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Rules of Play:

  • This is not our universe it is that created by JK Rowling and globally recognised as Potter Verse. We have altered it slightly for the benefit of our game but otherwise we will try to keep as much to canon as we possibly can.
  • This Game is not a sex focused game but it is not prohibited. Sex scenes are kept in a separate thread, within the forum. Student-teacher (sexual) relationships are not permitted.
  • We adhere to most, if not all, physical and legal laws of the Harry Potter universe. This means that electronic devices do not function in Hogwarts or in the JWA and that underage witches/wizards may not use magic outside of Hogwarts or the JWA. (underage in the HP universe is below 17)
  • Your character's knowledge of Magic and the Magical world should remain connected to their age and skill level, along with their history. Children born with magical ability tend to show signs of their powers at around age 11. (For this setting)
  • All characters must have a parent from England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland. There is a magic school in America (Salem), one in Eastern Europe (Durmstrang), one in Western Europe Mainland (Beauxbatons). Other (non established canon) schools in Russia, Australia, Asia and South America exist too. We will take the odd transfer student but a thorough biography must be done to establish a reason for the transfer to Hogwarts. Pre-approval required from GMs.
  • Special Items: All special items (Invisibility cloaks, pensive, deluminators etc )are obviously not common and therefore the owning of such items must be approved by a GM.
  • There are no Vampires, Trolls, or other dangerous magical creatures (unless RP'ed by the GM’s) at this school or on the Grounds. Please don't RP as if there were. If there is a demanding reason for a dangerous creature, please personal message a GM with the story concept and we will do our best to accommodate you.
  • If your character is a pure-blood both of their parents are magical, and all of their grandparents and so on. It means a 'muggle' was never married and that all ancestors have been magical. That being said, it is very obvious that this must be quite impossible. J.K Rowling has stated that 'true' pure-bloods do not exist in the magical world, and that any family that claims to be entirely 'pure' has simply erased muggles and squibs from their family trees. With this knowledge in mind we have set our definition of a 'Pureblood' to be that all great-grandparents and any direct descendants them were all magical. This, of course, also means that your character can have two magical parents and still not be a 'pure-blood'. If you wish your character to be a pureblood, please pm the GM's.
  • The following are the only special races in this game, that wizard folk can be. A good character concept is required and must be submitted to the GM for approval. Part Giants, Veelas and Goblins will not have the full blood counterpart skills/abilities.

Part-giants (Hagrid) Part-Veelas (Fleur Delacour) Part-goblin (Professor Flitwick) Werewolves (Remus Lupin) <---No werewolves this year, sorry. With regards veela's it means - they are inherently beautiful but cannot enthrall anyone, turn heads because of how beautiful they are yes but that is about it. with regards goblins it means - they are not quite as short as their full counterparts and do not have the long spindly fingers. They are clever but do not hold any knowledge of full goblin magic. spells and potions can essentially affect them as the goblin blood is very diluted. with regards giants it means - they are not quite as tall as their full or half counterparts, nor do they have the massive girth. Spells and potions can essentially affect them because their giant blood has been diluted by human blood.

  • BackSeat Moderation is NOT allowed, if you read or feel something is in violation of the game rules or setting, please PM a GM.

Suggestions are welcome

Posting Etiquette and Expectation

  • Every post should have a header with tag information. Tag information code can be copied from the IC or the first page of the character sheet thread.
  • Adding list items to the tag is allowed (such as "wearing" or "listening to").
  • Tag images are to be portrait style (as opposed to horizontal style 150x200). If you need an avatar created, please visit the avatar and banner seeker thread.
  • Posts are expected to consist of actual content that provides material for partners to respond to other than dialogue alone. 'One-liners' are not acceptable.
  • Posting is not required to be at any specific rate. When planning a scene, please consider mentioning how fast or slow paced it is expected to be.
  • Godmodding, MetaGaming and PowerGaming is not tolerated.
  • Killing characters (PC or NPC) is not allowed without GM approval and full player consent.
  • Use common sense in regard to posting order. Let everyone in the scene reply before you post again unless something else has been agreed upon.

