On Virgin Grounds (small group RP idea by Ivy_Mariani and charismaxxx)

Started by Raphael, November 01, 2010, 04:04:02 PM

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On Virgin Grounds (by Ivy_Mariani and charismaxxx)

The first vampires awoke from their graves in the times between 3rd century BC and 4th century AD. All of them having died a violent death, they rose up again as creatures of the night, feeding on blood to sustain their life and replenish their youth, very strong and fast and possessing unique magic-like abilities. Roaming the darkness, they discovered how to turn humans into vampires, as well as the ability to procreate the usual way. Some of these vampires died, others left a legacy – legacy known today as the Old Bloodlines.

In the first few centuries AD vampires roamed the world, establishing contacts among themselves as well as getting to know the other side – the community of feral half-humans half-beasts known as lycans or werewolves. Sometime around late 8th century the Elders of the six bloodlines arranged a meeting, at which the future of a secluded and solitary vampire community was decided:

The vampires are an enclosed society with strict rules. Among themselves, they call it the Community.

There are three covens in the world: the oldest one is near Prague in the Czech Republic. The second one is near the city of Lanzhou in Central China, and the third is a very secluded one deep in rural Manitoba, Canada.
The coven near Prague is a huge old mansion on a hill several miles out of the city, more a castle than anything, with several underground levels.
The coven in China is an enclosed quarter consisting of a dozen large buildings, behind solid walls.
The coven in Canada is a huge farm, with one main mansion and a dozen surrounding buildings, away from the main road.
There are vampires in both the Czech Republic and in China who live outside the coven, but are considered a part of it. The seclusion of the Canadian coven suggests that its members stay within the limits of the farm.

Each bloodline is ruled by an Elder. Below the Elder are the Borne vampires, ranked in accordance with age and the influence and rank of their parents, with Sired vampires at the bottom, again ranked in accordance with their age and with the influence and rank of their Sire.

Each coven has 12 pets. Pets are humans who live within the coven grounds and donate blood and sex services to the vampires. Pets have only been admitted into the covens 10 years ago, at the Senate’s previous meeting. Pets are young people – in their late teens to early twenties, that will live as pets for about a decade until eventually being Sired. According to the Senate’s will, there's to be 12 pets in a Coven. If one dies or gets Sired, it is to be replaced by a new pet within a short time. The number 12 should be kept at all times.

Once every decade, the Elders hold a meeting called the Senate – an assembly which discusses and decides important matters for the vampire community. The vampires are a tight community – currently, only 249 vampires roam the entire world. Of course, outside of that numbers are the few Rogues – vampires Sired or Borne outside a coven or such who decided to split up from a coven and from their bloodline and go their separate ways. These Rogues aren’t many, and the Community usually executes them on sight.

Siring doesn’t follow any particular pattern. Bloodlines can Sire a new member no matter of gender, skin color, religion, or other traits. However, Siring is usually very careful – not all humans can become vampires, and not all would want to live within the Community, so mostly vampires are very careful who they Sire and Siring only occurs four to five times a century apart from the Sired pets.

Vampires can not only be Sired but also Borne, since vampires can get pregnant the traditional way. This is how the five Young Bloodlines came to life – by a communion between two members of different bloodlines. The members of the Young Bloodlines are as strong and fast as any member of the Old Bloodlines, but they have no unique abilities.

Vampires are notably stronger and faster than a normal human (though not blurring fast and not able to lift up a truck), they heal very fast and are immune to poison, disease, radiation, etc. There’s only four ways a vampire can be killed – sunlight, fire, decapitation, and stake through the heart. Garlic and crosses slow down and weaken a vampire, but cannot kill them. Vampires age at the speed of a normal human, and they grow weaker and fatigued very fast, resulting in comma, death, and withering; but drinking blood replenishes them and turns back their youth and strength. The average vampire requires blood once every 3 weeks in average to sustain their life and power without growing too weaker. By the 6th week without blood the vampire will be barely able to move. By the 8th they’ll die.

