After the Dragon is Dead

Started by thymoit, April 12, 2007, 12:51:00 PM

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I had an idea for not one but a set of stories.  This would be set up as a small game with groups of players taking off and running their own threads.  The idea is from old D&D when you killed a big monster, say a dragon and got the loot.  Well, sometimes the loot would be worse than the monsters.  Our mages never seemed to know the identify spell and there was that fun process of figuring out what the magic items did.

So a group of adventurers (the players), with no prior experience with each other was recruited by a powerful mage to raid a dungeon that he knew about.  The mage read a scroll and transported them to a strange place, a castle on a rock floating in the void.  They fight their way to the end, slay the dragon and discover more riches than they can easily carry.  In addition to all the gold anyone wants, jewels and gems, there is the real treasure that any adventurer wants.  Unfortunately most of it has a rather erotic twist.  Another potential problem, the mage that teleported them there is incapacitated.  How will they return home?  More importantly how do they divide the loot?

So they set off to experiment with the magical items they've found, playing with them, taking tiny sips of the potions, trying to determine what does what.

Here are some ideas to get things started.  Please feel free to add your own:

Player ideas:

The mage - The patron of the party, the one who discovered the castle beyond the world and knew a great deal about what to expect there.  He seemed to have some ulterior goal in mind.  He was an impressively powerful mage and tossed off spells like candy.  Unfortuantely he got hit with a magical trap that left him... well, stupid.  He knows his name but seems to have trouble grasping anything beyond simple concepts, like food, sleep, sex.  Speaking of sex, he may now be a blithering idiot but he has a really big dick.

The mighty barbarian - A paragon of manly virtue, tough, strong, carves through enemies, and used to having women fawn over him until he tried on what he thought was a Girdle of GiantStrength

The chaste cleric - Who tries on a ring and find he commands a lusty demoness determined to seduce him

The succubus - a creature from the lower plains, and a player character, she must obey her master, but the poor fool is so easily seduced.

Item ideas:

Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity - A classic D&D item and that permanently inverts the gender of whoever wears it.

Love Potions - The smallest of tastes gives the sampler an overpowering urge to down the entire draught.  The drinker then falls completely and totally in love & lust with the first person he sees

Portable Hole - A hankerchief that when laid upon the ground becomes a hole, leading to a small room - outfitted as a bondage dungeon

Bracelets of Submission - Whoever dons these cursed cuffs cannot remove them and must obey any orders given to them

Ring of the Succubus - Summons a succubus who is under the control of the ring bearer

How the game would work.  I'd open a main thread to start off, but players will quickly gravitate off into their own threads.  It is up to players to pair up (or threesome up, or moresome up).  There won't be an orgy in the main room.  So as players try out the items they can wander off to one of the many rooms adjacent.  The ideas given above are just starting ideas, any others would be welcome.

No conflict.  While this game is D&D inspired, it is freeform and there will be no monsters to fight and no player-vs-player fighting.  If you want to write up your character using any version of the D&D rules, please feel free to do so, (assume upper teens in level) but there will be no killing everyone off and taking all the magic items.  Players will quickly wander off into their own threads. 

Anyone interested?


haha I like it... - our corny DM usually has an easy escape for our party in the end but that's no fun ;)

...and interesting enough, our group never has identify spells as well or forgets to use them... - I'm still awaiting the effects of a potion I drank..oioi..

anyway, love the game idea and certainly interested :D freeform D&D is good... - so i'm in as soon as you start up a place.. ;) - already got some interesting ideas too..


Hmm, this didn't generate as much interest as I hoped.  Well, Belsammael, it looks like this won't be creating this as a small game with lots of threads.  Let me recast this as a single thread.  Instead of having lots of people sorting through the horde of magical items, you have just two (possibly three) people.  Presumeably it was one of those horrible almost wipes that left just two party members standing.  Unfortunately neither of them can raise the dead or identify magic.  So they are left having to play with all the eroticaly cursed magic items trying to find their way out.

I'd tentatively play the mage, the patron who brought the party together.  However, I'd change him from being feebleminded to having amnesia.  That gives him more of an active role, able to talk and converse, but not remembering his spells, how to get them out, why he brought them there or anything.

So looking for one more character (possibly two) either female character or a male character who dons the girdle of masculinity/feminity.

Belsammael, if you're still interested under these terms let me know.


I'm interested about the idea.  I'd go for the sex-change gear (or else a lesser version that changes many character traits toward feminine aspects). 

It sort of struck me as being driven a lot by 'one character, one major item driving their story' though?  Like, I'd be more interested if each character were involved with multiple items. 

