unless she gives them a specific trajectory in her mind, they tend to float nearby her heart, or around her body if there are multiple small objects (e.g. nails, paperclips, coins, batteries, some jewelry).
Weakness: Lauren's magnetic field is always on. If her thoughts wander, she will accidentally pull magnetic metals in her vicinity towards her. If someone is wearing magnetic metals, and Lauren thinks about them, she will tug on them too. This means her powers (and her thoughts) are extremely hard to hide.

Magnetic Metals

  • Iron
  • Nickle
  • Cobalt
  • Steel
  • Stainless Steel
  • Gadolinium
  • Dysprosium
Howdy! I'm Rabbit. I'm a fictional enthusiast.
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Response Rate: 2-5 Days.

Miss Nyx

-leaves this here for Throne-  ;D Heheheheee—oh, is that a Wired Rabbit I see? Lovely lady you’ve got there, as always.

Full Name: Sebastien Gabriel Almeida
Nickname(s): Bastien works fine for those that know him well.
Alias: Everlast.
Age: 20.
Esper Type: Esper.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Identity: Cis-male.
Sexuality: Bi-curious.
Relationship Status: Single.
Major: Animal Health & Science.
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Brown.
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 175 lbs. / 80 kg.
Face Claim: Leon Gotz.
General Description: Tall, agile and well toned, Bastien is what you’d basically expect of any privileged youth growing up in today’s West Coast world. His hair falls in wide spirals that have been let to grow as they please, styled by the wind and the salt of the sea. His eyes are deep and expressive, face soft yet masculine and constantly teetering between end of day scruff and clean shaven.
When it comes to attire Bastien isn’t crazy for expensive brand name labels and will wear literally anything he deems comfortable… he’s been known to enjoy thrifting some of his most stylish pieces, he’s proud to say.

Personality: Calm, collected Bastien is a curious individual indeed… he seems to mesh with just about any sort of personality no matter how challenging or standoffish they might be. His mellow energy and tendency to just flow with the world around him is almost infectious… he’s almost always in a good mood, and is one of those effortlessly kind sort of people who just brighten the room with their presence.

His occasional pensive and quiet demeanor can at times give the wrong impression, he hates coming off as dismissive or rude, he just genuinely might be spacing out and mean zero harm for it. Contrary to his extroverted exterior he does find himself more comfortable in smaller numbers and will often leave social gatherings early if feeling overwhelmed. Bastien is the pacifistic sort, to a fault… but you should pray if he’s ever placed in the position that he feels he must defend himself.
Likes: The ocean, marine life, most wildlife in general, sailing, kayaking, hiking, dirt bikes/atvs, any and every baby animal ever, marijuana, keeping himself fit, ramen, video games, karaoke (he’s god awful but it’s fun!), hot tea and coffee, LARP/Cosplay, photography, sustainable sushi (especially sashimi), being around people with good energy/spirits.
Dislikes: Bullies, cops, narcs, large crowds, uninvited invasion of his personal space, rude people, people who abuse animals, waking up early, judgemental types, licorice, overly sweet things.
Psychological Quirks: He has massive social anxiety, the panic inducing type. With the help of therapy, medication and just putting himself out there Bastien has managed to overcome his anxiety and only has small moments when this condition affects him these days.
Talents & Hobbies:

• With an IQ over 200, Bastien’s enjoying a full tuition academic scholarship.
• He’s a triathlete, and competes for the SGU Swim, Track Team and Soccer Team.
• A self proclaimed Otaku, most of his hobbies that aren’t outdoors involve anime, manga or some form of Japanese pop culture.
• Origami, mahjong, thousand piece puzzles, chess, doodling, yes to all and often.
• He loves animals, especially cats, and has six rescues at his condo downtown.

