Data, Data, Data - [M/M] [05.09 - Actively Searching]

Started by Observing Trifles, November 09, 2010, 12:30:19 AM

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Observing Trifles

Table of Contents

Currently Craving: Any plot involving one of my original characters.

Or something from this thread.

I. Plots
II. Plot Bunnies
III. Pairings
IV. Picture Prompts

Please do not respond to this thread - PM with your interest. Thank you. :)
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


I. Plots

Primum Non Nocere
Deception, corruption, murder (not of main characters).

Winter, 20xx.
Cumberland County, Maine.

The site of seven grisly murders over the past three years, each elaborately staged, with grotesque stylizing that varies from incident to incident. The latest victim: a 34-year-old salesman discovered near a pond in Naples, his throat slit, his tongue cleanly cut from his body and deposited in the briefcase laying at his side.

Local authorities are baffled. The victims vary in gender, appearance, and age groups, which makes the killer's motives and identity unclear. Paired with the various causes of death, the methods of which range from stabbing to garrotting, the murders have next to nothing in common, only the signature removal of at least one bone and usually an organ. Neither the local nor the state police can make heads or tails of the killings, and it's only a matter of time before the case is handed over to federal authorities.


Windham, Maine

Mikkel Ostergaard is a forty-something surgeon of some repute. Since finishing medical school, where he specialized in cardiothoracic surgery, he has divided his time between practicing in Denmark and occasionally consulting at practices in New England. However, he has since embarked on a sabbatical to recharge and recover from a home invasion that left him with a bullet wound on his chest.

Now, he spends the bulk of his time at his home in Windham, where he enjoys a comfortable lifestyle thanks to both a successful career and family money. He often finds himself at various performing arts centers to enjoy operas and symphonies, taking up hobbies such as painting and sailing, and occasionally picking out a member of the human horde for slaughter, depending on where his whims take him. He has, in fact, racked up a body count of over twenty, only seven of which he has chosen to display on his New England canvas. Murder is an artform, and he has devoted much of his time and effort into perfecting it.

With nothing but time on his hands, Mikkel is out to perfect his craft. He is especially drawn to those cut from the same cloth, born with the same desire to hunt, kill, and elevate. Of late, he has taken a liking to a younger man, an intelligent man with such creativity and a hidden potential to kill that has piqued Mikkel's interest. As it's such a shame to let such a promising talent go to waste, he decides it only proper to see if he can't nurture those impulses...

I'm looking for someone to take on the role of Mikkel's apprentice. Preferably a man in his mid to late twenties, from whatever background you choose, who has the potential to become a serial killer. Ideally, he would be hesitant to engage in Mikkel's lifestyle, repelled by the knowledge of his murderous proclivities, but fiercely attracted to him all the same and thus seduced into his world. The details of his character are up to you, but I'm thinking of him as someone with a strong personality who will nonetheless be broken and refashioned into his mentor's image.

The plot would follow your character's descent into depravity and the grotesque nature of the romance that blooms in between.

[Given the nature of this story's content, I feel to need a tiny disclaimer to the end of this post. Despite all the nasty business of murder and such, all characters/victims will be over the age of 18 and there will be absolutely no rape involved.]

Historical fantasy. Possibly Victorian Era.
Romance. Either light or bondage.

He is the ferryman of souls, the harbinger of The End, the personification of that which all men fear. With him comes change and the ultimate finality. He is everywhere, and he is nowhere. He is Death.

An immortal creature with the ultimate power to end the lives of every mortal on the surface, his sole purpose is to bring death to the dying and usher their immortal souls into the Underworld. Such has been his lot in "life" for as long as he can remember. He has seen civilizations rise and fall; he has seen the births and deaths of great men; he has ended the lives of billions without blinking - until finally meeting him.

The human was an exquisite specimen, as unyieldingly beautiful as the day was long, with a soul so pure that to touch it would be blasphemous. He enraptured Death like no other. In a world full of darkness and nothingness, he alone served as a source of light, bringing to Death that which he had never once dared to experience - longing, desire, even love.

In the form of a mortal, Death ventures into the human plane in the hope of sating his need to be close to him. With little regard for the consequences, Death pursues him eagerly, following him through each important stage of his life, endearing himself to him in the hopes of winning his heart. And indeed, the human succumbs to Death's charms, whereupon the two begin a passionate love affair.

It is only afterward that the human comes to realize Death's true nature. With Death comes loss. The loss of friends, the loss of family. Frightened and overwhelmed, the human turns away from Death, seeking familiarity in a mortal lover, whom he marries in an attempt to break Death's heart and put an end to their affair.

But Death is persistent. Death is eternal. Death can wait...

I'm looking for someone to play the human character (most likely either a sub or switch, although I'm not picky about this), who will be the central focus for the plot. The story will be told through a series of vignettes, highlighting important events in his life, spanning across any number of years. Because the story has such a wide scope, I will not only write the role of the human's lover, but also various secondary characters who will regularly interact with your character.

Black Feathers
Fantasy with a possibility of modern elements.
Bondage, possibly lots of kink.

Kaliq resides in the Kingdom of the Clouds, a plane referred to by humans as Heaven. He plays many roles in the Kingdom, including but not limited to a shrewd tactician for the Celestial Army and a devastating force as a black ops mercenary. First and foremost, however, he belongs to the order of seraphim, the highest order in the celestial hierarchy that affords him a level of luxury unattainable by lower classes of malakhim.

Much to the chagrin of his superiors within the Celestial Army, and despite his status as a seraph, Kaliq has a blatant and unapologetic disregard for the rules. Never a stranger to rebel against authority, he makes unscheduled visits to other planes, such as the human realm or the Space Below - Hell itself - usually to incite bits of drama that sate his need for conflict.

It is on one such voyage that Kaliq happens upon a black-feathered demon of some repute, an entity with just as much a penchant for making mischief as the seraph himself. With a deeply rooted love for anything chaotic and an eye for the exotic beauty of hellspawn, Kaliq has little choice but to follow his first impulse and attach himself to the other.

Unfortunately, Kaliq's association with the demon goes against everything that all classes of malakhim stand for, owing to the age-old rivalry between the Kingdom and the Space Below. A seraph associating himself with an individual of hellspawn ancestry has never been made illegal; the two classes have, on occasion, reluctantly come together for the sake of their respective survivals. But for any malakhim to take a demon as a lover is one step too far - a step that a seraph can never be seen to take.

Desert Rose

Azrael Malak'h, Lord of the fire nation of Khortaq, is in danger of losing his title. Blind and constantly teetering on the brink of insanity, traitors within his realm have partnered with a neighboring nation to bring his rule to an end, on the grounds that his physical impairment, paired with his mental instability, make him an unfit ruler. The result of which would see Khortaq divided and consequently presided over by the Council of the Five Kingdoms.

Resistant to the bitter end, Azrael's refusal to cooperate has led to the development of more hostile parties willing to take his crown by force. With spies littered throughout his realm and at least two nations working against him in tandem, his only option is to win the favor of another party, one with plenty of pull on the Council...

Kind of a short description, I suppose. I wanted to keep the options open for this one. Anyone willing to write this one with me would most likely take on the role of another Lord, or at least a noble of some sort, although I'd be willing to pair Azrael off with someone else. A lesser noble, a servant... There are a lot of possibilities for this.

New Model, No. 15
Futuristic/cyberpunk, romance.
Light or Bondage.

In the metropolis, perfection on a cellular level has hit an all-time high. The need for physical and psychological conformity has created a culture in which appearances are everything. Getting plastic surgery is as common as doing the laundry, and trends change so often that alterations are often necessary. Hardcore drugs are widely available and even pushed by the government in an attempt to keep the masses controlled. Everyone in society observes a strict code of moral conduct, and everyone is encouraged to be perfect, because through perfection comes happiness.

In a plastic environment where nearly everything is artificial, they needed the ultimate model to represent the perfection they shove down humanity's throat. But models are only human, with appeal that expires before next season's looks. With an economy struggling to keep up with the trends and a younger generation rebelling against the conformity, the government produced an alternative to the typical human model. They produced Omega.

He had no real name to begin with. "Omega" was the name they had printed on the side of his cell shortly after they had captured him in the desert. Labeled as an extraterrestrial of unknown origin with powdery white skin, red irises, and startling crimson hair, he had presented something of a challenge for the scientists who had found him. Over time, the drugs made him complacent, if only on the surface, his free will under lock and key. Once Omega was completely under their control, they set him loose on the world as a role model for humanity.

With an exotic, nearly ethereal allure and a voice smooth as velvet, he quickly dominates the fashion industry and becomes the poster child for the government agenda. Campaigns featuring his face help to push the trendiest substances, the latest fashion trends, and conformity through perfection. His handlers never make any secret that he isn't human, which in itself becomes his signature and his appeal. After all, what could possibly be more perfect than that which transcends the eternally imperfect human form?

But Omega is restless. Being pumped full of drugs on a regular basis does well to keep him controlled, and despite appearing content, he has become cold and cynical. Beneath the surface, Omega longs for independence, and it's only when he meets a particularly interesting human that he decides to finally break free...

I could take either role, but I'm leaning toward playing Omega myself. So with that, the vacant role is that of a human for Omega to bond (and perhaps fall in love) with. The details of the human's character are entirely up to you. He could be a scientist studying Omega, someone in the fashion industry, maybe another model, or someone else altogether. Ideally, the human will be someone who partakes in the hedonism and conformity, but longs for something more, and partners up with Omega to find freedom.

Omega's sexuality is ambiguous. He has no preference between males or females, but for this story, I'd like to see him with a male. Also, although I doubt this small detail will come into play, Omega is intersexed. He possesses external male genitalia, but he belongs to a race with internal male and female reproductive organs. Just had to put that out there.

Off the Ice
Romance. Maybe bondage.

At the age of twenty-two, Levi is an accomplished solo figure skater training for his first professional competition. Devoted to his art, he throws himself mind, body, and soul into each practice, embellishing the ice with a catlike grace and elegant flair that has won him multiple titles, securing for him the chance to become an international star.

Liam, on the flip side, is a rugged hockey player in a minor professional league. Bold and entirely ungraceful, he has a considerably more relaxed approach to life, choosing quality time with friends and family over rigid discipline whenever possible. This has not, however, prevented him from becoming a crucial player on his team.

It's at a large rental rink where the unlikely pair first meet, where an accidental double booking sees Liam's hockey team showing up to practice just as Levi takes to the ice to practice. Initially, there is a touch of hostility between the groups, owing to the team's lack of respect for "prissy" figure skaters and the coach's prickly demeanor. Levi and Liam, on the other hand, find themselves quite drawn to one another. Where Levi is inexplicably attracted to the athlete's easygoing nature, so too is Liam attracted to the skater's wit and inherent grace.

The problems lay in the smaller details. Levi loathes hockey, finding the sport brutish and unnecessarily violent, while Liam has absolutely no interest in the art of figure skating. What's more, none of Liam's teammates know that he's attracted to men, and as it is, Levi is far too busy training to entertain the notion of a real relationship. But that doesn't stop them from sneaking off to see each other, either just before or just after practice...

I'd prefer to play Levi, but might be willing to bend on that one.
Also, I didn't have a strict top/bottom arrangement in mind, so those details will be up for discussion.
I'm more than happy to make this a switch pairing.


His name is Nikolaj Wolff. He's a forty-something-year-old surgeon of some repute with a respectable practice in the city. He regularly attends art openings, frequents the opera, and dabbles in classical piano. He's married, but he and his wife have been (mostly) amicably separated for six years, maintaining a marriage simply to spare themselves the expense of divorce. He is, for all intents and purposes, an upstanding member of society with a devotion to work that borders on the fanatical.

But his eye for pretty things extends beyond merely admiring various works of art. When the office is closed for the weekend, Nikolaj embarks on something of an indulgence binge, which usually includes finding a pretty young thing upon whom to focus his attention. To this end, he will either haunt a popular night spot or call upon the services of an escort agency - usually the latter. This he credits to his inability to commit, the convenience of flings and throwaway lovers, and of course the variety that comes with it.

He isn't above spending obscene amounts of money on one night of frivolity, and he never seems to have trouble finding someone to dote on. Despite his unwillingness to settle down with one person, he enjoys taking care of a lover while he's still around. This could mean buying him expensive presents, taking him on lavish vacations, or just washing his back in the tub.


Nikolaj is a top and unapologetically kinky, with a strong penchant for bondage. He has an eye for younger men (early to mid-twenties - no teenagers, please), and he would probably go gaga over a crossdresser who can pass for a female in public, but this isn't absolutely required. Just a bonus.

I'm looking for a sub/bottom character to amuse him. This would include sex as well as the occasional date, simply because he's not always only out to get his rocks off. The character I'm looking to pair with him could be a prostitute/high-end escort, or simply a younger man willing to take Nikolaj's money. Whichever tickles your fancy the most, although an escort would be preferable.

A story involving Nikolaj can involve just about any level of kink from mild to extreme, provided the sexual elements aren't strictly vanilla, as that's just not his thing. Kinks and other sexy things are up for discussion. At some point, I'd like to see some kind of attachment forming between the two characters, although it definitely won't be a fluffy romance. I doubt he'd be much good at it.

The House of Weber
Mystery, romance.

Haunted by the memory of his dead wife, Maximillian Weber throws himself into social situations to keep himself from reliving the horrors of their marriage. Not a weekend goes by that he doesn't host a grand ball at his grand Viennese estate; anything to keep his mind off the former lady of the house. His departed bride, though beautiful and the perfect lady, left him emotionally scarred by her abuse, dying and bequeathing onto him memories of infidelity. Max loved her once, but he despised her at the end for her cold-heartedness, and throughout the grand House of Weber, rumors circulate that the master of the house had directly and deliberately caused her untimely death.

The main proprietor of these rumors is Julie Daniels, the head maid in the Weber household and a devoted servant to Mrs. Weber, even after her dear lady's death. Convinced that Max has gotten away with the murder of her close friend and idol, Julie sets out to punish him with subtle attempts to drive him mad. She spritzes Mrs. Weber's perfume in the master bedroom where her vanity table used to sit, leaves her handkerchief on the nightstand for Max to see upon waking, and plays her violin late at night the way Mrs. Weber would during her occasional bout of insomnia. With the constant reminder of his abusive wife in the house, Max believes that he is slowly losing his grip on reality.

Convinced that he needs a new love in his life to distract himself from the memory of Mrs. Weber, Max travels away from his home in Vienna to vacation in Bad Ischl. There, he meets Florian, a starving artist who has sacrificed security and a promising career in architecture to pursue painting and sculpture. Immediately infatuated with the young man, Max offers him the world: a luxurious lifestyle in return for companionship. Max does not ask for sex or love, only company to fill the lonely hours left lamenting over the memory of Mrs. Weber. In no position to decline, Florian packs up his life as a pauper in Bad Ischl and moves into the Viennese House of Weber to live like a prince.

The entire household instantly fall to Florian's humble, genuine charms. Impressed by his graciousness and inherent poise, the servants and visitors to the House of Weber take to Florian instantly - everyone, that is, except for Julie. Julie regards Florian with disdain, but only when Max is not around to see her give Florian the cold shoulder. The head maid is especially disgusted when, on the first anniversary of Mrs. Weber's death, Max clears out his wife's old bedroom (partially out of spite) and gives it to Florian as an upgrade from his second-floor guest room.

As Max and Florian's convenient arrangement develops into genuine romance, Julie's disdain for the artist turns into hatred, and she sets out to destroy the House of Weber...

Beautiful Stranger
Futuristic. Dark romance.
Light or bondage. Likely some mentions of non-con.

Dr. Xander Thorne is a broken man. Only a few short years ago, he had everything; a beautiful young lover, a meaningful career, and a distinguished place in society. But time has been cruel. Years ago, he was a scientist for NuvoCorp, a company on the cutting edge of science. He took immense satisfaction in his work, and indeed, with Xander as one of their top minds, NuvoCorp flourished.

Jonah Pierce is the CEO of Pierce Technologies, a rival of NuvoCorp. An old college friend of Xander's, Jonah repeatedly attempted to bring him into his company, but in vain. Unbeknownst to the public, Pierce Technologies has a darker side. Scientists for Pierce conduct a vast amount of work in genetic modification and engineering - a specialty that, were it brought to light, would shine badly on the company. At least partially aware of Pierce's secret experiments, Xander refused to join, much to Jonah's chagrin.

Ambrose Snowe was Xander's research assistant. A bright young thing with a knack for botany, he first joined Pierce Technologies as an entry-level lab tech, but quickly moved up the ladder when Jonah took more than a passing interest in him. Won over by Xander, with whom he fell deeply in love, Ambrose left Pierce Technologies to join Xander's team at NuvoCorp, breaking a vengeful Jonah's heart.

Only two years into their relationship, a laboratory accident killed Ambrose, an accident for which Xander assumed sole responsibility - unaware that Jonah was the one to blame. Bereaved and desperate, he turned to Jonah, who agreed to clean up the mess, but for a price. Now Xander works at Pierce Technologies, engaging in morally questionable work  that he despises and fears.

Little does Xander know that Ambrose is alive and well - mostly. One of Pierce Technologies' more closely guarded endeavors is the reanimation of dead tissue by means of a virus. The virus gives life back to a corpse, but leaves the subject with vampire-like qualities, such as the need for fresh blood and a severe allergy to sunlight. Now one of the undead, Ambrose exists under a new identity, one engineered by Jonah, unable to reach out to Xander for help...

And here our story begins. I haven't completely fleshed out the plot yet, but I've come up with a few possibilities.

Perhaps Ambrose has no memory of the person he used to be. The reanimation has brought him back to life, but he has no recollection of who he was and exists solely as Jonah's slave. The story would then begin with Xander discovering him alive, trying everything and anything to bring his memory back.

Or, perhaps it's the other way around. The trauma left Xander emotionally and psychologically scarred, so much so that he won't recognize Ambrose on sight when at last he manages to slip from Jonah's watchful eye. This could also be due to the physical changes that took place when the virus entered Ambrose's system. The story would then follow them starting their romance all over again, this time in secret, with Xander's memory returning to him bit by painful bit.

It's worth noting that I'm fairly attached to Ambrose and would prefer to play him. But for the right writer, I could play Xander instead.

Any period, adventure.
Most likely Bondage.

Katu is a mirror demon. He exists in a parallel universe accessible only through reflective surfaces. Wherever one can find a reflection, the surface of blue water, a clean pane of glass, he can access the outside - what his kind refer to as the Other Side. And so it has been for millennia, his kind traveling back and forth at their leisure, usually to collect gems and precious metals that don't exist in their universe. Humanoid in appearance, save for tribal-like markings on their faces, they have little trouble traveling through the Other Side. Still, their excursions there are usually brief, for the journeys through portals are taxing on their bodies.

A restless troublemaker by nature, Katu takes great pleasure in toying with humans in the Other Side by manipulating objects through his mirrors. Humans on the other side of the portal often attribute the strange goings-on to spirits, which amuses him. One day, however, his antics draw attention to their hidden world, the result of which brings a rather strong reprimand.

As punishment for his actions, Katu is imprisoned within an ancient mirror, which is then cast into the ruins of a castle at the edge of their world. Because the contents of his prison reflect the world around the mirror itself, the decrepit structure becomes his own personal hell, from which he cannot engineer an escape. Only through outside intervention can he be set free, and there he sits for hundreds of years, waiting...

The mirror in which Katu is imprisoned, like most other things in his realm, has a duplicate on the Other Side. My intention is for someone on the Other Side to find that mirror, whereupon Katu will use his silver tongue to talk that person into setting him free. This will come with a price, however, for the mirror has been enchanted with something of a "failsafe." If he is freed under pretenses not authorized by those who imprisoned him, he will be forcibly bonded to the accomplice who helped him to escape.

The world that makes up the Other Side is up for discussion. It can be modern-day Earth, historical, or something else. This is a very versatile starter.

Space Saga
Political intrigue, adventure, villainy.
Probably Bondage.

This story would take place in a sci-fi/Star Wars-esque sort of universe chock-full of political intrigue and corruption, following a pair of villains bent on world domination. No heroes here. I'm leaning toward a switch pairing rather than a top/bottom arrangement (negotiable, but overtly subby characters won't work here).

Character A (CA) is a wealthy career politician with a secret life of villainy, corrupting the system from the inside in an attempt to create a world in which he holds all the power. He's not above twisting a few arms to get the job done, figuratively or literally, and his greatest skill is his ability to manipulate the masses, often without being in the same room. With a number of important political parties in his back pocket, he has little to fear.

Character B (CB) is his second in command, CA's loyal confidante and assassin boasting a background in mercenary work and bounty hunting. With thorough knowledge of politics, but no real political title of his own, he serves as an adviser of sorts on assignments in addition to his work as CA's bodyguard.

With planets in turmoil after a multinational war, new figures in the Senate come into power, many placed by CA's underground committee, putting him at the forefront of a new empire. An empire with the main goal of wiping out the notion of democracy, replacing it with a totalitarian government ruled by a select few. For years, everything has gone according to plan, and with the interplanetary government in a state of panic, CA's natural charisma presents a more appealing option, one that promises peace and revitalization of struggling economies.

But not all political parties are so willing to place their trust in CA's empire, which leads to the formation of a rebellion and the ignition of another war. One which sorely tests the pair's ability to lead in the midst of the conflict, and may eventually lead to a dramatic fall from grace.

Following the rebellion, I want to see all hell break loose. Loyalties being tested, betrayal everywhere, and the main pair left wondering if they're capable of ruling an entire galaxy, or if they'll be forced to watch their entire world crumble around them. Lots of drama.

Not Available
Supervillain/Superhero Pairing

Seeking the role of the Superhero. I will be writing for the Supervillain. This story will be fairly plot-heavy with multiple NPCs in important roles, many of which I'm willing to write for, if my writing partner would rather focus on the Superhero.

My Villain (MV) is more misguided than evil, but now that he's in this deep, he's not about to go back. Now, it's a matter of pride. After so many years, it's no longer a matter of world domination; it's a matter of redemption. It's about putting to rest all the what-ifs from his youth and all the doubts from his peers. It's about stepping out from behind someone else's shadow and taking the respect he deserves.

The Hero (TH) has known MV since childhood. Growing up, they were the best of friends. That never changed. Not even as TH went on to bigger and better things, leaving MV behind. Not even as TH carved a life for himself, blissfully ignorant of MV's envy. Eventually, the insecurity of his youth drives MV into the apprenticeship of a man, The Mastermind, who promised him power and recognition beyond his wildest dreams. But neither power nor recognition comes easy, and after too long of living under TM's cruelty, MV slays TM, taking over his resources and becoming a villain in his own right. Now, MV seeks to collect archaic relics of ancient power, determined to build his strength into that of a god.

This would be where the story begins.

Between all this, MV and TH remain in close contact with one another as both friends and members of the same prestigious organization. I see TH as a good-natured, if fairly wild individual with a lavish life of revelry. He and MV share a close bond. They are, in fact, even lovers on occasion, although TH's devotion never seems to be returned in full. TH, secure with himself otherwise, continues his relationship with MV as always, until one bleak day when MV makes his move and, one by one, begins stealing that which will increase his power.

At this point, everything about their relationship is tested. Their friendship, their romantic attraction, and their respective moral values. As they fight on opposing sides, it's all they can do to keep from killing each other - or abandoning their causes to be together.

Magic and Sorcery

My character is a sorcerer of some repute, under contract to a royal family in a lavish kingdom (henceforth referred to as Kingdom A for lack of a better name - names can be worked out in plot discussions). As a royal sorcerer, his main priority is to aid in the protection of the kingdom, often working in conjunction with the royal army, military subdivisions, etc. This sees him traveling extensively as needed, providing the royal army with an extra source of strength and the ability to heal.

Kingdom A and Kingdom B have been on very tense terms since the end of the Great War only two years prior. Kingdom A sends dignitaries to meet with Kingdom B, hoping to ease the tension and bring more security to the continent, as well as increase the trade of goods and precious metals. For protection, and perhaps to intimidate Kingdom B in the process, Kingdom A sends its sorcerer on the mission as well. The sorcerer, though well-taught in politics and foreign relations, remains quiet during these dealings, as it is not his place to speak.

While the kingdoms' respective dignitaries work to establish peace, Kingdom A's sorcerer meets the sorcerer of Kingdom B, one of equal rank and importance. They are of the same age, roughly the same build, height, and skill. Likewise, they both have their egos, which causes them to clash repeatedly. The air between them is almost always tense, mildly combative, and fiercely competitive. Yet, despite the odds working against them, they begin a tempestuous love affair, one they must keep secret for fear of disrupting the talks of peace between their kingdoms.

The possibilities after this point vary greatly. They could be discovered by their superiors and sought for punishment, which would be severe, given that their situation could imply deliberate scandal inflicted by one kingdom to the other. They could run away together, seeking a new kingdom in which to make a home. Really, I'm open to anything.

What I'm looking for: Character details for Kingdom B's sorcerer are up to whoever might want to write for him. However, I'm set on the idea of him being a man of equal power and strength of character as my sorcerer. I'd like him to be a switch; my sorcerer will be a switch as well. In this case, I really don't want a top/bottom arrangement, as they're both fairly dominant personalities, and each will fight for the top until the other gives in.

It's Tough to Be a God
Historic, action, adventure.
Light or Bondage.

What I've written here is just a starter. This plot is very much open-ended. The premise offers a lot of possibilities and I'd like to discuss what could happen with a potential writing partner, rather than try to flesh out everything on my own.[/i]

Character A and Character B are world travelers and unapologetic con artists who, during a harrowing expedition into the unknown, stumble upon El Dorado, the mythical city of gold. Their find, while accidental, takes an unexpected turn when the locals mistake them for gods. Not just any gods, but two of the most important gods in their religion.

Character A (CA), as something of a scholar, possesses rudimentary knowledge of the city's many gods, which gives him something of an edge in approaching their unique situation, and he educates Character B (CB) accordingly. CB is more cautious, serving as the more level-headed of the pair, although his reservations do little to quell CA's enthusiasm for living in the city as a god.

Their motive, at first, is to win the trust of the people before robbing them blind and absconding with their ancient relics. But after spending close to a year in the city, getting to know its people, such a betrayal becomes impossible. They do, however, settle on the idea of collecting various tributes of gold and precious gems, which they will use to start a newer, richer life elsewhere.


At this point, any number of things can happen. What I've written so far is just a starting thought, and I'd like to leave the remainder of the plot open for discussion. The majority of the story will take place while the two are still living as gods in El Dorado. I really want to explore their adventures in the city, their explorations of the new world all around them, and so on.

I'd like the two of them to be lovers. If they aren't already in a sexual relationship by the time they wander into El Dorado, they become involved shortly after arriving. I even slightly prefer that they only start a sexual relationship after arriving in the city. A switch pairing is preferable, as I'm really liking switches these days, but I'm open to a top/bottom arrangement.

The following items are just random thoughts for continuing the story:

- The suspicious high priest could attempt to cast doubt on the pair, which leads to their capture and eventual escape.
- A misunderstanding between the pair, jealousy over an imagined rival for CA's affections, causes a rift between them.
- The city is overtaken by marauders in search of gold, which leads into an epic battle for the city's survival.
- The pair leave with large fortunes in gold and start over in a new country, only to later discover that El Dorado is facing a great danger, whereupon they return to save the city.

Period piece, romance, angst.
Light or Bondage.

He is the ferryman of souls, the harbinger of The End, the personification of that which all men fear. With him comes change and the ultimate finality. He is everywhere, and he is nowhere. He is Death.

An immortal creature with the ultimate power to end the lives of every mortal on the surface, his sole purpose is to bring death to the dying and usher their immortal souls into the Underworld. Such has been his lot in "life" since he received the task no less than one-thousand years ago, when his predecessor bequeathed to him the charge. He has seen civilizations rise and fall; he has seen the births and deaths of great men; he has ended the lives of billions without blinking - until finally meeting him.

The human was an exquisite specimen, as unyieldingly beautiful as the day was long, with a soul so pure that to touch it would be blasphemous. He enraptured Death like no other. In a world full of darkness and nothingness, he alone served as a source of light, bringing to Death that which he had never once dared to experience - longing, desire, even love.

In the form of a mortal, Death ventures into the human plane in the hope of sating his need to be close to him. With little regard for the consequences, Death pursues him eagerly, following him through each important stage of his life, endearing himself to him in the hopes of winning his heart. And indeed, the human succumbs to Death's charms, whereupon the two begin a passionate love affair.

It is only afterward that the human comes to realize Death's true nature. With Death comes loss. The loss of friends, the loss of family. Frightened and overwhelmed, the human turns away from Death, seeking familiarity in a mortal lover, whom he marries in an attempt to break Death's heart and put an end to their affair.

But Death is persistent. Death is eternal. Death can wait...
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


II. Plot Bunnies

A place for my less formulated plots. I'll usually have more of these half-baked ideas than fully formulated plots because I enjoy working things out with my writing partners.

Mental Hospital
Modern/Modern Fantasy

This would follow a pair of patients in a mental institution and how they make each other better - or infinitely worse.

Fantasy/Modern fantasy
Light or bondage.

Absolutely anything involving this particular case of Norse incest will catch my interest. It's worth noting that I'd be much more comfortable playing Loki, either as a switch or a sub/bottom depending on your preference. Would love to explore the deep, complex vein of love-hate and their constant struggle to meet each other in the middle, made more complicated by Thor's undying hope for Loki's redemption and Loki's refusal to back down.

The Raggle Taggle Gypsy
Historical/Period piece
Light or bondage.

Brennan is a member of the Irish Romani, endlessly traveling with his kin through the Emerald Isle and beyond. Your character is a betrothed/married lord who encounters him on the street. The two begin a passionate love affair, one frowned upon by society, and one that neither is willing to sacrifice.

Any period.
Probably Bondage.

I admit it, I love twincest between brothers. I don't care much for strictly modern/human settings in which the twins, still living at home, have to hide their relationship from their parents. That seems to be a popular concept, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Instead, I'd be most interested in a fantasy and/or historical setting. Here are some starters that intrigue me the most. Obviously things can be added or changed if someone wants to pick this up with me.

- Vampire twins. Both were turned within a very short time window, after which they embark on hedonistic lifestyles that eventually see them falling right into each other's beds. On the other hand, they could also have been turned on the same night, during a kinky vampire threesome.
- Human twins in the Victorian Era. A pair of high society thieves touring Europe and snatching priceless gems as souvenirs along the way.

Optional Stuff

- I have a fondness for girly boys/traps, so I'd be very interested in a pair of twins whose appearances are inspired by this photo. Ideally, in a scenario like this, my twin would be the more overtly effeminate of the two, and would assume the role of a femme fatale.
- Threesomes. Twincest seems to be one of the few scenarios in which threesomes become appealing to me.

Fractured Fairy Tales
Any setting.
Any category.

I really love fairy tales. I especially love taking fairy tales and twisting them into something dark and gritty. I'd be willing to write just about any variation of nearly any fairy tale, but the following is one bare-bones version of of what I have in mind. I'll add more as I think of them.

Beauty and the Beast: What if the Beast isn't just a cursed prince with a peasant for a prisoner, but the wolf-like slave of a selfish noble? At the start of this story, the Beast is the one in need of saving, and it's up to a newcomer in the household to set him free.

The Beast could be a former noble transformed by a curse, werewolf, or some other supernatural means, and consequently removed from his throne, which leads to his enslavement. He could also have simply been born into that station. Either way, I intend for the Beast to be non-human. His partner will, however, be human - or at least humanoid.

Modern/urban, action, adventure.
Light or Bondage.

These days, maybe especially with the influence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the rise, I'm really into the superhero genre. Specifically, I'm really into original superheroes set within a familiar universe, like Marvel. I'm familiar with DC, but I greatly prefer and am more familiar with Marvel, so I'd love to tinker with a story set within that universe.

At the moment, I'm not really interested in a plot with a superhero/civilian or superhero/sidekick pairing. Instead, I'd be interested in any of the following, in no particular order of preference:


Plot details would vary depending on the pairing chosen. I'm really open to anything here.

Bunnies on Hold

I'm very much enamored with things like Greek and Norse mythology. The visuals are really striking, and lately, they've made me start craving a story set in some mythological plane. Could be a specific one (Greek, Norse, etc), or something completely new. Something ethereal and evergreen on the outside, with plenty of room for turmoil beneath. Mythology has this gorgeous outlook, but the drama beneath always seems to rival that of a soap opera, so that's what I'd be going for here.

For something like this, I'd like to do a pairing consisting of gods/demigods/other mythological figures or any combination thereof. Maybe a pairing between siblings (hey, it's mythology), members of two opposing clans, individuals from two vastly different social classes. The more tension in the pairing, the better. Welcome elements include: forbidden romance, a separation of the classes, a constant sense of competition, etc.

I really don't want to make the relationship easy for them - pairings in Greek/Roman/Norse mythology were never very cut-and-dry, after all, and now would be no exception. This is something I'd really like to formulate more fully with the right writing partner, so I'm deliberately leaving a few details vague and up for discussion.


He's a Pirate
Historic, action, adventure.
Probably Bondage.

No real solid idea here, but I'd be interested in something pirate-related. Preferably something with a touch of the supernatural woven in there somewhere. I love pirate and sailor lore, so it would be fun to incorporate some of the mythology into the plot (Davy Jones, Fiddler's Green, etc). Pirates of the Caribbean-type universes are also welcome.

Whatever the add-ons, I'd like this story to fall into the action/adventure genre. Something with lots of swordplay, political struggles within the pirate world, etc. Assuming you're a fan of the POTC franchise, I could very easily slip into a story written in that universe (original characters only), but it's not a requirement.

I'll probably add more onto this plot here as I think of it. I'm also willing to work from the ground up with potential writing partners if the (vague) ideas here don't satisfy.


True Blood
Probably Bondage or Extreme.

Alright, Truebies - humor me. I'm dying for a game set in the True Blood universe (original characters within the TV series only; the books are a whole other matter entirely) preferably in a situation where we can take a few liberties with the direction of the plot for simplicity's sake.

I'm pretty flexible on plot. Maybe we could write it in context with the current season, in a post-Russell Edgington world where vampires are up to their fangs in the AVL's bureaucratic damage control. It allows for plenty of plot regarding the humans' growing disdain for vampires after the former King's public, er... lash-out.

In this instance, it could be fun to pair off a vampire involved in the bureaucracy with someone of another species or political standpoint whose relationship with him would cause a scandal. Maybe a famous politician's son is a closeted fangbanger. Maybe a wolf is so addicted to V that he wants to get his fix straight from the source. I'm open to suggestions.

I'm up for just about anything here as long as there's at least one vampire in the pairing. Vampire/vampire, vampire/fangbanger, vampire/werewolf, vampire/Fae, vampire/shifter...

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


III. Pairings

Pairings aren't necessarily in top/bottom format.
Italicized text indicates the role I would prefer in the pairing, if applicable.
(*) indicates high interest.

Circus Performer/Circus Performer
Drug Dealer/Drug Addict
Married Man/Prostitute (*)
Married Man/Stripper (*)
Mental Patient/Mental Patient
Mental Patient/Psychiatrist
Merman/Human(oid) (*)
Royal Adviser/Prince
Serial killer/Apprentice
Therapist/Sex addict [In a manner which sees the therapist taking advantage.]
Villain/Superhero (*)
Villain/Villain (*)


I adore Thunderfrost. Words can't even explain. I recently saw the Dark World, so the pairing is very fresh in my mind, and I'd love to pick up a Thorki story. The film version would be preferable, and I'd be happy to write within or outside the context of the current Marvel Cinematic Universe films. In a perfect world, I would write for Loki and my writing partner would take the role of Thor.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
It's taken me over a year to admit it, but I ship this and I ship it hardcore. I'm not sorry. I'll happily write as either Hannibal or Will.

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


IV. Picture Prompts
all images copyright to their original owners.
will credit or remove images if necessary.

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


Currently writing two versions of Haus der Weber. The idea is now closed.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


Added It's Complicated... and Limelight.

Also implemented a "star" system to highlight cravings.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles


Currently working on two versions of It's Complicated. The idea is now closed.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Updated with plots, plot bunnies, and pairings. Cleaned up a lot of other stuff, too.

Currently craving: Supervillain/Superhero plot.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Added a plot bunny and edited pairings by adding a few more details about what I'm currently in the mood for.

Actively searching for new stories. :-)
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Updated with a new sci-fi/futuristic/Star Wars-y plot.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Removed a few plot bunnies that no longer interest me. Also removed/added a few pairings. Tried cleaning things up to make them look a little prettier. :3
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Reopening a plot idea. Actively searching for new writing partners now that the holiday craziness is over. :-)
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Updated with a new story idea -  It's Tough to Be a God. Craving. :-)
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Crossed out a few things that no longer interest me or are taken.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Organized a few things. Put a plot back into the foreground. Added picture prompts. Updated O/Os.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Added "Almost an Angel" to plot bunnies. Tweaked my twincest plot bunny to be a little more specific. Added more pictures to picture prompts.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Removed a plot that's been taken an edited a bunny to indicate my level of interest.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Added the Thor/Loki pairing and removed a few other pairings that no longer interest me.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.


Observing Trifles

Organized the plot list into spoilers so it isn't so massive and, hopefully, is easier to read. Also put a plot and a plot bunny back up for the taking.
|| the hunt ||

if it all burns down,
and the flames devour everything that we are,
i will hold you for the minute it takes.
