Team Fortress 2/ General Steam thread

Started by klamity, February 03, 2011, 06:03:27 AM

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Hey there everyone, :D

I recently got Team Fortress 2, and it's honestly one of the most fun and addicting games ive ever played (And I play both World of Warcraft and Minecraft). I was wondering if anyone here has Steam and TF2, or just Steam :D

Callie Del Noire

I have Steam and TF2.. updated to it when Steam came over to the Mac.. along with a BUNCH of small quickie games. I really need to get a controller for FPS.. I got a bunch of the TF/Orange box goodies when they switched over to dual platforms (and I'm curious to see how much steam will grown when/if their Unix build comes out). I enjoy watching all of Steams detractors squirm as it grows quickly.

Portal is a blast btw.

And the fun part is once you buy a game.. you can put it on ALL your computers.


Steam I have. TF2 I own but don't play - just not my thing. I'm much more a fan of L4D and its sequel. Despite having it in the name, Team Fortress 2 most often feels very much less like a "team" game than a fragfest, whereas in Left 4 Dead teamwork is the core of gameplay.

That and I'm just worlds better at L4D than TF2. >.>;
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Well, I only bought TF2 because there are no updates for the xbox version. All my other games are on the console. I own The Orange Box, L4D/L4D2 and I plan on buying Portal 2


Quote from: Shjade on February 03, 2011, 02:28:57 PM
Steam I have. TF2 I own but don't play - just not my thing. I'm much more a fan of L4D and its sequel. Despite having it in the name, Team Fortress 2 most often feels very much less like a "team" game than a fragfest, whereas in Left 4 Dead teamwork is the core of gameplay.

That and I'm just worlds better at L4D than TF2. >.>;
First, TF2 plays very differently from most FPS games, so the difficulty in translating L4D skill into it is understandable.

In regard to the teamwork issue, yeah, if you play on random servers, it tends to come together very infrequently. The game is rather balanced for team synergy, though. I've got over 1000 hours of playtime (yay college!), and I've learned the strengths and weaknesses of each class pretty intimately. If you spend a bit of time finding some good servers and stick with a class or two to be your foundation, the game gets really fun.

If anyone's got questions, I can offer my knowledge (and ability to wiki-search).


Quote from: adifferenceinsize on February 03, 2011, 09:41:12 PM
If you spend a bit of time finding some good servers and stick with a class or two to be your foundation, the game gets really fun.
It has its moments, but fundamentally it's still a fragfest, occasionally spiced up by defending a key point or moving a car from point A to point B. I just prefer the more goal-oriented gameplay of L4D, I think. Sure, in versus there's some direct opposition in your way, but the goal is usually unrelated to killing things unless they're in the way. Not that I'm averse to murder, I having some greater purpose in the game's context.
Theme: Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe
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hehe this, comming from the same Shjade posting in the Minecraft thread. Minecraft, a game with no context and less story in it than TF2. TF2 actually HAS a story behind it. Minecraft is just a build-fest and thats why we love it :P


I work with my own purpose in Minecraft, but more importantly it doesn't compare: it isn't competitive.
Theme: Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe
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My husband plays TF2. I saw this thread and had to tell you guys xD ^^
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
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