Vampires are not nice. They are cold-blooded, efficient killers, predatory by nature, and they think little of humans or humanity beyond the pets which are more or less accepted into the Community. Remorse, compassion, moral dilemmas are hardly in the repertoire of an Undead bloodsucker. Bloodline ties and companionship within the Community are the exception to that rule - but even within a coven, or sometimes even within a bloodline quarrels and conflicts are likely to emerge.

The Old Bloodlines

Aurelius bloodline - originates from Ancient Rome. Forefather - Augustus Aurelius (male), a Roman soldier captured and lynched by rioting Hebrews after attempting to hide in a cave. Unique ability – Blend with the Shadows (the vampire kind of "spreads out" becoming very difficult to spot in the dark even if you know where to look); current Elder - Cassandra Aurelia (female). Current members - 27.

Chun Lao bloodline - originates from Ancient China. Forefather - Chun Lao Jingfei (female), a young wife killed by her husband after he caught her cheating. Unique ability – Disorientation (the vampire's willpower strikes, making the target dizzy and impossible to focus and think straight for a few minutes); current Elder - Chun Lao Bo (male). Current members - 31.

DelaCourt bloodline - Originates from Canada. Forefather - Flynn DelaCourt, a man killed by superstitious aboriginal people after being accused of witchery. Unique ability - Aura Visualization and Absorption (the vampire absorbs the aura of their victim, further replenishing their youth and strength, the victim’s corpse withers in the process); Current Elder - Flynn DelaCourt III (male). Current members - 30.

Fabiani bloodline - originates from Ancient Venice. Forefather - Juliana Fabiani (female), a merchant’s daughter who committed suicide very young after a broken heart. Unique ability – Seduction of Body and Mind (the target becomes very attracted to the vampire sexually, regardless of age or gender); current Elder - Maria Francesca Fabiani (female). Current members - 36.

Morrigan bloodline - originates from the British Isles. Forefather - Conall Morrigan (male), a warrior who survived a fight at impossible odds only to be bitten by a rabid dog on his way home. Unique ability – Enraging Burst (the vampire goes berserk, getting a short burst of extra speed and power). Current Elder – Sarah-Anne Morrigan (female). Current members - 19.

Visigoth bloodline - originates from the Goth tribes in Southwestern Europe. Forefather – Dietrich von den Gotten, an old noble crucified by the Romans. Unique ability – Survive and Preserve (the vampire falls into a meditative state, allowing them to survive for a long time without feeding). Current Elder – Theodor Benjamin Markus von Visigoth (male). Current members - 24.

The Young bloodlines:

Rossanera bloodline – Forefather – Corrado Rossanera (male), Borne to an Aurelius father and a Fabiani mother. Current Elder – still Corrado Rossanera. Current members - 28.

Blanc bloodline – Forefather Sebastiana Blanc (female), Borne to a DelaCourt mother and a Fabiani father. Current Elder – Simon Blanc (male). Current members - 18.

Macabri bloodline – Forefather Mei Lin Macabri (female), Borne to a Chun Lao mother and a Visigoth father. Current Elder – still Mei Lin Macabri. Current members - 11.

Connor bloodline – Forefather Aidan Connor (male), Borne to a DelaCourt mother and a Morrigan father. Current Elder – still Aidan Connor. Current members - 16.

Reinhardt bloodline – Forefather Tina Reinhardt (female), Borne to a Morrigan father and a Visigoth mother. Current Elder – still Tina Reinhardt. Current members - 9.


The werewolves have a society of their own. They are not necessarily at war with the vampires, and some are even friendly or at least not hostile. But generally, vampires and werewolves consider the other a rival predator, so long and bloody conflicts in the past have been common, and even in modern days mostly they would fight each other. Luckily, these accidents are rather rare since the vampires rarely venture outside of their covens and the lycans have learned to stay out of these areas.

Werewolves are humans that can take the form of a large wolf at will. They are not common wolves, however – much faster and stronger than the average animal, and almost impossible to kill due to their very fast healing rate. They are not immortal like the vampires, but they spread quickly because it’s easier for them to conceal their kills – it’s simply animal attacks, right? So there are significantly more werewolves than there are vampires – a rough estimation puts their number around the 1,000 marker in all of the world.

