Steampunk - Pleasure Dome - < Interest Check > Now Closed

Started by Sasha, November 11, 2010, 08:05:58 PM

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Character Name : Epoch "EJ" Johnson
Played by : ClosetFreak

Character approved ....and what an interesting back-story ....that redhead gets into lots of trouble , think she might need a spanking . 

Please add your character to the Character Profiles and feel free to join in the crazy conversation of the OOC .

Welcome to the Game .

   Think that will conclude the accepting of employees for the moment unless already discussed with me or you just about finished the character sheet . I wouldn't want anyone's hard work to go to waste anyways .

   We could use a few more Inventors ....Tinkers ....Merchants ...even a well used apprentice looking to branch out find a new mentor or come a looking for the funding to branch out on their own . Spies , Thieves are always welcome and of course characters need not be completely sane but we do ask they be amusing .

  The game threads will be going up this weekend as we have acquired enough creative souls to make a well rounded game . So ....hurry along if you wanting to join in the fun .


Quote from: Sasha on November 18, 2010, 07:27:26 AM
Character Name : Epoch "EJ" Johnson
Played by : ClosetFreak

Character approved ....and what an interesting back-story ....that redhead gets into lots of trouble, think she might need a spanking . 

Rubs hands together, warming them up...


Is there still room for more?  I'm interested in playing an inventor, a Dr. Mephiston Luciferion Bahl, who specializes in the development of horrific weapons of carnage and destruction, all in the hopes of bringing world peace.
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Quote from: Wheresmycow on November 20, 2010, 05:33:18 PM
Is there still room for more?  I'm interested in playing an inventor, a Dr. Mephiston Luciferion Bahl, who specializes in the development of horrific weapons of carnage and destruction, all in the hopes of bringing world peace.

We are still open to add inventors , merchants ...will your character maybe be at the beginning of this exploration of building a weapon for peace . No chance of you blowing us all up to kingdom come ...right ? 

Maybe he has come looking for an apprentice  ?  Just a thought .


Oh no, he isn't likely to blow anyone up.  Or the Pleasure Dome.  In fact, the only thing blowing up are things that were expected to blow up, and only in the course of testing out just how well his weapons are at blowing things up in the first place.

The idea behind the character is that he plans on replacing existing weapons with his own horrific ones, and once people witness the results of said weapons, will be so disgusted that they realize the inherent folly behind violence and war and become peaceful.

As for why he's heading to the Pleasure Dome, I was thinking it's because he's on the run from some people who have completely missed the point of his inventions and are seeking to pervert his life's work to their own insane ends.  Finding an apprentice who also shares his ideas would be nice too.  He might even be interested in setting up shop, building armaments for the Pleasure Dome to secure it against attack (not that he'd ever expect them to be used of course).
Want to know more about me?
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Aww. It's too bad that I know nothing about steampunk. :( This looks absolutely delicious!


I should mention that this character is inspired in part from Terry Pratchett's Discworld and Monty Python.

Character Name: Doctor Mephiston Luciferion Bahl
Played by: Wheresmycow
Character Age: 28
Character Role in game: Inventor of Weapons
Sexual Orientation: Straight, Switch
Interested Fetish or Kinks: Touching, sensual and sexual aspects of.  Mephiston enjoys touching things with his hands, manipulating objects and feeling textures.

Character Personality: Mephiston seemingly bursts with energy, bouncing in his steps as he eagerly goes about his research.  When interested in something, Mephiston borders on the obsessive, the object of his interest under intense observation.  Much like most mad scientists, he can be prone to tangents in conversation and his curiosity seems to be overwhelming, propelling him in alternate avenues of invention.  Tempering all of this is his amiable nature: Mephiston is quite the gentleman and very friendly, openly displaying warmth and affection to those he considers friends.  He is also very expressive of his emotions: happiness makes him wreathed in smiles while sorrow nearly renders him into tears.  He does not take kindly to those who misuse his inventions.

On the subject of his inventions, Mephiston has a paradoxical relationship with his ability to devise weapons of utter destruction.  On the one hand, the enthusiasm in which he applies himself to inventing the latest weapon belies an almost unwholesome fixation on creative deaths.  However, Mephiston believes in the sanctity of life, and that people who enjoy violence are perverted, a most damning insult from him (sexual practices that deviate from the norm are almost never considered perverted, they're more like eccentric hobbies).  As such, Mephiston finds it rather embarrassing how, in the middle of conversation, he will sometimes have managed to fashion a tool of death without having been aware of doing so.  He lives in shame of those moments when he wakes up in the middle in the night, his hands ink-stained, and a sketch of another weapon lying on his bed.  Of course, since he designed it, Mephiston feels compelled to make it, if only to make sure that indeed, it is fact both terrible and possible.

