Star Wars Saga Edition (F seeking GM, NC-Exotic)

Started by Maegan, February 06, 2011, 12:42:20 AM

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I'm interested in playing a game or two in the Stars Wars universe using the Saga Edition rules.  I would like a plot, but with a heavy dose of adult content.  I prefer the use of rules partly so I can get a better grasp on them, but also so I can better define my character and add a bit of controlled randomness to the game. 

I'm hoping someone is interested in GMing a solo game for me (or small group if there were others interested in playing I suppose).  I would prefer to start at a low level, though have an idea or two for higher level characters as well. 

I would prefer most of the sexual content is non-consensual, exotic, but am willing to consider some extreme.  I also like things to be fairly rough.


I'd be interested in discussing the possibility of GMing a Saga Edition game.
My Ons/Offs:
Game Ideas:
I will love you forever if you give me something Mass Effecty