Lycans usually live in small packs of 6-12 members, though exceptions have been noticed. They usually feed on animals and prefer to live in rural areas, away from civilization. Though again – not necessarily. Lycans aren’t nice, though, and almost every single werewolf that ever existed has tasted human flesh occasionally.

Biting or scratching a human doesn’t turn them into werewolves. Werewolves are born to at least one lycan parent, most commonly both parents are lycans.

They have no known special powers apart from their ability to shapeshift. 


The story takes place after a Senate meeting in January 2011. The Community has grown significantly in the last century, and with the upcoming Siring of pets living space is about to become a pressing matter; and with too tightly packed covens there is now the matter with too many quarrels and conflicts between members within a coven.

The Senate decides that a small scouting party should be sent to “colonize” new grounds – go in, settle in, evaluate the situation, and prepare for the establishment of a fourth coven.
A few vampires from different bloodlines, rank, and qualities are chosen as the ones to take up the task. The chosen location is the suburban area around Chicago, Illinois in the USA.

So, this is a small group RP revolving around of 3-4 vampires (could have a pet, too) sent to Chicago to move in, evaluate the grounds, explore possible feeding patterns (homeless people, prostitutes, etc. – what types of humans, what areas, what times of night are best for feeding), see if there’s hostility in the vicinity (most notably werewolves), find an appropriate place for a coven – a large mansion or a secluded apartment building, or whatever.

The game will begin with the group being notified by the Senate to go to Chicago and subsequently with them getting together and settling in, with relationships between them evolving (both positive and negative), as well as the before mentioned evaluation of the area and the likes. A bit later werewolves should come in, we’ll see if any vampire hunters or other form of hostile humans show up. The game is freeform. NC will not be possible in this RP, only consensual sex – and sex is not the point. If sex scenes emerge between two characters or a character and a NPC, that’s fine; but we’re mostly looking for a long detailed story.

Anyone interested please post here: since this is a mutual project of charismaxxx and Ivy_Mariani, working out interested parties and details via PM will take too much PMing back and forth.

You’re free to choose your bloodline, gender, age, whether you’re Borne or Sired, and some basic characteristics. Ivy and Ris will set up an example by posting their characters below.

There is the possibility of accepting one pet into the RP, as well.

Ivy Mariani

The character I'll be playing. Anything else you'd like to know about her feel free to ask here or in PMs I'll answer the best I can :).

Name: Ana-Lucia DelaCourt.

Ana is a borne vampire brought up in old money. She's one of the oldest bloodlines and basically heir to the enormous DelaCourt fortune and everything that goes along with it. Her father is a member of the vampiric senate and her mother has been deceased for a decade. Due to her heritage the 28 year old Ana is rather arrogate and at the best of times comes off as a bratty little child. If those fail her, her sarcasm comes into play. Though she can be a sweet girl to those who get on her better side Ana DelaCourt holds a very powerful secret of her own, an ability she's had since birth. All members of her family have it, making them one of the stronger and longest surviving blood lines in vampire history.

With her ability she can see the Auras of her victims and during her feedings can take an Aura effectively killing the victim with devastating results. Once their Aura is taken from their body, her victims wither making it near impossible for them to be identified later on. Though most would consider her a spoiled brat, Ana does work for everything she gains, wanting to make a name for herself rather than live with her name alone. She knows well that names and legacies can be built quickly, but they can be torn down and destroyed even quicker.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


This is the character I will be playing:

Name: Galen Arthur Connor

Sired in his late 20s by one of the lower ranked vampires of the Connor bloodline. He's a street fighter in a suit, smart but a bit of an over-achiever, pushy, and a show-off with a weird sense of humor. He hates the fact that he's Sired and not Borne, and to a poor Sire in a poor bloodline, at that. He has no special powers, he only has the general speed and strength of a vampire, but he's a bit of a brawler with a taste for fighting and has survived a few encounters with less friendly lycans. His Sire has desperately tried to pour some of her manners into him, only with modest success, though.


Ahhh! Sounds interesting....May I be a human that's aligned with a werewolf clan? When the vampires come to Chicago, they could make me a "pet". That'd make the story a tad more exciting, don't you think?