Background Information:  Mephiston grew up as the scion of House Bahl, a rich and prestigious merchant family.  Brought up as a Satanist, the affable nature of the Bahl family meant that they lacked piety in that regard.  Indeed, were it not for their tendency to work on Sundays and their alternate way of saying Grace at the dinner table, they would have been model Christians.  His parents were disappointed when Mephiston announced his conversion to Atheism, finding Satanism to be a rather silly affair, but his parents reasoned that Atheism was a denial of God, so it was alright.

In time, his scientific brilliance began to shine, even as his despair at the world's tendency to engage in meaningless conflict blossomed as well.  His parents had hoped to have him inherit their businesses, but brilliance could not be denied and instead sent him to the finest colleges.  Devoting himself to his studies, Mephiston mastered the sciences, or at least the aspects pertaining to causing destruction and death.  Disheartened at finding no future for himself that wouldn't violate his beliefs, a dabble in psychology revealed to him the concept of reverse-psychology.  What if, he reasoned, he was able to devise a weapon so horrific that no one would ever want to use it, and thus resort to reasoned discussion instead.  Inspired, Mephiston attempted to solve the problem of knife fights by creating his first invention: a knife that, when inserted into a person tip first, would allow for the blade to be detached from the hilt, whereupon the blade would promptly explode after a second, violently killing the unfortunate target.  He reasoned that someone dying from having their torso erupt in a explosion of organs and blood would turn really hone in the reality of death, and thus end street violence.  He nicknamed them 'Spicy Curries' ("They do terrible things to one's intestines") and patented the product before marketing them.

They sold incredibly well and made him a fortune.  Mephiston was rather upset.

In the end, Mephiston came to the conclusion that he just wasn't thinking large enough, and that rather than operating on the personal level, he needed to aim for mass horrific destruction.  Only then, as a collective whole, would people realize that violence was a waste and truly begin to appreciate life.  A series of unfortunate inventions, which sold rather well, led to Mephiston attracting just the wrong sort of attention and caused him to flee from his home city.  His parents, who were responsible for the business side of his inventions, were quite proud of him and were sad to see him go.
Want to know more about me?
My Intro Thread
My ONs and OFFs


Quote from: Alsheriam on November 20, 2010, 08:36:58 PM
Aww. It's too bad that I know nothing about steampunk. :( This looks absolutely delicious!

Whats their to know really except gasoline engines are replaced by steam engines.  As are most large appliances.  All gadgets are steam engines and gears.  Our bomb builder was looking for an apprentice.  Perhaps your character could fit in that way.  I mean I'm not the GM or anything but it seems like it would be a good way to fit in.  Maybe he or she has Janitorial skills.  It really hasn't been spoken of but every establishment needs some form of janitorial service.  Idk... just saying there could be any number of ways for you to fit in without actually knowing that much about steampunk itself. 


Mister[\b] Nim is quite right, Alsheriam. I hardly know a thing about steampunk myself, but Miss Sasha was kind enough to admit my character. I'm sure she could probably find a spot for you, if you want to join.
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


Miss Nim?  *Grins* Not hardly.  *Laughs*  Although I do play male and female roles quite often while RPing I am very much so Male... least I was the last time I looked... lolz.   ;)




But I was going to use anesthetics first...I'm not a monster you know.


Err?sorry! Lol, I can't see poster info when I post from my phone, and there were so many posts in the threads I can't remember everyone's gender, so...I guessed! Forgives?
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


No harm done Starlequin.  To me that just means I can pull off a pretty convincing female role even just within the OOC setting.  LOLz

*Eyes Kirinis*  Perhaps not but some people think the good Doctor C.C. Bloom is a monster...  >:) *sometimes anesthetics just interfere with her work.  hehe


*Hopes she'll use some when she works on Max...he's cranky enough already!*
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


Character Name: Doctor Mephiston Luciferion Bahl
Played by: Wheresmycow

Character accepted ....well laid out I might ad .

Please add your character to the Character Profiles and feel free to join in the crazy conversation of the OOC .

Oh and if you would drag these three other wonderful players back to the OOC ....that would help as well . 

Welcome to the Game ...

You may start your character off arriving this thread ... Front Lobby - Key Masters Office - Security   Look forward to seeing what interesting contraption the good man arrives in .


Eeeeeeps... ish picked up by a tornado and tossed across the boards to the OOC!!!


Hey, look! What a long rope. Wonder what it's used fo-Aackk!! *is dragged back to the Ooc and Ic threads*
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


Quote from: Nim on November 20, 2010, 09:01:57 PM
Whats their to know really except gasoline engines are replaced by steam engines.  As are most large appliances.  All gadgets are steam engines and gears.  Our bomb builder was looking for an apprentice.  Perhaps your character could fit in that way.  I mean I'm not the GM or anything but it seems like it would be a good way to fit in.  Maybe he or she has Janitorial skills.  It really hasn't been spoken of but every establishment needs some form of janitorial service.  Idk... just saying there could be any number of ways for you to fit in without actually knowing that much about steampunk itself. 