Backstory: Sebastian Almeida is the second born son of Joaquim Almeida, a famed Portuguese fashion designer and Evelyn Roix a filipina and French model and socialite. He has a twin brother who is older than he is by two minutes. It’s safe to say he’s lived a seemingly charmed, picturesque young life. His parents own their ranch in the foothills of San Diego. He had enough money from modeling as a child to buy his own house when he turned sixteen… instead, Sebastien sought to donate it all after he was awarded a full ride scholarship to the University of California, in Los Angeles.

Being a very young teen in college however was an extremely stressful experience. It’s hardly any surprise there was a year or two of very difficult times for Sebastien, falling in with the wrong sorts of friends and squandering his potential. It wasn’t until both of his parents were killed in a car crash that he found himself faced with a rude wake up call… and this is precisely what inspired him to transfer schools and change his major, not only to be closer to his twin but to escape the temptation of a darker world at such a heavy point in his life.

Esper Powers

Power: Psionic Regeneration.
Ability Description: Sebastien has the ability to regenerate damaged tissue, bone matter and cells on an extraordinary level. At its early stage he is not yet certain the extent of his regenerative abilities but he’s found that as time goes on since this discovery, he’s able to recover from all sorts of physical injuries… even those one might otherwise present as life threatening. When this power is in use, one can physically feel the presence of psychic energy and see it as a soft glow of white like thin wisps of smoke dancing over Sebastien’s entire being.
Power Level: ▉▉▉
Strength: At the third power level Sebastien finds if he were to prick his finger the wound would seal in a matter of seconds. He can drench a hand with boiling water and find the blistered skin reversed and smooth in perhaps ten minutes. If he were to break a bone it would be roughly thirty minutes before the injury completely repaired itself. Admittedly, Bastien has found himself morbidly curious at how much more serious injury he might be able to withstand.
Weakness: While he has found himself able to recover from serious injuries it does not mean he is impervious to the pain of such injuries, it’s very safe to assume a serious enough injury could cause him to go into shock, cardiac arrest or coma… as such he’s taken to medicating before purposely trying something stupid to test the limits of what he can do. Bastien has also taken notice that the more severe an injury is the longer it seems to take to heal from another injury, by example if he jumped from six stories and broke his legs, he would heal rapidly, but if he were to suffer a stab wound an hour later the reaction time of healing would be exasperatedly slower than the normal rate, making an injury that typically heals in seconds take closer to two or three hours.


Full Name: Lucy Herald
Nickname(s): Shortstop
Alias: Shot Put
Age: 20
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Kinesthesis
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 180cm
Weight: 73kg
Face Claim: Baydews
General Description: Is usually dressed in either their Baseball uniform or jeans and a tee with a Varsity jacket. Long hair tied up in a ponytail with no other accessories and short well maintained nails.

Personality: Very friendly but incredibly stubborn.
Likes: Sport, competition, glitter, her mum's baking, hanging out with friends.
Dislikes: Reading, large crowds, losing, being told men are better at sport.
Psychological Quirks: Enochlophobia
Talents & Hobbies:
Drums (hobby but definitely not a talent),
Board Games,
Watching trash reality TV

Backstory: Discovered her power while practising her pitching at a local park. Accidentally sent the ball flying and smashed a hole through the toilet building and a tree before it embedded itself in a car across the street. They so far haven’t deliberately used it since due to the danger but live in constant fear that it will activate outside of her control. She lives with her mum Grace who works an early shift at the local bakery and her younger brother Miles(17).

Esper Powers

Power: Linear Telekinesis
Ability Description: Launches an object at a high speed in a straight line. Has so far only been activated by touching and pushing on an object.
Power Level: ▉▉▉▉▉
Strength: Turns anything into a powerful projectile
Weakness: Can only move things in a straight line and cannot control the speed or stop an object once launched, also goes off without warning.


I sent everyone who posted a CS pending approval a PM.

Current writers and future writers, when you design a character, I want you to really think about their power progress from beginning to end. If you see them doing one thing with their power, and you hope by PL 5, they are doing something else, then you may be imagining two different powers. You must give your character one specialization, and it should be something they can grow to extremes by PL 5.

