Power Rangers. Kamen Rider, Sentai, suits and monsters

Started by Sabby, December 20, 2010, 06:14:30 PM

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Oh god, Sabby...seeing that makes me want to drag YOU into PM's.


...athletic men posing in brightly coloured tights makes you wanna take me off to a private area? o.O ...this is suggestive of something... but of what, I wonder.


Quote from: Sabby on June 01, 2011, 11:41:07 PM
...athletic men posing in brightly coloured tights makes you wanna take me off to a private area? o.O ...this is suggestive of something... but of what, I wonder.

I think it means I want to see your sexy furry bum in tights.

...Nao. o3o



You already have that background? o.o


Quote from: Sabby on June 03, 2011, 03:49:18 PM
You already have that background? o.o

I don't. But I need it in 1920x1080.


Was talking to Kuno. I dunno whats ironic xD


Quote from: Sabby on June 03, 2011, 05:40:53 PM
Was talking to Kuno. I dunno whats ironic xD

...I think what's Ironic is that when I finally want you to drag me to the back, you won't do it. T_T


...no, thats got nothing to do with it. I posted a wallpaper, said "Your welcome" and this is apparently ironic.



Glad I gave Jungle Fury a second chance. Just watched episode 8. Brought me pretty close to tearing at the end. Was a real 'Awww" moment. Plus Dai Shi is... fucking... hot... the fur and black armour, that wild hair and powerful stance, the growly voice... omg, yum.


Oh boy I do remember this very well xD power rangers my childhood to be honest :)


Quote from: Sabby on June 03, 2011, 06:52:58 PM
...no, thats got nothing to do with it. I posted a wallpaper, said "Your welcome" and this is apparently ironic.

Nah, what was ironic was what was the context in which I quoted it. ^^; Namely, after you and Wolfy started flirting.  Basically, I was making a joke.


Ahhh, this never gets old. Friend comes over, I'm watching Power Rangers, they go o.O "The fuck is this?" "Power Rangers =3" "...no its not" "Yah, it is" "...serious?" "Yup =3"

So I Youtube some stuff for him, show him how awesome the show can be, and every time, they don't know how to process it xD


Quote from: Sabby on July 06, 2011, 01:01:38 AM
Ahhh, this never gets old. Friend comes over, I'm watching Power Rangers, they go o.O "The fuck is this?" "Power Rangers =3" "...no its not" "Yah, it is" "...serious?" "Yup =3"

So I Youtube some stuff for him, show him how awesome the show can be, and every time, they don't know how to process it xD

I've had the same process.

Except with My Little Pony.


Yeah, I've heard similar things lately ^^ I Youtubed some clips, and it almost gave me friggen heart failure from the spike in blood sugar.


Quote from: Sabby on July 06, 2011, 01:33:51 AM
Yeah, I've heard similar things lately ^^ I Youtubed some clips, and it almost gave me friggen heart failure from the spike in blood sugar.

Fluttershy is my fave....

Fluttershy - My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic



Okay, aside from that being the most adorable thing I've seen all year, (and thats with my stoned brother constantly Youtubing funny cat videos) there are some serious lesbian undertones here xD


Had a fun thought... what if I started a Power Rangers religion? Ya know, as a joke, but totally play it straight faced, for lolz? I mean, anyone who would actually sign up would be either so deep into it they'd believe or, or get the joke immediately and play along, either way your winning.

Morphism? Morphon? Zordonite? Our Bible would be, obviously, the Morphinomicon.


Just caught the tail end of 'Room for One More'.

Switchblade katanas?
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed



YES! Linkara's new review is out. Dino Thunder. I absolutely loved his interpretaion of Tommy Oliver in the series. Will post what I wrote to a friend about it.

Quote from: Sabby quoting himself in his own post in his own thread within a dream within a dream
The oldest Ranger is Tommy Oliver. He's been Green, White, Red Zeo, and Black Dino Thunder. So he's been fighting longer then anyone else. Theres a plot where he gets stuck in his suit, and when he's freed his invisibility sticks, and when thats fixed he goes into a coma, and in his mind, he fights Green, White and Red Zeo. He loses, but says he won't give up. His will to live is proved, thus he is revived.

Pretty simple plotline, but I just read an interesting theory about it's true meanings xD its really great!

Tommy fought so long, and there never seems to be an end to his fight, so getting stuck in his suit represents him only knowing how to be a Ranger. He doesn't really have anything else. With the Power Ranger suit gone, he doesn't know what he is anymore, thus becoming invisible. When he's forced to be himself, he retreats into his own mind... where he is forced to face his identity issues.

He doesn't even know who he is anymore. Is he Green? White? Red? Black? Nope, he's Tommy fucking Oliver, and he's guna be that before any fucking colour he might be wearing, and realizing that, he wakes up with all of his powers back.



I am laughing so hard that there is a topic on this.  15 years ago, I could have told you more, as my oldest kids were growing up, but now... I'm still trying to forget all the money I spent for years on Pokemon cards for them...  ;D
Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


Power Rangers? Fuck yeah! these guys were my childhood, I watched it all the way from Mighty Morphin to Mystic Force then I grew out of it, which sucked. I freakin love Linkara for doing the  History of Power Rangers!
Converted Mana Cost: 2 colorless 2 White 2 Red

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