The Mansion (Victorian/Gothic Themed RP) Week 1 CLOSED

Started by Spell, February 24, 2011, 07:38:46 PM

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Signups for Week 1 of The Mansion are closed! Please wait untill week 2 starts!
The Mansion

You are hereby invited to a private socializing event at the Blackwood Mansion, the forthcoming full moon.

This event will be hosted with a select number of people, carefully hand-picked,, some of which may have an impact on your life, others you will never forget again. Please do note that this is a private invitation, and thus, only the intended person may enter the Mansion with their invite, if for any reason you are not the person for whom this invite is intended to, then we kindly request you to hand the invitation to the rightful owner.

The event will take a week. You are, as always, required to come alone, with the invitation, and of course your personal belongings and other items you may deem necessary. Accommodation, food and drinks are of course all attended for, and should you require anything in the Mansion during your stay, please do note so on your conformation letter.

Yours Truly, Florian Blackwood

The recipients of the letter knew that this was no simple social gathering, the reputation surrounding the Blackwood mansion, and Florian Blackwood was one that brought on an air of mystery. No one, except those ‘lucky’ enough to be invited, knows what happens at the infamous week, but it is said that they were changed forever. There are many rumours about what goes on at the Mansion, whispers of the occult, or of a secrete organisation plague the air around the town of Dormeastrof. The town itself is little more then a track and a few houses, most modern maps have it wiped off but it has the dubious honour of being the city where the plague was first reported in Europe.

All is welcome at the mansion, the frustrated husband, the witch that needs release, or the demon in dire need of companionship can find it here at Blackwood’s mansion for one week. With an endless supply of food, wine, women and men…what more could anyone want?
Everyone who wanted to escape reality for a week and just enjoy life...for those the Mansion and its ''Social events'' were made.

This RP is set in a Victorian/Gothic setting/world, mixed with supernatural. Demons, witches, elves and the lot are very, very real, but are secluded from the humans, the mansion is the only place where they come together. Think repressed Victorian sexuality, unleashed.

The initial time span of the stay of characters is one week, however that is just a guideline, it means that if people want to try a different character they can do. Also it would mean that if people have to disappear for x amount of days they can without disturbing the flow.

Each player will be given their private quarters, however they are of course under no obligation to reside in their quarter, and they may make free use of the Entire Mansion for the entire week. However, they may NOT leave the Mansions Grounds (Which includes the Garden and Lake. Nor may they tell anyone about what they experienced in the Mansion. There will be a butler/maid, (Either an NPC or another player) who can cater to your needs.

I would like to start with 8 people for the first week, including myself. 5 visitors and 2 workers. I would prefer a 50-50 Male:Female Ratio, to keep things fair. If the first weeks turn out well, then we can continue, but with a time skip to the next event. =)

Now, as for the CS Skeleton:

Name: (Obvious)
Age: (Obvious)
Height: (Obvious)
Weight: (Obvious)
Sex: (Obvious)
Sexual Orientation: (Obvious)
Race: (Human? Demon? Elf? Catgirl? Something else?)
Personality: (Be creative! =) )
History: (How/Why did they get the invitation? Sexually deprived aristocrat? Vampire who just wants to have sex without worries? Remember, invitations to the mansion are very very rare, so please provide a good reason to have received one)
First Time at Mansion: (No? If Yes, do they know Florian? Did they enjoy their time at the mansion, etc etc)
Sexual Limits: (Please do remember, this is a fairly open game, But most importantly, Respect Eachother's On's/Off's! No means no!)

What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


QuoteThis RP is set in a Victorian/Gothic setting/world, mixed with supernatural. Demons, witches, elves and the lot are very very real, but are secluded from the humans, the mansion is the only place where they come together. Think Corsets/Coats and Tophats, that kind of setting.

You've caught my interest.


What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Aaand made a few edits overall. Will post my own CS tomorrow/ today to give everyoe an example. =)
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...



Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Quote from: Spell on March 02, 2011, 07:55:25 PM
*Catches her in a net?* =3


Does that mean I have no choice? <3

*starts filling out CS*
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment



Lovely! That would mean we would have four interested female players! Now only to bring in three other males... >_>
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Who said I would be playing a female?

I haven't decided what gender I want to be yet. :P
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


I said female players, Michi! =P *Saved himself from that* >.> :P But we would still need male characters. :)
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Name: Marian Woods

Age: 21

Height: 5’0”

Weight: 115 lbs.

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human with empathetic abilities.

Personality: Not typically enjoying the company of large groups, Marian will often watch from the shadows, preferring to observe those and learn their ways. Only keeping a few friends close to her during small periods she finds that after being around certain people for too long her empath powers will flare up, allowing her to learn what a person truly thinks of her. Preferring to keep her odd ability a secret she is in fact a very caring person, having just not found a person other than her parents that would understand the little quirk she hides. 