Characters who like to start at PL 5, your character's power will be lethal not only to others but potentially themselves. Of course, this is only if your character's power is weaponized. Some future applicants may create harmless and helpful powers. But just understand that starting out at level 5 means absolutely no control—literally none. So if you were hoping they'd have even a small amount of control at the beginning, then their PL needs to be lower.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Hi there.  Yukina has put a magical spell on me and I'm now submitting a character to play here lol.
I hope that this is the place to put it.  I'm still fairly new to posting on E.  Thanks

Full Name: Livia Ashford
Nickname(s): Liv
Alias: Anchor
Age: 21
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Cis-female
Sexuality: Lesbian (interests in she/her and they/them)
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Business Communications
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 5’8”
Face Claim: Elyse Dufour
General Description: Tall athletic build with curves in the right places. Darker red hair coming down past her shoulders and normally braided or tied back. Gray blue eyes, narrow nose and teasing smile. Her closet on campus is full of expensive jackets, dresses and business dress, but these only make an appearance when family visits. She is most comfortable in jeans, t-shirts and oversized hoodies. One of her favorite t-shirts reads: ‘Good girls are Bad girls that just don’t get caught’. She doesn’t wear makeup unless she has to and jewelry consists of small earrings and a rope braided bracelet on her right wrist. She has a small tattoo on her body that her family has no idea she has.
Personality: Livia on the outside is a very confident and talented soccer player. She is aware of her status and takes advantage of the money that is so easily available to her on a daily basis. She can stand in front of a room full of business men and women with an idea, but when it comes to her peers she may seem cold and standoffish. In reality she craves to be accepted by those around her, but since she was always in the world of adults growing up she is a social nerd and not quite sure how to break into the social norms of college life.
Once a person gets to really know the Livia hiding inside they will find a compassionate and caring person. Instead of flaunting the money she has, she donates it to the local animal shelter where she volunteers when she isn’t involved in her soccer activities and studying.
Likes: Loves loves loves animals. reading, dancing, hiking, a good cup of tea, photography, and cuddling even though she won’t admit it.
Dislikes: Bullies, losing a game, beer, smoking, boring lectures
Psychological Quirks: Rejection. Afraid of heights. And a recurring nightmare of being trapped in a fire.
Talents & Hobbies:
Cooking almost anything as long as she is sharing with someone else.
Sports but especially soccer. Offered a full scholarship, but declined so someone else who needed the money on the team could use it
Languages: English, Korean, Spanish, Sign Language
Plays the harmonica
Tying a knot in a cherry stem with her tongue
Backstory: Livia comes from a very well off family and will most likely be looked at as a spoiled brat. Her grandfather invested in early development of solar and alternate sources of power? He groomed her mother, but while away on a business trip for the company she met and later fell in love with someone. She got pregnant and ended up marrying him. Of course her grandfather did not approve, not thinking he was worthy of his daughter and tries to manipulate the relationship in any way possible in hopes that her father will leave.
When Livia hit her teen years she had already been playing soccer for several years. Her grandfather tolerated it with the mindset that it would develop character and round out her personality having contact with those not as privileged as she.  He set up a trust fund for her after she started following her mother to work, or course not letting him know that she just wanted her mother’s approval and love.
Esper Powers
Power: Psychokinesis - Flight
Ability Description: Livia sends out pulses of telekinetic energy from her hands and feet in order to levitate herself and move in different directions once she has left the surface she was initially connecting with.
Power Level: ▉▉▉
Strength: Her powers allow her to levitate, glide and fly. Learning how to untether from the earth’s gravity and using it to launch herself off the ground. She would only be able to launch up about 10-20 feet or so in the beginning, being very unstable and sometimes not sure which direction she might be randomly thrown in. But with time the ability of being able to go in any direction and speed literally at her fingertips.
Weakness: The control scheme of her powers can be difficult to manipulate, to be able to maintain a consistent speed and direction with the level of power she has. The biggest downfall is the fact that she is afraid of heights and it makes her nauseous.

