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roleplaying ideas (F looking for M)

Started by Lady Scythe, December 03, 2010, 12:24:06 PM

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Lady Scythe

recently i've had some people withdraw from what i thought were really good idea because it turns out the human girl isnt really human, but i dont just want to abandon these ideas so i was really hoping that someone else would restart them with me. it wasnt because i didnt post, or i didnt post long enough posts, or that my detail sucked, they just didnt like where i was going with it, i hope we could talk about each different role play if you have questions or concerns, its come to the point where i dont have enough people role playing with me for me to want to stay on this site roleplaying, i might just move my roleplaying to vampirefreaks. so please someone who's an aggressive male, who will post long posts and often, please pick one :D

this is kind of based off a book, but you can never really match a book word for word because only one of the rpers has read the book lol XD. so there's a girl (23 yr old   Belle Jamison    )  and a man, (25 yr old   Rome Masters  ) she drank a coffee that had an ingredient that basically when ever her emotions would become strong she had these powers to control the weather around her. the man was sent to kill her but in the end they fall in love and both end up working for a paranormal agency. (he can turn into a jaguar) and they ended up dating and becoming engaged, however this will be an rp of the next book ---> (excerpt from a book site)

"Belle Jamison’s power over the four elements wasn’t a welcome gift; rather it was a surprise slipped into her latte by a scientist determined to see if his formula would work. It did, and now that Belle has her powers, she’s working with the good guys (PSI, or Paranormal Studies and Investigations) to catch scrims (supernatural criminals, of course) with her gorgeous hunk of a man, Rome Masters. Belle is planning her wedding, working as an agent, and trying to figure out what’s going on with her friends when her already crazy world is nearly blown to bits: While out on a mission, Rome has all of his memories of his life with Belle stolen. It’s up to Belle to make Rome remember her, keep Rome’s ex-wife from winning him back, catch the bad guys, plan her wedding and save the day." <----- (also there is another guy who wants belle, he's evil)

and basically once Rome's memories are erased, when he was in extensive care in PSI, he reads up on his laptop belle's file and decides instantly to hate her, like HATE and basically when she tries to tell them they were together he doesn't believe her, instead he wants his ex wife (who is delighted by this news) but then his working partner Devyn pretends to flirt with Belle, in order to give Rome back his senses, and Rome does not appreciate it. (we can come up with an idea to get his memory back)

once again i need a long poster, frequent, a really sarcastic almost cruel, aggressive dominant guy <3 best of luck

and this one

alright so this is like a more awesome twilight, i know a lot of you see twilight and like im out of here!!! lol just sit tight. these vampire burn in sunlight and burn when near holy objects so don't kill me.  here's the deal, Chaeron is 2,000 years old and a vampire, he was a warrior of his time,he's hardened over the years, do to what he's seen of vampire and human kind, he holds a special disdain for human women, he finds them to be moral less users. so he finds it kind of strange that one human girl has caught his attention.

Evangeline, Eve, has always been a little eccentric, loving old thing s thrift shopping but she also has a dangerous sense of curiosity and justice. she gets in so much trouble trying to stick her neck out for others, she's a very feisty girl who doesnt let anyone stand in her way, especially a handsome stranger she bumps into when trying to rescue a small girl.

(lets just say there might be changes in the girl, maybe think demon or angel :) )
"Crawling through this world as disease flows through my veins
I look into myself, but my own heart has been changed
I can't go on like this
I loathe all I've become"


Quote from: CuteEmoGirl on December 03, 2010, 12:24:06 PM
recently i've had some people withdraw from what i thought were really good idea because it turns out the human girl isnt really human, but i dont just want to abandon these ideas so i was really hoping that someone else would restart them with me. it wasnt because i didnt post, or i didnt post long enough posts, or that my detail sucked, they just didnt like where i was going with it, i hope we could talk about each different role play if you have questions or concerns, its come to the point where i dont have enough people role playing with me for me to want to stay on this site roleplaying, i might just move my roleplaying to vampirefreaks. so please someone who's an aggressive male, who will post long posts and often, please pick one :D

The prospect of you picking up and just leaving to another roleplay site if you hit a dry spell (like we all do) is sure to draw in many eager partners. :)

Lady Scythe

Quote from: Trieste on December 03, 2010, 12:33:27 PM
The prospect of you picking up and just leaving to another roleplay site if you hit a dry spell (like we all do) is sure to draw in many eager partners. :)

well thanks for that :D i would think that now no one will want to rp any of these choices seeing as a "goddess" has commented on it. i'd appreciate if next time you'd pm me if you have a problem with what i say, Thanks <3
"Crawling through this world as disease flows through my veins
I look into myself, but my own heart has been changed
I can't go on like this
I loathe all I've become"


Quote from: CuteEmoGirl on December 03, 2010, 01:04:37 PM
well thanks for that :D i would think that now no one will want to rp any of these choices seeing as a "goddess" has commented on it. i'd appreciate if next time you'd pm me if you have a problem with what i say, Thanks <3

Everyone has dry spells (I'm in one now, it seems).  It's the nature of things.  I suspect that her intent was to remind you that hostility tends to get met with same.


I was very happy to recently be able to revive 2 role plays which I thought were dead.  YAY ME!
Remember the words of the High Lord Mhoram...  "It takes strength to judge the weakness of others, I am not so mighty."


Quote from: CuteEmoGirl on December 03, 2010, 01:04:37 PM
well thanks for that :D i would think that now no one will want to rp any of these choices seeing as a "goddess" has commented on it. i'd appreciate if next time you'd pm me if you have a problem with what i say, Thanks <3

It's part of her job as a "Goddess" to comment and check out threads such as this in which members openly vent their problems with the RP that is found here.  If you have an issue with other members on this web forum, perhaps you should be more pro-active and ask them what's going on or perhaps send a PM to one of the staff instead of using this thread as an open forum to vent your frustrations about fellow members and "threaten" to leave.  Just my two cents.

Good luck in finding partners and I hope you find what you are looking for.


Quote from: CuteEmoGirl on December 03, 2010, 01:04:37 PM
well thanks for that :D i would think that now no one will want to rp any of these choices seeing as a "goddess" has commented on it. i'd appreciate if next time you'd pm me if you have a problem with what i say, Thanks <3

I'm a big fan of long, detailed rp with girls that can show intelligence and have interesting and original scenes like this. I'd happy rp either of these with you, and while i prefer im style, email or forum will be fine as well.

pm me if interested

He's like an enigma wrapped in a puzzle smothered in a mystery cocooned by a problem served on a taco.