And maybe if the party stayed closer together, or there were other creatures involved.  I'm not keen on it turning into a bunch of one on ones - but maybe you're moving away from that?

I'm also kinda wondering just how powerful you imagine the items.  Some people like total brainwashing sort of power (I read it: simply changing the character altogether), but I like to display some level of distraught or coercion -- without having to be all gut-wrenching about the graphics of the situation, more bit by bit.



My original idea was either one or two major items per thread.  With multiple different threads each going off on their pace.  However, I just don't see enough interest in making this happen.  So I've downgraded it to a one-on-one where the characters play with many different erotic magical items.  (So yes, evolving into mulitple magic items.)  I could also go for MFF (with one of the Fs potentially being just changed from M to F by the girdle), but unless there is a sudden rush, I don't see this becomming a large party story.  Also to be honest, I've never seen a large party story work on a message board game.  Two players work.  Three players can work.  More than three - almost always bogs down.  Which is why I was going to split people off into different threads.  Originally I saw the possibility of players returning to the room and changing pairings, but again... not enough interest being shown.

Level of power of magic items.

The girdle of masculinity/feminity is a classic D&D item and is an immediate physical switch.  The mind is left with its previous orientation and has to catch up.

I dislike total brainwashing power as well.  I meant that the bracelets of submission would compel the wearer to do any physical act that they could reasonably do, but wouldn't alter their mental state.  Thus opening the door for the distruaght and coercion you mention.  Technically that could be used to jump straight into rape, however, I think you could find a player willing to slowly take more and more advantage of the situation rather than the gut-wrenchingly graphic.  I could do it that way.


Hey thymoit....give us a chance!!

i cant play this week but i would be keen to play the chaste cleric being seduced by someone, the forgetful wizard or perhaps the mighty barbarian who is tortured by some horribly sexy dominatrix. or i would be happy to be a man turned into a woman!!

i think this game has lots of potential for sex and comedy and i am up for it.

we perhaps need to call in a few favours....or beg a few women to come and join.


I'm totally game for the girdle if Kylie isn't sure.  Or we could have a gal change into a guy and a guy change into a gal.  That could bring up some interesting things, eh?


I kind of like the idea of multiple characters switching sexes.  Might be fun to come up with some back-story for that?

I'd probably go for male to female anatomy shift myself (the gender role fixation might take somewhat longer).  It's cool with me if someone else wants to go MtoF in the same thread, too.  With some caveats below.

I was thinking of an already slightly effete male thief, slighter physique and certain wiles, but a somewhat chauvinistic one to start.  His own biases might even work against him (err, going her) in the new situation. 

If your main focus is generic rape, I'll probably bow out simply because I don't know how many posts of graphic pounding (external or internal) I can realistically or enthusiastically write.  I can read some, I'm not excited about rp'ing it in play-by-post form is all.  It can be part of my character's story but I don't see that I can string out many detailed visuals.  On the other hand, I would go more for a series of items or situations/ traps/ NPCs that each may have a significant effect in taunting or feminizing the now-her, and sometimes in entrapping her toward more of a slave situation (that might even be what you mean by rape, but I'm not sure).  Not so much an overwhelming single thing, although there can be some especially powerful items or body changes (not to mention the girdle), and not a seamless change too soon, but a cumulative set.  Does that sound interesting?



OK, after seeing these posts, there does appear to be enough interest to run a small game.  I've set up two threads.  The first for the rules and such:

[After the Dragon is Dead] Background/Setting/Rules & Characters

And also an OOC thread which also serves as a place to hookup characters:

[After the Dragon is Dead] OOC Chat

Prospective players should move their posts to the OOC thread while trying to sort out partners.

It seems the girdle of masculinity/feminity has attracted the most interest.  Let me go ahead and clear the air, multiple players could use the girdle going either way.  Also donning another girdle does NOT turn one back.

A remove curse spell might work... which is a possible game idea right there with the newly feminized character trying to convince a not so morale priest to change her back into a him.

Kylie - it sounds like you have specific wants on how you see your story working out and they are a tad more serious than what I was thinking of.  Please, do feel free to take your own story along those lines.



I am a little confused. Is this one story or lots? Are we just playing with us four?

Or is this a group game split up into one on ones?


A group game split up into one one ones.  Or possibly larger groups if that's what the players choose.  Something like the Elven Maiden vs. Human Barbarian forum where the framework is set and players write their own stories within it.


indeed; definetely still interested into this one...could offer a lot of fun... ;)