A Science Project

Started by GothicFires, February 22, 2007, 04:48:37 PM

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Ok… with my schedule I need a new game like I need a hole in my head. I’ve got plenty of games now and not much time… but I WANT it. So here I am looking for a partner who doesn’t mind writing a slow game (at least one post a week, sometimes more).

Alright, what I am looking for:

The guy (that would be you, the person who decides to accept. Details listed here should only be changed if discussed before start, anything not listed is open to your imagination.): 18 years of age and attends Northwestern High School. Attends, perhaps is not the right word, but close enough.

His haunting voice keeps his band touring. His lithe form, pale skin, long silky black hair and almost delicate handsomeness has made him a popular goth/fetish model. His hard work has brought some comfort to the hard life he was born into and only promises to get better. However he is not stupid. Even though he does not attend regular classes often, he does submit work to the school that gives him class credit.

Now he only has to complete one thing to get his diploma… A science project. One that he must return to campus for and work with another student on.

The girl (that’s me) comes from a rich family and is one of the top students in the school. Age 18. Her manicured beauty is one that most girls envy. With blond hair, blue eyes, full lips and a body that porn star are made of she gets lots of attention, but only the top of the social ladder are worth her time. She already knows that she will get into any college, however there is one thing that mars her perfect image she has a ‘B’ in science. She has agreed on an extra science project with another student of her teacher’s choosing.

~ ~ ~ ~

The science project:

After discovering that the last person in school that either would want to be seen with is their science partner they are put to sleep and wake up in a two room cell. There is no way to communicate with anyone outside and nothing to tell them where they are or why they are there.

The first night they are left to themselves. The next day they are given food and one item… a computer. The computer is how they get their instructions. Each day they one gets to choose what their next item would be, perhaps how they are to dress etc. But they are not given any information about who put them there or why. They can guess that they are being watched but can find no signs.

~ ~ ~ ~

I would like this to be a personality driven game. These two characters should be able to get on each others nerves rather quickly. There’s potential for lots of conflict, unwanted attraction, passion, seduction, tender moments… I think it is limitless. Also, if you are interested, please look at some of the other games I am. I put a lot of effort in my writing and expect close to the same.


I've already got a partner for this. I don't mind if others want to try the idea themselves.