[INTEREST CHECK] Serenity/Fireflyverse, Miranda's Legacy

Started by writersmelody, October 21, 2010, 04:42:27 PM

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I'll run Kaylee I always loved her character I might have her attracted to the new Companion though, come on she has Simon so the beautiful and alluring Companion would be fun to hang out with. I think I can do her justice for a Canon character and the good doctor can get into her nethers whenever he wants unless she's working on her baby - Serenity.

Plus Kaylee would know all the fun nooks to have sex in.


Heyooooooo! Got the Kaylee! Things are looking up as I type!
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I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


I could definitely see the crew losing Zoe, if we can't find someone to play her. That would make room for the new Merc character. Also she is in a really dark place right now, having lost her husband so recently, so I could see her not being as fun for most people to play. I think there might be more interest in playing her if Wash were still alive - the dynamic between those two was so great.


I meant to get threads up today but today got busy. :P

Anyway, I do hope to create a story that is wholly our own while sticking true to the canon.

Sashira, I would like to chat with you more about the pheromone thing. In fact, I will likely be PMing all of you to discuss various things.

As for Zoe, I can totally see her taking some time off on one of the more remote planets at Mal's insistence. Maybe a plot could be rescuing her at some point later. (She'd likely be an NPC though.)

We've got such a great crew shaping up already, I can't wait to see where this story goes. Once again, thank you all for your interest and I will post a link here when I have it set up.
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


Im all revved up to play Simon now. Could expand my mind trying to be a guy :)

I will endeavor to be as cannon as possible.

Kaylee is a funky lass, cool girlfriend to have.

And I will drop natasha (happy for another to play her) as I only do one character at a time.

Zoe was a cool character - perfect second in command I can understand why mal would want her in that position, but yeah with walsh gone, her heart may not be in it anymore, either that or she becomes hard and bitter (which may not be that much fun to play) - or well I dont know, up to any who wants to though.

Cool I am simon, who may get to flip it if I think people are using river.
(unfortunately river flips it and punches me out any time she wants to but hey - these things happen)

We also have heaps of free net pics we can use to embellish posts.

"What your using to clean your hand isn't exactly an alcohol swab"

"Fine time to tell me vest-boy ! So what is it ?"

"You don't want to know, clean your hand with the white packaged ones in the clear box within two minutes and you will not have to"

"Anything else you feel like sharing with me?"

"Nothing particularly appropriate comes to mind ... "


Skimmed/Read the thread, and am definately interested in joining, even if that means taking on Zoe - I've seen the series probably 6 times, the movie maybe 4, and know what's going on fairly well, so even if I'm not her, I'm well-versed enough in the 'Verse to help anywhere else, if you still want people.


We sure are! :)

And you don't have to take on the role of Zoe if you'd rather not. It makes sense that she'd want to take some time off to grieve and just relax somewhere nice and remote for a while. And Inara is a Companion so she's away on business. We have all the other canon roles (yay!) but OCs are welcome!

We could maybe use another crew member or perhaps a passenger.
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


You realize Kaylee is going to be uber-nice to Zoe and be extra cheery to try and make her feel better. :)


If Minkus would rather play Simon than Zoe, Kate (our current Simon) had an OC in mind.


That's Kate's call, not mine, but if she would rather switch, I'm fine with that.  Looked like she was getting excited to play the resident Doctor, though?

On the other hand, passenger (I KNOW one of the possibles there was a surveyor) or crewman (If Zoe is hypothetically gone, would be good to have an extra gun, as she did that) or fill in Book's role of philosophy/extra gun/intricate knowledge of the criminal underworld.

Regardless, I'm interested in playing, so let me know what role needs filling, and I'm there.


Minkus, it makes sense if you play simon. (please do - you being a guy makes it more believable)

Soo ..... that leaves me as an extra. I dont really want to play zoe, and there is a believable reason she is no longer about.

Can I play Natasha ? Or would others prefer I play a different sort of characteR ?


Well, *I* like Natasha. But since she would spend most of her time topping my character, of course I do. :P Waiting for Melody to weigh in on this, but I think she said that it was fine if we found someone else to play Simon.


cool - it would be good to know if other characters like Natasha (and if they are ok with her being a hermaphrodite or not (I enjoy playing them it is a fantasy of mine - i do know its not everyones tastes - and if so (ie one person doesnt like her as one - i am also happy to play her as a normal woman :)

Here is hoping :)


Simon says - "Maybe I should go watch the series and movie again to get in the spirit of things."


*laughs* I don't mind you playing a herm, Kate, just know that Jayne's going to have a few words here or there if he ever found out!
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Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


i would hope for nothing less :)

Still if just one doesnt like it (anyone) then I will not as I am also more than happy to play her as a true woman.



Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Senel Coolidge

Wow, this is taking off faster than I expected! Nearly everyone has a profile put together already hm?

From what I can tell we have:

Canon - Mal, Kaylee, Jayne, Simon

Original - a Pilot, a Companion

I'll have my pilot put together by tomorrow evening. Now I just need to find where I stashed my Firefly set, going to try to tie in the criminal groups from the series with his background. Also, if we are uneven in the M/F ratio I am happy making a character either way. Whatever you guys prefer.




I'll be playing River. *blushes*

And I am SOOO sorry about the delays in starting up. There have been a few things in RL that demanded my attention but I will have things started either tonight or tomorrow for sure!  Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


I made some self-referencing links for a landscape of population in the mean time.

Allows people to post characters, do ooc, perhaps chat in the mess hall of the ship waiting.

I have placed it in [ex] for no reason


*wrings hands* Now, I'm fixin to get started as much as the next person, Kate, but is melody okay with setting up shop without her? If you tell me you both talked about it in PM, I'm fine with that, but I don't want her thinking that people have hijacked her vision.

Also, from a strategic standpoint, she would have the ability to make editing changes to certain areas she feels needed if she started the threads. A particularly valuable thing to have when GMing.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!