Wonders of Eberron (3.5 DnD sandbox game, interest check)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, March 03, 2011, 10:49:25 AM

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Zaer Darkwail

Okay, this game concept was my one very first games which I GM'ed over Rpol years ago. Some may remember it's title as in the time it had got +10K posts under a month. Anyways game is settled on Eberron, five years since Last War ended in destruction of Cyre and the treaties were written and new nations recognized in. The game is Sandbox, meaning that I do not shove you to towards any specific plots but rather let world react to your actions. You can group up or go solo if you prefer. But I make rule that game does not run more than 4-6 players per GM. So if anyone who has some idea of Eberron and decent grasp of rules AND have time to post as GM, feel free apply.

Anycase here come char creation stuff;

Starting Level: 3 (you all were involved in Last War some fashion, so include in background details regarding that subject. None of you spend peaceful time in studying in tower or under a mentor, you all were in Last War. otherwise you would not start in 3lvl but as 1lvl if you really want stick out from Last War)
Stats: 36 point buy
Races: Any Eberron races and some other races by case by case basis.
Classes: I got wide sources so I allow most core classes but here are some specifics;
Martial Adepts: Each martial adept has been gone through one strong military colleges like Karrnath Rekkenmark academy or other elite training. To get such elite training you must be from dragonmarked house, noble or son of general/war hero. Or insane amount of luck.
Tome of Magic: Binders exist as they are but there is less stigma to being one publicly but religious figures disdain your presence and Silver Flame followers especially wants to kill you (exorcism is their thing and so someone purposefully selling souls and combining spirits is abomination). Shadowcasters are treated with suspicion as their magic may be related to The Shadow from Dark Six. Truespeakers are nearly unheard off.
Anything related to dragons: Dragons are extremely rare and only place where you could come as Dragonfire Adept, Dragon Shaman or get draconic stuff in background is if your from Argonessen, contingent ruled by tribal barbarian tribes.
Psionics: Psionics are rare and so they are limited to only to psionic races, kalasthar or very well written backgrounds and logical explanations for it. All psionics tend to lean towards qual'dor, dreaming dark and aberrations and so on.

Book sources related to Eberron in use:
Eberron Campaign Setting
Sharn, City of Towers
Races of Eberron
Magic of Eberron
Explorer's Guide to Eberron
Faith of Eberron

If any questions feel free ask, do not plan start the game expect during weekend open first IC and OOC threads. As said you can start solo and from any location so I will open the thread to individual player. But you can group up if you like. But consider my busy time schelude I take only 4-6 players (6 only if some paired or trio) before we would need extra GM to run the game. Anycase if you join as GM you can GM other players who are not part of your own char thread and weave your own story on it. You can coordinate with other GM's to weave two chars stories together into single plot. Also there will be GM only thread where we can discuss lore details or some future plots which affect everyone. Also hold fun discussions like 'what destroyed Cyre?'.

Also if you want online charhseet here is good one what I use; http://www.myth-weavers.com/forumhome.php

Zaer Darkwail

Also as added note as this is Eberron game I do plan play it fully by the lore; meaning there is no gods but ideals and yes, when you die your soul ends up very dark and sad place despite who you are. But IC wise you may not know and can hold fancy dreams about after life. But people with high planes/religion could know the truth about the matter.

Also as Last War scars are still present and it shows in few simple ways; Racism is very high among soldiers towards folks from elsewhere. Also I plan place the game in NC section so it will include NC scenes which may involve corrupt Sharn guards raping pretty Mourner (A cyrian woman) in back alley. It also can include slavery, end up sacrificed in weird cult if you poke nose in wrong place and matters. Or get your friends or fellow PC killed by dragonmarked heir (or otherwise screwed over) and he walking away from the scene unscatched nor law affecting him if you happen to be outsider or not somebody important in society.

So lots dark stuff. But this is Eberron and it's part of the awesome package.

Edit; Oh, we do respect ons/off list so if rape is in your off list we do not include that. But there can be verbal abuse and grope or two.


