Gotham City Stories

Started by Korosa, December 27, 2010, 04:59:11 PM

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Welcome aboard powergirl! Feel free to throw something up in the Gotham Streets thread or I'll try to put something for you to work with soon! And Richardson, remember Arkham has a more or less swinging door policy on inmates even in the comics, so if Dr. Crane wants to come out to play...
Request Thread

(These are a little out of date, but still probably fine?)


Robyn Hood

Okay, so its not a problem if I start something, even if it will sort of be between other people's posts?



Go ahead, sorry guys. I'll read and reply to everything I owe tonight, I just restarted graduate school for the semester so I'm behind on my posting.
Request Thread

(These are a little out of date, but still probably fine?)



Fair enough.  Grad school takes quite a bit out of you unless you're like me and do a Master's in Education.  Then you just play video games, eat Taco Bell at three in the morning and wind up with high marks and the qualifications to guide tomorrow's future.