History: Born to a successful America private investigator and his adoring British wife he met on a case. Marian inherited her father’s curiosity mixed with her mother’s sensibility, though at the age of ten both her parents were surprised when the young Marian came to them crying after a visit with the mother’s Father. Unable to stop her tears, the frightened child asked them how long they knew that her Grandfather was dying. Not sure how she knew, Marian explained how she had a odd feeling around ‘Grandpa-Pa’ all day and still the emotion plagued her, later that day the Grandfather died of a heart attack. After that incident she was put through several different tests all helping to improve her empathetic powers, on her sixteenth birthday Marian began following her Father on several cases helping solve them by ‘reading’ the people as she called it.

Finding that she enjoyed working with her Father on his cases she started reading more about her talent, learning different ways to sense people’s true intuitions. This of course led to becoming a social pirraha among people her own age, thus leading Marian to live a quite life, mainly spent in her room working on of all things a bug collection; not enjoying their daughter’s quite nature and sheltered lifestyle her father came up with an idea. Associating himself with a few witches and scientists, they came up with a headband that would block out people’s emotions and thoughts from Marian.

Only by removing the silver band would she be able to use her ability. On one case her Father was looking around the empty manor of a murdered Lord, finding a invitation to a elusive party simply laying on the desk where the man was killed at, he talked with quickly took it without remorse having not a clue what it was about. Returning home Marian’s Father discussed going with his wife, but she convinced him to give the invitation to their lonely daughter. The girl past the age of marriage almost her mother wanted her to find a husband, or the very least a proper suitor to draw in other potential men for marriage. After presenting the envelope to Marian, she instinctively knew something was off about the whole thing but not able to get a word in between her parents, Marian quickly found herself dressed and in route by carriage to the elusive party.   

First Time at Mansion: Yes, though Marian has no idea what is to be expecting when she arrives.

Sexual Limits: Please check my on and offs.

Lemon Lime

I know you are looking for men folk but if there is room for another Lady I would love to join in. :D
If not, then I can just enjoy reading. This looks fun!
"And now, farewell to kindness, humanity and gratitude. I have substituted myself for Providence in rewarding the good; may the God of vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked."
-The Count of Monte Cristo

Lemon Lime's O/O          Lemon Lime's A/A


Alysanthia, Lovely CS, Do be sure to fix the picture though, as thre link seems to be broken. =)

Lemon Lime and Dependant, the game is still open, if you'd like to join, you are free to write a CS! =)
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...



Name: Florian Blackwood

Age: 27

Height: 5’8''

Weight: 143 lbs.

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Seemingly human

Personality: Florian could be described as mischievous with class. He loves to simply enjoy life and get the most out of it. He is outgoing and quickly socializes with others, and most of all wants everyone to enjoy himself, life is a continuous party for him, though of course with the music, and the wine and whatnot that belongs to him. Florian always acts a bit mysterious though, never knowing what his true intentions are or what he means with his words, as such his humor and personality could sometimes be described as dark.

History: The history of the Blackwoods is shrouded is mystery. No one really knew from where they came or what they did exactly, it almost seemed as if they appeared out of thin air. Some say the Blackwoods are just solitary people, others say the Blackwoods came straight from the devil himself for having so much wealth. Currently Florian is the head of the Blackwood family, his own parents and grandparents no longer walking this plane.

This was only known for the human world though, where the Blackwoods were sometimes an ill-spoken name, but always respected. However, the Blackwoods were much much more known then just the human realm. Almost everyone knew of the Blackwoods. The circle of witches, the demons in hell themselves, the elves that were hidden in the dark forests. For some reason, the Blackwoods knew them all, even the most mythical of creatures and races were known to Florian, which could have benefits for both...if a poor Elf was lost and needed shelter, Florian was there to offer his mansion, the witch that needed to escape from her realm for a bit, even for darker deeds such as the need for humans or rare items, Florian was always there. It seemed like Florian was specifically put in this world to connect all the worlds to each other.

However, Florian also saw a more pleasurable benefit to this. Why should he be the only one to enjoy the company of mythical creatures and humans? For this purpose he created the social events in the mansion, to create bonds between one-another, but more specifically to enjoy one-another. Florian always knew who to invite to the mansion at just the right time, What happens in the mansion stays in the mansion, anything other then that is your responsibility, it was a rule that served Florian and the Mansion well....

First Time at Mansion: No: Owner of the Mansion

Sexual Limits: O/O's apply, Discussion always possible.

What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Lady Lunarius

Name: Amiee Clearwater
Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130lbs
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Race: Seems to be human
Personality: Amiee is extremely obedient and flirtatious. She sees Florian as more than her boss, and has always wished to be viewed as more by him. She loves serving him and loves serving those he beckons into his home. She is always there whether it is to warm his bed, or merely listen to his thoughts.