Just to add on: Alsheriam, if you need help envisioning our world, think of it like an alternate 19th century, where steam engines remained popular instead of giving way to electricity or gasoline, like Nim says. It won't take long to get used to the steampunk world. In case you want to find out more, Wiki's your friend. :D
'But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.'

Ons and Offs ~ Absences and Apologies


Sending PM to Alsheriam  to offer a few ideas on various traveling merchant type concepts.

Employee characters are currently on hold though we could maybe use a waitress - showgirl type ....asking for Inventors , Tinkers , Merchant type characters .

  Two more female characters would be nice as well ...goes to check on someone about their character with that in mind .


I'll bite. :P Let's hope this works.

Character Name: Formerly known as Capt. Calvin the Caliber Caddock. Now known as Alwin Anguish
Played by: Alsheriam
Character Age: 30
Character Role in game: Former 'reformed outlaw' masquerading as Merchant of Musical Instruments and Purveyor of Patent Medicines
Sexual Orientation: Straight, Dominant
Interested Fetish or Kinks: "Assisted Double Penetration". Alwin has a particular fondness for using his very own 'Resonant Tuning Rods' that just keep on humming so deliciously. Who can blame him, when the ladies just can't get enough of it?

Character Personality: While most music merchants tend to be genial, gentle, educated and kindly folk, this Alwin is the unlikeliness of them all! If not for his demonstrable ability to carve and put his wares together before his customers' very eyes, and perhaps belt out a popular number or two, nobody would have believed him. At all. Alwin is probably one of the most uncouth, hard-boozing and womanizing music merchant there ever was. Some even accuse him of behaving like one of those outlaws who roam the desert and wastelands, thieving and boozing as hard as he was, which generates the most heinously adamant of protests from him and immediately resorts to belting out even more popular songs to get the room dancing so that they'd forget all about that silly outlaw business.

Roguish in appearance, uncouth in mannerisms and perhaps a little to free with the ladies under most circumstances, Alwin does have a good heart. The notion of sticking a knife into someone's hand against the table so that he could beat the snot out of them while they can't escape probably is something he's well used to, and the most observant of souls can tell that he's likely to have done it before, and summons a lot of restraint to school himself before he actually does it. While he may not hesitate to harm others as long as it's for his own benefit, he does have a certain personal 'code' of honor which can be truly undecipherable, and his explanations for some of his actions sometimes can be just as indecipherable.

Background Information: Alwin Anguish was an outlaw! No doubt about it, for the whole of the past half decade, his mug was one of the best known anywhere. For a time, the reward kitty was large enough for any claimant to retire for the rest of his or her life with a greater decadence than even Chang himself! He is quite likely to grin when someone remarks that he looks a lot like that awful outlaw, and thank them for telling him just how bloody handsome he is, but telling him that he behaves like an outlaw is draw a violently angry reaction from him.

It wasn't all too long ago when he had a change of heart, felt that he was getting too damn old with the comic book outlawing and decided to make a better man of himself. He'd always liked it when he used that peculiar talent of his to put flutes and such together as gifts for homeless little boys to play as troupes at the local bars and establishments to earn themselves a little money from the innkeeper, and that became his new career path! Through several years of practice and the use of fancy materials he managed to "procure", one of his newer creations, the Golden Harp caught the attention of Roxanne, and he was personally invited to the Dome to deliver the product and perhaps, stay around a little to see if he could capture any more customers!



Character Name: Formerly known as Capt. Calvin the Caliber Caddock. Now known as Alwin Anguish
Played by: Alsheriam

Falls off chair laughing .....Character accepted .  Oh my all I can think of .... " this one day at band camp ....."

A start of a sentence I used to have to tell my girls ..." Finish that and your grounded ...."

Wipes tears from her eyes ...

Please add your character to the Character Profiles and feel free to join in the crazy conversation of the OOC .

You may start your character off arriving this thread ... Front Lobby - Key Masters Office - Security   Look forward to seeing what interesting contraption the good man arrives in .

You can find a list of the game threads - on the first page of the OOC ..and I think at the bottom of the first post of the character thread . I still working on things . Feel free to bookmark them as needed .

Welcome to the Game .....



Seems like an interesting balance is building,
Like the new avi Sasha



Oh you damn people are not going to let me rest, are you!?

I've been interested in Steampunk every since I saw that anime Steamboy...I'm going to gauge my current activity, and if you fine folks have room, I'd love to get in on this!
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!