Question: Are online sources allowed?  I was thinking I'd take a level or two in Were-Tiger, from the Savage Progressions series of articles.  Just one to start out with, but I'd take the second level later on...

Zaer Darkwail

You know, being a weretiger is quite damn rare in Eberron thanks Silver Flame crusaders making the lycantrophe purge around couple centuries ago :P. I will only allow it if you write very good damn story how and why your in Eberron.


Sounds intresting. Ill be willing to join

Ill be an Elf Sorcerer /Fighter.
Been away, now i'm back. Updated based off changes in my life.

Ons and offs!


Well, let's go over the possibilities.

-Entered into the material plane via a manifest zone of Lammania
-Has been hiding out in Xen'drik the whole time (Hey, she wouldn't be the only lycanthrope in Stormreach...)
-Has been hiding out in the boonies somewhere
-Has been hiding out among the population of Q'barra
-Has been hiding out in plain sight among the population of a country less-than-friendly to Thrane, such as Karrnath, or Aundair
-Has been hiding out in the Eldeen Reaches
-Got special secret dispensation from the loli-Pope to live, like that one werebear there are rumors about
-Only recently came into her lycanthropic heritage by gaining a level of the Weretiger template class (Before which time, she would not have possessed the shapechanger subtype, and thus would not have registered on assorted detection spells).  As for why her family's dark heritage is only reasserting itself now, only the prophecy knows...

Really, just because a previous pontiff of the Silver Flame ordered the paladins to purge lycanthropes a few hundred years ago doesn't mean they succeeded.  Most of them didn't even have silver weapons, and were going up against foes several CR above their level. :P

Zaer Darkwail

Well, silver flame was succesful enough in warfare to force lycantrophes to retreat into Lammania. But I agree if her status as weretiger is very recent (result of lingering lycantrophe blood blossoming somereason) then she could be weretiger templated human (or shifter for kickers).

Another could be that she had been hiding in Drooam, place where no pansy paladins will go and her being lycantrophe is shrugged off matter there.


(my raw stats-will organize later- As well as history/background)

Male Elf Fighter 2 / Sorcerer 1
Neutral Good
Representing Who149

Strength   14   (+2)
Dexterity   16   (+3)
Constitution   12   (+1)
Intelligence   12   (+1)
Wisdom   9   (-1)
Charisma   17   (+3)
Size:   Medium
Height:   5' 5"
Weight:   135 lb
Eyes:   Green
Hair:   Light Brown
Skin:   Pale
Total Hit Points: 22

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 17 = 10 + 4 [chain shirt] + 3 [dexterity]

Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 14
Initiative modifier:    + 3    = + 3 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:    + 4    = 3 [base] + 1 [constitution]
Reflex save:    + 3    = 0 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Will save:    + 1    = 2 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):    + 4    = 2 [base] + 2 [strength]
Attack (missile):    + 5    = 2 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Grapple check:    + 4    = 2 [base] + 2 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
58 lb. or less
59-116 lb.
117-175 lb.
175 lb.
350 lb.
875 lb.

Languages:   Common Elven (? 1 more)

Longsword [1d8, crit 19-20/x2 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]

Chain shirt [light; + 4 AC; max dex + 4; check penalty -2; 25 lb.; arcane spell failure 20%]