History: Amiee was only 17 when she first came to the mansion. She had received her invitation upon finishing her schooling. At first she'd been weary about coming to a party where she knew no one, but her mother had pushed her to go, hoping that she would at least find some amount of social contact. Her family did not worry much on her marrying they were the kind of parents that knew she'd find something that would help her one day. Upon reaching the mansion she immediately became entranced with both the lake, and the Master of the house.

She could barely find it in herself to leave and so she asked on bended knee for the chance to stay and learn from him. To serve him. And so for the past 4 years she's served him and learned from him what it was to be a good servant. Over those years she fell hard for him, though she is quite content to share his bed when he wishes it. At the parties she assists with quite a bit of the background fun as well as the bedroom fun. She's always trying to drag people off and get them into some sort of naughty trouble. All in all she enjoys the company of others as well as Florians.

First Time at Mansion: (No she has been here for quite some time serving and helping with the parties.

Sexual Limits: Pretty much not water sports/scat, or extreme beatings....otherwise I'm fine with whatever....
LaLu's updated A/A's Updated
LaLu's Delicious treats!
LaLu's O.O's/Current Interests Updated 3-11-23
I am currently NOT open for a few new RP's


What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Name: Abigale Norwick
Age: 24
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 130lbs
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown to herself, but open to learning.
Race: Witch
Personality: She's not had much in the way of life experience and so that tends to show in her personality. She's trusts people too quickly and tends to make the wrong choices. Over all, she's a young woman that never got to be a child and is now acting out. Wanting to dive into things head first. Shoot first, ask questions later type of person.
History: Abigale was raised in a very good, very proper Catholic family. They went to church every Sunday morning, confessed their silly confessions, prayed before every meal, and heaven help it if she ever wanted to wear anything but a floor length dress. She wasn't allowed to run around with other children and was, instead, made to sit at a piano learning to play or being taught her manners. Even sitting in the garden wasn't allowed. Her mother always said it would make her sick to be outside too much, or rather at all.

The truth came out when she turned 23 and a distant Aunt came to visit. Despite her family's attempt to keep her away from the strange woman, they did get to sit together one night and the truth was given. Abigale was a witch. Not the ugly, green faced type or the kind that lived in caves over a bubbling cauldron...but a witch. Someone in tune with nature and the world.

At first she had no reason to believe the woman and even ran to her parents. At which point her Aunt demanded that they tell Abigale the truth. That her mother had been a witch too and that when she met Abigale's father she renounced everything she'd once stood for and given up her magical life. Abigale was given the truth and locked herself away in her room for several months.

After which, she decided to find out for herself if this was all true or not. At that point she moved in with her Aunt and began her study of witchcraft. It was nothing like the priests and such had told them it was like. There were no demons or creatures of the night coming to steal her soul. Her Aunt did teach her that there was a darker side that could be called on, but she did not advise the teaching or learning of it.

After being stifled her whole life, Abigale wasn't about to let a simple warning keep her away from something new and exciting. She quickly found others with the same interest and together the dove into the dark arts. Giving their blood to bind spells. Calling on darker spirits. Even going as far as to put out forbidden love spells on random people to see the consequences. Over all, she is delving into a world she has no control over and is more than enjoying it.

First Time at Mansion: Yes. The Mansion sent her it's invite knowing that the young witch is in need of life experience and to help expand her mind.
Sexual Limits: Rectal prolapse...just no. *shudders* Anything on my Offs list applies to a no-no. Anything on my Ons list is up for grabs!
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment

Lemon Lime

It seems like every time I find a thread I want to join life makes itself more hectic. I wont be able to join though I will probably read and enjoy it. Have fun everyone! :D
"And now, farewell to kindness, humanity and gratitude. I have substituted myself for Providence in rewarding the good; may the God of vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked."
-The Count of Monte Cristo

Lemon Lime's O/O          Lemon Lime's A/A


Quote from: Lemon Lime on March 21, 2011, 04:40:12 PM
It seems like every time I find a thread I want to join life makes itself more hectic. I wont be able to join though I will probably read and enjoy it. Have fun everyone! :D

That''s okay, Lemon! Perhaps you will have time to join if the second week at the Mansion starts with new players! =)
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...

Lemon Lime

Quote from: Spell on March 21, 2011, 05:22:19 PM
That''s okay, Lemon! Perhaps you will have time to join if the second week at the Mansion starts with new players! =)

Ohh Maybe! I'll work on a character just in case!  >:)
"And now, farewell to kindness, humanity and gratitude. I have substituted myself for Providence in rewarding the good; may the God of vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked."
-The Count of Monte Cristo

Lemon Lime's O/O          Lemon Lime's A/A