Interest Check - nWoD; storyline based; mature players

Started by Phantasmatical, December 19, 2010, 03:25:47 AM

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As said in the title, this is an interest check for a largely freeform game with heavy WoD influence. Everyone will be making a nWoD character sheet, but I tend to run games without very much crunch at all, and as such the sheets are largely a place to keep notes of character background, goals, prior achievements, friends, enemies, etc. This game will take place either on a shared messenger or other chat (for now I am thinking of running it on AIM, but suggestions will be welcome) and will meet at least once a week for about a four-hour block (though not necessarily the same day each week). I have looked through Vampire, Werewolf, Promethean, Changeling, Mage, and Hunter, and am tentatively alright with people making characters of that type. However, I have only read those books for theme, and will not be using them for stats. All characters go on a regular ol' nWoD character sheet, and we'll add notes as necessary if you want to play something else, focusing more on theme than rules crunch.

In terms of character creation, there will only be a couple of requirements. First, the characters can't be too incredibly knowledgeable about the supernatural. They can certainly think they are though. Second, they should have their humanity and morals more or less intact. Third, they need to be in the city I will eventually decide on and have a reason to stay there. Job, family, friends, whatever. Lone wolves have some appeal, but there are really very few people in the world who are antisocial enough not to make any friends.

In players, I'm looking for maturity, an understanding that bad things can and will happen to your character, a willingness to let them make mistakes anyway, and an availability that allows for activity in such a game. If, realistically, you know that you're not going to be around often enough or long enough to take part but you'd still like to get involved, there's a chance you can hop in as an NPC or villain at some point when you are temporarily available.

Again, this is just an interest check. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.