Angel Fire

I am definitely interested in this for sure!  Would it be possible to have a character that can heal others as their Esper power... at the expense of her own health (Think of Wolverine's healing factor but used on other people instead of themselves)?  I am thinking that she could be like the "medic" on a team in this case.
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Quote from: Angel Fire on March 26, 2023, 05:15:55 PM
I am definitely interested in this for sure!  Would it be possible to have a character that can heal others as their Esper power... at the expense of her own health (Think of Wolverine's healing factor but used on other people instead of themselves)?  I am thinking that she could be like the "medic" on a team in this case.

Yes, that sounds fine.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Angel Fire

Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?

Angel Fire

All righty... here she is!  The medic that needs help to recover!

Full Name: Camille De Silva
Nickname(s): Cam, Cammie
Alias: N/A as of now (Would be brought up in game)
Age: 22
Esper Type: Esper
Gender: Female
Sexual Identity: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Single at the moment
Major: Pre-Medical studies
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Face Claim: Ella Hunt
General Description: Camille usually likes to dress in an androgynous style.  There are times that she dresses in men's clothes and other times, she can dress like the woman that she is.  It all depends on her mood that day.  She is thinking about getting some tattoos but she has yet to find the courage to get one yet.
Personality: Camille can be easily manipulated into doing things that she may not not want to do... but once she finds out those things would harm people, she instantly backs away... even if it means that she would be called a coward.  She easily trusts people but if they break her trust, she can just as easily let out a grudge towards the other people.  Long story short, don't lie to her.  She doesn't forget when people lie about their intentions.
Likes: She is at home in the outdoors.  Nature can be her calling.  She loves to go out camping in a small tent.  Her dream is to go into the outdoors with a very special someone.  She is a cuddler and she very much admits that.
Dislikes: Liars, Bullies, People that just talk and talk without letting her have her own opinion on things, Overcooked food
Psychological Quirks: Cammie is a listener first and foremost.  She wants to absorb every bit of information that she can before responding to a topic.  Sometimes, that absorption of listening can get her into trouble as she is one to speak up first if she thinks that she understands what other people are talking about.  Once she finds out that she is wrong about a topic, it will take a bit of reassuring from others to get her back on track.
Talents & Hobbies:
She can be a mean cook and has many recipes that were passed down by her Grandma if she had the motivation to make them.
She has practiced on the bass guitar enough to join a band if someone would want her to... Yes, she can keep the low end up quite well.
She can be quite athletic, especially in softball and baseball.  She was an outfielder in her youth.
She has working knowledge of Spanish and German.  Don't ask her to speak it outright as she has to remember it for a bit.
She can set up campsites with some help. (Those tents can be such a pain in the butt to set up by herself!)

Backstory: Born near Montreal, Quebec, Cam's parents moved her down to the San Francisco Bay Area when she was still a toddler.  In her younger years, she was more of a people girl but as time went on, it seemed to her that the lies that the other children gave to her set her trust level of people back.  Upon turning 18, the only relative that she could turn to was her Grandma.  Her parents didn't seem to care about her.  With their jobs in the Stock Market, it seemed to her that her parents cared more about making money than caring about her.  Finally getting out of the house, she made her way to the "Big City" of San Jose after living most of her life in many small towns in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  After leaving most of her family, she was made to live off her own devices.  For a year, she was left homeless as she found her way down to the city of Santa Cruz.  Sleeping under bridges and overpasses, she was called a "troll" in local slang but deep inside of herself, she knew that she needed help.  What kind of help can she get after leaving all that she knows behind?  Only time can tell.

