The DC Universe Online Thread

Started by AllieCat, January 12, 2011, 11:22:16 PM

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Well, we seem to have enough interest in the game for at least a small thread:

DCUO is an action RPG, not only do you have to work with movements (standard W,A,S,D), button presses for actions (1-6 for standard, 7 for gadgets), mouse buttons also do attacks. Your left mouse button taps do b asic attacks, right do ranged/stronger attacks (and you can do combos when learned by either a combo of button presses, or by holding down the button.. It defaults to fullscreen, you can do windowd, but so far I've had to reset it up EVERY time *grumbles*

Social.. I'm not to pleased about, it's a very.. busy outlook. But before I go into all the details of my likes and dislikes, I wanna know who else is playing..

I've created two characters so far on server 8 BRAVE NEW WORLD, AllieCat and Thera.


I wanna join ya, but I think I'm on another server. Thankfully it's early enough that starting over won't be a huge pain.

I too am displeased with the social aspect of the game, but only because the UI is sooo clunky. Considering all the other MMOs SOE has deployed, this is disappointing.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


How does it compare with the other supers MMOs, City of Heros / Villains or Champions?

Free to play, monthly fee, or hybrid?
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.

Heaven Sent Blossom

Monthly fee, it compares poorly in most areas with the other super games. Customisation is very, very limited (especially when you compare it with Champions) both in power sets and in costume selection. Granted costume selection is improved via loot drops that you start picking up from the very start of the game, however that kind of defeats the purpose of a super hero costume frankly.
It does has it's selling points though, the voice acting is solid and the inclusion of recognisable DC heroes and villains as NPCs is pretty damn swank. Also it's basic combat system takes its cues more from God of War than World of Warcraft, which is an idea that more MMOs need to consider frankly.

The UI seems to me to be mostly a hold over from it's cross development with the PS3 to be honest.
Personally if they fixed what they broke during the closing stages of beta (No Sony, a trash mob should NOT be a threat to my super hero no matter what level I am at, this is not up for discussion.) then I would be sorely tempted to pick this up. I might grab it when it drops on Steam, or alternatively see if the PS3 copy is region free and look into importing it.
Honestly though with Champions going free to play at the end of the month (and who knows, it might even have content by now) I may just jump (back) on that bandwagon instead.


I have to wait until I get paid, which is still almost a month away, but I consider getting it. I've been hearing things I like about it, and the thought of bouncing around Gotham is appealing.

The thing I like the most about it, is the combat system. Basically, I'm of the opinion that WoW has more or less perfected the system they use ( with auto attacks and skill bars ), so any game that tries to emulate that system completely, is going to fall short. I find that in most games like that, the skills are basically the same as in WoW, but usually less interesting versions. Having a combat system that's actually different ... is such a nice touch.

Right now, the main argument against is that The Old Republic is .. well, 3-9 months away ( Q2/Q3, I think ), and I'm definitely going to play that unless it fails completely and utterly - which, of course, it won't. I'm not against playing an MMO for just a few months, but that does make it slightly less interesting.

Sinful Intention

I'm curious about DCUO.  I'm a big DC comics fan, I grew up on Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman etc and so this game has some appeal to me.

I've also been playing City of Heroes for 5 years now and I "love" that game.  It's the only MMO that's been able to hold my attention past a weeks time.  So I'm a bit spoiled by having a game that I feel is pretty deep, has lots to do and lots of customization options.

From what I've heard so far,  DCUO doesn't have a ton of customization and it's not all that deep combat and powers wise, mostly just button mashing and basic skill trees...

Is there more to it than that?  I haven't played it and won't until there is a way to get the game installed and get a trial account without paying money,  I don't have money to waste on an MMO that I'm not going to like.  Though If I could try for free and I liked it, I'd certainly consider it. 

I've heard nothing good about Champions though, I visited their forums and got scared off, it was bad.  but I'll be curious to try it when it goes F2P soon. 


Quote from: Sinful Intention on January 15, 2011, 01:39:23 AM
From what I've heard so far,  DCUO doesn't have a ton of customization and it's not all that deep combat and powers wise, mostly just button mashing and basic skill trees...

