Devil's Duet (M/M: Bondage, NC, twincest)

Started by Suiko, February 03, 2011, 07:52:45 PM

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Devil's Duet.

*Note: This is based off a previous roleplay that I had before my partner vanished. It can be found here. You don't have to read it at all, but if you're curious about the kind of atmosphere/writing quality I'm looking for them give it a peek.

Also, please PM me with interest, rather than responding to this thread. Thank you!*

Setting: Historical Fantasy, set in the Victorian period of England

Genre: Dark romance/humour, possible (likely) violence, demons/angels.

Adult Themes: *Twincest*, bondage, minor/major bloodplay depending on your preference, possible NC. (There is room for more if you'd like to discuss anything extra).

The Twins

Eerie *I'm looking for someone to play him*
Extremely protective of his brother to the point of being deeply possessive, he is the more dominant of the pair. He enjoys the play with their enemies before finally killing them and also is fond of toying with the carcasses left over from the carnage. Though neither of the twins are overly focused on the 'bigger picture' he is (sometimes) able to keep his twin in check to ensure that they are able to progress and do what needs to be done... Though often he succumbs to his brother's manner and they are again delayed.
He takes great amusement in toying with he mind's of unwary humans before revealing his true identity, often using his willing brother in their games that often serve no purpose other than to entertain.
The stronger of the pair he is more physically weakened when separated from his twin.

Aeori *I will play this character*
Defined by his adoration and obsessive nature over his beloved brother, he is (for lack of a better word) a slut and constantly craves his brother's rough and delicious affections. Ever so slightly shorter than his twin he never leaves Eerie's side unless somehow forced and he becomes extremely distraught, should that ever happen; retreating into himself, crying out for his brother's return.
Just as playful as Eerie in regard to toying with innocent humans; enjoying the games they concoct, he doesn't quite have his brother's love for the fight, though watching his twin in the heat of battle often invoke a powerful sense of desire that is difficult for Eerie to put down, and he often simply gets his way.
Though more submissive that his twin, he had no problem with trying to playfully force the issue of their physical relationship onto Eerie, even when more critical matters must be tended too. As this suggests, he is very stubborn and it is difficult to make him change his mind once he is settled.

Plot: I would love anyone's ideas for a plot with these two characters as I enjoy playing them greatly, however here is a plot idea that I have.

The devil twins were too ambitious in their persuit of fun and games; throwing themselves into the midst of a grand human celebration in hopes of disrupting the night's affair. Unknown to them however, the city had a divine blessing bestowed upon it which secured their victory in battle and thus the angelic strength given to the guard overwhelmed them after a vicious battle and they became captured; chained and bound and, more importantly... Separated.
For months they were kept in dark cells, tortured and brutalised every day by their captors, who sought information on the other demons in the Netherworld which the Devil Hounds refused to give.
Chains cannot hold such a strong bond between brothers apart for too long however, and the pair soon break free, fleeing into the night in order to regroup and regain their strength...

One does not scorn the Devil Hounds without consequence however, and the desire for revenge wells up within the pair and so they seek a way to break the divine spell that maintains the city's safety to destroy the precious castle at it's heart, end the King's reign... From there however, their revenge would continue to the Heavens, where they intend to find the angelic being who humiliated them with such a defeat and spent the long months torturing them in the deep dungeons.

As the Hounds earn their freedom however, they themselves are persued by the knighthood of the city that once caged them and so they must play a deadly (and amusing) game of cat and mouse while trying to turn the tables on their pursuers and show them the folly of their actions.
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