Ivy Mariani

Quote from: jobe352 on November 01, 2010, 04:30:25 PM
Ahhh! Sounds interesting....May I be a human that's aligned with a werewolf clan? When the vampires come to Chicago, they could make me a "pet". That'd make the story a tad more exciting, don't you think?

I would actually be game for that. Could be a fun twist to things.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os



Great! I'll be starting on my profile...
I'm not sure which vampire would like to take on a pet, but my character will definitely be a heterosexual female. I need a master--any takers? :D

Ivy Mariani

Quote from: jobe352 on November 01, 2010, 04:37:32 PM
Great! I'll be starting on my profile...
I'm not sure which vampire would like to take on a pet, but my character will definitely be a heterosexual female. I need a master--any takers? :D

ris? *grins* I'm looking for either a pet myself or someone who would like to play Ana's better half even.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Well in our idea pets are more... mutual property, so to speak. Though they are treated as humans, not property. Well, not entirely as property. That said, I wouldn't mind having jobe's character as a pet, though.

Quote from: Ivy Mariani on November 01, 2010, 04:38:59 PM
ris? *grins* I'm looking for either a pet myself or someone who would like to play Ana's better half even.

What does that mean? Means you want me to take her as a pet or you want her yourself? Lol.

Ivy Mariani

Quote from: charismaxxx on November 01, 2010, 04:41:47 PM
Well in our idea pets are more... mutual property, so to speak. Though they are treated as humans, not property. Well, not entirely as property. That said, I wouldn't mind having jobe's character as a pet, though.

What does that mean? Means you want me to take her as a pet or you want her yourself? Lol.

lol Was asking if you wanted her to be your character's pet silly.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Aye, if jobe wants me I'm signing up to take her character as Galen's pet ^_^


Sure, I'd be happy to be Galen's pet!  O:) Erm, well, his future pet.


Quote from: jobe352 on November 01, 2010, 08:17:31 PM
Sure, I'd be happy to be Galen's pet!  O:) Erm, well, his future pet.

Very well :-) I'd be happy to have you as Galen's pet, as well!

Ivy Mariani

"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


:D My profile's almost done!
Shall we be starting soon? Or are we going to wait for a little more interest?


I was thinking to wait for at least one more person :-) But we can start a bit sooner, and we'll make sure to leave it open for others to join in later, if there's interested. So... I'm probably giving it a few more hours, and then I'll do the entry post? Does that work for you, Jobe?

Ivy Mariani

For some reason I'm having a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy moment here..

"It has the words 'Don't Panic.' in large friendly letters.."

Yeah think it's just anxiety about getting to RP what I know best.. YAY vampires! *booty dances*
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Or it's just an anxiety to find a SO and a pet... lol. You'll be um... sandwiched. Between posts, that is. Yup yup.

Ivy Mariani

*Chuckling* Yeah but one or the other at this point won't necessarily be a bad thing *shrugs*. Mean isn't a MUST have for me or nothin though.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Well... Alright. Hey, if Jobe wasn't a heterosexual female, I'd have shared my pet with you. It's written in the Bible somewhere: "If thou shalt have a pet, thou shalt share it with thou buddies" or something along these lines.

Ivy Mariani

Yeah... But my character isn't into the fairer sex as it were. She's more of a find a nice little male, make him vulnerable and nom on him. Just part of who she is :P plays into her personality.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Of course! I'll wait until tomorrow and then I'll start the thread. I'll make sure I write the entry post in a way that allows volunteers to join in after it has already begun.

Ivy Mariani

*Nods* Sounds like a good idea to me. We've had a lot of hits to this thread so maybe once it's actually up and running some more people will jump in if they know what they want to jump in as etc.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os


Sounds reasonable to me. I hope Jobe can wait that long, she had expressed her desire to start soon...

Ivy Mariani

LOL! You dork, tomorrow isn't that far off. Besides gives the three of us a chance to finish tweaking the final touches on our characters. How they are going to be around certain people. What they'll dress like. How the sound of their voice is going to play out and influence another person. *shrugs* Ya know... Thinks like that.
"Put your hands all over me."
Ivy's O & Os