Character Creation and extra information:

  • Special Items: All special items (Invisibility cloaks, pensive, deluminators require Gm permittion to obtrain/use. Minor items can be bought at will. Unsure if an item is major or minor? PM a GM.
  • Students will have graduated from the Junior School and will receive their letters from Hogwarts. These will be issued/ pm’d to all Hogwarts First Years ( 16 year old students). Book lists and supplies will also be issued to all students via pm as they move up a year. Students will be expected to go to Diagon Alley during the summer to get these items.
  • Only pets such as cats, toads, rats or owls are permitted – no dragons, dogs, ferret or other such pets are allowed at Hogwarts.
  • When playing an adult character ( aka professor / faculty ) please note that this role is a privilege to rp and that lessons etc must be posted to. Gamers are allowed to create npc characters of family members providing of course that these characters have been established in an approved bio.
  • Rewards for activity in game will be issued, especially in classroom settings. Points for participating in class will all go towards the House points at the end of the year.
  • Prefects / Head girl / Head boy and quidditch captains will all be decided by the GMs. These positions are a privilege and should not be abused. The GMs will take great care as to who will be selected for these positions, loyal and active players will be selected first when positions are available.
  • Dueling and quidditch will be a part of this game, we will be using an easy system for the dueling club and quidditch as set by Aiden.
  • As in all schools punishments are expected such as detention and lines to be written, expect trips to the Forbidden Forest and much more.
  • We have altered the setting of Hogwarts to accommodate Elliquiy’s rules in that no student under the age of 16 will be permitted.

Alongside your characters, we have numerous NPCs (Non Playable Characters) roaming the halls of Hogwarts. . Our NPC directory can be found --> HERE

  • Assumed NPCs: There will be those characters who fill space, shopkeepers, house elves, students etc. They are to assist the game in simply being and nothing more, these npc's can and will get overlooked and ignored by actual PC's if there is no call for interaction with them.
  • Posed NPCs: These are the npc's that you have all selected to make such as family members, best friends, pets, etc that have an image and name agreed upon. These npc's can be set aside and ignored in game when it is not necessary for any interaction. Only the creators of these npcs may write them unless given permission is given.
  • Staff-Run NPCs: Some staff, shopkeepers, ghosts, ministry members, students etc will all be played by the GM's to assist in moving the game along
  • All characters can LOSE points for its affiliated house if they are caught "up to no good".
  • By posting them in a classroom setting, this will be viewed favourably in a review for abilities/skills.

Grades and Points

  • Attending classes is NOT mandatory, players can post about the school as having taken a lesson whilst not having actually posted to it. The classes are simply another means for players to enjoy the Hogwarts experience and in time (may) gain a skill or unique ability.

If you have stated previously that your student excels in a certain subject, attending classes is your chance to prove it.

  • These classes will also help the GMs in determining who genuinely is interested in progressing their character forward and learning new skills.

Relevant In Game Information

  • student characters caught misbehaving will have points deducted student characters found behaving admirably - above and beyond the call of duty will have points awarded (will not exceed the maximum of 20pts)
  • The house points have their own thread; professors and librarians have the power to add or remove points
  • Groundskeeper / Caretaker / HeadBoy / HeadGirl and Prefects - DO NOT have the authority to award or deduct points BUT do have the authority to administer discipline and/ or bring the student to the attention of their HoH.
  • The libraries will have two sections - the ordinary area and the restricted area.
  • Permission must be given in-game from a professor or HoH or Headmistress to enter - this will be roleplayed out as a note given to hand to the librarian, if you can get away and keep it, good for you. But do not get caught breaking the rules or you will be given detention.
  • Students will be allowed to practice their flying at the quidditch pitch during school hours
  • Night time flying or flying in to the school towers or in and around the school itself will warrant serious disciplinary action - if CAUGHT!
  • The Lake is not safe for swimming unless students keep to the shore line, any further and the school will not be held responsible for any squid or merfolk activity resulting in possible injury or death
  • The Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason - it contains many creatures that are dangerous. The forest is sometimes used for detentions but these are extreme cases.