No familiar yet


Eschew Materials   
Power Attack   
Weapon Focus x1   Weapon(s):
Skill Name
Appraise   Int   1 =   
Balance   Dex*   3 =   
Bluff   Cha   5 =   
+ 2   
Climb   Str*   4 =   
+ 2   
Concentration   Con   5 =   
+ 4   
Craft_1   Int   1 =   
Craft_2   Int   1 =   
Craft_3   Int   1 =   
Diplomacy   Cha   3 =   
Disguise   Cha   3 =   
Escape Artist   Dex*   3 =   
Forgery   Int   1 =   
Gather Information   Cha   3 =   
Heal   Wis   -1 =   
Hide   Dex*   3 =   
Intimidate   Cha   3 =   
Jump   Str*   3 =   
+ 1   
Listen   Wis   1 =   
+ 2 [elf]
Move Silently   Dex*   3 =   
Perform_1   Cha   3 =   
Perform_2   Cha   3 =   
Perform_3   Cha   3 =   
Perform_4   Cha   3 =   
Perform_5   Cha   3 =   
Profession   Wis   3 =   
+ 4   
Ride   Dex   3 =   
Search   Int   3 =   
+ 2 [elf]
Sense Motive   Wis   -1 =   
Spot   Wis   1 =   
+ 2 [elf]
Survival   Wis   -1 =   
Swim   Str**   5 =   
+ 3   
Tumble   Dex*   4 =   
+ 1   
Use Rope   Dex   3 =   
* = check penalty for wearing armor

Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 5 per day

First-level Sorcerer spells: 4 (3 + 1) per day


+ 2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)

Immune to magical sleep

+ 2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments

Low-light vision

Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow

+ 2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks

Bonus Feats (already included)

Familiar / Alertness, etc.

Can know only limited numbers of spells

High charisma gains bonus spells daily

Class   HP rolled   
Level 1:   Sorcerer   4   
Level 2:   Fighter   9   
Level 3:   Fighter   6   
Been away, now i'm back. Updated based off changes in my life.

Ons and offs!


I think I like the idea of it being a recent development. ^^

Now, I just have to figure out the best method for entering Warshaper...

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Kunoichi on March 03, 2011, 03:20:26 PM
I think I like the idea of it being a recent development. ^^

Now, I just have to figure out the best method for entering Warshaper...

Yeah, and she/he could be freaked out being weretiger :P. need learn stuff and so on.


Yep. ^^

Though, admittedly, I'm still not entirely sure if I want to join. ^^;

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, post the char if you want join in then :). But do not mind you post comments and opinions. Also ofc there is spot open for GM :D.

Callie Del Noire

Callie Del Noire

Well for one thing.. I don't have a copy of Rhea @ 1st level anymore. :D


Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on March 03, 2011, 03:48:27 PM
Well for one thing.. I don't have a copy of Rhea @ 1st level anymore. :D

Awww c'mon, I would not had accepted her 1st level gestalt in here :P. Just re-do her with rules above and before you ask; yes I am okay with the race what Rhea has got so far. It does eat her levels tough and she cannot be +3 LA variant.

Quote from: Kunoichi on March 03, 2011, 03:51:13 PM
This game seems to be starting at 3rd, however...

Aye, it is starting in 3th level expect those who use LA races or really want to play person who never partake in Last War (or was anyway involved).

Callie Del Noire

Callie Del Noire

Zaer Darkwail

Oh yeah, now I remember. Plan remake Rhea as normal elf but as dragonmarked heir one the two houses? Would be nice :).

Callie Del Noire

Your syntax threw me there.. want me to make Rhea as a 'pre-cursed' elf or Kyrie Ebonblade as the fighter/artificer?


I think he was asking you which one you were going to do, actually. ^^;

Zaer Darkwail

Oh, sorry. I did meant that you could make Rhea 'pre-cursed' version. Less complicated run her if she has not already been cursed. She could have dragonmark and all.

But I am okay also with Kyrie Ebonblade, that was interesting concept too altough I remember little of her.


Quote from: Kunoichi on March 03, 2011, 03:32:05 PM
Yep. ^^

Though, admittedly, I'm still not entirely sure if I want to join. ^^;
It's Eberron so I would imagine that you could be a shifter. Anyway being a shifter you already have the shapechanger subtype so if for a base class you choose either ranger or barbarian you could get into warshaper at level 4. On top of that you could also use the weretouched master prestige class. Only five levels and has really good class features like turning into a weretiger. Thought I should mention it. I really recommend ranger for the ranger shifter substitution levels in race of Eberron. One of which instead of your animal companion getting the effects of spells cast on you, it gets the effects of your shifting. So you could get a badger that gets as strong as a weretiger whenever you shift.