I'll probably say this more as curiosity grows, but if all you do is mash buttons in an uncoordinated fashion, you will not succeed. It plays like a fighting game and mundane attacks rely on timing, juggling and stun mechanics that must be cycled or suffer diminishing returns. It also requires proper reaction time to guard and dodge effectively.

Skill trees exist in pretty much any MMO with level advancement. No suprize there? o.O

Customization options are limited to two bodies, the iconic male and female in small, medium or large. There IS however a wealth of gear, hair color and style options to choose from to start with. Beyond the starting choices, there are many possible styles that are unlocked through play.

You are also able to retain a specific look. Your appearance is your decision. You can switch to more powerful gear for the stats and revert to another look if you so choose.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.

Sinful Intention

Quote from: Lyell on January 15, 2011, 04:46:58 AM
but if all you do is mash buttons in an uncoordinated fashion, you will not succeed. It plays like a fighting game and mundane attacks rely on timing, juggling and stun mechanics that must be cycled or suffer diminishing returns. It also requires proper reaction time to guard and dodge effectively.

Well I didn't say that the button mashing would be un-coordinated, but what you're saying doesn't sound all that deep for an MMO, which is supposed to last for a while.

Skill trees exist in pretty much any MMO with level advancement. No suprize there? o.O

Yes, skill trees exist in many RPGs, MMO and otherwise, but some are much more basic than others.  My comment was I've heard the skill trees are still very basic, not deep, not terribly interesting etc.

Customization options are limited to two bodies, the iconic male and female in small, medium or large. There IS however a wealth of gear, hair color and style options to choose from to start with. Beyond the starting choices, there are many possible styles that are unlocked through play.

You are also able to retain a specific look. Your appearance is your decision. You can switch to more powerful gear for the stats and revert to another look if you so choose.

To be honest this doesn't tell me much.  Do you get to have multiple costumes,  are there a lot of different costume options?  Is it just unlocking different weapons in the game like wow, and once you unlock them can you continue to cycle through the different types of swords (or pistols, whatever) Or once you have one look do you have to go back and find that other sword again to get that look back ?


Quote from: Sinful Intention on January 15, 2011, 12:27:30 PM
Well I didn't say that the button mashing would be un-coordinated, but what you're saying doesn't sound all that deep for an MMO, which is supposed to last for a while.

No less deep than WoW. Use different skills at different times in cycles and off cooldowns. Actually, that's pretty much all MMOs that involve power resources and health reserves.

QuoteYes, skill trees exist in many RPGs, MMO and otherwise, but some are much more basic than others.  My comment was I've heard the skill trees are still very basic, not deep, not terribly interesting etc.

Welcome to day...5? WoW (pardon me for comparing the two, it's the only similar game I have adequate experience to compare to) wasn't terribly developed either and specs were horribly inbalanced and clunky. Every attempt to improve them was also met with more of the same and tweaks were constantly necessary to bring them in line.

That being said, I've only used the Martial Arts/Acrobatic/Gadget combination. The graphics for the skills are lack luster and basic on the PC, but it was essentially a PS3 port. I'm sure development will make changes. Also, the current level cap is 30. I HIGHLY doubt it'll stay that way. As more content is realeased the cap will likely go up and skills will be added, too.

QuoteTo be honest this doesn't tell me much.  Do you get to have multiple costumes,  are there a lot of different costume options?  Is it just unlocking different weapons in the game like wow, and once you unlock them can you continue to cycle through the different types of swords (or pistols, whatever) Or once you have one look do you have to go back and find that other sword again to get that look back ?

Each gear slot has its own individual setting, not full suits. You can use harmonious sets or individual favorites hodgepogged together. You only need to equip gear once to gain the appearance. Appearance of gear and power of gear can be completely separated. You like Hat A, but Hat B has better stats. Equip Hat B, go to the costume tab and select hats, and every style of hat you've ever equipped will be availible. Hat B can now be made to look like Hat A. So can C,D, or whatever, similarly so for any piece of equipment.

I've seen cheetara and boba fett, as well as hit girl. And you can KEEP te look, ofcourse.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.

Zaer Darkwail

I may get DC Universe Online once I get money for it (released in 19th day in my local store but no money). But also Star Wars: Old Republic is coming in this spring so it depends on released vids and comments that do I buy the game or not as I cannto buy two MMO games in single year (nor have money hold two accounts active, so I would need leave WoW after subcriction ends).

But I am curious; How 'Hand Blast' visually looks? Is it blast of energy and can you choose color and shape of the blasts? Also read from talents that you can spec even perform 'melee blasts' with said weapon spec?

Heaven Sent Blossom

DC probably has the most depth of any MMO combat system to date, however that's not really an accomplishment when you stop to think about it.
It lacks the complexity of the type of games that it is actually aping, however it's certainly a step in the right direction for the genre depending on who you ask.

Hand blast is, if I recall correctly from the beta, pretty barren of customisation options as far as visuals though. This isn't Champions, customisation in general is pretty limited out of the box. I think you might be able to change the blast colour, but that's about the limit.
Hand blast is a pretty versatile set though, and personally I would rank it as the best of the "ranged" specs from my beta experience.

Zaer Darkwail

I found dozen Youtube vids and also wiki for DC Champions which answered my questions quite a lot :). I would buy the game if it was not for because I am more hyped about Star Wars: Old Republic which is suppose to be launched in spring.

Also; WoW:Cataclysm is not bad but after six years of gaming in it.....need something fresh.


So, I got the game. I doubt I'll be playing longer than until the release of Old Republic, but with any luck, it'll keep me going until then!

I haven't tried the game itself, because ... I'm one of those people who's an absolute perfectionist when it comes to character creation. I've spent an hour with it already, and haven't even decided on my character's gender. Oh, well.

It would be better if I could turn off the incessant droning music.


Well, I cancelled my subscription already. I spend hours trying to make a character, but there's just not enough options to create anything original. Everything is incredibly limited, in a way that just stifles my imagination, and doesn't let me pull off the concepts I really want.

The gameplay itself isn't bad, per se, but it doesn't even begin to get close to a proper combat system. It's like a mix of Arkham Asylum and WoW, and only succeeds in making me wonder why I'm not playing one of those instead. It would've been so much better if they just scrapped the WoW-like skill system and the quests entirely.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on January 17, 2011, 02:09:47 AM
But I am curious; How 'Hand Blast' visually looks? Is it blast of energy and can you choose color and shape of the blasts? Also read from talents that you can spec even perform 'melee blasts' with said weapon spec?
Your colors are determined by what brand of power you're using. Nature hand blasts would be green, fire hand blasts come out red, etc. You can't have red ice hand blasts, for instance.
Theme: Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe
Conversation is more useful than conversion.


By the way, anyone else have trouble with the launcher? Over half the time, it won't work.


Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 10:26:04 AM
Well, I cancelled my subscription already. I spend hours trying to make a character, but there's just not enough options to create anything original. Everything is incredibly limited, in a way that just stifles my imagination, and doesn't let me pull off the concepts I really want.

Just gonna put these here...


Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 10:26:04 AM
The gameplay itself isn't bad, per se, but it doesn't even begin to get close to a proper combat system. It's like a mix of Arkham Asylum and WoW, and only succeeds in making me wonder why I'm not playing one of those instead. It would've been so much better if they just scrapped the WoW-like skill system and the quests entirely.

It's an action adventure game and I'm sorry but I have to disagree with the WoW-like assessment. There is no auto-attack or block. The skills themselves are mostly combo extenders or enhancers. Using Powers willy-nilly is for the most part discouraged from what I've seen in deeper play, and using something just because it's off cooldown may actually be a really bad thing to do. There's an incredible skill gap as well. I watched one lvl 6 player take out two lvl 11s that were trying to double team him. It hasen't gotten past the DPS/Healer/Tank trinity but it has added a complication in the form of the controller. One is needed as a form of a power battery.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.

Zaer Darkwail

Gorgeous chars pics. Indeed, it may lack customization in power sets wise but you can edit lots ways your appearance. Also you can specialize in way you like and also they do plan add more content and additional powers as game gets older.

Anycase how's the League (guild) system in the game?


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on January 23, 2011, 02:16:44 PM
Anycase how's the League (guild) system in the game?

Unfortunately I haven't had time to toy with this function. They only just recently fixed the league chat so I haven't seen a point in joining one till now.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Quote from: Lyell on January 23, 2011, 02:00:56 PM
Just gonna put these here...

Well, two things.

Firstly, many of the pieces you're using, aren't available when you're creating your character. In anything other than a superhero game, I would've liked the system, but when I'm playing a superhero, I'm creating a concept I'm planning on sticking with. Clothes are only part of it, too. You can't edit your facial structure ( which is especially bad considering how ugly some of the models are! )

Which leads to the second thing, the fact that it's not just limited appearance-wise. The powers you pick are either dull, or are designed for roles I don't care for. The weapons aren't that bad, but things like bows just don't work, in my experience. Apart from that, weapons are pretty limited, but still the best part.

Quote from: Lyell on January 23, 2011, 02:00:56 PM
It's an action adventure game and I'm sorry but I have to disagree with the WoW-like assessment. There is no auto-attack or block. The skills themselves are mostly combo extenders or enhancers. Using Powers willy-nilly is for the most part discouraged from what I've seen in deeper play, and using something just because it's off cooldown may actually be a really bad thing to do. There's an incredible skill gap as well. I watched one lvl 6 player take out two lvl 11s that were trying to double team him. It hasen't gotten past the DPS/Healer/Tank trinity but it has added a complication in the form of the controller. One is needed as a form of a power battery.

The fact remains it has skills in the style of WoW. It would've been a better game without them. In other words, if it played more like Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Which is also the problem with the combo system. It just feels so weak and bland. Arkham Asylum has amazing combat, because Batman jumps around kicking people in the chin and smashing heads, in a way that feels both fluid and powerful. In DCUO, I don't feel powerful at all, and combat isn't visually satisfying, either.


You've got me on the model customization, but I don't believe it would play as smoothly as it does if they weren't streamlined.

As far as combat goes, well...what did you expect? You're not only a fresh superhero straight off the chopping block so to speak, you're comparing someone who just became a DC hero yesterday to one who's been a badass for several years (timeline wise). If I were as strong as the DC heroes and able to take on the super villains single-handedly, I would not bother playing with others (a key aspect of a MMO). As for the's fresh out of beta. They're going to tune and polish it for their audiences eventually or they wouldn't have kept PC/PS3 servers separate. I'll keep you posted when/if it happens if you're interested.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Quote from: Lyell on January 23, 2011, 03:25:23 PM
You've got me on the model customization, but I don't believe it would play as smoothly as it does if they weren't streamlined.

They could've given us more choices. Being able to make a big, burly hero doesn't help much when his face is so ugly I couldn't bring myself to playing him.

QuoteAs far as combat goes, well...what did you expect? You're not only a fresh superhero straight off the chopping block so to speak, you're comparing someone who just became a DC hero yesterday to one who's been a badass for several years (timeline wise). If I were as strong as the DC heroes and able to take on the super villains single-handedly, I would not bother playing with others (a key aspect of a MMO). As for the's fresh out of beta. They're going to tune and polish it for their audiences eventually or they wouldn't have kept PC/PS3 servers separate. I'll keep you posted when/if it happens if you're interested.

It's not just the visuals. Controls, everything. It feels choppy, sort of like the melee system from Alpha Protocol. Which was not exactly that game's finest point. I would've expected something more polished and dynamic from a game that's more or less about fighting.

As for my character's strength, there's a serious discrepancy. It takes a heck of a lot of punches to kill an enemy, which in and of itself is tedious. But at the same time, I can take way more damage than them, and survive insane falls. I find myself wishing both enemies and myself were more powerful. A few hits should be enough to kill enemies. There's precious little point in being a superhero when even basic henchmen give you a hard time. It's pointless.



If, as you say you'd like, both you and your enemies were more powerful, you'd be punching them the same amount of times (since they were buffed along with you), you'd just be punching with bigger numbers attached.

Batman's been KO'd by basic henchmen more than once. You seem to be confusing the terms "superhero" and "invincible powerhouse." They're not always the same thing. That said, all superhero MMOs do suffer from that feeling in the early stages - a superstrength hero who has to grapple with mooks? - but hey, it's the early stages. Everyone starts somewhere. Ever read Batman: Year One? Dude gets stabbed by an underage hooker, shot by a cop and almost bleeds out in his first attempt at vigilante work. Not exactly a stellar performance there, Bats.

Basically reiterating Lyell's point that you shouldn't expect to be uber from the start. You're a newbie on the hero scene. If you met the Joker right away, instead of just his mooks, you know what'd happen? He'd cream you. (Probably literally.) How's that for fun?

Solution to ugly faces: wear a mask. It's what I've had to do. Did you see the faces on the CoX characters? Ugh. Masks and/or sunglasses. However, it does suck that there are only three total body types for each gender to choose from with zero customization in that respect (supposedly going to be two more "average" body types in the indefinite future, but hasn't been any word on those models in some time).
Theme: Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe
Conversation is more useful than conversion.


Quote from: Shjade on January 23, 2011, 08:32:11 PM

If, as you say you'd like, both you and your enemies were more powerful, you'd be punching them the same amount of times (since they were buffed along with you), you'd just be punching with bigger numbers attached.

I want both myself and enemies to do more damage, while still having the same number of hit points. There's a difference.

QuoteBatman's been KO'd by basic henchmen more than once. You seem to be confusing the terms "superhero" and "invincible powerhouse." They're not always the same thing. That said, all superhero MMOs do suffer from that feeling in the early stages - a superstrength hero who has to grapple with mooks? - but hey, it's the early stages. Everyone starts somewhere. Ever read Batman: Year One? Dude gets stabbed by an underage hooker, shot by a cop and almost bleeds out in his first attempt at vigilante work. Not exactly a stellar performance there, Bats.

Batman is just human. Sure, he's the absolute peak of what mere humans can become, but he's still just human. If my character were an average Joe who decided to wear a costume and beat up criminals, it might make sense. But I'm not. I somehow bust out of the Brainiac ship, and battle alongside Superman, but somehow basic Scarecrow thugs ( little fat men in masks! ), can take more damage than the Brainiac robots.

Also, your argument doesn't make sense, because the game does have gun-toting enemies, and bullets aren't fatal by any stretch of the imagination. No, I don't expect them to be, either, but I would like it better if I felt like my power level was consistent. That's all I'm saying.

I know, I know, it's present in all MMOs. I just find it all that more apparent when I'm playing a superhero.


Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 08:57:00 PM
Batman is just human. Sure, he's the absolute peak of what mere humans can become, but he's still just human. If my character were an average Joe who decided to wear a costume and beat up criminals, it might make sense.

Okay, makes sense.

Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 08:57:00 PM
But I'm not. I somehow bust out of the Brainiac ship,

No, actually, either Oracle or the informant guy hacked into the system and released you.

Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 08:57:00 PM
and battle alongside Superman, 

Who one-shots the machines, sometimes several of them, that take you several attacks to down.

Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 08:57:00 PM
but somehow basic Scarecrow thugs ( little fat men in masks! ), can take more damage than the Brainiac robots.

You could destroy the brainiac machines. The thugs are misunderstood human beings that need to be incarcerated and rehabilitated. You're subduing them for the police to arrest, not killing them. Trust me, killing them would be easier.

Quote from: Hemingway on January 23, 2011, 08:57:00 PM
Also, your argument doesn't make sense, because the game does have gun-toting enemies, and bullets aren't fatal by any stretch of the imagination. No, I don't expect them to be, either, but I would like it better if I felt like my power level was consistent. That's all I'm saying.

I know, I know, it's present in all MMOs. I just find it all that more apparent when I'm playing a superhero.

Y'know, usually it's understood in MMORPGs with HP bars (or any game with them, really. Final Fantasy for example) that it's not an actual representation of damage you can take, so much as it is how much damage you can avoid directly killing you before you are so battle-worn you actually die. But, whatever.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.