What MMOs do people roleplay on? (besides WoW)

Started by Liuli, December 30, 2010, 05:28:12 PM

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as for myself..I played firstly, Mu or TosaMu xD which was awesome, even though years back the graphics weren't that great I loooved my elf girls and the mob killing to get new set and stuff, to get to lvl 400[the max. one] and then have RR to the Chara. :P
later on..I discovered WoW that I didn't liked that much, and..found PWi[ that was great.I played for year that game, like 4 years] on old servers, had a Venomancer on like 55 lvl.I really liked the graphics, the clothing..quests and everything.[especially having the pet and the skills from it], then the made upgrades to the server and added more races..XD Made like 2 more characters to play with..

Did enjoyed my time, indeed..to bad I had to quit it[so per say] cause I had to work, school and such. ^^''
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.