Again the school will not take any responsibility for students injuring themselves or dying if entering.

  • A variation on the tagging system will be used specifically for the classrooms and MUST be used there. This is so lessons for first years do not get confused with lesson posts for fourth years etc.
  • Players can RP in the general threads as they see fit, but keep in mind this game will be moving along at a moderate pace since we want you all to move up a year in time or to move to the next in game event.
General Classes Electives
Defense Against the Dark Arts Dragonlore
Transfiguration Care of Magical Creatures
Charms Divination
Herbology Arithmancy
Astronomy Ancient Runes
History of Magic (Uni only)

Special Races / Abilities / Skills:


We accept the following as true ‘special abilities’ that a character may have. These gifts are generally rare and will occasionally require special training to achieve while others will have been inherited genetically

  • Parselmouth
  • Metamorphmagus
  • Animagus
  • Legilimency - This skill is not available to players in HaF
  • Occlumency
  • Seer

Abilities Requiring Training:


An animagus is a witch or a wizard who can change into the form of an animal at will through the use of Transfiguration. In order to be able to transform oneself into an animal at will requires a mastery of Transfiguration, a mastery which cannot be attained through normal schooling and lessons. It takes years of practise and special lessons to be able to attain such a gift. In fact, this gift is so special all those who are skilled enough to be Animagi must register with the Ministry of Magic.

When writing a character sheet if a member wants their student to learn this subject they will have to make note that their character has always excelled in Transfiguration and passed their OWLs with at least an A(acceptable) at most an O (outstanding)


Legilimency is the ability to extract thoughts and emotions from other's minds as well as to influence their mind with your own. This power will be open to fifth year students and above to apply for training for. It will require outstanding marks in all prior years and future success in all core magical fields of study. Again if you wish your character to learn or know this subject then note in your CS that your character was or will be taught the art of Legilimency for a minimum of one year before being declared an official Legilimens.


Occlumency is the ability to be able to protect one's mind from external intrusion. This is the precise opposite of Legilimency. As such, the same requirements for Legilimency apply to members wishing to use this.


Being a seer is to be able to see into the future, predict it, and interpret it and to do so almost at will. For your character to be a seer you must have a character who has taken at least two years of Divination with Os in both years. Special lessons will be supplied to your character and after them they must receive at least an A in their NEWT Divination course.

Abilities that are genetically inherited:


Parseltongue is the language of serpents, therefore those who speak it are known as Parselmouths. The ability to speak in this hiss-like language is excruciatingly rare and cannot truly be taught. Any one wishing to want their character to use this must have GM permission and a great character concept.


A metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who is able to change their appearance at will. This gift is excruciatingly rare and is inherited genetically. It cannot be taught or learned. The same conditions for applying are here as they were for Parselmouth.


The following are the only special races in this game, that wizard folk can also be. Again a good character concept is required before approval will be given otherwise we’ll have ten werewolves and twenty part-veelas running around.

  • Part-giants (Hagrid)
  • Part-Veelas (Fleur Delacour)
  • Part-goblin (Professor Flitwick)
  • Werewolves (Remus Lupin)


If your character is a pure-blood both of their parents are magical, and all of their grandparents and so on. It means a 'muggle' was never married and that all ancestors have been magical. That being said, it is very obvious that this must be quite impossible. J.K Rowling has stated that 'true' pure-bloods do not exist in the magical world, and that any family that claims to be entirely 'pure' has simply erased muggles and squibs from their family trees. With this knowledge in mind we have set our definition of a 'Pureblood' to be that all great-grandparents and any direct descendants them were all magical. This, of course, also means that your character can have two magical parents and still not be a 'pure-blood'.

If you wish your character to be a pureblood, please pm the GM's.