Esper Powers: Healer to Others

Power: Cammie can heal other people at the expense of her own health.  The worse the wounds are... the worse off that Cammie comes out of it in the end.  In essence, she takes other people's injuries away and brings them onto herself at half the severity.  She can't heal surface wounds but she can take on the injuries that her fighting partners have at half of the severity level.  She does not know that she actually does have a healing factor on her own body yet... but that will come over time (Which is why her body takes on half of the other's injury impacts at this point in time).
Ability Description: When her powers come out, nobody around her would notice anything different unless they look very close to her.  Extending her arms towards her wounded target, the unseen waves of healing energy go towards the wounded teammate..  In return, she takes on her teammate's injuries on her own body as her glow keeps emanating from herself until those injuries are fully healed on her own body.
Power Level: ▉▉
Strength: As her powers get more under control, the less that she feels her teammate's injuries.  With her at full power, she would not feel anything from her teammate when using her powers.
Weakness: She is subject to nosebleeds, puking up blood, fatigue, drowsiness and (at worst) unconsciousness when using her powers to heal others.  The more severe the injuries are to the teammate that she heals, the more severe her own symptoms will be.
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?

Golden Spider

I am going to stake my interest. also have an interesting power that excites me but I also don't know how it will start out as being able to do, or how it will "power up" to, so willing to workshop that with some people
Here are my O/Os: 

I have taken the Oath of the Drake:

Miss Nyx

Hurraaaay a new player! :D If you’re willing to share your concept I’m sure many of us would be happy to weigh in on it, alternately you could PM our GM and I’m sure he’ll walk you through it. I had some help sorting mine out!

Golden Spider

I don't mind posting it here

it will be kinda difficult for me as a player too because its new.

But I want to play a pair of twins who's power has manifested in a literal physic link between the two.
Here are my O/Os: 

I have taken the Oath of the Drake:

Miss Nyx

What sort of psychic link? Telepathy, or something else like remote viewing where they can see what the other twin is seeing at a distance? …Or shared ESP?

Golden Spider

That's what I'm not really sure about. the idea in my head is more maybe starting as a telepathy, but growing to become a sort of hive mind maybe. or shared memories/experiences Like Character A hangs with Jim the previous night and then the next morning Character B approaches Jim to continue the conversation they had last night or something.
Here are my O/Os: 

I have taken the Oath of the Drake:

Miss Nyx

I think you should be fine with this power by your definition. As per Thrones description so long as the power is classified as one ability it is permitted… and it seems you have the gist of it regarding the level of power. They’d start out as only being able to read one another’s thoughts and gradually the ability could amplify to the radius around them. Be sure to toss in weaknesses and possible ill effects of the power, for the sake of realism and to avoid omnipotence.

Keep in mind though that something like telepathically reading thoughts and being able to telepathically speak into another’s mind are two separate abilities. Likewise with telepathically exchanging information like memories… you’ll have to pick one niche and stick with it. You mighttt be able to swing two sides of one coin—one twin can do one telepathic ability and the other another? But this is just my amateur opinion. Run it by TheBlackThrone for good measure! Hope this was some help for you!


Quote from: Miss Nyx on April 12, 2023, 12:49:31 PM
I think you should be fine with this power by your definition. As per Thrones description so long as the power is classified as one ability it is permitted… and it seems you have the gist of it regarding the level of power. They’d start out as only being able to read one another’s thoughts and gradually the ability could amplify to the radius around them. Be sure to toss in weaknesses and possible ill effects of the power, for the sake of realism and to avoid omnipotence.

Keep in mind though that something like telepathically reading thoughts and being able to telepathically speak into another’s mind are two separate abilities. Likewise with telepathically exchanging information like memories… you’ll have to pick one niche and stick with it. You mighttt be able to swing two sides of one coin—one twin can do one telepathic ability and the other another? But this is just my amateur opinion. Run it by TheBlackThrone for good measure! Hope this was some help for you!

You covered everything. lol I have no comments.  :D
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Golden Spider

I think I've come up with a different idea actually now. but thanks for your help!
Here are my O/Os: 

I have taken the Oath of the Drake: