The Last Man On Earth (Interest & Sign Up Thread.)

Started by Darkcide, November 07, 2010, 08:02:57 PM

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Contrary to the initial thoughts some may have, "Oh, there is one guy on earth? That means he basically screws everything walking." This game is a tribute to one of my favorite, and one of the best comics of all time. Y: The Last Man. I will be changing several things, but the premise is still basically the same. Also I will be taking a break from the "badass" characters I usually play, the government agent character? Could wipe the floor with mine. He won't be as much a dork as Yorick, but he wasn't anything too special in that department before becoming the last man.

Due to unknown reasons, the entire male population of the planet dies out instantly. All seemingly except for one man, (and possibly his pet monkey if it is included.). The females of the planet were unaffected, but they have inherited the planet. The highest ranking female in the U.S Government? Has effectively become the president. The entire infrastructure of the world is thrown into wreck because of the drastic event, and several confused and unwell women have banded together to form roving groups of bandits known as The Daughters Of Amazon.

The last man on the planet, wanders around aimlessly and hides his identity until stumbling upon an ugly situation where he's saved by a female government operative. She's been keeping tabs on him, and reports to the president directly. She had stumbled upon him on accident but not surprisingly tailed him. When she brings him in, he is tasked with an assignment of the utmost importance. The two are to report to a brilliant scientist who is in the area attempting to to discover the cause of the men dying out. The reason she is so close is because she was brought in for an illegal breakthrough. The scientist had discovered the key to cloning humans, and was detained when attempting to give birth to a clone of herself. The clone didn't survive, but if anyone could perfect it? It is her.

With the government's blessing the trio are to head to the woman's lab across the country and to use his DNA to save the human race. This is easier said than done, there are no planes and the country is in disarray. If women were to discover there was a man still alive? They wouldn't rest until they had him in their clutches or they killed him.

What I'm Looking For:

I want to keep this game fairly small, there won't be more than 6 players at the absolute maximum. All of the characters, need to be female. Their sexuality and anything else? That is up to you. Outside of the government agent and the scientist/doctor? The other characters can be whatever you desire. Just think up a reason as to why logically, the group would bring them along. The characters are free to sleep with each other if they so desire, but above all else I am checking for interest.

This game is about the interpersonal relationships and growth of the characters above all else, and I will offer more detail on the world itself so knowledge of the comic isn't a requirement.

Last Male
Government Agent
Scientist/Doctor (She has knowledge enough of human biology medicine to where she can perform surgery without a problem)
Capable Woman (Soldier/Cop/Gun Enthusiast/Hunter etc. This character is able to defend herself, and brings that to the group)
Other Women
-Low Key

I like using the template below, I feel it covers everything necessary. Keep in mind that if you have weapons? Military issued weapons outside of what the government agent would have access to? Or if you're a soldier(American/Otherwise) You wouldn't have access to. Also the group is travelling light. I will have my character up soon upon seeing if there is enough interest.

Distinctive Features:
Thoughts Concerning There Being A Last Man:
Short Biography:
Turn Ons/Offs:

If you have any questions? Please ask by all means.


"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


Pregnacy is a definite possibility. I won't shoot it down, or say that it'll happen for certain lol.


Dibs on agent! Work now, though! :D Will make 'file laterrrr. :D

Low Key

I'd be interested in this, I love Y!

As far as a character goes?
It'll have to be one of the extra women, I like the idea of playing the scientist but I wouldn't be able to not play Dr Mann...

And you have to keep Ampersand! :)

Anyway, color me interested.
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:) Sweet that is one less person I have to really explain things to lol. I could keep Ampersand but I doubt I'd be able to play a monkey correctly. I could try though lol. Welcome aboard by the way, :) .

Would you rather be in the other, or capable category?


I'm interested in playing someone like Rose or even Natalya if you haven't gotten your handycapable soldier.


I'm not sure who Low Key would want to play yet, but another fan of the series. That is awesome. :) I'll say if she doesn't want that spot and is cool with one of the others? It is definitely yours.


I no nothing about the series... Is there anything I need to know bsides what was listed on the first post?
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


I've taken some information from the wikipedia link, this should help for those not familiar.

Something (referred to as a plague) simultaneously kills every living mammal possessing a Y chromosome — including embryos, fertilized eggs, and even sperm. Society is plunged into chaos as infrastructures collapse, and the surviving women everywhere try to cope with the loss of the men, their survivor guilt, and the knowledge that - barring a rapid, major scientific breakthrough or other extraordinary happening - humanity is doomed to extinction. Cross-country travel is incredibly hard going, fuel and food are becoming rarer by the day, railways and roads are often blocked and broken and patrolled by armed gangs. Air travel is all but impossible.

Daughters of the Amazon
The fanatical Daughters of the Amazon believe that Mother Earth cleansed itself of the "aberration" of the Y chromosome. They engage in the arson of sperm-banks, vandalism of 'patriarchal symbols' such as churches and monuments, theft of food and equipment (on the justification that women should be hunters not gatherers) and murder of male impersonators and transsexuals. Identified by their lack of a breast, which they remove in a rite of initiation, The Daughters spread out from coast to coast and have been a problem for a lot of people. Many are the victims of Men who buy into the hate and anger spewed forth by their leader, and/or frightened and starving women looking for the security of a gang.

There may be more factions that come into play, but the Daughters of the Amazon are frequent enough thorns in the side of protagonists to where I felt the need to mention them. I'm possibly open to allowing someone to play a central antagonist if they wish, or I can do that myself. Either way.

Carlissa, are you sure you want to play? I ask because pregnancy isn't at all a certainty. I'm currently not planning on my character getting any of the PC's pregnant, not to mention that would make a pregnant character a heavy liability. They'd have to be protected in the off chance they have a boy, but it also means that greatly limits ones mobility.


Great. I know enough about the series. Sadly, I haven't read all of it yet. Still trying to get my hands on them. Anyway, if Low Key wants the soldier part I'd be happy to play someone like Dr. Mann.


Torrents are a godsend for finished books lol. But I will put you both down and let you two decide who is who lol. I think you should be able to play the soldier though.


Low Key

Edelweiss: feel free to take the combat ready character, if you wants her :)

Are we playing cannon or non-cannon characters, or a mix?
Just so I know where to direct my thoughts!

And Ampersand's easy: when in doubt, throw shit!
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Non-Canon, I dislike using Canon plus this should go in a different direction from the book outside of the basic premise.


Name: Ashenna Tomanov
Age: 24
Gender: Female (talk about a superfluous entry :) )
Height/Weight: 6'2/168
Ethnicity: Asian/Native American
Sexuality: Bi (Not that she gets much of a chance with the other sex :P )

Appearance(Written): A tall and willowy woman, Ashenna is as supple and lean as a panther, usually dressed in plain and baggy clothes to blend in and hide the array of weapons she almost always carries.  Long flowing black hair, usually tied back into a pony tail, frame a sharply beautiful but stern face.  Large and exotically slanted brown eyes regard the world around her impassively, a small smile constantly playing along her full lips.  Beneath the clothes and the calm facade lie a woman of violence and passion.  A firm, but voluptuous body crisscrossed with scars testify of both her triumphs and her few failures in her chosen trade. 

Distinctive Features: Scarring up and down back, including one long one that runs down the side of her neck, between her breasts and down along her ribs, the souvenir of an encounter with a foe quite handy with a katana.  Moves with a distinctive, almost feline grace that she can never truly hide.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Education: 4 year degree (Philosophy major/Dance minor)

Items: When not hunting truly 'big' game Ashenna normally keeps her armament and tools light, preferring simply and easy to use items to the latest tech toys.  Unless specifically prohibited by local law she will carry two sidearms (one .45 (she likes things to go boom :) ) and one silenced 9mm (when she can't indulge that impulse ;) ) with a secondary weapon stored in transportation (usually a simply pump action shotgun).  She also carries three knives at various locations on her body (and no, she does NOT give those up, even if you ask nicely), a flexible but hefty police baton, a garrote wire (concealed pouch in sleeve, rarely brought out except when making a statement), and several wrist ties for subduing unruly bounties.  She also has a simple watch with a small built in compass, cell phone (basic no frills model), and a copy of Frederich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil (well worn and read)

Likes: Bubble baths, big explosions, german shepherds
Dislikes: Needy people, arrogant people, naive people, and any other people not contained in previous categories

Personality:  Ashenna is vicious, capable of wanton cruelty in pursuit of her goals but her feral side is carefully guarded and contained by her iron will.  In conversation she speaks rarely and usually with caustic sarcasm, but values intelligence and nerve, listening to the most surprising sources at times if they show a little backbone.  Quiet but thoughtful she prefers to assess any situation before jumping in but will choose the most direct route to her destination, disdaining subterfuge or tricks against all but the most overpowering foes.  Every encounter, every conversation, is a game, a game that can have only one winner.

Motivation:  It's all a contest, dog eat dog, survival of the fittest.  Killing, capturing, maiming, it's all just byproducts of the battle, of the thrill of the fight.  She's the best, and she's out to prove it.

Skills:  Excellent markswoman, speaks five languages fluently (by product of long stakeouts with nothing but old 'learn to speak' tapes), close combat training (aikido mixed with some down and dirty street moves). Good wilderness but EXCELLENT urban tracker.  Electronics knowledge focused on security systems and hotwiring vehicles (do NOT ask her to use a computer).  And finally, an excellent cook with a strong bent to pastas (but you'd be amazed what she can do with field rations)

Flaws:  Ashenna's temper is slow to flare up but when it does it is volcanic.  Words such as 'rational' and 'considered' very rarely apply in such circumstances.  As well, she is nigh incapable of passing up a fight and can be easily distracted by a conflict or challenge.

Thoughts Concerning There Being A Last Man:  Rumors of surviving men have been around for a long time and she generally disregards each one that comes.  Man had his shot, and he died out, woman proving herself to be the survivor.  She'll be generally dismissive of the abilities of the Last Man, treating him much more as an object than a person.

Short Biography:  Born and raised in Los Angeles to a generally abusive but often absent father and a sadistic mother.  Ran away at fifteen, spent several years bouncing between gangs (with predictable explosive results) before leaving LA to head north (those gangs that had survived her presence having agreed that they might be better off if she was six feet under).  Short military stint that ended with the apocalypse that changed everything.  In the chaos following  Ashenna found her true vocation, spending several years as a killer for hire before becoming a slightly tamer 'bounty hunter'.  The survival of her marks still isn't that high, but hey, the jobs she takes usually don't require them to be breathing.

Turn Ons/Offs: Confident, almost domineering partners.  By no means submissive she still loves to fight and often leaves her partners pleasured but bruised and scratched.  BSDM is a huge turn OFF for her - preferring her sexual prey free and able to hurt her right back.  Romance, courtship, and all that foolishness aren't needed.  If you want it, take it, and god help anyone who stands in your way.

Let me know if she meets your needs.  Love the concept and would happily play a foe or even an grudging conscript to the cause (but only if the money and the chance of violence is good :) )


Not to completely shoot down your character but the slots for the agent as well as the other "capable" character were already claimed. I only had those two particular spots for a reason, everyone running around armed to the teeth? That isn't the kind of game this is intended to be. Any character, including the agent walking around with an armory on them? It is too much, not to mention the country is scrambling to try to get law and order back into the country since there isn't any. In the given circumstances? There wouldn't be any bounty hunters. It isn't a bad character idea, but as far as for this game? It won't work, I'm sorry to say.


My apologies then and best of luck with the RP hons :)


Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5'11"/ 196 lbs.
Ethnicity: African American/Algerian
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(Written): Trent is in great physical shape. He works out often, and it shows. A coffee complexion, with distinctive hazel eyes. He wears his hair somewhat close to his head as it would be too much bother to try to maintain it. He's built like a runningback, and it is obvious from looking at him that he used to play Football. He has a somewhat broad chest and shoulders, with developed arms and a 6 pack. Although he's built, it is from the gym and he's not built to where one would mistake him for a martial artist or anything of that sort.
Distinctive Features: Other than having the last functioning penis on the planet, he has a distinctive wolf tattoo on the back of his right shoulder.
Occupation: Promoter/Manager for a local band. Sometime massage therapist.
Education: Graduated from Brown, with a degree in Marketing, and a minor in Massage Therapy.
Items: Nostalgic Zippo Lighter, his father's Bowie Knife, a change of clothes, a full body disguise, his favorite book I Am Legend, and a few other choice items or things he's stolen.
Likes: Tattoos, Music, Film, Women, Zombie Media, Comic Books, MMA, Poetry, Motorcycles, and people with a sense of humor.
Dislikes: Women who want to kill him, or force him into being a sex toy. Slow minded people. Insects. Dummies, (they give him the creeps), Being the last man on earth, shitty pop music.
Personality: Trent is generally friendly, though he isn't an overly trusting person. He is loyal, somewhat dependable and has a sarcastic sense of humor. He's more sensitive than he lets on, but he won't ever be mistaken for coming across as stoic. He's something of a hopeless romantic and his biggest weakness has always been women since he's the type to put his all into a relationship. He's caring, sweet, intelligent but at the same time he can harbor grudges.
Motivation: Staying alive and hopefully finding a way to not be the last man.
Skills: Trent is a somewhat competent brawler, he got into a lot of fights growing up and is in great shape. Though he'll lose out to a superior fighting as he's had no actual training. He can pick locks, is an exceptional actor and talented at mimicking voices. Trent is a solid guitarist and singer. He's excellent at massaging, and has highly developed oratory skills. He's also pretty good with motorcycles and parkour.
Flaws: Beautiful women are his major weakness. He can sometimes think with his emotions as opposed to logic. He is prone to bouts of depression. Dummies scare the living hell out of him, and he can also think with his loins too often.
Thoughts Concerning There Being A Last Man: Despises it and doesn't want the burden.
Short Biography: Trent is a young man who grew up in a single parent household. He lived a lower middle classed life, and had excellent grades growing up. Though Trent had numerous minor scrapes with the law, he went to college and got two degrees. For a time he worked as both a promotor, as well as a massage therapist. The latter was far more lucrative for him, but he preferred the former. Trent had been through numerous relationships, many of them winding up with his heart being broken as he invested too much of himself too early into the courtship. Before the men of the planet died out, his biggest ambition was to find that girl for him and to become happy as he was prone to fits of depression and disliked being alone. Now, he just wants to live and to hopefully find a way to bring back the men.
Turn Ons/Offs: Trent is an ass man, there is no question about it. He's also into aggressive women, though he likes feeling like the man. Teasing gets him going, as do deceptively kinky women. He dislikes bondage, and he dislikes anything having to do with his bottom or with feet.


Sorry for the hold up! Will have my character by tonight.  :-)


Hmm. May actually have to let up on the agent. I do like the idea and actually did make up a character, but I think I have overbooked myself. Not to mention that I don't think I can commit to the level this RP is asking for since my head isn't where it was when I said I was interested. Funny how things happen in a week. Really sorry, Dark! Hope the other ladies and gents can give your idea justice!